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Page 131

by Emilia Hartley

  Jealousy aside, Connor had one purpose on his mind. The scent of the shifters grew ever closer to them as they sped through the brush and over fallen trees.

  They slowed when the lake was in sight. The sky reflected off its sheen surface. On the opposite side of the shore was a single large campfire that was recently lit with cabins dotted around. They were larger than the ones in the forest clearing; these cabins looked like they could fit eight people comfortably. However, age had taken its toll and more than a few had roofs nearly collapsed with tarps hastily thrown over.

  Near the road that edged into the group of cabins stood a row of motorcycles carefully stowed. Aside from a couple bikers sitting around a steaming pot it was noticeably empty. They must still be asleep. Perfect. The largest of the cabins sat highest on the hill. At two stories in height it even had its own balcony that overlooked the lake.

  The door to the balcony of the largest cabin swung wide. A single man stepped out and stretched tired muscles before leaning on the railing. He pulled out his watch, to check the time. It looked antsy, as though expecting something. Or someone.

  Almost as if on cue, the silence was broken by the echo of motorcycle engines. A dark delivery van started pulling its way into the space, flanked by a more bikers. Connor instantly recognized Mutt with his powerful build. Bad luck. Alex nudged up against Connor, tilting his head to the side to motion toward the van.

  The man from the railing disappeared only to exit the cabin at ground level. The driver’s side door to the van cracked open for Eli to step out. This was bad and getting worse by the second. Mutt followed closely behind him as the man from the balcony stepped from the small door downstairs. That must be Torque. Crunch told them that he was the one in charge of the biker gang now.

  Connor expected the shooting to start but was somehow not surprised when it didn’t. Instead, Torque greeted the hunter as a friend.

  Alex and Connor locked eyes. Words didn’t need to be spoken, they both knew that this was becoming a bigger mess than either of them had thought.

  Connor was still trying to completely come to terms with what he was seeing. Every wolf feared the hunters, and Torque should be no different. By shaking the hunter’s hand, Toque sent shockwaves through Connor’s body.

  They had somehow become allies.

  Torque let out a loud, high-pitched whistle. Cabin doors were kicked open for the rest of the pack to file out and join their alpha. Connor wanted to get in closer to hear but he dismissed the idea as foolish. They watched as the bikers began to unload the van. A few plastic crates came out and were piled against the wall of the large cabin. Connor narrowed his wolf eyes for a better look.

  Torque pried a crate open to check the contents. What he pulled out was a brand new rifle. Connor had never known wolves to use rifles, there was never any real point since your jaw could do more damage than a gun could any day. Besides, it was a cowardly way to fight.

  Eli clapped a hand around Torque’s shoulder as they walked away from camp to chat business. The pair was heading around the lip of the lake, right towards Alex and Connor.

  As they grew closer, Connor and Alex could finally hear them.

  “There’s enough firepower there to end all of them,” Torque said, “We can ride out tomorrow.”

  The hunter held up his hand to silence Torque.

  “You’ll do no such thing,” he said, “I wanna watch ‘em suffer.”

  Torque looked frustrated.

  “Why the hell did you bring this stuff to us now? If all we’re goin’ to do is sit on it?” Torque wondered.

  “Consider it a gift,” Eli said.

  Connor prowled closer to the pair with Alex in tow. At his distance they were well out of earshot of the men in the camp, who were too distracted anyway. Connor waited and listened.

  “Crunch has been coming around,” Torque said, “should we cut him in?”

  “No,” the hunter replied, “He could screw everything up for the both of us.”

  “I heard he’s got some new muscle,” Torque added, “Probably better just to get rid of him.” Eli nodded as Torque looked at his watch. “One hour.”

  Eli perked up, holding a hand to silence Torque.

  “Something’s here,” he said, “I can smell ‘em. Wolves.”

