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WRAPPED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Two

Page 27

by Juliet Braddock

  “Twenty-two…” she shouted triumphantly. “Coming now…for you, Sir…now…”

  “And one for good luck…” he said as he delivered a final swat. “Keep coming, Maxine…”

  From behind, he slipped his long, thin fingers between her legs, coaxing her to let go completely. Against him, she bucked, her hips wildly thrusting against his hand as she screamed incoherently in her pleasure. He could have so easily fed this hunger with the dildo at the handle of the flogger, but he was far too greedy. He loved to feel her as she tightened around him in climax.

  “Your ass looks so pretty right now, little one…rosy red and warm,” he said, struggling with his own arousal. “You’ll feel it all weekend…”

  “Fuck my ass…please, Sir…”

  “Nooo,” he said, easing his fingers away and then fed them to her to clean. Gently, he rolled her over onto her back and placed one hand on each side of her head as he braced himself above her. “I am not fucking your ass anytime soon. That takes a lot of preparation, and we’re not ready for that yet.”

  “So good…” She tossed her head about the bed and closed her eyes. Her hair was one wild mess about her shoulders.

  As his lips found hers to soothe, he murmured, “Settle, little one.”

  Leaning downward, Drew turned her to face him. He rubbed his cheek against her breast before closing his lips around the clamped nipple, pulling and sucking. Beneath him, Maxine arched her back. Her eyes closed, and her jaw slackened. Promptly, he pulled his mouth away and slipped his palm between the chains and her stomach.

  As he flattened his hand over her tummy, he warmed the cold steel against her skin. While she had relaxed her struggle, he could still feel the tension of every muscle in her body as she lay beneath him. Drew knew this was only the calm between storms. Maxine wiggled against his touch, again feeling the slight pull of pain. He pressed down gently, attempting to still her. She nearly convulsed, then shuddered again when Drew tugged the chains once more.

  “Oh, Sir…”


  “Pale yellow, bordering on mint green, Sir...”

  “Good girl...”

  Squirming just slightly, Maxine knew she couldn't take much more. However, it wasn't the pain that plagued her—it was the denial. Again, his fingers teased and tickled over the metal fasteners at her breasts.

  She struggled, breath catching with every intake. Hurricanes, Maxine. Wildfires. War. Nuclear destruction. You can do this, Captain!

  “Little one, I think you've had enough of these clamps for one night...”

  “May I come again, Sir?”

  “No, not yet,” he said. “I need you to listen to me, Maxine, okay?”

  Suddenly, she stilled herself. “Yes, Sir.”

  “This is the part that really hurts,” he warned her, as he caught her face in his hands to grasp her attention. “This is nothing like the taste I gave you before with the earrings. Hold on to me, if you have to, okay?”

  “Yes, Sir...”

  “Now, take a deep breath...”

  As he removed the first clamp, pain seared suddenly from her nipple throughout her breast, followed by a ripple of pleasure that rocketed down deep into her belly and between her legs. With a strength she didn't realize she possessed, Maxine gripped his upper arms, squeezing with all her might, aching with the delight that scorched through her body. With each release, Drew brought her full circle with his dizzying cycle of hurt and ecstasy.

  At last, his lips were there, licking and pampering over the imprints from the clamps upon on her pale and tender skin. His breath was warm, soothing the hurt away, and Maxine moved against him, wanting nothing more than to hold him closer.

  He caught her breasts in his hands then, kneading softly with the utmost care as he checked just to make sure there were no breaks or cuts on her skin. “How are we doing here, little one?”

  “Mmm...” Maxine murmured.

  “Was it too much?”

  “Yes...” She tossed her head back and forth on the pillow. “No...I mean…it was just so intense.”

  “Would you do it again?”

  Maxine opened her eyes. A tiny, shy smile played on her lips. “Yes, Sir...”

  Suckling her nipple again before returning his lips to hers, Drew pressed her close, promising her more, and then eased back to admire her wearing his collar.

  “So gorgeous, little one,” he whispered, nearly breathless as he minded the flecks of passion in her eyes.

