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Hidden Realms

Page 72

by Unknown

  I wasn’t going to justify something that hadn’t happened, besides, if she had been that worried, she could have called me. “I know what time I got here. I looked at my watch before I walked through the door.”

  She spun on her heels, facing the wall. “This is none of your business. Go away, you little rat. The next time I see you, you’d better have my things in your ugly fists.”

  She walked over to the couch and plopped down. “I had no idea they could be this difficult.”

  “Haven’t you ever talked to one of them before now?”

  She smirked. “Sure I have, but Nixlan was nice.”

  I laughed. “And this creature isn’t?”

  She let out a huge gust of air. “He says he’s a troll. He claims if I can give him something better than what he took, he will return my things to me.”

  I yawned. “You have plenty of jewelry. Just give him something that doesn’t mean that much to you.”

  She frowned. “I’ve shown him everything else I own. He said he doesn’t like human baubles.”

  I giggled. “He actually called them baubles?” He kind of sounded cute. I wished I could see him.

  She glared at me. “What am I going to do, Rayla? Ainessa was hovering outside our window last night.”

  My body stiffened. “What did you do?”

  “Ignored her.” She grabbed a pillow and put it in her lap. “She couldn’t come in here without being invited.”

  I snorted. “Is she a vampire?”

  She shook her head at me. “You believe the most absurd things.”

  “So believing in fairies isn’t absurd?”

  She ignored me. “Anyway, she banged on the window, and yelled at me to open it.” Cassie grunted her irritation. “As if I’d be stupid enough to do something like that. She told me she wasn’t angry with me anymore, but she needed to talk to me.”

  “About what?”

  She caught my gaze before she said, “You.”


  “I know.” She threw her arms wide. “Why is the whole world obsessed with Rayla Tate all of the sudden?”

  I harrumphed. “I realize I’m pretty ordinary, but no one wants to hear someone else tell them that, least of all her best friend.”

  She looked at me guiltily before pacing the room. “I’m sorry for being awful. I’ve had the fae to myself for so long I guess I feel possessive about the whole thing.” She spun around and frowned. “I know it’s ridiculous, so don’t even think about lecturing me.”

  I shook my head. She was out of sorts, and I didn’t want to mess with her.

  She opened her mouth as if to speak, shut it then looked away from me. “Did you sleep with him?” she asked curtly.

  I got up and stood in front of her, glaring. “You should know me better than that.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I just thought you might feel differently now that you have someone great in your life.”

  “So Zach’s great all of the sudden? What happened to your feelings?”

  She climbed up to her bunk, pulling the covers over her. She stretched her fingers to the ceiling as she indulged in an extended yawn. “Ainessa said it was imperative I keep you away from him.” She smiled faintly. “I figure he has to be a good guy based on that alone.”

  How did Ainessa know Zach? “Did she tell you why?”

  “She said something weird. She thinks you are something called the Nexus, and it was her responsibility to see you delivered to the courts. So they could decide what to do with you.”

  “What’s a Nexus?”

  Her tone was soft, as though she were almost asleep. “I have no idea.”

  “Could life get any weirder?”

  She sat up, a grim expression on her face. “That is one of those questions you should never ask.”

  I contemplated her statement. Before I knew it, Cassie was snoring.

  . . . . .

  I was on my way to the studio when a sultry deep voice erupted in my ear. “Good afternoon, my lady. May I have a moment of your time?”

  I whirled around. Taylor stood in front of me, looking every bit the modern-day Zorro. He wore a clingy black suit. His hair was pulled back at his nape. His dark gaze was like a soft caress.

  I had a hard time looking away from him. Where had he come from, anyway? I had been carefully watching for them. “Now’s not a good time. I’m going to be late for class.”

  He blocked my path with his big body. “Luke claims to have a connection with you. I am confused because, the other day, I felt that we had formed a bond.”

