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Frostbite (BearPaw Resort Book 3)

Page 9

by Cambria Hebert

  “Me, too.” He kissed my forehead. “We’re gonna like the next place, too. We need something bigger anyway.”

  I felt suddenly overwhelmed. For as slow as time dragged the past few days and as uncertain as it all seemed, things were now moving at a breakneck pace.

  The funeral, his mom, the baby, a new house… hell, even the appearance of his ex. All in the matter of a single day. And it wasn’t even all of it.

  “Whoa.” He rubbed his hands along my arms. “I can hear the wheels in your head turning.”

  I glanced up, guilty. This was what I wanted, but it was still a lot.

  “How about we just get a room tonight, and maybe see if you can hold some food down?”

  “I want cereal,” I announced.

  He lifted an eyebrow. “You want cereal.”

  “Raisin Bran.”

  “What the fuck…?” he muttered.

  I pointed to my stomach. “You gonna argue with this baby?”

  He shrugged. “Kid knows what he wants. I can respect that.”

  Liam lifted me off the counter so I could wash my hands and rinse out my mouth. When I glanced in the mirror, he was frowning.


  “We need to get you in with the doctor.”

  Nerves coiled inside me, and my hand went to my waist. “You think something’s wrong?”

  “No.” He shook his head, wrapping around me from behind. “But you look like hell and you’ve lost weight. I’m pretty sure you should be gaining.”

  “I’ve had a rough few days.” I defended.

  His face darkened.

  “I love you,” I whispered because I was worried he’d blame himself.

  Everything about him softened. “I love you, too, baby. C’mon.” He linked my hand with his. “Let’s go find you some nasty Raisin Bran.”

  “It’s not nasty!” I protested.

  “I’ve never seen you eat it, ever,” he pointed out.

  I grimaced. He was right.

  He chuckled and turned back. “It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ll get you all the boxes at the store.”

  “Bellamy,” Holly said as soon as I appeared in the kitchen. “Are you feeling okay?”

  I nodded. “My morning sickness is more of an all-day thing.”

  “You’ve been like this a while?”

  I nodded, not wanting to say how long.

  “I kept you away,” she said to Liam.

  “I called and checked up on her a lot, Mom,” Liam replied.

  “He didn’t know about the baby,” I explained.

  “You didn’t tell him?” she said, near accusatory.

  “Uh…” I stuttered. “Um, I just found out.” All the progress I felt I’d made with Holly today seemed to blow away with a soft breeze. I knew things weren’t perfect between us, but I really did think things would be okay. As fast as she jumped on me just now, I realized it was going to take a while.

  In the back of her mind, would Holly always assume the worst of me?

  I remembered that first night I made everyone dinner. How happy we all were, how overcome with emotion I was when she called me her daughter.

  I missed that now.

  I missed my own mom.

  Liam shifted, casually stepping in front of me even though I knew there was nothing casual about his movement. “Bellamy told me as soon as she could.”

  “Of course.” Holly agreed. “Bellamy, you should try some ginger. Put some into hot water, or maybe even get some ginger candies. It will help with your nausea. I would have made you some, but I don’t have any ginger root here.”

  The thoughtfulness of that comment made me wonder if I was overreacting. “Thank you for the suggestion. I will definitely try it.”

  On impulse, I reached out and fisted my hand in the back of Liam’s dress shirt. It was hard because it was tucked in, so I settled for just laying my palm against the small of his back. Reaching around, he tugged me forward, anchoring me into his side and tucking an arm around me.

  “I’m getting us a room at the resort for the time being.” Liam started. “Before we go, is there anything I can do for you?”

  “The resort?” Her forehead bunched, then cleared. “The cabin.”

  “We won’t be living there anymore.” Liam’s voice was terse.

  “Of course not.” She confirmed. “Why don’t you both stay here? You’re already settled in your room, Liam.”

  “We’ve all been through a lot. Us moving in here is a lot different than me bunking in my old room.” He smiled.

