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The Diva Frosts a Cupcake

Page 9

by Krista Davis

  I slid my feet into comfortable black flats in case I had to do a lot of walking to be helpful to Nina.

  Mochie napped in the sunroom. I nuzzled with him a little bit, taking care not to cover my dress with fur. I added chicken in gravy to his food bowl, locked the door, and left. Mars would bring Daisy to the feast later on. I knew he was grateful to hide out at my house while Natasha was in a baking frenzy.

  My phone rang the second I stepped out the door. I hustled back into the kitchen and answered it.

  “Sophie!” Nina screeched at someone and returned to the phone, her tone an octave higher than normal. “Thank goodness you haven’t left yet. How can you stand doing this for a living? Natasha makes me so mad. She used robin’s-egg blue icing so everyone would know which cupcakes were hers. And just in case they didn’t know that blue is her signature color, she stuck a big N on top of each one. Can you believe her nerve? That doesn’t even match the theme. But that’s not my biggest problem. I can’t reach Joy. After that huge fuss she made, I don’t know if she’s bringing her cheese cupcakes or not. Could you go over to the bakery and see if she’s there? Find out what’s going on?”

  I assured Nina I would take care of it. Instead of heading to the park, I drove the few blocks to Sugar Mama’s.

  Across the street, people continued to stop at the makeshift memorial to Muffin.

  A closed sign hung on the door to Joy’s bakery. I tried it anyway, but it was locked. Two possibilities sprang to mind. Either Joy was inside baking, or she was at Market Square selling cupcakes from her booth. I guessed the latter might be the case.

  I looked for a bell to ring and was thinking that I ought to check her booth at Market Square when a flash of blue caught my eye. I cupped my hands around my eyes to see through the glass more clearly. Joy, wearing a blue apron, walked out of sight. I rapped fiercely on the glass.

  Joy returned, waving her hands and shaking her head to signal that the cupcakery was closed. I rapped harder. She pointed at the sign. Even at a distance, I could tell she’d been crying.

  She must have finally recognized me, because she hurried to the door and unlocked it. “Sophie! I’m sorry, people have been knocking all day, and I’ve done my best to ignore them. I’ll probably lose business as a result.”

  Her long brown ponytail had been pinned up into a bun, and she wore a hairnet. Her eyes weren’t just rimmed red from crying, the whites of her eyes appeared bloodshot, too. “And to be honest, I’m a little jumpy after Muffin’s murder.”

  “I’m so sorry about Muffin. You must have been close to her.”

  She sniffed. “I can hardly bear to look out the window. It’s inconceivable to me that she’s not there anymore, that she won’t come running up to me with a fantastic idea for a new recipe or to tell me about one of her spying excursions to try out the cupcakes of our competitors. She was just like a little sister to me.”

  “What do you think happened?”

  Staring at the floor, she adjusted the hairnet. “I can’t imagine. Everyone liked her. The cops asked if we had any weird guys who hung around. We had regulars—that creepy Maurice, Humphrey, and I did think it odd that Spenser came by so regularly when he has his own cupcakery, you know?” Her expression changed, and she rested a hand on my shoulder. “I’m so sorry! Humphrey is a friend of yours, isn’t he? I didn’t mean anything by that, but he came to the cupcakery every day.”

  That explained Humphrey’s weight gain. “Did she date anyone? Did anyone seem obsessed with her?”

  “You sound like the police.” Joy shook her head. “I’ve been racking my brain about that. So many people come into the shop, you know? And when it’s busy you can’t remember them all. The police were surprised that we don’t have surveillance cameras. I told them if more of them bought cupcakes instead of doughnuts we could afford them. We don’t even have alarm systems.”

  I looked around. “I guess there’s not much to take.”

  “Exactly. You have to pinch pennies in a startup business.”

  The fabulous aroma of baking cupcakes drifted to me, reminding me of my mission. “Nina has been trying to reach you. She sent me over to be sure you’re up to baking cupcakes for the gala tonight.”

  Joy smacked her head. “No wonder you’re all dressed up. Nick will be delivering them for me. I baked through the night, and I’m beat. I managed to find someone to sell cupcakes at my booth today. Honestly, I feel like I’m calling in favors from everyone. I knew it would be tough going out on my own, but”—she licked her lips and wiped away a tear—“it’s all overwhelming. They say that work is good for you when tragedy strikes, but I’m so broken by Muffin’s death that I can hardly think straight.”

  She promised to have the cupcakes delivered in two hours. I left in a hurry so she could finish them and drove to the site of the Cupcakes and Pupcakes feast.

  Parking in Old Town was always an issue. I found a spot two blocks from the waterfront park. Assorted vendor trucks lined the street, blocking the flow of traffic.

  The tent for the banquet was gorgeous. Passersby gathered to admire it and check out what was going on. The white top swept upward to three peaks. Round-topped window panels lined the walls. A smaller tent without windows stood nearby.

