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Pool Girl: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows Who He Wants)

Page 6

by Flora Ferrari

  He’s still checking the mirrors and I order him to drop it.

  “I can’t, Piper. I just can’t drop it,” he says with some anger in his voice.

  “I’ll watch over you and out for you, everywhere and every time. If anyone has anything to say or ask you, they can go through me first,” he says defiantly,

  “Even my dad?” I retort, trying to burst his testosterone bubble, but he surprises me with his conviction.

  “Especially your dad,” he says in a low voice, starting the van and gently pulling out into traffic.

  We ride in silence the rest of the way and I only distracted once we pull onto my street. The red and blue flashing lights out front of my house jolts us both out of our combined mood.

  And before Will’s stopped the van I’m halfway out of it as he eases the brakes so I can get out as quickly as I know he wants to as well.

  I see my dad being rolled out on a stretcher, an oxygen mask over his face.

  He sees me and his hands go out.

  The paramedic’s stop and dad murmurs something to one of them and she nods her head.

  “Your dad’s gonna be fine, Piper. Just a touch of angina, but with his fever, we want to take him to the hospital and monitor him.”

  I feel numb, nodding in shock. My dad’s hand feels so weak in mine, and he looks so pale.

  “He really is fine,” the paramedic says again, cocking her head as her radio crackles on her shoulder.

  “Look, we gotta go. He’ll be at St. Mary’s Hospital. And like I said, he’ll be fine.”

  I feel both Will’s hands on my shoulders from behind me for a moment before he walks over to my dad, leaning down as they wheel him past me.

  He nods and pats my dad’s hands that are folded across his chest before he comes back to me.

  “I know, I know. He’ll be fine,” I growl, brushing past him to get inside, feeling like we’ve been robbed or something, only much worse.

  I hear the front door close gently, once the flashing lights disappear and the nosy neighbors call it a night.

  Turning to Will, who has our dinner in paper sacks inside a plastic bag, I realize I need him now more than ever.

  And I’m not sure if it’s wrong, but I suddenly want him inside me more than ever as well.

  Right freaking now.

  I want him to claim me as his own, so I don’t ever have to feel like I can’t cope with anything without him by my side ever again.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Talk about awkward. I was just telling Piper her dad’s not that sick.

  If I don’t feel like a complete moron now. Guy spots me and motions me over, and I know he only has a few moments. These paramedics look like they’re in a hurry.

  “Look after her, Will… I’m fine. I’ll be fine with this thing… but if anything ever happens to me… promise me you’ll look after Piper?”

  I nod without hesitation, gripping his hands and patting them as he’s loaded into the ambulance.

  Piper is understandably upset, so I give her a minute before I go inside, once the drama’s unfolded and there’s nothing more to show. Nothing more to see.

  I don’t know what to expect now, maybe nothing. I know Guy will be fine, but I wonder what set him off like that. He’s usually strong as an ox, even when he is sick.

  Feeling sort of goofy carrying the food still. I stand leaning against the door after closing it.

  I register the look in her eyes, and against my better judgement, I grin.

  I feel only a moment’s hesitation, but when I see Piper biting her lip, doing that thing she does when she’s wound up, horny and confused.

  I feel my own hardness spring to life in my jeans, which are suddenly way too tight in the front.

  I’m trying to make it to the coffee table at least, preferably the kitchen to put our food down, but Piper ambushes me three steps in.

  I drop the food, feeling her in my arms again, I breathe a sigh of relief.

  “He’ll be fine. You know that, right?” I ask her, just wanting to make sure she understands.

  I feel the pressure of her head pumping a nod against my chest.

  “I know he will be… but is it wrong of me to want to make the most of it though?” she asks, looking up at me with clear eyes.

  “We don’t have to,” I start, but her hand is already unzipping me and one of mine has half her chest in it, thumbing her thick nipple, making her eyes roll back as she starts to purr.

  “Oh yes we do,” she says, a fire replacing her innocent look and her purr becoming a low moan as she unbuttons me, taking my thick heat in her hand, making us both gasp.

  “I want you to take me, Will. Right here on the living room floor.”

  I groan with satisfaction, eager to hear more of what I know she has to tell me. Plus I have a fair bit of my own pillow talk to get off my chest, amongst other places.

  “Say it again Piper,” I order her firmly. “There’s only one time you get to say it for the first time… the only time.”

  I mean it. I don’t want this moment to be anything less than what we both know we need, not just want to happen.

  It means everything to me.

  “Make me yours, Will. Claim me proper and fill me with it… every freaking inch and make me scream your name again while I slam up against you hot, fat dick.”

  I kiss her, hard. Surprised by how hard she’s kissing me back. I’m suddenly grateful we’re here at her house. And most definitely grateful we’re alone.

  A part of me wanted to have her first time at home, our home, but I know she feels more at home here.

  We both move over to the couch, our mouths still locked once we collapse into each other on it.

  Holding her like this, knowing how bad she wants to give herself to me, how much I know I want to give myself to her…

  We both fall suddenly silent. Our urgency slows to a delicate touch, our kisses more tender and I find myself taking the time she deserves for me to appreciate just how beautiful she really is.