  I didn’t want to be relieved he hadn’t agreed, but I was. I wasn’t sure staying here would help diffuse any tension Holly still felt around me. But at the same time, I knew they needed each other.

  “I would love to have you. This house is just too big for just one person. Besides, I think Bellamy would get more rest here than at the hotel,” Holly implored.

  Before Liam could say anything, I spoke up. “That’s really generous.” In the end, me being slightly uncomfortable here was not much of a sacrifice. “As beautiful as the hotel is, this house definitely has it beat. Charlie sure will appreciate the extra space.”

  “So it’s settled?” Holly asked, hopeful.

  I felt Liam’s muscles tense. Lightly, I rubbed my palm over his back. He glanced down at me, question in his gaze. I smiled softly, hoping he understood that I appreciated what he was willing to do, but I wanted to stay here.

  Liam relaxed and smiled at his mom. “Thanks, Mom. I promise we won’t take too long finding a new place.”

  “Take as long as you need.” She offered, beaming. She seemed so relieved to not be here alone that I felt guilty for not wanting to stay here at first. “I’m going to go set up the guest room downstairs. You’ll both be more comfortable down there than in Liam’s old teenager room.”

  “Now she offers me a bigger bed,” he exclaimed.

  “I want my future grandchild to be comfortable.” She glanced at me and winked.

  “Second best already.” Liam pretended to be hurt.

  Her light laugh floated behind her as she hurried off to set up our room.

  When we were alone, Liam turned to face me. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “But look how happy it made her.”

  “Your happiness means just as much to me,” he declared, playing with the impossibly long strands of my hair. I’d barely combed it in days. A low, subdued ponytail was all I could manage for the service.

  “I’ll be happy as long as I’m wherever you are.”

  “If at any time it gets to be too much, just say the word.”

  I nodded.

  “Bells…” He warned.

  I sighed. “I promise.”

  I could see in his eyes he wasn’t sure if he should believe me or not, so I leaned close, slipped my arms around his waist, and hugged.

  “Thank you,” he said against my ear.

  The genuine relief and gratitude in his voice was all I needed to strengthen my resolve. It didn’t matter how awkward or uncomfortable I might get around Holly. I was going to make this work.


  I woke up to the sounds of her puking.

  She shut the bathroom door, as if she thought it would mute the sound.

  Or keep me out.

  The second she sat back from the toilet, I was there, scooping her up. But I startled her, and she jolted forward, heaving again.

  I didn’t like this.

  Not one fucking bit.

  The fact that she had my baby growing inside her was epically awesome. However, knowing it made her like this, not so much.

  As I sat there listening to her heaving, guilt ate me up. I hadn’t been there. She was pregnant and sick, probably thinking I abandoned her.

  Sure, she said she understood.

  I had no excuse.

  This time when she sat back, I slipped around her slowly, not wanting to jar her. “You all done?” I murmured.

  “God, I hope so,” sh
e croaked.

  I lifted her off the floor to carry her back to bed. She shook her head adamantly and pointed to the sink. Begrudgingly, I set her down and let her get cleaned up.

  The second she turned from the counter, I lifted her again and sat in bed with her in my lap. “You still have that doctor’s number?”

  “It’s in my bag,” she answered, cuddling close.

  I smiled faintly into her hair because, goddamn, I missed this. The feel of her. The scent of her. After a moment of wallowing in her presence, I stood. She squeaked and gripped onto me as if I would drop her.

  I’d eat my own gangrened foot before I dropped her or my kid.

  With a chuckle, I tucked her into the center of the bed, then grabbed her bag and handed it to her, along with my cell. “Call and make an appointment. For today.”

  She made a face. “They aren’t going to have any openings today.”

  “Why the hell not?” I demanded.

  “That’s not how doctor offices work.”

  “You have a baby in you!”

  She gasped. “Thank God you told me!”

  I raised both brows. “Don’t you sass me, woman.”

  She made a dramatic noise and an equally dramatic facial expression. “I know this may come as a shock, but I’m not the only pregnant woman on this planet.”