  Dodging trucks, I hurried across the street. A walkway had been rolled out for the guests, but I cut across the grass to the small tent, where long tables had been set up for cupcake deliveries. So far only half of the bakers had brought their cupcakes or pupcakes. Table number holders marked sections of the tables with cards stating the type of cupcake, but not the name of the bakery. A banquet menu card lay on an empty table.

  I wandered over to the main tent to see what was going on. Round tables draped in coral dominated the room. A dog or cat topiary graced the center of each table. Some of them stood and some were in sitting positions, but each one wore a coral bow with white polka dots. White, pink, and orange tulips surrounded the topiaries. At each place setting, a small white tub with coral paw prints walking across it overflowed with dog and cat treats.

  At the far end, a small stage and podium had been set up. An oversized white poodle and a cat the same size flanked the podium. They were made of carnations and sported the same coral bows as the topiaries on the tables. Along one wall, a table of auction items nearly overflowed.

  “Sophie! Thank goodness you’re here.” Nina closed her eyes, and I suspected she was counting to ten to calm down.

  “Would you hang out at the cupcake tent?” She crooked a finger at me.

  As we walked toward the smaller tent, she whispered, “Would you please make sure they keep the dog dinner pupcakes separate from the human cupcakes as they’re delivered? I live in fear of someone like Maurice complaining because his cupcake tastes like liver.”

  We watched as a baker delivering cupcakes sauntered toward us, tripped, and a tray full of cupcakes flew through the air and landed upside down. “They’d better have brought extras,” Nina growled.

  “I’ll take care of it.” I strolled over to the young red-faced fellow, probably an assistant, and held out my hand to help him up.

  He gazed at the cupcakes. “They’ll kill me. I’ll lose my job!”

  “Are you sure they didn’t send extras, just in case of a mishap?”

  He brightened up. “You think?” He picked up the ruined cupcakes and trudged back to the delivery van.

  I heard him yelp, “Yahoo! I think you’re right!”

  Cupcake deliveries came fast and thick. The bakers had been wonderfully clever, decorating the cupcakes to fit their courses and the theme of the event. Cupcakes decorated with artistic little fish with cute scales and kissy lips had to be the fish course. Pupcakes featured frosting mice and bunnies. One guy promised his cupcakes for people were pawsitively delicious because he had cut out pieces of marzipan in the shape of dog paw prints as a decoration. Another brought dog treats shaped like hearts and dipped in carob. I assumed that was the dog dessert course, but it turned o
ut to be their appetizer. I hoped someone was planning to keep the waiters on track—and I hoped it wouldn’t be me. I was itching to try all the people cupcakes.

  A big Cake My Day van pulled up. The driver unloaded two types of cupcakes. One kind featured dog faces. No two were alike. The others were white kitten faces with amber tiger stripes. I had no idea which ones belonged to Cake My Day and which ones might be Renee’s cupcakes.

  When the van pulled away, I couldn’t help noticing Clarissa watching from across the street.


  Dear Sophie,

  After all the scares about tainted dog food, I would like to cook for my three dogs. My girlfriend says that’s crazy because they have complicated nutritional needs. What do you think?

  —Riley, Casey, and Chloe’s Mom in Paw Paw, Illinois

  Dear Riley, Casey, and Chloe’s Mom,

  Dogs are omnivores, like people. They can eat most people food! Think of it like feeding your child. They need balanced meals—with meats, veggies, and healthy carbs. No skimping and serving fast food! Your vet can give you information on canine dietary needs and supplements, as well as a list of foods they should never eat, like onions, grapes, and chocolate.


  Had Clarissa positioned herself there in the hope that she would catch me with Spenser? She nibbled on the side of a fingernail.

  Spenser had bought tickets for two tables at the banquet. I imagined he had invited all his local employees. Why wouldn’t Clarissa come across the street and have a seat or mingle with the early birds?

  If she noticed me watching her from across the street, she didn’t show it. Clarissa twisted and turned impatiently, watching cars as though expecting someone to arrive. She’d chosen to wear a drab olive green dress that looked like it cost ten times the amount I’d paid for my dress. Although the color seemed more suited to a military maneuver, she had certainly dressed to impress. She’d been to the hairdresser since I’d seen her earlier in the day, and wore her hair upswept. Unlike my rhinestones, I suspected the gems glittering on her ears and neck were the real thing.

  Two little noses snuffled my shoes from behind. Daisy and Martha had arrived in their finery. Martha wore a pink dress embellished with a sequin cupcake. Glittery ruffles shone on her haunches. Daisy sported a bright red collar with a rhinestone buckle and a heart charm that I had never seen before.

  “Where did this come from?” I asked.

  Mars, looking disquietingly handsome in a tuxedo, said, “I didn’t want her to feel like she was the ugly stepsister. Something told me she might not go for a dress like Martha’s, though. I imagined it in shreds.”

  He was right about Daisy. “I’m surprised Martha tolerates wearing a dress. If you start them young enough, I guess they can get used to anything. Is she still biting Natasha?”

  “You know about that, huh? She’s the sweetest little dog, but she can’t stand Natasha.” He bit his upper lip, but that didn’t prevent him from cracking up.

