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Page 94

by Emilia Hartley

  “Mitch will be out in a minute,” she told the driver. Kevin, a dirty brown cap on his head, just nodded and took another drag on his cigarette. “And keep your hands off this time. I mean it.” Shutting the door behind her, she waved goodbye to Sam before turning back to Nemoy. For the first time since he’d walked in and she’d realized he was Nova’s brother, she felt self-conscious. “Thanks,” she said quietly, hoping her embarrassment didn’t show.

  To her surprise, Nemoy’s answering smile was genuine. “I can see why you captivate him so much. You’re a fighter.” He thought for a moment. “It suits you.”

  An awkward silence fell between them. They stood there, both of them staring at the ground, until Mitch came through the door. He stopped to lock up behind him, then bade them goodnight and climbed into the car.

  Through the window, Amara could see Zoe slump against him, her hands feebly grappling at his shirt. Amara waved as Kevin drove away, giggling to herself. Boy, was Mitchell in for it tonight. He had no idea how much of a pain in the ass Zoe Hamilton could be. But he was about to find out.

  “Well,” she said, wiping her hands on her jeans, “that’s that.”

  Nemoy nodded. “How are you getting home?” he asked.

  Amara shrugged. “The same way I get home every night. I walk.” He frowned, causing her to laugh. “Don’t worry, Nemoy. I’ll be just fine.”

  His frown deepened. “I can’t let you walk home unprotected. Nova would kill me.”

  Reaching into her purse, she pulled out her nine-millimeter pistol. “See?” She slipped it back out of sight. “I’ll be okay.”

  “Well, well, well. Isn’t that sweet?” Kal suddenly materialized out of the shadows. “You’ve got both brothers wrapped around your fingers now, don’t you, sweetheart? I have to admit, I’m rather impressed. That’s a great feat, especially for a lowly human girl like you.”

  “Kal,” Nemoy growled through gritted teeth. “You don’t belong here.”

  “Relax, Mountain Alpha,” Kal chided. “I’m just here for some fun. Let’s call it a diplomatic mission. You owe me immunity.”

  Tension rose between them in waves. Was that what it felt like to humans when shifters were about to transform? Amara wondered. She watched Nemoy closely for any sign she should run. Her hand instinctively reached into her purse again for her gun. Though the vein at his temple was throbbing, Nemoy slowly lowered his hand and she left the weapon alone.

  No point wasting bullets.

  “What do you want?” Nemoy demanded.

  Kal’s shrug was filled with feigned innocence. “What? I have to have a reason to be here?” He looked from one of them to the other, then back again. “Your brother isn’t the only one who likes to play with humans. But don’t worry. There’s more than one Townsend girl to toy with. Plenty to go around.”

  Confused, Nemoy chanced a glance at Amara. Her hands balled into fists, her nails biting into her palms so hard, they drew blood. “You bastard.” She fought not to shout. “Where is my sister?”

  “Your sister?”

  “He took her out tonight,” she told Nemoy. “Dancing, is what she said. What the hell did you do with her?”

  “Now, now,” Kal replied, mocking her with his every word. “No need to get angry. Little sis is just fine. She’s safe and sound at home. Don’t get your panties in a bunch, sweetheart. I didn’t lay a hand on her.” His grin was wicked and taunting. “Or a paw.”

  “You need to leave,” Nemoy ordered. His voice was the only thing keeping her from pouncing on Kal and trying to rip his eyes out. Power coursed through his words, sending a shiver down Amara’s spine. She could see now why he was Alpha. It was so much more than just a name or a regal bloodline. Being Alpha was who Nemoy was meant to be. From what she could tell, he wore the title well. Nemoy glared at his opponent. “Now.”

  “Do I now?” Kal wanted to know, leering at him. “And I suppose you’re going to make me, are you? You and the human? Do you really think you’re strong enough to take me on?”

  Nemoy’s answering smile was downright terrifying. He lifted his left hand. Within seconds, a cascade of howls broke through the night, coming from every direction. In the glow from the tavern’s sign, all the blood drained from Kal’s face, leaving him pale. Nemoy held his gaze. “Yes,” he said, his voice as hard as stone, “I do. And I suggest you leave before I prove it.” His eyes flashed. For a moment, even Amara was afraid.