  Connor leapt from the bushes, from this distance there was no way he could miss his prey. He tackled the hunter to the ground with his powerful alpha body, holding Eli firmly against the sandy embankment. Alex leapt at Torque shifting back into his human form mid-jump. His hand hooked under Torque’s collar as the fur brushed away from his fingers. His muzzle pulled back into his face as he slid his body behind Toque, grabbing his arm. By the time Alex was human, Torque was on the ground with his arm locked and his neck under tight hold.

  Connor was so close to the hunter. He could finish this right now if he wanted to. All he had to do was lean down and bite hard and the hunter would be finished. He fought against the rage, this time he needed answers, they were the only thing keeping the hunter alive for the time being. However, if Connor was to talk, he needed to shift. His foot held the hunter in place as his bones cracked and his sinewy muscle snapped back into human, he noticed that the hunter wasn’t bothering to fight back.

  “Giving up already?” Connor asked confidently.

  “Oh, it hurts. The proud alpha tackling the elderly hunter to the ground,” laughed Eli sarcastically, “You picked the wrong man to fight, but you’ll find out soon enough.”

  Torque looked at his comrade and wondered what he meant. Alex held him tightly to the ground despite his attempts to wiggle free.

  “We want answers,” Alex said, “And you’re going to give them to us.”

  “Did you kill the bear shifter and start this fight?” Connor asked.

  Torque still continued to struggle while the hunter just laughed.

  “I could make a sound and half that pack over there would be on you in a second,” Torque said.

  “And, I could bite your head off before they got close,” Connor replied.

  “Just tell them, Torque,” the hunter said, placing his hands behind his head for comfort, “I don’t want this to take all morning.”

  Torque stopped struggling.

  “It was him,” Torque admitted, “I watched him kill the bear woman.”

  Connor cocked an eye.

  “What?” Connor asked, “but that would mean that he’s a…”

  Connor was surprised he hadn’t noticed sooner.

  “I tried to scare her off. He told me that if I got rid of her I could take over as alpha of the pack. He would help me get rid of Crunch,” Torque said.

  “So you killed her?” Alex asked, “I’m confused.”

  “I was ready to do it, but he came in and beat me to the punch.”

  “You see? I’m your killer. Call the police!” The hunter added sarcastically.

  “You shut up,” Connor yelled at the hunter, pressing his foot harder into his chest. The hunter threw his hands up but continued to lie in the sand smiling. Connor pushed his leg further up the hunter’s chest until he had his foot on the man’s throat. He was ready to kick down hard at a moment’s notice.

  “Don’t do it,” Alex said, “We need him to get the bears off us.”


  “So, you took over for the gang because this piece of shit needed someone in charge that he could control?” Connor asked Torque. He nodded, reluctantly. He’d sold out his pack for power.

  Connor remembered when he was younger and wanted to take over for his dad. His dad was always so upset all the time, he always rubbed people the wrong way, but in the end they listened to him because he was usually right. Every time Connor would be thrown into the forest to fend for himself, he would picture his father sitting at home, laughing. Before his father died, he was making himself tough so he could challenge his father for control. But, it didn’t matter anymore.

  Torque was an echo of everything that Connor wante
d to be as a child. After his father died he wanted nothing more than to have his father back.

  “You’re both coming with us,” Connor said, “Crunch will have some fun with you, and I have a feeling the bears will have a few words for the hunter.”

  He nodded to Alex who stood Torque upright.

  “You won’t get far,” the hunter replied struggling under Connor’s foot. He picked up the hunter with a single arm and held him overhead.

  “You deserve worse for everything you’ve done,” Connor said. He grabbed the hunter by the neck and squeezed hard. The hunter was quick, a flash of metal reflected against the morning sun, stabbing Connor in his side. It must have been silver because it stung just as his ear had the other day.

  “There’s a lot you need to learn, young pup,” The hunter said.

  For a brief second, Connor thought he saw something trying to escape the hunter, only to be silenced. Eli was a wolf and there was no doubt. But, it seemed he didn’t want to embrace that part.

  Connor dropped the hunter, clutching at the knife in his side, before doubling over from the pain. He wanted to remove the knife but it would take time to heal, time Connor didn’t have.