  Planting my palms on either side of her, I leaned close. “Well, you’re the only woman on this planet who’s pregnant with my baby.”

  A little purring sound erupted from her as she looped her arms around my neck. “Are you trying to turn me on? Because that is sexy.”

  Desire sizzled through my veins, and my eyes bounced between hers. “You like that, do you?”

  Her teeth sank into her lower lip. “Very. Much.”

  Against the mattress, my fingers flexed into the sheets. Oh God, it would be so fucking easy to grab her, to move over her body and claim her. The way she was looking at me right now made my dick stand at attention.

  With a groan, I pulled back. Denying myself. Denying her.

  “Liam.” She pouted.

  I chuckled. “You want a piece of this?” I gestured to my half-naked frame. “Make the appointment.”

  “So it’s really like that, huh?”

  I flashed my teeth. “It’s really like that.”

  Her voice wobbled, and her face became unsure. “Are you sure it’s not something else?”

  I frowned. “What else would it be?”

  “Are you sure you aren’t upset with me?”

  A rough noise ripped out of me as I moved over her on the bed. “I am not mad at you. I am not anything but deeply, insanely in love with you and my baby.”

  “Usually you can’t keep your hands off me.”

  “I held you all night, sweetheart,” I pointed out, keeping my voice gentle. Having her beneath me, looking up with vulnerability in her eyes, was testing my patience.

  So was the fact that she seemed hurt that we had yet to have sex.

  I kissed her nose, her eyelid, and then moved to kiss the other. My arms were starting to shake from holding my body weight off her, but I didn’t move.

  “You know what I mean,” she murmured, lifting her chin so I would also kiss her lips.

  “I told you,” I said. “I need to make sure you and the baby are okay before I go making love to you.”

  “Again, I tell you I am not the only woman on this planet to be pregnant. Pregnant women have sex all the time. It’s how they get pregnant.” She was stubborn and petulant.

  I found it charming and irresistible, so I laughed.

  Bellamy scowled.

  Suppressing my grin, I replied, “And I told you I only give a shit about one pregnant woman.”

  I kissed her again, lingering on her mouth just a little longer. She was sweet, sweet torture.

  With a groan, I pushed back, gesturing to the phone again. “Make that call. I’ll get you some ginger tea.”

  “Hey,” she said, grasping my wrist.

  I turned back.

  “I like being pregnant with your baby. Even if it does make me sick as a dog.”

  Warmth suffused my chest. I kissed her forehead and then went to make the tea that seemed to settle her stomach.

  Or maybe that had been the Raisin Bran.

  She’d eaten two bowls and didn’t even blink. They weren’t small bowls either.

  I made the tea as quietly as I could, then carried it back to the bedroom.

  Bells looked up when I walked in, phone still pressed to her ear. “You’re sure you don’t have anything open for two weeks?” she asked into the line.

  Well, that was unacceptable.

  I tossed Charlie a snack, which he seized right out of the air, and snatched the phone out of Bell’s hand. I put it to my ear while handing her the mug.

  She took it but glared. I thought it was cute.

  “Hi, who is this?” I spoke into the line.

  The woman paused. “This is Eileen at Dr. Crawford’s office.”

  “Hey, Eileen, nice to meet you. This is Liam Mattison.”

  “Liam Mattison,” she repeated. “Of BearPaw Resort, the Olympic medalist?”

  “One in the same.”

  “Oh, hi.” She giggled. “I mean… How can I help you today?”

  “That woman you were speaking with just a moment ago, the cranky one?”

  Bellamy gasped. “Liam!”

  “Yes?” the woman answered cautiously.

  “That’s my, ah…” I glanced at her and frowned. “My girlfriend.” That just wasn’t a good enough title for Bellamy. It sounded cheap.

  I hated it.

  “She’s pregnant. We just found out.”

  “Oh! Congratulations!” Eileen exclaimed. “How exciting!”

  “Thank you.” I smiled into the line. Bellamy muttered something about people kissing royalty ass. I stifled a snicker. “I’m excited. Can’t wait to get the little guy on a board.”