  Kal looked like he wanted to hit something. The look in his eyes was manic and dangerous, as if he would gladly destroy them both, if only he had the backing.

  Which, she conceded, was probably true.

  Still glowering at them, Kal slunk back into the shadows, disappearing the same way he came.

  Silence fell.

  Beside her, Nemoy cocked his head, listening.

  “Okay,” he told her, after a few minutes. “He’s gone.”

  “Good.” Amara immediately dug her phone out of her pocket and pulled up her sister’s number. She hit send.

  Never in her life had she been so glad to hear Sadie’s voice.

  “Amara?” came Sadie’s groggy greeting on the other end of the line.

  Amara breathed a sigh of relief. Kal had been telling the truth, she was okay. “Yeah,” she answered. “It’s me. Just checking to make sure you made it home safely.”

  There was a pause. “Seriously? Mara, it’s like two o’clock in the morning. I have to work in the morning. I’m fine.”

  “I know that now.” Amara grinned. “But I still need to check.”

  “You need to get a life.”

  “Probably,” she agreed, listening to the empty phone line. She stowed her phone back in her pocket.

  “You let your sister go out with Kal?” Nemoy asked. “You’re kidding, right?”

  Amara balked. “What was I supposed to tell her? I tried the whole, ‘my boyfriend says he’s dangerous’ bit. It didn’t work. And by your laws, I can’t exactly tell her that he turns into a bloodthirsty canine that wants to kill me, can I?”

  “No, probably not.” His laughter filled the air around them. “Come on, then. Let’s get you home.”

  The walk back to Amara’s didn’t take long, and they made the journey in companionable silence. When they reached her porch, she turned to say goodbye.

  “I’m going to have one of my guards stay with you until Nova gets here, but lock your doors just in case.”

  Amara narrowed her eyes. “I’m not seeing Nova until tomorrow night.”

  Nemoy just shook his head. “This whole thing with Kal is more personal than I thought. I’m sending him here tonight. His new assignment is you.”

  Her lips twitched. “Me? But I’m just a lowly human. I thought the Pack always came first?”

  “Shut up, Amara.” Nemoy turned to go. “And the Pack does always come first,” he called over his shoulder. “Remember that. Lock your doors!”

  Chapter 17

  Nova stood on the East Border, gazing out over the river. He’d heard howls about an hour back, but nothing since. For now, all was quiet. So why couldn’t he shake the feeling of unease that had washed over him? Something was brewing behind enemy lines. He could feel it, making it difficult for him to stay focused.

  “Lost in thought, little brother?”

  Startled, Nova turned. He fumbled to keep his water bottle in his hands, a gesture that never would have happened before. Usually his balance was impeccable and his reflexes were incomparable. Not anymore.

  Nemoy stood in front of him, his hands nonchalantly tucked into the pockets of his jeans. His jet-black hair, whipped by the wind, flew around him, fanning out over the dark shoulders of his old jean jacket. Though he seemed amused to find Nova zoning out when he should have been vigilant, Nemoy’s eyes were tight with worry.

  Nova instantly went on alert. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “What happened?”

  Nemoy shook his head, allowing Nov
a to relax. “I’m pulling you off the border tonight.”

  Nova bristled. Pulling him off the border? What the hell for? He couldn’t be serious. “No,” he declared, defiant. “I’m not going anywhere. The Valley Clan have been pushing us too hard as it is. I’m not just going to pull my guys off patrol because you think they’ll respect the treaty. They won’t. You know that as well I do. And honestly, I never thought you of all people could be so naïve; especially after everything you used to say about Father.” He was getting agitated now, and his temper was rising. “You can be angry with me all you want, Nemoy. But as my Alpha, you appointed me head of the Guard, and I am damn well going to do my duty. Unless, of course, you’re ordering me to abandon my post.” He raised a brow in challenge. “Are you ordering me to abandon my post? Sir?”