  He wasn’t the only one. A lot of people had limited patience for Natasha because she acted so imperial. It was mean of me, but I found it amusing, too. Daisy was as sweet as could be, but Natasha treated her like she was a nuisance. Natasha had finally found a dog she deemed worthy of her, and it had an aversion to her. “Martha’s probably just teething, don’t you think? She’ll get over that gnawing stage.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Clarissa proudly walking into the large tent, her arm linked with Spenser’s. She made a point of looking at me, tilting her head back as if to lord her ownership of Spenser over me.

  “How well do you know Clarissa Osbourne?” I asked.

  Mars shrugged. “She’s always been very pleasant to me. But then, I’m not having an affair with Spenser.”

  I smacked his arm playfully for his sarcasm. “I went over there this afternoon to clear things up. She acted odd then told me she didn’t believe me.”

  Mars laughed. “Surely you didn’t really expect her to take your word for that. Why would she? Doesn’t everyone deny affairs? Especially the people engaging in them?”

  He was right, of course. If I were having an affair with her husband, I wouldn’t proudly admit it. I would try to keep it quiet. But then, I wouldn’t boldly go to her home and deny it to her face like that, either. I sighed. Some people probably would. I needed to put Clarissa and her ridiculous ideas out of my mind. After all, I knew the truth. I had nothing to hide and no reason to be ashamed. But that was far easier said than done. I would simply do my best to avoid Spenser during the feast.

  Natasha’s assistant, Leon, scrambled out of an SUV and carried cupcakes toward me. He held them carefully at arm’s length, probably to be sure he didn’t soil his designer tuxedo.

  Mars raised an eyebrow. “Where’s Natasha?”

  Leon, who was generally of good cheer, grumbled, “Nina forced us to change the icing and N adornment on our cupcakes. Beware. There is no placating Natasha at the moment. Since Nina forbade us from using Natasha’s signature color or initial, we had to scramble.”

  We followed him into cupcake central. He removed the cover to display the cupcakes. Natasha’s anger shone through. She’d gone with a dog face. The basics were good—three dimensional ears and noses—but the piped icing looked more like the sinister wolf from “Little Red Riding Hood” than a sweet dog.

  “Good heavens!” Mars exclaimed. “I knew she didn’t care for dogs, but these are scary.”

  I was taken aback by them. “Let me guess. You were responsible for the noses and the ears.”

  Leon sighed. “She wouldn’t let me pipe the faces. I tried to talk her into letting me do the expressions, but she insisted on doing the tongues and teeth. Did a dog bite her when she was a kid or something?”

  I’d known her since we were small children. “I never heard anything about an incident involving Natasha and a dog. Maybe there’s a shrink among the guests tonight who can analyze this.”

  “So, where is she?” Mars appeared concerned.

  “She had to change her gown to match the cupcakes.”

  “What matches werewolf?” The words slid out of my mouth, and I was mortified that I’d been so unkind.

  Fortunately, Mars and Leon snickered. The remaining cupcakes arrived all at once. I shooed Mars away and motioned like the traffic police, waving bakers over and pointing them to their tables.

  Nick Rigas, prettier than ever in his tux, winked at me when he brought Joy’s cupcakes over. He paused for a second, and dimples appeared when he grinned at me. “Thank you for taking the time to talk with Joy. She felt better after your visit.”

  I couldn’t imagine why that would be the case. I certainly hadn’t offered much in the way of consolation, but at the moment, I didn’t have time to dwell on it.

  Within half an hour, all the food had been delivered, waiters in black and white uniforms had arrived, and Nina had given the headwaiter instructions on when to serve the various courses.

  Relieved of my duties, I wandered into the big tent, greeting friends who milled around with drinks in their hands. Dogs sniffed each other, and an occasional yip sounded from somewhere in the tent.

  As he’d promised, Alex had brought Francie as his date. What was it about tuxedos that made men so astonishingly gorgeous? If they knew how much women loved that look, men would wear them every day. Alex didn’t need help in the good-looks department, but in a tux, he was competition for George Clooney.

  Francie clung to his arm, proudly parading him about the tent. I’d never seen her dressed so elegantly before. Ornate beading adorned the round neckline and waist of her emerald green gown. She wore a matching jacket with beading on the wrists as well as along the front and bottom.

  Alex appeared to be a good sport about being her escort for the night. In fact, he seemed to be enjoying himself as she introduced him to her friends.

  Mars had found Natasha. While she might be annoying, she had good taste, and her werewolf br
own dress was so glamorous that it must have been couture. I never could have pulled off all the varying folds that crisscrossed down her torso and ended in a little kickable tail-like flounce. She was gorgeous. True to form, she managed to bring in her signature color by wearing robin’s-egg blue earrings and a stunning necklace of three large blue stones. Topaz, if I had to guess, but it didn’t matter—she was perfectly beautiful.

  I collected Daisy from Mars and made a point of telling her how pretty she was in her new glam collar.


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