  He still had to undress, and as much as he hated to get out of bed, he stood up, unzipped his pants and hurried them to the floor in one swoop with his boxer briefs. Head shaking, brow furrowed, he tore through the buttons on his shirt. Maxine couldn’t resist and reached out to take his hand in hers.

  His lips met hers in a leisurely fashion, teasing and playing against each other, and Maxine indulged in this sweetness while he coddled and caressed her from head to toe.

  This tender assault on her senses—this break from heir scene—brought Maxine a calm like she'd never experienced with him before. She enjoyed the pleasure of each touch, every kiss, and allowed her fulfillment to build slowly. She opened her eyes and surveyed his every move as those same hands that spanked and squeezed her swept tenderly over her shoulders, her arms, and the ticklish spot on the inside of her wrist.

  Their gazes met, locking, as his lips followed his hands to her breasts, his tongue playing along the curves of the underside then so delicately flicking once more at her sore nipples.

  With one long, excruciating movement, he eased himself fully inside her. His sigh was so heavy that the trickle of his breath tickled her face and neck. And he remained so still as she clutched him with every last bit of energy she could muster and entwined her legs with his, wanting him to stay right there forever.

  Drew began to rock ever so slowly against her, one slow thrust at a time. His pace was unhurried and deliberate, plunging as deeply inside her as he could. Weaving her fingers into his curls, she pulled at his locks as her mouth opened to his again, her tongue almost in a duel against his as she struggled for breath. She could feel the currents stirring deep within, but for once, she didn't care. This closeness to Drew was all she needed.

  Over and over, he urged her forward, upward, with each meticulous push, every sweep of his lips over her fevered skin. All the while, he watched her almost reverently as she met his vigor with her own, opening her legs wider, then wrapping them around his waist to accept him wholly and completely.

  “You're almost there...” he muttered against her ear, his words choppy and husky.

  “So close...”

  Out of the darkness, his voice thundered, commanding her, “Come, Maxine...come”

  Trembles transcending into tumultuous torrents of pleasure, Maxine let go, seeking gratification not in her own completion, but in the warm and wonderful sensation of Drew's own catharsis. She opened her eyes to find him staring so intensely back at her in those final moments of splendor. Sated, his body slackened with a serenity she'd never seen in him as he hovered above her, his mouth open in awe.

  Resting against each other, they lay entwined under the moonlight streaming in through the windows. She could still feel the last of the embers from their tender lovemaking fading just as slowly as he had consumed her. Their breaths became one.

  And beneath the nearly full moon that hovered over the city, its brightness illuminating the room, Drew tightened his arms around her, so aware of the joy that washed over them.

  “Happy Birthday, little one,” he murmured. “A very Happy Birthday…”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “Daddy!” Maxine shouted as she hopped out of the backseat. She could spot that swagger from a million miles away—even through the windows of a crowded airline terminal.

  Suddenly alone, Drew groaned inside. Don’t worry, Adam told him. It’s not a big deal. Even Ben swore to him that Thomas Kirk’s bark was much stronger that his bite. But for Drew, this
was a monumental time in his life. He had exactly one weekend to prove his worthiness to this still faceless man who fathered the young woman that just might be the one.

  “So I’ll just go and help Mr. Kirk with his bags…” Lou turned around from the driver’s seat, startling Drew.

  “Aw, fuck!” he smacked himself in the head and scrambled to get out of the car. The luggage! He had to get the luggage! Otherwise, he’d be named Asshole Boyfriend of the Year. “No…Lou…that’s my job…”

  # # #

  “Missed you so much…”

  “Bet I missed you more, Princess…”

  From the corner of her eye, Maxine spotted Drew, rushing to them as she eased away from her father. Oddly, she was the only one out of the three who didn’t seem to have a significant case of the jitters.

  Tom was a big guy—not so much tall as he was stocky—with thinning dark brown hair and the warmest brown eyes Drew could ever recall seeing. Dressed in his usual uniform of a Pittsburgh Penguins sweatshirt, faded jeans and hiking boots, just how Maxine loved to remember him, he dug his hands into his pockets.