  “Careful, Nova,” his brother whispered. He stood there, just staring at him. He didn’t even blink. Instead, he simply surveyed his younger brother with an expression that was as cool as it was unreadable. A flicker of power sped through the air, and Nova found himself facing a surge of guilt for daring to defy his Alpha in the first place.

  “Are you done?” Nemoy wanted to know. His tone was calm and quiet, but just as powerful as if he’d yelled. Nova nodded, his lips clamped shut tight. “Good. Now shut the hell up.” Nova’s teeth ground together, but he remained quiet. “I’m not taking you off patrol, you idiot. I’m just reassigning you.”

  “Reassigning me?”

  Nemoy nodded gravely. “I went to Strathford tonight,” he admitted. Furious, Nova’s nostrils flared. “I wanted to see this girl for myself, now that she’s all grown up. Get the measure of her. To be honest, it’s a shame she’s only human. She’d make a fine wolf.”

  “Yes,” Nova agreed, full of pride and defiance. “She would.”

  “Anyway, as we were leaving the bar, Kal showed up,” hearing this made Nova tense up, “Calm down, calm down. She’s being taken care of. I have a small patrol with her now. She’s fine. But Kal does seem to be making this personal. He even went so far as to take Amara’s little sister out on a date tonight.”

  Nemoy, sensing Nova’s anger, began trying to calm him “She’s fine, too. Relax. Still, I want her protected. I’ll take your post here. You go on over there, relieve the patrol, and make sure that girl’s okay.”

  Nova blinked. He was sure he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had to have been imagining it. “Let me get this straight. You want me to abandon my patrol guarding a Pack border to go protect my human girlfriend? Is that right?”

  Nemoy rolled his eyes. “Go. Now, before I change my mind. I’ll cover for you here.”

  Nova didn’t have to be told twice. Within twenty minutes, he was cutting the engine to his truck in Amara’s driveway. The night was quiet. The only thing he could hear was the wind whipping through the trees. Yet, beneath the sound of nature was the conspicuous thump, thump, thump of a nervous heart.

  “Come on out, Nate,” Nova called to his protégé. “It’s just me. You and the others head home, would you? Patrol’s over for the night.” When the boy just stood there, staring, Nova narrowed his eyes. “That’s an order, pup,” he told him, his voice hard. “Straight from your Alpha. Do as you’re told.” He waited until Nate disappeared.

  Taking out his spare key, Nova let himself in to Amara’s house. He quietly shut the door behind him. Kal was still following her. Just the thought of it made his blood run cold. He couldn’t be with her every second. More, even if he could, there was no way she would let him. But his presence didn’t seem to be enough. Maybe now that Nemoy had met her, Nova could convince him to assign a patrol to her until Kal had been dealt with. Either that, or she was just going to have to deal with him being around a lot.

  Nova padded down the hallway to Amara’s room and eased the door open. She lay on her back in the middle of the bed, the blankets spread across her hips. One thin stripe of skin was visible, showing off her flat, tanned stomach. Her shirt had ridden up while she slept. Her dark hair splayed out around her, covering the pillow around her head. God, she was beautiful.

  His heart was pounding against his ribs. After so many years of waiting, Amara was finally his. And no one, not Kal, not Nemoy, not the fucking Earth itself, was going to take her away from him.

  Stripping down, Nova crawled in next to her, draping his arm over her waist. He had never felt about anyone the way he felt about her. He was so head over heels in love with her, it was laughable. Content, Nova closed his eyes. Whatever the future might bring, of one thing he was completely certain.

  His life, his heart, everything he had to give, was hers.

  Amara stirred when Nova settled in beside her. She all but purred as his calloused fingers caressed her skin, arousing her. Each light, delicate touch, each dip along her hips, sent a thrill of pleasure across her skin. His hands played along the edge of her panty line. She let out a stifled breath and arched her hips to meet his touch. The chemistry between the two of them was electric.

  Closing her eyes, she felt her breath catch in her throat as he slipped his fingers into the wet center of her. Pleasure exploded from within and she bit her lip, letting the sensation carry her along on a soft wave of pure ecstasy.

  She was sure this was heaven. Never in her life had she been so terrified of and in love with the same man at one time.

