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Pool Girl: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows Who He Wants)

Page 4

by Flora Ferrari

  I want this forever.

  I have to take air in, but only once I know she’s done and the waves of her climax have washed over her.

  I move up, pressing my warm body against hers so she can benefit from my heat now.

  I feel my dick bobbing and swaying, the slick, hot wetness of my tip brushing the inside of her legs and making her gasp as she opens her eyes wider suddenly.

  “It’s alright,” I assure her. “I just want to feel you… we don’t have to-” I start to say, suddenly realizing her look of surprise.

  Her returning look of doubt.

  Her lower lip trembles and she holds me, hugging me like her life depends on it. I hear her sob and feel her body shake with it.

  “Piper… what is it?” I ask, but I know.

  I feel wretched like I’ve frightened her by making her think I was going to-

  But she’s shaking her head.

  “It’s not you, Will. It’s me… I’ve never been with anyone before… I’m a-”

  I don’t need her to say it, I only want to let her know I’m here for her. That we can do whatever she wants, but only when she’s ready.

  I kiss her. Tasting her sweet lips along with her climax is the sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted, and she yields to my kiss, and then to my body.

  Letting me rest my whole weight against her, my hardness tactfully pressing up against her belly, I feel her stroking my hair as our kiss becomes more passionate, our tongues exploring, like two lovers who have been doing this their whole lives with each other.

  Like time has stopped, and I’m no longer forty and she’s not nineteen.

  We’re just two souls who’ve found each other, recognized ourselves as two parts of the same puzzle and we just lay there… kissing and holding one another until I remember, slowly that she really needs to get under some blankets.

  I’m warm, she’s warmer, but I want her dry and safe in a warm bed before anything else. Preferably my bed.

  “I’m taking you inside now, up to my room,” I tell her, scooping her up and making sure she’s covered with as much of my robe as possible.

  I know she wants to stay down here, but there’s time enough for more of the same later.

  For now, I need to know she’s gonna be alright.

  “I’ll call my doctor,” I tell her, feeling her tense up,

  “No,” she pleads. “No doctors. I’ll be fine, just dry me off and take me to bed,” she says dreamily, and I’m again aware of the effect of her words, her body on my hardness.

  Hearing her say the words take me and bed is almost too much for me, but I make it inside and find the stairs.

  I tuck her into my bed and order her to stay put while I fetch some towels.

  Turning to leave, I hear her giggle, then gasp. I spin around and seeing her eyes fixed on my own arousal, I forget about towels and opt for climbing in right next to her, believing her when she tells me the sheets and the heat from my cock will have her dry in no time.

  Chapter Nine


  Will’s sheets. His bed. It feels like a showroom and I wonder just how much these sheets actually cost and if I’m ruining then with my wetness.

  But once he slides in next to me, kissing me again and then my head as I nuzzle into his huge, powerful, and warm chest, I forget everything, and pretty soon I must fall asleep because when I wake up, Will’s gone but I can hear his voice from downstairs.

  I can still smell Will’s spicy perfect smell on the sheets, taste him in my mouth, but not having him right next to me makes me want to seek him out.

  I’ve got nothing on and no robes or clothes insight. The robe I had earlier is gone, and I figure Will must be wearing it.

  Wrapping myself in his bedspread, I steady myself, feeling my legs wobble until I remember what happened, and I smile to myself.

  A very pleasant sensation glows inside of me and I hug his bedding even tighter, hugging my elbows and breathing in a deep sigh of satisfaction.

  Creeping over to the doorway, I crane my neck to make sure no one else is there. I can hear his voice again, it sounds like he’s on the phone.

  My heart feels like it’s stopped and a wave of panic replaces my euphoria as I realize he’s talking to my dad.

  “It’s fine Guy… It really is. Like I said, it was just a little tumble and she got a soaking… yeah. Well, you sound sicker than anyone else right now, so no. You’re not coming over here to get her… I’ll make sure the other clients get notified she’s late...”

  He goes quiet and knowing my dad Will’s having to stay silent so he can say his piece, it’s the only way to get anywhere with dad.

  But how does he know? Will sounds like he knows my dad as well as I do maybe more.

  The thought chills me further, and I feel a tugging in my mind. Like a memory, I can see but can’t place myself inside of. As though it’s a memory that belongs to somebody else.

  “C’mon, buddy…” I hear Will continue finally. “Don’t be like that… I won’t let your business suffer and I’ll make sure Piper’s alright, I promise. Even if I have to go clean those pools myself!” he exclaims, and I know that he means it.

  I know he would.

  There’s a short silence, then I hear Will sighing to himself with relief, and then he chuckles softly.

  “Alright, my friend… you stay in bed yourself and I’ll call in when you’re feeling up to it… yeah, I will… I’ll tell her.”

  He hangs up and turning slowly his eyes meet mine as I stand at the top of the stairs.

  “I didn’t mean to wake you,” Will smiles. “Feeling better?” he asks, looking genuinely concerned.

  If it’s anything how I feel…

  “How come you know my dad so well?” I hear myself ask, my voice sounding like it’s in a tunnel.