  “Slamming up against my hot, fat dick?” I ask chuckling, teasing her a little.

  “And more than that,” she warns me with a grin, shrugging a little. Not even minding my teasing her.

  As promised, once I strip off her clothes to my satisfaction, she’s left only wearing that white T-shirt and nothing else.

  It doesn’t take me long to get totally naked and with no blankets or bedding, we only have our own bodies to fuel our warmth as well as our desire which has already reached a new level.

  She’s shivering again, and I know it’s not from the cold. I hold her face in my hands and tell her the only thing that really matters, that I love her. That I’ll always love her.

  She takes me in both her hands and smiles to herself, marveling at my manhood as she slowly runs both her hands up and down my shaft, making my breath quicken and my jaw tighten.

  “I want you inside me, Will,” she says firmly, and I lay her back on the couch, her legs opening for me, her hands reaching up around my neck.

  Kissing her tenderly, I take my time in easing myself down, stopping once I feel the hot, slick wetness of her heat against my cock.

  We both shudder and she bites her lip, her eyes dreamy but suddenly open wide when I ask her if she’s sure.

  Giving a sharp nod with her head, I take one hand and hold myself, tracing my tip around her entrance, which makes us both groan loudly.

  Her breathing is intense, and as I feel my swollen head finally press inside her. She pants, writhers, and thrusts her hips forward as she takes a good third of me in one swift movement, making us both gasp.

  A little wince of painful pleasure passes over her face and I pause again but feel the warmth of her increase as her legs wrap around me, pulling me further and further inside her until I’m in her to the hilt.

  Her low moans become a steady grunt as I grip those hips of hers, feeling my thighs pressed up against hers as our two bodies finally lock
together as one.

  I knew she’d be the perfect fit for me, and she is.

  I also find out pretty quick she wasn’t kidding about slamming up against me. Piper likes it hard and fast as much as she likes it gentle and slow.

  I slide out of her and pound up against her. The sight of her large chest rocking in time with our movement is like poetry in motion for me and I find that as big as my hands are, I just can’t seem to get a hold of enough of Piper to make me feel like I’m touching her enough.

  Piper suddenly grips me tighter, a hard look of concentration on her face.

  “Now…Will,” she gasps quickly, whimpering my name again and again, louder and louder each time as I groan her name.

  I feel my own climax quickly start to rise and feel Piper stiffen and shudder under me, unable to form words, only move her lips as a smile forms on them. Her eyes close and then open again, wider than ever as she focuses on me.

  “Love…” she gasps and struggling for gulps of air as her climax consumes her. I know what she’s trying to say.

  “I love you Piper… and now you’re mine… all mine, forever and ever,” I rasp, feeling my own eruption collide with hers deep inside her, finding a new and sacred place between us.

  One I want to visit with her every moment I can from now on.

  “Mine,” I growl, pressing my forehead against hers, and feeling her hand on my heart, as she tells me what I need to hear so I can finally believe it’s actually happened.

  “Yours, forever.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Once I begin to sense our surroundings again. I mean, the surroundings that aren’t us wrapped up tight like a perfect puzzle that’s solved itself, I notice the living room, the food on the floor, and my mind jolts back to reality.

  Back to my dad, but still tied to Will.

  Does it make me wrong, or selfish? To give myself to the man I love straight after watching my dad go to the hospital?

  “No,” I hear Will murmur, reading my thoughts before he takes my face in both his hands and kisses me again.

  “We’re going to look after your dad, starting tonight. As soon as they’ve had some time to admit him to the hospital, we’ll go down and see how he is, get him anything he needs,” he tells me as if he’s already thought the same thing through way before I even thought of it.

  “It’s not wrong or selfish. What we’ve done, Piper, it’s destiny. You’re mine now, and I’m most definitely yours.”

  I smile again at the thought.

  Only earlier today, I felt like my life was going no place like I was trying to tread water but only getting sucked under.

  I guess the water did pull me under, but it was Will who pulled me back up, gave me new life.

  Our life.


  I say it to myself again, in my mind and then out loud, softly.

  “That’s right,” Will agrees. “We. And we need to eat, I do anyway. I’m starving. When did you last eat?” he asks, rolling his eyes when I give him a look that tells him it wasn’t today.

  Clicking his tongue, and letting himself up slowly, I reach for him again, gripping him and not wanting to go. Not realizing he’s still inside me.

  “I can carry you with me,” he says with a serious face, looking like he’s really going to anyway.

  But I relax, feeling like I want to just lay there on the couch while my man goes and forages for some food for us both.

  Heats it up in the microwave at any rate.

  The loss of not having him inside me quickly becomes a kind of longing a yearning to have him repeat everything we’ve done today.


  It’s a thought that might have scared me or even made me think it’s was stupid yesterday… but today, with Will, I know he’s the only man, the only person I want to be with non-stop. It just feels so natural.