  I shook my head and pushed past him, fully planning to ignore him. He was next to me in seconds. I glared at him. His nearness was more than I could handle at the moment. I needed some distance. “Look. I’ve already told you guys. I’m not interested. I kind of have a boyfriend.” He moved ahead of me, blocking my path. I sidestepped him.

  Taylor grabbed my arm, halting me. “He cannot give you what I can.”

  What arrogance. “How do you know?”

  He smiled gloriously. “I believe in upholding the traditions of the courts, but I am not oblivious to the plight of your kind.”

  I went for coy. “What kind is that?”

  “You can stop pretending, Rayla. I know that you know what we are.”

  I smirked up at him. “Good for you.”

  His eyes widened, his jaw tightening. “Do you find me distasteful in some respect?”

  I took him in again, walking around him slowly. He shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably. When my gaze lingered on his bulging biceps, he cleared his throat.

  I looked straight into his eyes. “Not at all. In fact, I find you absolutely delicious.” It was about time one of them felt like the cut of the day.

  His eyes narrowed. “I will make this simple for you. I need you to show me your mark.”

  I batted my lashes. “Mark?”

  He clenched his fists. “It should be on your right shoulder.”

  “Really?” I pulled my collar down, exposing my unblemished flesh.

  He smiled like I had just given him Hawaii for his birthday. “I knew it!” He composed his expression once more. “May I see your other shoulder?”

  I obliged. He came closer, inspecting my skin carefully. “It could be lower.”

  I yanked away from him. “I am not going to strip down for you on the middle of the sidewalk. I have shown you what you asked to see.” I looked at my watch. “Time’s up, Taylor, I need to go.” My flesh was alive under his sudden touch.

  “I must insist you come with me, my lady.”

  I leveled my gaze to his seriously. “I am not your lady. I do not carry your mark. Therefore, you have no claim to me. Leave me alone.”

  He almost looked hurt, as if it were possible. “I am honor bound to take you with me.”

  I smiled, but it wasn’t nice. “No can do. I have class.”

  “I do not wish to make this unpleasant for you.” He used his body to intimidate me.

  I pushed at his chest. I shouldn’t have done that. My fingers itched to explore the taut curved line. I swallowed hard. “Why don’t you let the others take care of themselves? I don’t see them here backing you up. Why are you alone, anyway? I thought you all were supposed to stick together until the bonding ceremony.” I was throwing out phrases hoping something would affect him.

  “Do not pretend to understand the ways of my people. You are human, after all.”

  I narrowed my eyes, stepping back. “Newsflash: that doesn’t make me stupid. Times are changing, Taylor. Clinging to old traditions can’t possibly help your people.”

  He spread his hands in placation. “I do not know how I have offended you, my lady. But I can see I must make this as clear to you as possible. You will come with me. Now.”

  I raised a warning finger, looking pointedly at the groups of girls scuttling to class for emphasis. “You step a centimeter closer, and I will make the biggest scene you have ever had the displeasure to witn
ess. I thought your kind were supposed to be discrete. Your courts frown on public displays of abduction, don’t they?”

  He looked as if he could kill me on the spot. I was taking an enormous gamble by acting as though I knew everything, but I had to get him to leave. I couldn’t allow myself to feel the rush of adrenaline his nearness caused. I was becoming lightheaded with him standing so close. I couldn’t believe how I was acting, but something about him brought out my inner cat. Maybe a small part of me was trying to get back at him for Lily? Even if he hadn’t been the one who took her, he was definitely from the same court.

  “It is only a matter of time, Elemental. You may not be mine, but you belong to my people. Do not presume you can escape your fate.”

  I headed toward the studio again. Thankfully, he didn’t follow me. When I entered the building, I ran to the bathroom. His scent penetrated me to the core, surrounding me with his ghost. I splashed water all over my face. When that didn’t work, I blew my nose. It was no use. I was going to be out of it for a while.

  I hurried to class, trying to sneak to my spot on the back row. If I could get my supplies out quickly, maybe Professor Brown wouldn’t realize I was late.

  He saw me the moment I opened the back door. He shook his head.