  And boy, was she scared.

  For as long as she could remember, Amara had closed herself off. She hadn’t just learned to protect her body from outside forces, but her heart as well. She had relied on herself, and herself alone. And, for a time, that had been enough. But now there was Nova. And every day with him was like another day in paradise, even if they were simply lying on the couch, watching T.V. Now that he was part of her life, she couldn’t imagine living in a world without him.

  But wolves weren’t meant to be with humans. It was Pack Law. She knew that. And Nova Lowery was nothing, if not loyal to the Pack. She knew that, too.

  Still, she was determined to enjoy her time with him while she could.

  Nova’s skilled fingers pushed her up and over the edge of orgasm again. She cried out, her fingers scrambling to grab the sheets. When she came down again, she flipped over, tugging back the covers as she moved. Amara situated herself between his legs and took him into her mouth. It thrilled her to feel his body go hard and rigid beneath her touch, to hear his sharp intake of breath as she sucked on his cock. Her tongue drew slow, sensual circles over the tip, drawing a small cry from Nova every time she sucked harder or cupped his balls.

  It was one of life’s simple pleasures, to know that you could wield such power over a man without feeling the need to use it against him. On the contrary, she wanted to please him. She had no intention of stopping, what so ever, until she had him begging her to climb on top of him and take him inside her.

  Amara felt him shudder beneath her lips. His long, lean muscles became taught under her fingers. And then, just when she thought he wasn’t going to last, he gripped her arms and tugged her forward, settling her on top of him. Amara spread her legs, enveloping the entire length of him with her hot, wet center.

  Linking their fingers together above his head, they began to move. Her hips gyrated back and forth, massaging him with nothing but her womanhood. In their current position, he stroked the length of her, and each time he hit, pleasure and magic would sizzle over her skin. In no time at all, they were both ready and willing, each one waiting on permission from the other to take the plunge. With one last kiss, they locked eyes and dove into sweet oblivion together.

  Chapter 18

  Nova lay with his arms tucked in around her, Amara curled gently against his chest. He could still feel the heavy thudding of her heart, and knew that his own was still racing with her. “That was amazing,” he whispered, pressing a kiss into her hair. He was pleased when her only response was a blissful, “mmm,” and her steady breathing.

  How had he gotten so lucky? Am
ara was fantastic. Funny, smart, sexy as hell. Dynamite in bed. He wasn’t actually sure she could cook—they always ordered takeout—but she made a mean whiskey sour. She was tough, and that was an attribute he could appreciate. Yet she was still gentle, which he could respect. She hadn’t let any of her past tragedies break her, and that he could admire.

  The only thing keeping them apart was the Pack.

  Nova thought for a moment. Screw it. The Pack be damned.

  “Amara.” She nuzzled up against him in her half-sleeping state. He tried again. “Amara.”

  “Hmm.” She burrowed deeper, hitching the soft, warm comforter up to her chin.

  “Amara,” he said a third time, trailing kisses down her throat. He latched his teeth to her shoulder and squeezed.


  Right as she stirred, turning to face him, howls rent the air. Every muscle in his body went tight. Those weren’t howls he recognized. Jumping out of bed, Nova rushed to the window, leaving Amara clutching the sheets to her chest in alarm. He brushed the curtains away and peered outside.

  Three Valley wolves stood at the edge of the woods surrounding Amara’s house.

  Fuck. That wasn’t good.

  “What is it?” Amara wanted to know. She’d crept over to the edge of the bed.

  Nova shook his head. “Kal sent his lackeys. I’ll take care of them.” He caught Amara’s gaze in the reflection on the window. She nodded, but her face was pale. He pursed his lips.

  He had just reached the front door when Amara called out. “Be careful,” she pleaded.

  Nova looked back at her one last time. “Lock the door.”

  The moment he was alone on the porch, Nova shed his human form. His entire body contorted as his wolf-self took over. His smooth skin was replaced by lush, thick, black and silver fur. Immediately, his senses strengthened. He could see the blades of grass in Amara’s lawn. He could hear her worried breathing from behind the stone walls. And he could smell the Valley wolves from one-hundred yards away.


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