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The Billionaire's Nanny

Page 18

by Lexi Aurora

  “She will be agreeable to you but will lambast me come tomorrow,” Jess said as she chewed her bottom lip.

  “If she does, let me know,” he said.

  Jess looked up at him. He was so tall and handsome. He had an ultra-confident aura that surrounded him like a coat of arms. She felt he could resolve any problem that presented itself. She made up her mind.

  “Alright. I’ll do it.”

  He nodded a single time then grasped her arm again.

  “Let’s go,” he clipped.

  “But I have to finish—

  “Sharon will finish unloading your car. You have other things to do,” he interrupted her.

  Jess looked back at the friendly woman at the kitchen island. Sharon smiled at her.

  “I’ll take care of it. Run along now,” Sharon said kindly.

  Jess looked at Sharon almost in despair. What had she gotten herself into?

  J AXSON LED JESS UP the back staircase then down several corridors, eventually stopping before a bedroom door. He pushed open the door and guided her into the room. Jess looked at her surroundings in awe. She felt as though she had entered a bedroom showroom. The walls were a soft blue and the ceiling a creamy white, while the crown molding was dark grey in color which was the perfect complement to the walls and ceiling. The king size bed had a white, tufted, arched princess headboard. And the bedding was yellow, tan, and mint green. The dresser, bureau, and desk were made of delicately carved oak. The chairs and sofas were white with blue and yellow pillows. The large windows allowed lots of natural light to flood the room.

  “It’s beautiful,” Jess murmured breathlessly.

  “It’s yours,” Jaxson said in a low voice. Jess looked at him questioningly. He grinned casually. “For tonight.”

  “I will enjoy it while I am here. I doubt if I will ever spend time in such a lovely place again,” she commented.

  “Why would you say that?” He looked at her intently.

  She didn’t want to go into the personal details of her life. She had her goal of becoming a fabulous pastry chef but she also was a realist; her chances of realizing that dream were slim, especially while working under Madeline. That woman was extremely jealous and would block any opportunity that came her way.

  “Life tends to throw a lot of lemons my way,” she said with a shrug.

  “Then you make lemonade. Nothing should stop you from achieving your goals and living as you would want,” he said sternly.

  “Easier said than done,” she countered.

  He opened his mouth to respond when a maid rushed into the room. She carried a garment bag over her arm.

  “I brought several gowns that you can choose from, Jaxson,” she said.

  “Thank you, Mindy,” Jaxson said.

  Mindy laid the garment bag on the bed then left the room. She closed the door softly behind her. The click of the door made Jess a bit apprehensive. She decided that they should settle the details of their arrangement. It would keep things on a business level.

  “I would like to discuss our arrangement,” she said. She was surprised at the calmness of her voice.

  He sat on the bed.

  “Alright. I want you to be my date. You will act the part in every way.”

  “In every way?” she queried.

  “Yes. We will eat, talk, dance, and laugh together. Converse with everyone here. If anyone should ask, and they will, I met you at your bakery and we hit it off. We’ve had several dates,” he said.

  “Alright. That’s simple enough,” she replied.

  “And if I want to kiss you, you will gladly receive it.” He stared at her hard. “Is that understood?”

  Jess hadn’t considered that there would be any intimacy between them. However, looking at his glacial expression she knew he would not back down on that stipulation. Oh, what the hell! She hadn’t been kissed in forever. It might be nice.

  “Yes. But that sounds like it is going to cost you!” she said.

  He seemed surprised by her demeanor then quickly recovered.

  “Good. I will pay you ten-thousand dollars for your services. Is that acceptable?”

  Ten-thousand dollars? It was beyond her wildest expectations!

  “Yes. That is acceptable,” she answered calmly.

  “Good. Now, let’s pick out a dress for you.”

  She looked at him in shock.

  “You’re going to select my dress?”

  “Of course. You will be my date and cannot embarrass me,” he said. He unzipped the garment bag and pulled out a sparkly, silver mini sheath with spaghetti straps. He held it up against her chest and examined it critically. “Try this on. I estimated that you were a size six. Are you?”

  “Yes.” Jess was amazed that he would know such a thing. “How did you know?”

  “I saw you unloading your jeep from my bedroom window. It was a good guess,” he replied.

