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WRAPPED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Two

Page 24

by Juliet Braddock

  “Just let her finish, bro!”

  “Finish? Are you fucking crazy?” Drew bit back. “And pull up your fucking pants! I don’t want to see…”

  Feet stomping across the porch, Drew finally joined Maxine on the swing, apologizing profusely with every single step. As he slung his arm around her, his lips drooped into a cranky pout. “He’ll be a moment or two…”

  With that, Maxine took his hand and threaded her fingers through his. “That’s quite alright. It’s kinda nice to just sit for a moment…”

  “I’d rather be sitting in there with—”

  His silence came with Maxine’s kiss. “It’s a small detour. We’ll have our space back soon.”

  “You know, I’m still furious with Lorna—she ruined your night!”

  “She didn’t ruin anything but my hair, Drew,” Maxine assured him. “But I do think her ego is a bit bruised this evening.”

  “You know, little one, you handled that with such grace,” he said. “You didn’t throw her down, bitch slap her…cave to petty jealousies…”

  “Why should I get jealous over Lorna Devane?” Maxine asked. “You clearly don’t want her.”

  “That’s just not your style, is it?” he wondered out loud. “You don’t have the capacity for envy, do you?”

  “I don’t think I’d go that far, Drew…”

  “What could fill you with jealousy?” he pressed her.

  “Well…” She snuggled closer but looked away. “This is sort of stupid, but…

  “Nothing is ‘stupid’ if it’s troubling you. Now, spit it out, little one…”

  Damn, she cursed herself for opening this line of conversation. Drew would never let it go, so she just had to fess up and drift backward into the days when he was merely a teenage crush, a thousand unattainable miles away.

  “When you’re on stage,” she began, “it sort of makes me squirm seeing you kiss another woman. And now that I’m in this relationship with you, I think that will be even harder to sit through.”

  His soft chuckle eased the tension that lingered in the air. “Sweetheart, I get jealous when you kiss Ben!” he finally said. “It’s human nature. But you have nothing to worry about. And you’ll be sitting next to my mother on opening night. You two can both politely just turn your heads.”

  “Opening night?” she questioned him and looked up into his eyes.

  “You’re going.” That was an order. “And frankly, I’ve suffered some difficulty every time I’ve had to rehearse a kiss lately…”

  She knew Sunset Boulevard quite well. In fact, her mother had played the music so often that she could sing the entire score. However, she’d selectively forgotten about his two separate love scenes in the show. “So you’ve been smooching a lot of other women?” she questioned him, but she was only partially teasing.

  “Two of them. One nearly twice my age, and one who puckers up like a fish.”

  “A fish? Really…Drew?”

  “Her lips are scaly—not plump and sweet like the ones I’m used to kissing,” he said, touching his fingers to her mouth. “She needs some ChapStick. But I turn my brain off and try to pretend that it’s you because I have a Tony riding on that damn kiss.”

  “She’s never tried to…oh, slip you the proverbial tongue?”

  “Never. Some women aren’t as aggressive as you are…”

  “Are you saying you like it when I’m aggressive?” she challenged him. “I thought you were training me to be your submissive?”

  However, he didn’t answer her. Instead, Drew allowed his open mouth to hover over hers before closing around for their own kiss. Before she had the chance to even think, he filled her mouth with his tongue first, nearly coaxing her last breath from her lungs as she relaxed and allowed him to consume her with his passion.

  “Take it outside…” Adam groused as he hustled his hustle out to the porch with his tux jacket covering the poor girl’s head to shield her from further embarrassment. “Oh, wait, you’re already there. Why don’t you two go boink in the wild? Where you belong, Drew….”

  But the kissing didn’t cease. In fact, Drew only pulled her closer, his fingers tangling with the wet tendrils and allowing the pins to fall from her hair. The sweet plunder of his mouth incited a quick moan from Maxine as she fell deeper into that spell into which only Drew could spin her.

  “Guess we’ll be leaving…” Down the steps, Adam clomped, dragging his accomplice with him as he continued on up the hill.