  Eileen sighed into the line.

  “Anyway, Bells hasn’t been seen by a doctor, and I’m pretty concerned. She hasn’t been able to keep much down.”

  “Oh, that’s totally normal.” Eileen assured me.

  “Thing is I would feel a hell of a lot better if we could get her seen as soon as possible.”

  Bellamy snorted. “Two weeks.” She reminded me.

  “You don’t happen to have any cancellations or anything available, do you?” I glanced at Bells. “I’d consider it a personal favor.”

  She rolled her eyes and dramatically fell back on the bed. Brat almost spilled her tea. I was so entertained by her I almost didn’t hear the nurse speak into my ear.

  “I have a small window open today, but you’d have to be here in an hour.”

  A slow, wide smile spread over my face. “We can totally be there in an hour.”

  Bells’s mouth dropped open, and an offended look crossed her features.

  I gave the nurse my info and told her I was looking forward to meeting her in person. Then I ended the call and tossed the cell on the mattress.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Bellamy scoffed.

  “I’ve got skills.” I bragged.

  “What you have is Olympic medals and a bunch of muscles.”

  I snickered. “Sometimes being Caribou royalty comes in handy.”

  “Whatever,” she muttered and tipped the mug to her lips.

  I climbed on the bed and gathered her close. “Don’t be mad, sweetheart. I just want the best for you and my son.”

  She sighed. “I’m not mad. I didn’t want to wait two weeks either.”

  “Good, because we have to leave in thirty.”

  Bellamy jolted up. “I need to take a shower!”

  Before she could run off completely, I grabbed the back of my T-shirt she was wearing and tugged her back. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I just told you,” she answered.

  “Kiss me.”

  “Just because you ca
n charm whatever you want out of everyone in this entire town doesn’t mean you can do the same to me.”

  Oh, I liked a challenge.

  I pulled her so she fell back on the bed, straddling her hips. My shirt was oversized on her, so I hooked my fingers in the neck and pulled it down, exposing her collarbone and shoulder.

  Swooping in close, I didn’t kiss her. Instead, I let the tip of my nose graze over the sensitive skin along her neck and down across her collarbone. She moved beneath me, and I smirked against her, then nudged against her neck again.

  “God, I missed you,” I murmured. “When I did finally get an hour or two to sleep, I’d lay in that bed upstairs and long for you. You haunted my dreams while we were apart, Bells. There wasn’t a single moment in those three days that I didn’t want you.”

  Her chest rose and fell beneath me.

  Lifting my face, our eyes collided. Holding her stare, my lips lowered until they hovered just above hers. I could taste her breath this close, a mix of mint and ginger.

  Her lashes fanned down over her cheeks, then fluttered open again.

  “Kiss me, sweetheart.” I beckoned.

  She didn’t move, but I did. Our lips brushed once, twice, and on the third time, I didn’t lift up. Instead, I kissed her the way I’d wanted to all those nights I lay in bed without her. I kissed her in the most honest way I could, hoping she could taste the truth of just how much I loved her.

  Her fingers dragged up my spine, creating ripples of pleasure in their wake.

  After another few minutes, the thick fog of want began clouding my mind, and I moaned. Forcing myself back, our lips tugged against the other’s as I moved, clinging on for just a second longer.

  “Thank Christ your appointment is today.” My voice was gravelly.

  She smiled and arched up into me like a cat. “I missed you, too, Liam,” she confided. Her fingers dragged back down my spine, toward my ass. “I miss you still.”

  It was a sheer act of willpower that kept me from ripping off every last piece of clothing she wore.

  “Go get ready,” I said, horny as hell.

  I watched her walk into the bathroom, not smug in the least I got her to kiss me because, damn, all that kiss had done was leave me wanting more.


  It was good to see him smile. To hear him laugh and watch him tease me. I might have taken advantage of those things before. Liam was always quick to smile, but maybe I never quite grasped how much it cost.


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