  “And do you just happen to keep a wardrobe of women’s clothing on hand for these special occasions?” she asked derisively.

  “Actually I do.”

  Jess was shocked. She didn’t know how to respond so she said nothing.

  “Hurry and change. We don’t have forever,” he urged. “The dressing room is over there inside the closet.” He pointed across the room.

  Jess took the dress from him and made her way into the closet which opened up into a dressing area. She stood in wonder as she hung the dress on the hanger tab, looking at it in admiration. She really liked the dress and hoped it fit her well, as she quickly disrobed and slipped it over her head.

  “Do you need any help?”

  Jess gasped as she spun around to see Jaxson standing in the doorway. His expression was inscrutable. He moved toward her.

  “Turn around and I will zip you.”

  She did as he instructed. The feel of his fingers against her back was tantalizing and arousing. Jess didn’t think she had ever felt these feelings before. Her last boyfriend was over a year ago and he hadn’t evoked sensations as these. He had blamed her for the lack of desire in their relationship. Although Jess wasn’t very experienced, she knew it wasn’t her fault; Derek had just been a terrible lover. Jaxson completed the task and allowed his hands to slide to her shoulders. He turned her towards the full-length mirror.

  “Not bad,” he murmured.

  The shimmering dress fell just above her knees to show off her shapely calves. She could see his green gaze graze her legs. Jess was glad that she had spent her Sundays on her small terrace taking in the sun. The golden hue looked lovely against the silver dress. The tan covered her entire body and Jaxson’s glittering eyes covered every inch of her body. The dress fit her as though it had been made for her.

  “I like it too. But I will try on the other dresses so you can compare them,” she said. She moved away from him.

  “No. I like this one. Wear it,” he said gruffly. He moved to the bedroom and she followed. “I will send in some ladies to do your hair and makeup. And then be back in an hour to escort you downstairs.”

  He left before Jess could utter a word. She was left alone with her erratic thoughts. One minute she thought she was crazy for going through with his proposal, and the next she was thanking her lucky stars that such an opportunity had presented itself. The money would be a godsend. She would be able to pay all of her bills and take care of Tyler. The thought of her son brought a smile to her lips. Tyler was her life. She loved him to distraction and would do any and everything to keep him safe and happy. And tonight was a prime example. This was all for Tyler, or so she told herself. She didn’t have time to mull it over because soon, the door opened and two African-American women entered the room. One carried a makeup case and the other held bags of hair tools.

  “Hey, girl! I’m Latoya and this is Shamira. We’re sisters and we hear you want a makeover,” Latoya smiled.

  “More like Jaxson wants me to have a makeover,” Jess grinned.

  “And what that man wants, he gets,” Shamira laugh

  Jess laughed. They led her to the vanity and sat her on a curved, white stool. The sisters chattered non-stop and kept Jess in stitches. But after they were finished Jess could only stare at her reflection. She couldn’t believe she was the woman in the mirror.

  “Is that me?” she asked in disbelief.

  “It’s you. And you are gorgeous,” Shamira answered.

  “Jaxson knew what he was doing when he ordered your makeover. You are beautiful,” Latoya smiled.

  Jess lightly touched her brown locks. Latoya had styled her long locks in loose curls that fell gently on her soft shoulders. She had layered her bangs to lay in wisps across her forehead. Shamira had used a cool, toned, rosy blush just under her cheekbones along with burnish mascara, eyeliner, and gold and sea-green eyeshadow to accentuate her honey gold eyes. A splash of cinnamon lipstick completed the effect.

  “I can’t believe this is me. Thank you so much. I feel like Cinderella going to the ball,” Jess sighed.

  “And Prince Jax will not be able to keep his eyes –or his hands– off of you,” Shamira prophesized.

  “I second that,” Latoya laughed.

  “Thank you again,” Jess said as she stood to hug them, which they both returned warmly.

  “It was our pleasure. It nice to glam up pretty women. You were easy to work with,” Latoya giggled.

  “Yeah! Not like some of these ducklings we have to turn into swans. Lord help us!” Shamira whooped.

  Jess laughed.

  “Ya’ll need to stop,” Jess grinned.

  “We’re only telling the truth,” Latoya vowed. “Have fun, Jess!”