  “So how about that blowjob?” Drew murmured.

  “Let’s go light up that fucking pumpkin…”

  # # #

  “Afternoon, big bro,” Adam said, as he strolled through the dining room with his bottle of Gatorade and a copy of The New York Times. He stopped at Drew's seat, lowered his sunglasses on his nose, and then turned to Maxine. “And you, Penelope...”

  With all of the drama that brought their beautiful evening to a rather abrupt end, Maxine almost forgot about all of the joy that had preceded. Sharing a knowing smile with Drew as they waited for everyone to congregate for Maggie’s final brunch of the weekend, she couldn't help but to giggle.

  “Sunday Styles, kids,” Adam said, placing the newspaper between Drew and Maxine. “If I were you, little one, I'd be worried about this Merryweather chick he took to the party last night.”

  “That's Maxine's evil twin,” Drew explained with the utmost serious expression on his face. “Oh, I'm sorry, Adam—you must not have been aware—but I'm dating both of them.”

  “Thought she was an only child?” Adam said and raised a brow. “You holding out on me there? Certainly, we could share…”

  “Ah, sharing…” Drew mused. “I remember you had a lot of trouble with that when we were growing up, particularly with something called Nintendo. Recall that?”

  “Miss Merryweather so does not deserve you…” he countered.

  As the brothers McKenzie battled on, Maxine couldn't stop herself from leaning in a little closer, just to see the photo. So blissful and beautiful. In fact, her breath caught just a bit looking at Drew in his tux again, and the sight of her earrings sparkling against the glorious teal backdrop of her fated dress brought tears to her eyes.

  Now she only wished she could just jump back in time to recapture that split second and those serene smiles that looked back at her from the page. They were on a journey, building some wonderful memories with each other, and she couldn’t think of a time in her life when she’d been happier. The only thing that was missing was her mother, but Maxine was confident that Judy was with them every step of the way.

  However, she couldn’t ignore Adam’s teasing for long, as he read the caption out loud.

  Broadway veteran Drew McKenzie finally breaks his silence on the new woman in his life. McKenzie, pictured with Penelope Lynn Merryweather, an associate with K-mart, attended the annual fundraiser for The McKenzie Foundation for Missing and Exploited Children last night at the Hamptons home of his parents, Declan and Maggie McKenzie.

  “They called you a ‘veteran.’ That means you’re old!”

  “Knock it off, Adam,” Jeffrey spat, as he and Ben—who courted Aunt Frannie on his arm—strolled into the vast room. “Mr. McKenzie…and Miss Merryweather...”

  “Hiya, Boss!” Maxine smiled, baring her teeth to Jeffrey. “How are ya this beautiful fall afternoon?”

  “Oh, just so you’re both aware, the Times has already printed a retraction online—with your real name and identity, Miss Kirk—thanks to our friend Randy Mansfield who must have recognized you in the photo,” Jeffrey said. “But only after I suffered through several rather angry—and very late night—calls with the Vice President of Media Relations for K-mart.”

  “That’s what I pay you for, Jeffrey,” Drew said, flipping through the rest of the newspaper. “Glad you got some work done while we were at the beach.”

  “The beach?” Adam charged. “You fucking went to the beach after you kicked my ass out? I coulda used that

  “Drew built a little fire,” Maxine teetered. “It was quite romantic…”

  “Hey, you broke the deal, so I get use of the jet for the year,” Drew said. “Moving onward…”

  “You know, I just want to say here,” Aunt Frannie said as Ben helped her into her seat at the table, “that your mother worked very hard to put that party together last night, and Adam, you weren’t even there to blow out the candles on your birthday cake.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Aunt Frannie,” Adam cooed. “I know…eighteen is a big one.”

  “Sixteen—you’re sixteen! Don’t you lie to me you little scoundrel! I’ll tell your mother…”

  “Tell your mother what now, Adam?” Maggie said, her hands filled with two bottles of champagne already chilled but ready to be placed in the ice buckets on the buffet. Declan followed behind her with a few more bottles of wine. Maxine knew damn well that even Adam couldn’t put away that much alcohol. They were both all smiles, as the gala had raised twice the anticipated donations, and with Adam’s generous match, Maggie was confident that they’d have another steady year.