  “Mr. Kirk!” Drew said, extending his hand right between father and daughter. “How do you do? I’m Drew…”

  A slow smile curled upon those thin lips, but Drew couldn’t discern whether Tom was amused…or ready to laugh in his face.

  “Okay…I do remember you now,” Tom said at last, giving Drew’s hand a hearty pump. “Maxie used to record you and save it on the DVR to watch you over and over…and once I erased it for a Pens game and—”

  Elbowing her dear old father gently, Maxine’s voice rang with caution and chagrin. “Daddy…”

  Now, it was Drew’s turn to be amused.

  “Nice to meet you, Drew,” Tom said, but he wasn’t ready to wave a white flag just yet. He still needed to talk to this strapping young man who captivated his daughter—and he had every intention of sitting Drew down for a conversation, alone, before the weekend ended. “And thanks for coming out here tonight with Max to pick me up.’

  “It was no trouble at all,” Drew assured him and picked up Tom’s bag.

  “Shouldn’t you be out with the car?” Tom panicked suddenly. “Won’t you get a ticket for leaving it unattended?”

  “Um, Daddy,” Maxine began, “he has a driver. He’s circling now.”

  “Oh…” Tom said slowly rounding his lips into a perfect circle. New York was certainly an entirely new world for him. Maxine never went into any sort of detail about Drew’s wealth because it was simply a non-issue with her. There were so many more interesting facets of his life than the size of his bank account.

  “How was your flight?” Drew hurried to ask. “You made it on time, which is amazing. Flights rarely land when they’re supposed to at LaGuardia…”

  Meanwhile, as they hustled her father outside, then finally into the car—with Maxine sitting safely in between them—she had to contain her laughter. Rambling ad nauseum, Drew was nervous!

  As she settled herself and allowed Drew to buckle her in, she could feel the slight sting of the previous night’s play as her ass scooted over the leather seat. Now was not the time to dwell on her desires! Oh, if her father only knew…they’d both be in trouble!

  “You know, Maxie never buckled her seatbelt at home,” Tom observed, looking over at Drew. “I’m glad to see that someone pays attention to your personal safety…”

  “You’re just going to embarrass me all weekend, aren’t ya, Dad?” she grinned. Maxine didn’t care. In fact, she thought that Tom’s teasing just might alleviate some of Drew’s tension.

  “I fully intend to,” Tom answered. “And you ain’t seen nothin’ until my son Ben and I get together. We love to make her squirm…”

  The notion that Tom considered Ben a member of the family touched Drew deeply. He hoped that one day he might be accepted into the inner-Kirk circle as well.

  “So you’re an actor,” Tom said, his eyes challenging Drew. “Isn’t everyone an actor in New York?”

  “Easy, Pops…” Maxine reached for her father’s hand and gave it a tug. He still wore his wedding band. Maxine wondered if he’d ever take it off, but that was his way of keeping Judy close—always.

  “I am an actor,” Drew chuckled.

  “Can you actually make a living of it?”

  “Aright, Thomas,” Maxine cut in and cut him off.

  “Well, someone’s gotta pay for your dates!” Tom insisted. “And she’s not a cheap date…”

  “Actually, she tries to be, but I spoil her anyway…” Drew shook his head at the hilarity of their conversation.

  “He spoils you?” Tom asked Maxine.


  “Worse than I do?” he pressed.

  “Almost as badly,” Drew answered for her.

  “Getting back,” Tom began, “tell me about this acting stuff…”

  “Well, I’ve been lucky. I’ve worked steadily on Broadway the past few years.” That was true. While Drew did have quite a reputation for starring in flops, his talents were consistently in demand, and he always seemed to dust himself off and get back to the boards quickly.

  “So Broadway…that’s the real deal. You’re not working out of some tent in Central Park…”

  Doubling over her own lap Maxine just lost herself in her laughter. She was certain that her cheeks were as rosy as her ass.