  They laughed their way out of the bedroom. Jess sat on the vanity stool again and stared at her reflection. What did this night hold for her? Would it be just a fun night of gaiety? Or would there be more? She recalled Jaxson’s muscular physique and his oh-so-handsome face. Somehow she was hoping for more.

  Jaxson led Jess onto the terrace and swept her into his arms to rock her gently. The music was slow and romantic, and his hand moved over her back with a rhythmic tenderness. Jess sighed deeply and relaxed in his secure embrace. She was totally content in his arms. When he had come to her bedroom to escort her downstairs she had been nervous and on edge. She didn’t know the people who would soon surround her or if Jaxson would leave her to fend for herself. But her worrying was for nothing. Jaxson did not leave her side the entire evening. He complimented her constantly and proudly introduced her to his friends. Jess had learned that the party was to celebrate the success of a business deal and Jaxson did not shy away from making her known to his business associates. He made her feel like she belonged at the party and to him. And Jess surprised herself. She rather liked his possessiveness.

  “You are a big hit. Everyone loves you,” he murmured in her ear. His tongue caught her soft lobe.

  Jess’s body tingled at the intimacy.

  “Your friends are great. I like all of them,” she responded.

  “Even Eva?” he teased.

  Jess frowned. Apparently Eva was a friend to Randi, the woman who’d stood up Jaxson. She had been icy, to say the least, and continued to speak of Randi as though she was Jaxson’s girlfriend. And maybe she was. Jess really didn’t know.

  “Eva was a bit evil. It was obvious that she didn’t like me. She thinks I’m poaching on her friend’s territory. If she only knew of our business arrangement,” Jess said.

  “Our arrangement is not Eva’s concern. And Randi is not my girlfriend. We are friends with benefits only and she knows it,” Jaxson said. “That’s why she didn’t have a problem leaving me hanging, although more notice from her would have been nice. But it all worked out. Did you reach your sitter?”

  “Yes. She didn’t mind watching Tyler,” Jess replied. Jess had called Sally and told her what had happened. Sally had been over the moon with excitement and happily agreed to look after Tyler. She would have a million questions as soon as Jess returned home.

  “Good. I hope she’s not expecting you home anytime soon.” Jess looked up at him in question. His green eyes glittered darkly. “Our date will not end any time soon.” He pulled her tighter to him and kissed her neck sensuously.

  Jess slid her hand over the nape of his neck and fingered his thick blond hair. She wasn’t exactly sure what his words implied but she wasn’t worried about it. She suddenly felt reckless tonight and was willing to live dangerously.

  “I’m in no hurry,” she whispered.

  He stilled and clasped her face with both hands. He stared down at her for a long moment. Jess could not read his expression and wondered what he was thinking.

  “You are so damn beautiful,” he said gruffly. He then lowered his head and captured her mouth in a scorching kiss.

  Jess collapsed against him and savored the expertise of his tongue gliding over hers. Her desire rose with his every stroke and she began kissing him back. He groaned and pushed her against the stone wall. He leaned against her and she could feel his erection pressing against her hot haven. She gasped as he shifted his mouth to the nook of her neck. Jess felt herself arching her hips to fit his groin. He began to grind against her and she nearly screamed in carnal need.

  “Jax!” she panted.

  He looked into her warm, golden eyes.

  “I want you so badly. Stay with me tonight,” he whispered.

  Jess’s mind was whirling and her body was screaming for release. She wanted nothing more than to say yes.

  “I can’t,” she rasped.

  He leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths before lifting his head. He trailed a finger down her cheek.

  “And I can’t let you go,” he murmured. He kissed her again then stepped back. “Come on. I can see that my friends are about to descend on us.”

  Before they could go back inside two of his best friends, Scott Langston and Shaun Stevens strolled onto the terrace. Jax had introduced them to Jess earlier in the evening and they couldn’t seem to stay away from her.

  “Hey, Jax! Stop hiding this gorgeous beauty from us. I want a dance with her,” Scott laughed.

  Shaun grinned broadly. He and Jax had been friends since middle school.

  “And you’re taken anyway,” Shaun piped.

  Jax gave Shaun a murderous look.

  “Randi is not my lady,” Jax said bluntly.