  I mouthed, “Sorry,” trying not to interrupt class.

  For once, the girls were quiet. They were all focused on something at the front of the room. The way the easels were positioned, I couldn’t see what it was. I picked up my new canvas and lifted it into place. I pulled out my palate and sprayed some fresh water on the dobs of color. Then, I looked up.

  Luke’s tropical gaze collided with mine. His warm smile washed over me.

  Great. He was all I needed. What was he doing here? Men weren’t supposed to be in class. Mr. Brown didn’t count. He was the instructor.

  I had forgotten we were doing a human study. I peeked over the canvas again.

  Luke’s golden flesh gleamed under the florescent light. My gaze traveled over the solid curve of his bare shoulder, down the chiseled line of his stomach and on to his … oh-my-stars. I did not just see that. Luke was a million shades of sexy with his clothes on. He was lethal without them. I couldn’t do this. I had thought they would bring in a female model, and it was supposed to be later in the semester, too.

  “Is there a problem, Rayla?” Professor Brown asked from behind me.

  My mind raced for an acceptable excuse. I could pretend I was sick and leave, but then I would fall behind. I wasn’t going to jeopardize my future just because of Luke. “I’m trying to figure out the colors to mix for his skin.”

  “Try burnt sienna, purple, and…” He peered up the aisle, angling his neck and straightening it again. “Why don’t you start with a rough sketch like the rest of the class? I’m going to have to give more thought to the mixture.”

  Good luck with that. How could you synthesize tiny particles of ethereal gold luster from ordinary human paint? I hid behind my canvas until Mr. Brown cleared his throat.

  Okay, no problem. If I focused on the parts and not the whole, maybe I could do it without passing out. I looked at some of the sketches. Not likely.

  Wanting something safe, I started with his face. I traced the line of his square jaw. No. That wasn’t right. It was angular with square points. There. That was it. His hair came next. Soft waves formed around his linear brow then, on towards his broad cheekbone. I became obsessed with getting the lines perfect, just like he was. By the end of class, I had his flawless lips down on canvas.

  My heart was no longer hammering, but it wasn’t calm either. I packed up my supplies, praying he would let it be. As long as he left me alone, I would be okay.

  No such luck. He stood next to me, as though appraising my work. Thankfully, he’d wrapped a towel snuggly around his hips.

  “You show promise. Would you like to learn from Da Vinci’s tutor?”

  And so it began. He had found the one thing that could get me to want to go with him. In that moment, I realized he could give me everything I was working toward and more. If I stayed in his realm for centuries, I could hone my craft to perfection. I could become anything I desired by the time he brought me back to my human existence. I stopped my thoughts from going any further. I couldn’t let myself go there. I raised my gaze slowly to his. “What would it cost me, Luke?”

  A muscle twitched near his eye. “How did you find out?”

  “Does it matter?”

  He shrugged nonchalantly. “Compulsion can only intensify feelings that already exist.”

  I turned away. Why did he affect me so? “Please, leave me alone.”

  “Rayla —”

  I looked at him squarely. “I do not carry your mark. You have no claim to me.” I exposed my right shoulder.

  He pulled the cloth lower running his fingers over my skin. His touch sent a rush of heat through my frame. I leaned into him momentarily, savoring his nearness. I could have him for an eternity if I gave in. I straightened with effort.

  He shook his head warily, searching my face. “It has to be here. I can feel you.”

  “Maybe you need a vacation,” I said coldly.

  His faint smile turned serious. “You must come with me quietly. We have to find out what has happened here.”

  My body didn’t want to obey my mind. I could hardly think because I had to use all my concentration to keep myself from leading him to the door. “Like I told Taylor, I want you to leave me alone, Luke. I don’t wish to scream, but I will.” I forced myself to stare boldly at him, even though I felt as weak as a newborn kitten.

  He traced the line of my jaw. “This isn’t over.”

  I nodded. He moved casually down the aisle toward the front of the class, disrobing as he went. I shifted my gaze, sighing in relief. I dashed out the door as fast as my feet would carry me.