  “Okay, Mother, just ground me!” Adam tossed his hands in the air and took a seat at the head of the table…in Declan’s usual spot. “I lied to Aunt Frannie…I didn’t share with Dr. Drew here. Just hand out the punishment because this weekend hasn’t been bad enough!”

  Sometimes, it was just easier to ignore when Adam begged for attention, and Maggie had honed that skill well over the years. “How are you two this afternoon?” her voice soothed as her palm stroked Maxine's hair. “The photos are everywhere this morning...”

  Googling herself was never something Maxine thought she should do. The mere idea, in fact, made her cringe just wondering what the world was now thinking of her alter-ego, one Penelope Lynn Merryweather.

  “Well, I do apologize for that mess with Lorna last night,” Maxine said suddenly.

  “Maybe I should be the one to apologize,” Ben stepped up to the plate. “I allowed my anger to just boil over…”

  “You were merely defending your best friend, Ben,” Maggie assured him.

  “Oh, Lorna’s just a notorious drunk, Maggie,” Declan said. “Are you really surprised?”

  That fact didn’t shock Maxine in the least.

  “Well, I wanted to step in and demonstrate my honor, but someone wouldn’t let me…” Drew chimed in.

  “Drew, it would have been awful had you said anything more to her,” Maxine said. “We’d already had that little mess brewing in the press room, and it was your mother’s party for heaven’s sake!”

  “I like this gal, Drew. Listen to her. She’s a smart cookie,” Declan said as he stepped up behind her for a hug before turning to his ginger-haired son. “You, pal, outta my chair.”

  Beneath the table, Drew captured Maxine’s hand and held it tightly, then looked at her for one split second as if he had something more to say. While she didn’t press him, she found his behavior so curious.

  “So how about Penelope?” Adam said suddenly.

  “How about Penelope...” Declan repeated, chuckling to himself as he picked up his glass to toast his wife on another successful evening. “Oh, you kids...”

  The McKenzie’s celebration carried on for quite some time, but even as brunch came to a close, no one seemed as if they were in any rush to leave. In fact, Jeffrey’s suggestion for one last walk on the beach was the quintessential end to the perfect weekend. They likely wouldn’t have that chance again until the following summer, Drew noted, and he assured Maxine that they would indeed return.

  That promise of togetherness, although almost a year away, sparked a flicker of hope. Looking forward was a lovely thought, but they still had so much growing to do as a couple in the meanwhile.

  Next on the agenda was a visit from one Thomas Kirk. In truth, Maxine worried about his opinion on the home in which she and Ben were living more than what her dear old dad might think of Drew. The fear of the unknown haunted him at present. Once he had the chance to sit down with his daughter’s beloved, Tom would warm to him.

  Ben and Jeffrey still had to return their rental car, so they took off for the city first. Since Adam lived just down the road on his own sprawling estate on the water, he decided to hang around for a bit longer. For once, Adam refrained from hitting on her. He could sense that his brother truly cared for Maxine, and Adam wanted her to feel welcomed into their family.

  Along the way home, Maxine fell asleep in the car with the gentle soundtrack of Alison Moyet crooning in the background as Drew drove on. So deep in her slumber, she didn’t even awaken when they’d finally stopped in front of the townhouse.

  “Hey, Ben, can you come open the front door?” Drew whispered into his phone before stepping out of the car. First, he lugged all of Maxine’s bags and belongings up the steps and into the foyer where Ben waited, questioning what the hell was going on and why Maxine was still sitting in the front seat.

  “She was sleeping so sweetly, and I didn’t want to wake her…” Drew explained sheepishly.

  “Oh, don’t even tell me you’re gonna—” Ben cut himself off. “Drew…you’re not carrying her inside like a baby…”

  Hopping down the steps with a wink and a smile, he said, “Watch me.”

  If that man hadn’t fallen in love with his Captain yet, Ben reasoned, he would soon.