  Will looks puzzled for a second, then creases his mouth in a frown, breathing hard through his nose.

  “You don’t remember?” he asks, not sounding hurt, more hopeful.

  I kind of do remember, but it’s from a time in my life when I was probably too young to form proper memories.

  I shake my head slightly, feeling a creeping sensation I don’t like so much.

  I like Will, a lot. But I don’t like this feeling inside me when I think of him and my dad both at the same time.

  “I’ll come up,” he says, but I’m already halfway down the stairs now.

  I need to know. I need to remember.

  I stumble on the last few steps and Will catches me by the elbows, puffing his cheeks.

  “C’mon Piper, back to bed,” he says firmly, but I hold my ground.

  “How come you know my dad so well, Will?” I ask him forcefully, not meaning to sound so mad, but my voice echoes off the wide space of the hallway.

  “I’ve known your dad since before you were born, Piper. If he never mentioned it, I’m not sure what to tell you. I helped set him up in business.”

  I feel my mouth gaping, my jaw dropping as a whole flood of memories that have no real context suddenly come flooding back to me.

  “I do alright for myself,” Will continues, in a bit of a reverie of his own, “And well… Well, I loaned your dad the money and gave him some advice when he started out.”

  “You know my dad,” I say softly, feeling a new kind of shock pump through my system.

  “Not just your pool guy. You actually know my dad, from like, forever?” I ask again, totally dumbfounded.

  Will shrugs a little and moves to hug me, to draw me closer to him so as to keep me warm.

  But I can’t.

  I feel my head shaking violently. My fantasy has developed a new, nightmarish quality.

  I can’t do this with my dad’s friends… I can’t… It doesn’t…

  “I have to go.” I squeak suddenly, turning this way and then that way, trying to even think of what I’m gonna wear out of here, let alone how I’m going to manage to play catch up on the rest of the pool jobs I have booked for today.
br />   Tomorrow and the day after are booked solid too, I can’t just skip a whole day.

  My first day helping dad too. He’s got the flu and will be out for a week at least, probably two.

  I hear myself whimpering again, whining.

  But for a very different reason.

  “I gotta go. Let me go, Will,” I shriek, tearing myself free from him and shuffling towards the kitchen, wanting to get to the pool house and get my clothes.

  “Piper!” Will calls after me, but I can’t look at him. I feel like I’ve betrayed my dad and now I’ve ruined his business all in one day.


  He calls after me again, and I remember how hearing him say my name just a short while ago felt special, but now it only fills me with dread.

  Because I know in my heart of hearts, like it or not…

  That I’m head over heels in love with Will. And he’s my dad’s friend. My dad’s only friend.

  Chapter Ten


  I didn’t think she remembered.

  But no way would I have thought she’d react like this. I worry again that maybe she is seriously is unwell, that I should have called 911 or at least my doctor.

  But, the thought of another person, another man examining her, touching her.

  The thought makes me growl defensively.

  No. Like she said, no doctors.

  She’s just had a shock and now she knows I financed her dad’s business… hell, I’ve been carrying him for as long as I can remember. All for the sake of him being my friend and knowing he had a daughter to look out for.

  But that’s nothing. It’s small change and worth it to know my oldest friend isn’t struggling.

  So how’s he not gonna struggle once he knows what you’ve done. What you’ve done with his little girl?

  I shake my head, my hands balled up into fists. I can’t think like that. He didn’t make Piper a part of my life because he was busy, we both are… months turned into years, but I always made sure they had enough, that he always had plenty to fall back on if times got tough or business went quiet.

  Plus, she’s an adult now, able to make adult decisions.

  And boy has she made some adult decisions today.

  I laugh suddenly, relaxing my body and calling after Piper again. I remember the pledge I just made to Guy, and to her really.

  I need to make sure she’s well and that she’s safe. I’ll clean her damned pool route if I have to. Why not? It might even be fun.

  She can come too, but she has to stay bundled up and well away from the water.

  “Piper!” I call out again, hustling to where I know she’s headed, passing the laundry as I walk through the kitchen.

  Her washed clothes spinning noiselessly in the tumble dryer.

  I reach her once she’s on her way back inside. The sun is low on the horizon now, its afternoon but it’s still more like winter than early spring this year.

  She shivers and even coughs.

  “Right. Get your ass in here. C’mere,” I order, shutting the doors behind her, bundling what looks like my bedspread tighter around her, and holding her close until I can’t help it.

  I have to pick her up again, carrying her into the closest, warmest place, the living room.

  I set her on the leather sofa, and although she’s done protesting or saying that she wants to leave, she’s pouting.


  “What’s the matter?” I ask her. “I washed all your clothes, they’re drying right now, be done any minute.”

  Her scowl softens, slowly turning into a smile.

  “You washed my clothes?” she says, her eyes wide and she makes the cutest face I just have to kiss.

  I feel instant relief, seeing her run like that, telling me she’s leaving… I can’t have that. I won’t have that. Not anymore.

  “I told your dad and now I’m telling you. I’ll clean all the pools on your round. Today, tomorrow, all week if I have to. Just don’t say you’re gonna leave Piper. Not after what we just did… how I feel…” I stammer, hearing the emotion return to my voice, realizing just how deep I’m in with this girl now.

