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WRAPPED: The Manhattan Bound Series, Book Two

Page 43

by Juliet Braddock

  “Well said, pal,” Tom nodded thoughtfully.

  “I know I cherish this day with all of you so very much, and I’m thankful that you’ve welcomed me into your lives,” Drew continued. “And I hope this is the first of many holidays that we’ll all share together. To you—Tom, Vicki…and my sweet Maxine—I wish you all a very blissful Thanksgiving.”

  “And to you, my love,” Maxine said, inching closer to steal a quick kiss. “Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!”

  The toast was the beginning of an elegant feast, served with all the staples of a traditional Thanksgiving dinner—sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, cornbread, a cauliflower casserole and of course, Maggie’s/Vicki’s cranberry salad.

  By the time they’d carefully made their way through the meal, Maxine couldn’t even think about the desserts of cookies and pies and a fresh fruit and nut platter. While Drew and Tom served as the clean-up crew and filled the dishwasher to capacity, Maxine busied herself with making coffee and tea. She insisted that Vicki was their guest and that she’d done far more than her share already.

  As Drew and Vicki made their way to the living room with one of her cookie platters, Tom tugged on Maxine’s sleeve.

  “Have another glass of wine with me, Princess?”

  Taking a seat at the island, Maxine said, “I would love to, Daddy.”

  Maxine watched as her father carefully uncorked yet another bottle. She’d had far too much to drink that night, but she was also under the watchful eyes of Tom and Drew. So far, she felt fine. She hoped it wouldn’t catch up with her in the morning.

  “So,” Maxine began as Tom’s steady hand poured, “I really adore Vicki.”

  To that, Tom tapped his glass against hers. “I’m pleased, Maxie.” He took a drink, pausing rather uncomfortably for a moment. “Uh…Maxie…listen…”

  “That tone is a little frightening…”

  “Oh, it’s nothing…I mean…I just…we’re all a little tipsy right now…and well…I kinda don’t want Vicki to have to drive home tonight…”

  “You want her to stay over?” Maxine placed her hands on her hips. “Pops, I’m a grown woman now. I think I can deal with my dear old dad’s dating life…”

  The tension left his hunched shoulders immediately with Maxine’s quick response, but his face flushed to the hue of the wine. “Well…okay, then! Uh…”

  “It’s okay.” She leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “Drew’s gonna sleep in my room tonight if that’s alright…”

  “Stop it. I might make that fellow sleep on the couch.”

  “You know he would sleep on the couch if you made the suggestion.”

  “I do believe that, Maxie,” Tom nodded. “And I’m just teasing you right now, but he’s a good guy. And he really does love you. That I can see. He’s not afraid to say it either.”

  “You have no idea how relieved I am to hear you say that, Daddy. It means everything to me.”

  “I always knew you’d pick the right one.”

  “I think he is.” She closed her eyes and imagined that Judy was there, having this same conversation with them. She hoped that both of her parents would have been pleased with her choice. “Daddy? Just one last thing before we go to bed…”

  “Yes, Princess?”

  “Thank you for a perfect Thanksgiving,” she said and hugged him tight once more. “And thank you for inviting Vicki.”

  “You just remember, my little baby doll, that I love you…”

  “Not as much as I love you, Daddy…”

  “Let’s not fight, Princess. It’s very late…” he said. “You should probably find Drew a pillow and a blanket for the couch…”

  “But I thought that he could sleep in my—”

  “Ha!” he punched her gently in the arm. “Gotcha!”

  Shaking her head, she pulled his hand to guide him toward the living room where they found Drew and Vicki in a heated debate over the Rangers versus the Penguins. Maxine managed to break up their little squabble. She was actually quite glad for her father’s sake that Vicki was a sports fan. Perhaps that was an added bonus that Judy threw in when she chose Vicki for Tom.

  Once in Maxine’s room, though, that air of seduction that always loomed above them caught them both in its guise.