  I ran straight for my dorm. I had to give myself time to recover. There would be no going to any more classes today.

  “Hey, Smick,” someone shouted behind me.

  I kept running. The guy repeated the word. It was closer. Could he be talking to me? I glanced over my shoulder.

  Adam from IPS was red-faced, running toward me. He smiled. “Whew,” he said between gasps. “You on the track team or something?”

  “No.” I groaned inwardly. Unfortunately, Jessica had been right, for once.

  “Could you spare a few minutes?”

  I shrugged. “Why’d you call me ‘smick?’”

  He quirked a grin. “It’s short for St. Mary’s College.” When I continued to stare dumbly at him, he said, “You know — a nickname.”

  I hadn’t heard that one before. I preferred ‘Belles.’ ‘Smick’ sounded like a swear word. “My name is Rayla, and you’re wasting your time. Jessica already told me my room was haunted, but I haven’t had any experiences.”

  He frowned. “Oh, too bad, but it doesn’t really matter. I wondered if you would do something for me.”

  Like I didn’t already have enough to worry about. “What’s that?”

  “It would take a miracle for us to get permission to investigate any more of campus, but I thought maybe you could help us out.”

  I cocked my head to the side. “I don’t want to get into trouble.” I started walking away.

  Adam followed me. “It isn’t a big deal. I’m not asking you to carry in a camera or anything.”

  I was running out of patience. “Explain.”

  He pulled out a gadget, handing it to me. “Just turn it on when you go to sleep.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s for recording EVP’s.”

  “EMF, EVP, I don’t speak paranormal, Adam.”

  He smiled as though I had embarrassed him. “Sorry. I get used to talking to people who do. EVP is electronic voice phenomenon.”

  I turned the thing over in my hand. It didn’t look all that special. “So this can capture voices of the dead?”

  “It’s the idea.” He showed me how to
use it. “Some people are pretty skeptical, but I’ve had weird things happen during investigations before.”

  I drew in a lungful of air, closing my eyes. “If I get a recording for you, will you leave Cassie and me alone?”

  He frowned. “I guess. Look, if you don’t want to do it …”

  I had obviously offended him. He wasn’t a fae lord, and he didn’t deserve to be treated like one. “I’m sorry. I’m just really tired. I’d love to help you out.”

  He grinned. “Thanks. I’ll catch up to you in a few days. Just so I know, do you want me to tell you if I find anything?”

  I nodded. “I love a good ghost story.”

  He shot me a curious look. “Aren’t you afraid of them?”

  I gave him a thin smile. “They’re just people without a body.”

  His expression told me he believed differently. “You know, I could use a level headed investigator. Let me know if you’d like to tag along with us sometime.”

  Oh, how I would have loved to say yes, but I couldn’t do things like that now. I had to be sensible. Besides, I didn’t want to give the lords a perfect opportunity to kidnap me. “I’ll keep it in mind.”

  I no longer wanted to go back to my room. I needed to get some frustration out. I shoved the recorder into my bag and headed for the fitness center.

  The air was crisp. I wrapped my arms around my chest, leaning into the frigid wind. I couldn’t get into the warm building fast enough.

  After a few minutes on the treadmill, I decided to go for a swim. I was fast becoming sick of pretend running. I had a suit with me this time, but I really wished I didn’t have to use the locker room. I bypassed the rows that were occupied and set my things down on a bench, unloading everything I needed. I felt as though I was in junior-high all over again. I looked around to see if anyone was around before I began changing. Completely alone, I stepped into the shower, letting the chill in the water wash over me.

  The pool was crowded, as usual. I had never seen a time when it wasn’t. It was one of the safest places I could be.

  I started into laps, letting my mind wander. How was I going to get the lords to leave me be? Was it even possible?

  I couldn’t imagine going with them into their realm. What would happen if I did? They were so foreign. I wanted to stay in my world. I didn’t want to leave my life, especially now that I had Zach in it.


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