  “You wait right there, and I’ll be back with something else hot and filling,” Will jokes and I poke my tongue out at him, painfully aware of just how hungry I am right now.

  My usual trick is to not eat all day, then eat a huge amount and go straight to sleep, a habit I know I’ll have to break with Will around.

  He seems so… so… so damned healthy. Balanced, and all those other things I’ve always tried to be but just never been able to stick to in my life.

  Looking around while I hear Will humming to himself in the kitchen, I can’t help noticing the huge divide between his house and ours.

  I don’t even know what it is he does. There’s a lot I don’t know about him, but I could bet if anyone asked him any question about me or my dad, he could give a solid answer without blinking.

  “What is it you actually do again?” I ask, letting my eyes drift to his still hard arousal as he strides back in with a tray of take-out containers, some plates and forks, and knives.

  “I love you, that’s what I do now,” he says, and grunts like a caveman again as he starts to open up cardboard containers, blowing on his fingers and warning me which ones are unusually hot.

  I groan but end up giggling. I never thought Will could be so funny too, but he seems suddenly at ease now that he knows for sure that he has me.

  I try a different tact.

  “Was it just about having me? Taking my virginity, I mean… is that what makes it special.”

  The sound of his fork chinking against the plate and then his look of utter hurt makes me wish I’d never said anything.

  “Do you really think that?” he asks, sounding more concerned than angry.

  “No. I’m just wondering how it is I know nothing about you and here you are after one day, having bed me… knowing so much about me and suddenly all content… like you’ve won me as a prize,” I hear myself saying, sounding a little too nervous for even my own liking.

  Will takes a breath, and setting his plate down, he kneels in front of me again, taking my hands in his gently.

  “It’s been a strange… long day, Piper. We’re just having something to eat and then we can go check on your dad, okay?” he says, sounding like he’s talking to a child.

  I want to say something, but it would only prove how spoilt I’m right now.

  I’ve only had five bites, of whatever it is delicious, but he’s right. It has been a long day and I’m home now and I just want to go to sleep….

  Sensing my mood perfectly, Will gets up and sits me on the floor in front of him while he takes my space on the couch. I’m too pliable to care, but once I feel his strong hands starting to work my shoulders and neck, a new kind of feeling breaks through, washes over me.

  “You. Are. Tense,” he says to himself, kneading my knots but with such firm tenderness, I instantly feel myself melting back into his touch.

  “And to answer your question… yes. You are a prize to me, but not in the way you think. More like a gift from heaven. An angel,” he whispers in my ear, kissing it tenderly.

  I feel myself tearing up, but feeling like a real ass at the same time for what I said just now.

  For even doubting Will for a second.

  “Now, angel, eat,” he commands me after a while, and I pick up my fork and eat small bites before the food gets cold.

  Will traces his large fingers lightly across my shoulders and neck, giving me goosebumps and shivers until he reaches over and helps himself to his plate again.

  Pulling the coffee table closer, I can lean back into him and eat at the same time. Before long we’ve demolished the food and I lean back harder, wondering why or even how I ate so much in the first place.

  I don’t mind when his hands slide down my front, gently stroking my chest through my tee.

  As long as Will doesn’t press on my stomach right now, I’ll be fine.

  “When you want, have a shower and change. We can go see your dad at the hospital. I’ll call to see how he’s doing, and where they’re at with him,” Will suggests.

  “A shower, by myself, or with you in it?” I ask, already hungry f
or him again, despite being so full of food.

  “Whatever you want baby. Whatever you want,” he says, kissing the top of my head.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I tell Piper to start without me in the shower, giving her time to do what girls do while I call the hospital.

  Surprisingly, I get put straight through to a nurse, even speaking to an admitting doctor who’s handling Guy’s case.

  “I can really only discuss his condition with family, next of kin,” he explains. I want to argue the point, but there isn’t one, he’s right. They don’t just tell random callers everything about patients, no matter how well they know them.

  “He’s stable now and I could make an exception if you wanted to visit. He has a daughter, I understand?” The doc asks me, cutting me a break.

  “Yes, she’s just getting ready. If it’s alright, we’d both like to see him,” I say, sounding thankful instead of combative, which is my first reflex in situations like this.

  “Of course. I’ll let the nursing staff know, they can update his daughter on Guy’s progress.”

  I hang up, feeling relieved but annoyed.

  Next of kin. I am family… almost.

  The main thing is Guy’s alright, and I can take Piper in to see him.

  Running my hands through my hair and then dragging them down my face, I feel better when I hear Piper calling for me from the bathroom.

  The sound of running water, the scent of her shampoo and steam…

  I could get used to this. I really could.

  A slight delay in the shower… okay, an hour later and Piper is walking like she’s made of rubber, on our way to the hospital.

  Past visiting hours, it’s no big deal. The doc, true to his word has arranged for the staff to update Piper and for us to see her dad.

  But something else has my back up straight away.

  “There is the slight matter of insurance,” The nurse says, looking at Piper. Scanning her up and down before frowning and narrowing her eyes.

  “What?” I ask, dumbfounded, forcing the nurse’s attention back on me.


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