  “Tell that to her. I think Randi Lewis sees things a bit differently than you do,” Scott chuckled. He then grabbed Jess’s hand and pulled her inside to dance.

  Jax moved to stand in the archway and watch Scott and Jess dance.

  Jax and Jess said goodbye to Shaun, who was the last person to leave the party. Jax closed the front door then pulled Jess into his arms. He kissed her passionately and started backing her toward the black, wrought iron staircase. When the heel of her shoe hit the bottom step she pushed against his chest.

  “Wait, Jax!”

  “Why? You want this. I know you do,” he said quietly.

  Jess knew he was right. She wanted to be in his arms, yet she hesitated. It wasn’t all about having only known him for a few hours, and she wasn’t prudish or ultra-conservative. She realized that she didn’t want it to be a one-night stand. She wanted this date to extend into days, weeks, maybe forever. Forever? That was crazy. She couldn’t have such expectations from a hired escort arrangement. But she did and that was a problem.

  “I don’t want this to end,” she whispered.

  Jax was silent for a moment. His green gaze pierced her brown eyes as though searching for an absolute answer in them. Jess wondered what his burning question was, and she would answer it honestly if only he would ask.

  “It won’t. I promised it wouldn’t,” he said “Tonight will not be the end for us. It is just the beginning. Trust me, Jess.”

  Jess did trust him. She’d known him for only a few short hours but she did trust him.

  “I trust you, Jax,” she murmured.

  He grinned the
n swept her into his arms and carried her up the stairs. He entered his bedroom and kicked his door shut. Setting her on her feet he looked down at her.

  “You are so incredibly beautiful. It took everything in me to let you dance with another man. I didn’t want you out of my sight, let alone out of my arms,” he murmured.

  She chuckled.

  “You were a bit protective. But I kind of liked it.”

  “That’s a good thing because I don’t see myself becoming less possessive where you’re concerned,” he returned.

  She ran her hand lightly down his chest.

  “You’re so self-assured and confident. I didn’t expect you to be jealous,” she teased.

  He nibbled her neck.

  “You’re exposing bad qualities I didn’t know I had.”

  “I have a feeling I’ll find a few more,” she giggled.

  He pulled her to the bed and then pushed her onto the deeply piled black and grey coverlet.

  “Oof!” she exclaimed with laughter.

  “Maybe. I am a man who gets whatever he wants,” he remarked.

  “In business?”

  “In everything.” He then came down on top of her to caress her shoulder. His hand then slipped under the thin strap of her dress and pushed it down her arm. He kissed the creamy, soft skin of her shoulder. “And right now I want you.”

  Jess smiled as she slid her hand around his hips to clasp his buttocks. She squeezed and he groaned.

  “I want you too,” she whispered.

  He caught her mouth in a kiss that sent her spiraling to the heavens.

  “Oh my god! This is so good!” she thought.

  She spread her legs and he settled between them, kissing her torso and breasts boldly. She ran her hands over his back and could feel the ripples of his muscles through his shirt. It wasn’t enough. She needed to feel his skin against her own. She yanked his shirt from his pants and began unbuttoning it. He sat up and she pushed it from his toned shoulders.

  He then drew his undershirt over his head as she unbuckled his belt. She unsnapped his pants when he stood up to strip off his remaining clothing. He stood before her for a moment and Jess drank in his masculine physique. His chest was broad and his belly flat. His thighs and legs were finely shaped and nicely muscled; it was obvious that he’d spent many hours in the gym. Her eyes then went to his groin and she couldn’t pull her gaze away. His cock was fully enflamed and protruded proudly at attention. Jess licked her lips in anticipation of tasting him. Desire surged through her body and her core ached for the feel of him inside her. She held her arms out to him and he quickly fell beside her. He gathered her in his arms and began to love her. Jess had never in her life felt such pleasure in a man’s arms. And when he bent his head to feed on her clitoris she nearly exploded. He feasted on her for what seemed like hours, forcing her to come in his mouth time and time again. It was when she thought that she was completely spent that he moved his penis to edge of her pulsing sex. He rubbed the tip of his cock against her swollen clitoris and Jess screamed in desperate want. Yearning flooded her aching core and she raised her hips to greedily receive him.


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