  Drew barely relaxed along the drive from the airport. He filled their time with chatter on their plans with the focal point being Maxine’s birthday. She wanted to show Tom everything, feeding him slices of the proverbial Big Apple, but there was no possible way to conquer the city in one short visit. First, they had to muddle through this trip and then convince him to return.

  All the while, as they crept closer to the city in the heavy evening traffic, Tom wondered where all the sites were. There was no Empire State Building or Statue of Liberty as far as his eyes could see. Maxine tried to explain that she lived in a residential neighborhood—far from most of the standard tourist spots. However, Tom would just have to see it for himself to understand.

  When they’d arrived, Drew hurried to retrieve Tom’s bags from the trunk. However, Tom seemed to miss the view of the townhouse completely, and Maxine wanted to put it off for as long as she possibly could.

  “Listen, Princess,” Tom turned to her and placed his hands on her shoulders. “I just wanna say…you look good. You look—well, you look healthier now.”

  “Thank that guy,” she said, pointing to Drew as he opened the trunk. “He’s the one who’s been taking care of me.”

  “Yeah, I’ll have a talk with him a little later…”

  “Please be nice,” she pleaded, those irresistible emerald eyes imploring.

  “I’m always nice,” Tom winked at her, then quickly turned his attention to Ben as he took the steps two at a time with his arms open wide. “And there’s my other kid! How are ya, Ben?”

  “I think I’m in shock,” Ben admitted, shaking his head. But his smile twinkled beneath the dim streetlight. “Welcome to New York City!”

  “Good to see you, pal. You keeping my Maxie in line?”

  “Trying,” Ben shrugged. “But she fights me…”

  “Glad I’m not the only one you argue over disciplinary measures…” Drew muttered as he leaned down toward Maxine’s ear.

  “Bad…” Maxine blushed, thankful for the darkness. “Bad Kind Sir…”

  “Well, let’s get you settled, and we’ll head out for some pizza,” Ben said as he led the way up the steps.

  “Wait.” Tom stopped dead in his tracks. “Hold it…right there.”

  Smiling through their collective terror, Maxine and Ben minded each other from a distance. The moment they had both been dreading was at last upon them. While Maxine trembled in her ballerina flats, Ben just started to laugh as he often did when his nerves got the best of him.

  “Yes, Tom?”

  “Do you realize that the shutter is hanging off that top wi
ndow? That damn thing could fall off and hurt someone! And there’s a crack in the living room window—”

  “Oh, it gets quite warm when we light a fire, Daddy,” Maxine assured him mindlessly. “And—”

  “It’s not the cold I’m worried about! Someone could break the damn thing open and crawl in—while my baby girl is sleeping!”

  “You know, Mr. Kirk, I can have that fixed first thing in the morning, just like we’ve meant to do,” Drew said as he texted his father with a desperate message to find someone to contact on a Friday night about replacing a window in the morning. Fuck, even he hadn’t thought of that. Maxine’s safety was indeed at risk! Now, he was certain Thomas Kirk loathed him.

  “Good save,” Maxine patted him on the back, but another problem unfolded in front of them.

  “No light in the foyer?” Tom continued on. “Don’t you two know how to flip a fuse switch?”

  “I wouldn’t know where to find it, Tom…”

  “You should have known that, Maxine!” he admonished, shaking his finger fastidiously. “Every time your mother plugged in her damn electric heater, the lights in the living room would go out,” Tom ranted on. “Should I have brought my toolbox?”

  “How about a nice cold beer, Tom?” Ben suggested, hurrying him through the living room to the kitchen with Maxine and Drew scurrying behind them.

  “Get me drunk so that I don’t see what else is broken here, right?” he asked Ben.

  “Adult bevvies, everyone?” He just reached into the fridge and grabbed four bottles with the assumption that they were needed. “Tom, if you could just reach behind you in that drawer and pull out the bottle cap opener…”

  “Oh!” Drew called out. “Wait…it’s…”

  “Dammit!” The face of the drawer fell right on Tom’s boot.

  “I did that, too, my first time here,” Drew sympathized.

  Holding the board up then waving it in the air, Tom said, “You’re all gonna get a spanking with this!”


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