  “Now, give him back,” the hunter said calmly, “And I’ll let you live till tomorrow.” The hunter drew a handgun from his jacket, whether it had silver bullets or not, Connor didn’t want to stick around to find out.

  “Run,” Connor said to Alex who was still in possession of Torque.

  Alex took off through the forest toward the truck with Torque over his shoulder. Connor stood between Eli and Alex. The gun leveled at his chest.

  “Get out of my way, boy,” the hunter said, “I need that piece of shit.”

  Connor was shaky from the blood loss; his body wouldn’t listen to him. He sifted through the ground for a weapon and the only thing he could find was a large chunk of driftwood.

  “You’re strong,” the hunter said, “do you have any runts in your pack? You ever make fun of the smaller guys who just want to be the alpha someday?”

  Connor swiped the large chunk of wood at the hunter who dodged out of the way with ease.

  “Well, you used to be strong, but now you’re weak. Brains are worth more than muscle, and even a runt can take down an alpha if he works hard enough,” he continued his taunting.

  Connor threw the piece of wood at the hunter. He sidestepped it as it splashed loudly into the lake.

  “It’s time you learn what real strength is,” Eli said.

  The hunter cocked his gun. Connor feared for his life, searching for anywhere he could run or hide. His body seized in place, he felt a creeping darkness at the corner of his vision, the knife in his side still flowed freely.

  A large rock flew from the forest, catching the hunter off guard. He stumbled backward and fell splashing into the water, firing off a round from his gun as it went into the lake. Connor breathed a sigh of relief but could already see Eli scrambling back to his feet.

  The sounds of howls resonated from the camp. The gunshot must have alerted them. The bikers were already starting to give chase into the woods, shifting as they ran.

  “Run!” Alex shouted from the bushes.

  Connor didn’t give it a second thought and sprinted as fast as his legs would carry him through the thick brush. His feet were torn by rocks and he stumbled over roots but still, the beating in his chest surged his body with adrenaline, telling him he was still alive. For the moment.

  Samantha sat beside the truck, just ahead, scribbling in the dirt with a twig.

  “Start the truck!” shouted Connor from the woods, still clutching at his bloody side. She dropped her stick and skittered into the truck cab, starting the ignition as fast as her hands would allow.

  The truck thumped its loud call in the morning dew. Before Alex and Connor even arrived at the truck, she was already beginning to drive down the road.

  “Come on!” she shouted.

  The wolves barked loudly down the road. Alex tossed Torque into the bed of the truck, quickly joining him while still firmly holding him against the cold steel. The truck rolled down the road; Connor sprinted as fast as possible to catch up.

  Alex reached out his free hand to help, stretching his arm as far as he physically could. Their fingertips kissed briefly before finding a solid hold. Alex wrenched Connor into the bed of the Truck while Samantha sped off down the road.

  Connor sat panting heavily in the bed. He dug the thick chunk of metal from his side, breathing sharply with the pain. It was worse than being struck by the claw of a bear and sunk deeper than any wolves tooth. His whole body shook while he held his side.

  Alex sat beside him while he examined the wound; it was deep and Connor was lucky it hadn’t hit anything major. Connor laughed at their dumb luck and Alex joined in.

  “You guys are idiots,” Samantha shouted.

  “And dead men,” Torque added.

  Connor balled up his fist and planted it square in Torque’s face with every ounce of strength he could muster. The force of the blow knocked the man clean out.

  “You beat me by one second,” Alex said.


  “You know,” Cynthia said, “a lot of times I’ll just let the food burn. Alex always scrunches up his face and takes over. Gives me a good laugh, and a good meal.”

  Tess laughed heavily as well, the morning coffee was rich but over roasted; still it was better than nothing. The fire was stoked just enough to allow for the pot to boil over.

  Tess couldn’t remember the last time she’d had a good night’s sleep. The Cliff Walker den was nice, but she spent the entire time wondering if Connor was okay and today was no different. She’d try to lie in bed to sleep but would just toss and turn for a couple hours before getting tired of her predicament.