  As he bundled Maxine into the strength of his arms, she stirred just a bit but didn’t open her eyes. Disoriented, she wondered, “Where are we?”

  “You’re home, little one. I’m going to tuck you in.”

  “Stay…” she whispered. “Please?”

  They both had another one of those long weeks ahead of them, and time would once again be scarce between them. He couldn’t leave her. Hell, he’d be far too lonely sitting in that big, lofty penthouse after the weekend they’d spent together.

  At that point, Drew felt as if he could find her bedroom blindfolded, and down that narrow hallway he walked yet again. Maxine yawned, and circled her arms tighter around his neck.

  “I’m not going anywhere, little one…” he soothed her as he gentled her down to the bed. “I…”

  “You’re what?”

  “I’m staying the night,” he answered her as he crawled into bed—still fully clothed—and pulled her against him to rest her head on his chest.

  As she fell into slumber once again, Maxine could have sworn that she heard him whisper, “I love you, little one…”

  Whether real or imagined, she’d decided that was the sweetest dream she’d ever had…

  Chapter Fourteen

  Onward and uptown, they traveled on what now had become a familiar route for Maxine. With her father due in a mere twenty-four hours, Drew was quite anxious to share a few precious minutes alone with Maxine before their crazy-busy weekend began.

  This madness of seeing each other for a minute here, a second there, just had to stop. While they were both ravenous for each other when they did finally meet up, both missed those everyday moments that most couples took for granted—discussing their days over dinner, sharing thoughts over a cup of coffee or watching mindless television for hours on end. However, desire caught them in its hold once again. They’d have to save memory-making for the weekend.

  For once, Maxine didn’t take in any of the sights and sounds of the city. She was far too intoxicated by Drew’s slightest touch. He brushed her hand, tickled her chin and barely touched his nose to hers, but the sensations that rippled throughout her body only accentuated her need for him.

  Maxine rubbed her thighs together in anticipation of what he’d planned for her that evening as Lou pulled up to the curb. She’d already felt herself slipping into her rightful role in which her clothes always felt too tight and she'd acquiesce to anything Drew demanded. This, she understood, was her descent into subspace.

  Maxine didn’t bother to return the smile of that creepy lobby attendant who always seemed to be there when she visited.
Leering at her from behind the desk, he behaved as if Drew were invisible. She snuggled up closer to him as they made strides toward the elevator, hoping that Drew wouldn’t notice.

  “I want that fucker fired,” Drew said as the steel doors closed them into the car.

  With a kiss to her finger, Maxine growled, then lifted it to his lips to silence him. “Not tonight, Mack.”

  “Tomorrow,” he muttered and pulled that finger into his mouth for a suckle.

  As they lingered in the hallway outside the penthouse, Drew feigned trouble with the lock. That smile was so seductive, pulling her into his world. He’d already forgotten the doorman. Once the door opened, he sighed at the sight of her in that sweet little navy blue dress with a full skirt.

  Words weren't necessary, she decided, as she could only manage a puff of a breath that left her lips, eyeing him in return. He wasn't relaxed at all. He was ready to play.

  “Come here...” was all he said as he dropped her bag inside the foyer. His eyes wild like a lion about to pounce his prey, Drew pressed her against the door, his mouth nearly bruising her, his hips pinning her against the cold metal.

  Maxine tossed her head back, banging it against the door, but she didn't care—didn't notice the pain from her thump at all as his lips nipped at her neck and dipped lower, biting through the layers of linen and silk of her dress to clench her nipple between his teeth.

  Arching her back to allow him better access to feed his own hunger, Maxine moaned and slid her hands into his back pockets to pull him closer...closer. Just the feel of him against her left her imagination soaring to the heights to which he could carry her with one single thrust. She moaned and dug her fingers into his hair. She, too, was wild for him—untamed.

  “You are not making things any easier for me here, Maxine.” His voice so raspy with want, Drew sounded like a mere shadow of himself. All the while, he knew he held her right in the palm of his hand, ready to unleash his brand of romantic control upon her.


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