  Realizing that I actually love her.

  I open my mouth to tell her so, but she has more questions of her own.

  “I just don’t understand how dad never mentioned you. How come you never came around?” she asks, as though she’s thinking out loud to herself.

  I sigh gently, squatting down in front of her, finally resting myself on my knees between her legs. She opens her blanket. My blanket and I groan with a renewed interest that threatens to break all my concentration.

  “I see your dad a lot…sometimes,” I tell her, struggling to recall the last time I actually did, in a social sense. We speak more on the phone, he’s so busy but when he comes to do the pools, we just shoot the breeze.


  Admittedly, it’s not like it was in the old days, and I know he hasn’t touched the money I’ve been sending.

  ‘I don’t need your handouts anymore, Will. Business is good. I paid you back so let’s just leave it at that,’ he often says whenever I know things aren’t going great and he needs to spend what I’ve given him.

  I realize now it was to protect Piper. That he didn’t want her knowing if things were tight because he knows how much she worries.

  Feeling my hands run up her thick, smooth thighs again, I grip her by them and pull her close so her body’s pressed right up against mine.

  She draws the blanket around us both, and her arms hook around my neck.

  “We can tell him in time,” I tell her. “Nobody has to know anything about us until you want them to.”

  That ripple of worry passes over her again, and I kiss her tenderly, wishing there was a way to stay like this forever and not have anyone else upset by it.

  Namely her dad.

  I know Guy well enough. He won’t just feel mad, he’ll be hurt and feel betrayed, like I spent all this time helping him just so I could help myself to Piper once she was grown up, which isn’t true at all.

  “Do you mean it?” Piper asks, suddenly breaking my train of thought.

  I think she means it in reply to me telling her how much I love her until I remember I haven’t even told her that yet.

  I try to tell her again, but she interrupts. “About the pools route? Will you really help me clean them all?”

  I smile, chuckle and then kiss her again, and then again.

  If I can’t get a word in to tell her how much I care, I may as well show her how much I love her… and her dad too, by helping them both out.

  “Sure I will,” I say, a matter of fact but caution her firmly. “You, however? You stay wrapped up and nowhere near any water, understand?” I tell her, shaking a finger in front of her face, smiling.

  She nods slowly, kissing the tip of my finger, which she then proceeds to start to suck. I shudder a breath in and wonder just how I’ll manage to ever leave the house if this keeps up, let alone be bothered to clean anything, especially a damned pool.

  “Now, Piper,” I tell her again, using my best diplomatic tone.

  “Just show it to me again, Will. Let me see it. Let me suck it,” she says, teasing me, her eyes wide, making me swallow hard because I know how serious she really is.

  Her hand starts to explore under my robe, and once I feel her palm wrap around the swollen head of my cock, I know I’m done for all over again.

  She grinds her jaw, shifting in her seat, making the leather squeak under her, her breath starting to pant as she starts to jerk me off, making me moan loudly.

  Switching hands, she keeps working me while bringing the other up to her mouth, kissing and then licking the thick line of clear fluid which she’s traced right from my dick to her mouth.

  I never thought a girl like Piper would be into talking dirty, into anything we’ve done so far, but knowing she is, just makes me want her even more. It makes me wonder just how much longer I can wait
until she’s ready for me to claim her properly.

  “I want you so bad, Piper,” I groan, not even hiding my look of near desperation, the need to fill her is all consuming now.

  She slows her hand but holds her grip on my organ. Her own breath shivering into a whimper again and I feel her need for me, but still, she holds back from letting me claim her completely.

  “Maybe once we finish the pools,” she says cryptically, looking down again and gasping.

  I feel my eyes rolling, but close them instead, commanding myself to have some patience, reminding myself that Piper just about drowned today.

  I should just be thankful for things going the way they have in the downstairs department.

  “Whatever you want,” I whisper, pecking her lips and jumping a little as she squeezes me one last time before letting me go.

  “How many do you have to do?” I ask her, deliberately distracting my own body and mind from what it would rather be doing right now.

  “I’d have to check the schedule, but I think three. If I include the swamp but I think we can skip that one,” she says, quickly looking away, looking like she wants me to change the subject too.

  “Oh no you don’t,” I say loudly, wagging my finger again with a smile.

  “Who’s number three? What the hell’s the swamp?” I ask, noting her ‘remind me to tell you later’ look.

  “You’ll see,” she sighs. “But we’d better get moving if you’re serious. It’ll be dark out in a few hours.

  “We’ll make it,” I tell her confidently. “But only if you feel up to it?” I ask, again.

  “You’re going to be doing all the work, remember?” she says wistfully, pecking my lips before whispering thank you into my ear, making my heart sing and me feeling like I could clean a thousand pools if only she was there to watch.

  Chapter Eleven


  I don’t mean to overreact, but hearing that it was Will who got my dad started… that he still helps him out.

  It’s clear to me now, why the pools are both so clean, making it easier for dad when he has to come to do Will’s. Why dad was able to put me through college… a hundred, a thousand other things suddenly making sense now.


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