  When she walked out of her cabin to escape her insecurity, Cynthia was already starting the fire and trying her best to relax. They’d been chatting since. It was nice being able to talk to someone closer to her own age.

  “I’d try that with Connor but he doesn’t even know how to boil water,” Tess joked.

  Cynthia laughed louder than she probably should have because Beth walked sleepily out of her cabin while rubbing at her sore, tired eyes.

  “Morning,” Tess said.

  “Coffee?” Cynthia offered.

  Beth nodded while Cynthia poured a tall cup. She made her opinion of the coffee known after taking her first sip by immediately spitting it to the ground.

  Cynthia shook the pot and handed it to Tess.

  “It’s empty, which means it’s your turn to fill it up this time,” Cynthia said.

  Tess groaned but still went about the task. She was alarmed when she heard Crunch clomp his way along the wooden planks and began relieving himself over the balcony.

  The sound of a truck engine filled the air from all directions and that would only have meant one thing, Alex and Connor were back. Tess continued to work the hand pump in earnest while Crunch urinated into the wind.

  The truck that arrived wasn’t anything she recognized. She furrowed her brow in confusion but was snapped from it by a loud thunk.

  Crunch fell over lifelessly on the patio with Scab standing triumphantly over him. He spat on Crunch’s body while dropping the log he’d hit him with.

  The truck pulled to a stop to cover their only escape.

  “What the hell is going on, Scab?” Tess asked.

  “It’s simple. Get in the truck or find out the hard way what a silver bullet feels like,” Scab said, drawing a pistol from within his pants.

  Cynthia started laughing.

  “It’s a joke, right? Come on, Dad. Get up-”


  Scab fired the gun, the crack echoed against the trees. Tess was terrified. Was he for real? She didn’t want to find out.

  “Get in the truck, now!”

  The cabin doors opened. The other bikers looked just as confused as Tess and Cynthia.

  “You come ou
t and I shoot you,” Scab said, menacing them with the business end of his pistol.

  “What the hell, man? What’s gotten into you?” asked one of the bikers.

  “Gotten into me? What got into you? This dumb bastard,” he kicked Crunch on the ground, “he treats you guys like servants. Torque wants us to do what we should be doing. We’re goin’ to run this mountain. Ain’t nobody goin’ to get in our way. Not the cops, not the bears, nobody.”

  “But, you followed Crunch!”

  “Yeah, I followed him. Followed him so I could make sure I’d get the chance to put him in his place. I’d shoot him myself if someone else didn’t already claim it,” Scab said. He kicked at Crunch again. Stomping on his back. Crunch didn’t wake up.

  The barrel of the gun returned to face Cynthia and Tess.

  “You’re his daughter,” Scab said, “But, you know what you look like to me? Live bait.”

  “Dammit, Scab,” Cynthia said. She was beaten. Tess watched her as she was helped into the back of the truck by the driver.

  “You too,” Scab said, motioning to the rest of the women, “and get that girl out here as well. I’m sure one of you people will have the answers that hunter needs.”

  Beth couldn’t even bring herself to tears anymore, she’d cried herself out. Greta came out shortly to join her and together they marched into the truck.

  “You’re making a big mistake,” Tess said, “Connor is going to come after you.”

  Scab marched over; his wiry body towered over her. He leaned in close.

  “You think I give a damn? Your boy is probably already dead!”

  Connor, dead? There was no way he’d be dead yet. He promised he would come back. Tess’s heart broke. Scab grabbed her by the hand, leading her to the truck.

  “If he isn’t dead yet, you’ll make some fine insurance.” Scab laughed a sickening laugh. He shoved Tess into the back, getting in to join them. “Let’s get the hell out of here,” he shouted at the driver.

  The truck backed down the dirt path between the trees. Scab leaned against the canopy of the truck bed, gun in hand. There was no easy escape. Even if the women overpowered him, there was nowhere to run that was safe. For now, they were along for the ride.


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