  “Oh, fuck, Maxine…you’re not wearing that?” Drew muttered as he returned, toothbrush in hand, from the bathroom next to her room. “That’s just mean…”

  With a wiggle and a jiggle, she turned around, modeling the same little lingerie ensemble that she’d worn the night of her scavenger hunt at McKenzie’s. “I did bring a robe in case I need to roam the hallways in the middle of the night.”

  “How the fuck am I going to sleep?” he demanded, digging through her suitcase for something a little more appropriate. “You know damn well that’s my favorite outfit!”

  Hopping down on the bed, Maxine said, “Same as you would any other night that I sleep over at your house. Put your head on the pillow and snuggle up to your girlfriend.”

  “Here, my little minx,” he said, tossing her a pair of her stretch pants and one of his old t-shirts. “Wear this…”

  But stubborn little Sassypants shook her head. “No.”

  “Maxine, I’m already hard here…will you have some fucking pity?” he whispered, even though Tom was lost in his own little world with Vicki and probably didn’t care what the hell was going on in Maxine’s room.

  “What a coincidence—because I’m feeling horny, too!” she said, narrowing her salacious gaze. “We could have Basement Sex…”

  “Or we could have no sex,” he suggested in return.

  “I can come silently,” she reminding him, upping her bragging rights just a little. “Someone trained me well…”

  “Jesus—aren’t you still sore from last night?” he asked, attempting to dissuade her suggestions. He’d taken her rather roughly right on the stairs with Maxine crying out for more.

  But Maxine only rubbed her legs together and murmured, “Mmm…hmm…”

  Crawling beneath the covers of her double-bed, Drew endeavored to keep his hands to himself. “You’re only doing this to tease me, Maxine,” he said. “You know that this just isn’t a possibility tonight. Yet, you continue to taunt.”

  “Yeah?” she said, daringly licking her lips.

  “Do you realize how many infractions you’ve already chalked up today?”

  “I sure do…”

  “You know what I need to do?” Drew said, his fingers scratching his chin. “I need to start ignoring you.”

  Maxine’s groan was quite audible. “Mean Sir…”

  “If I just don’t pay attention, maybe she’ll stop misbehaving,” Drew said. “And if I’m not even looking at her, I won’t see her in that skimpy little get-up. Right?”

  “Oh, darling,” Maxine began, “we all know that you can’t resist taking a look now and then. And even now, the image is burned into your oh so perverted mind…”


  “Aha! You’re a tough nut to crack, Mack, but I did it!”

  “Still not looking at you, but…” he began.

  “Always a ‘but’ there…”

  “Remember tickle torture?”

  “You wouldn’t…” she said, turning his head to face her.


  Dominating Drew was back with a vengeance.

  “Oh…fine!” Pouting, she stomped out of bed and made her way around to his side, making sure to face him. While he lowered his head to avoid the sight of her, Maxine knew he was taking a peep from the corner of his eye. It was show time.

  Maxine sat down right beside him, shook her shoulder and allowed one thin strap to fall, nearly exposing a breast.

  “What if I didn’t lock the door?” Drew asked.

  “You did—I watched you…”

  “Not looking at you…”


  “We’re in your childhood bedroo
m, need I remind you?”

  “So?” She shrugged and the other strap fell. “Oops!”

  “Nothing deters you, does it, Maxine?” he griped and reached for the clothes he’d chosen for her. “Looks like I’ll just have to do this myself.”

  Oh, how he wanted nothing more than to rip those little panties that were embellished with crystals to look like the night sky right off her pale skin…but he loved the look of Maxine wearing them far too much to ruin.

  Carefully, he settled his hands on her hips, and then slipped the tiny wisp of lace down her thighs. A stern look furrowed his face. “You can cooperate, Maxine…or I can tickle you…you have three seconds to make up your mind…starting on one…”


  “Whining does not become you,” he spat. “Two…”

  “Fuck…I surrender!” she said, raising her arms so that he could lift the bra away. Seeing her so brazenly bare only exacerbated the problem within his pajama bottoms.

  “Panties, Sassypants? Or have you decided to stop wearing them?” He held out a boring white cotton pair for Maxine to slip her feet into, then tugged them rather quickly up her calves and thighs. As he gathered up the legs of her stretch pants as if he were about to dress a toddler, Maxine kicked against him. “I still reserve the right to issue that punishment…”

  “Where’s the closest seedy motel?” Maxine wondered out loud.

  “Too far for my tired body to drive,” he said, now dragging his t-shirt over her head.

  “Maybe we should build a little guest cottage out back—for future visits.”

  “Don’t you think that would insult your father—that we’re not staying in his own home?”

  “I don’t know,” she said. “And I’m far too aroused right now to think clearly.”

  “So am I, little one, but it’s time to go to sleep.”

  “Tell me a bedtime story?” Maxine said, plunking her arms around his neck as he settled down on the bed next to her.

  “After you’ve misbehaved?”

  “Yeah…” Maxine said with a smirk.

  “Naughty and sassy, you are…”

  “Uh…” Maxine settled against him. “Bedtime story?”

  With one arm, he managed to pull the blankets around them and cuddle Maxine close. Then, as he reached for the lamp switch on the nightstand, he murmured, “Little one?”


  “Sweet dreams…”

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Bundle up,” Drew kissed her closed eyelids as Maxine continued to snore. She couldn’t remember ever having such a restful sleep in her old bed, and while quarters were indeed close, she slept like a kitten with Drew curled around her. “I’m about to take you on a little journey…in your own backyard…”

  Eyes popping open suddenly, she minded him with curiosity. He was showered and fully dressed already, and it was still very early. Oh, it was far too early for one of Drew’s secret adventures. However, Maxine was game.

  “I even picked out an outfit for you…”


  “Yup,” he said and pressed his lips against hers to steal one forbidden kiss, then peeled the covers back. “Time to get ready. I’ll meet you downstairs. With coffee.”

  “Daddy keeps those on-the-go mugs in the cabinet to the left of the sink if that will speed up our day?” she suggested.

  “I’m on it, little one.” As he stood up, he pointed to the pile of clothes he’d left neatly folded on the dresser. “No more. No less. Understand?”

  “Drew, what are you plan—”

  Covering her mouth with his hand, he whispered, “Shhh. Just do as you’re told.”

  Silenced, she dropped her feet to the floor with a thud. “Yes…Kind Sir…”

  # # #

  That pleasant, roasted scent of brewing coffee wafted throughout the downstairs as Drew made his way through the living room. Fuck. Tom was already in the kitchen, puttering around at the sink. He was supposed to be sleeping! It was only after seven, and they’d had a late night. Drew hadn’t planned on casually bumping into her dear old dad before he whisked her off into the unknown.

  “I understand you New Yorkers enjoy your coffee brewed like battery acid, so Maxie tells me.” He turned then to face Drew. “So I picked up the strongest I could find.”

  Drew had to laugh. Tom certainly was trying. “You didn't have to go through all that trouble,” Drew insisted. “We’ll drink anything with a high caffeine content.”

  “Well, fix yourself a cup,” Tom said. “We’ll have our morning dose together...while we wait for Maxie.”

  Maxine…fuck again! How the hell was he going to just tell her dad to piss off while he prepared their coffee to go? Dammit, this morning unraveled in far more complicated manner than he’d anticipated. He could hear the loud grumble of his own stomach, knowing that his nerves were just about to throttle into overdrive. Get a fucking grip on your damn self, Mack!

  He could have just one cup with Tom, Drew reasoned. They could always make a second pot if necessary. Full of resignation, he sighed and reached for a mug.

  “Vicki left early this morning—her offices are open,” Tom explained. “But she’ll be around later.”

  “I know Maxine said she’d love to spend some more time with her,” Drew said, paying not one speck of attention to what he was doing.

  “That would be wonderful!” Tom said.

  Missing the cup by mere millimeters, Drew proceeded to spill a generous puddle of coffee all over the granite countertop. “Fuck!” he muttered, then felt the telltale signs of a flush heating up his face as he turned to Tom. “My bad. And I apologize for the language...”

  “You know,” Tom shook his head and reached for the paper towels to help Drew clean up his mess. “Ben never cursed like that in front of me, so I know that you’re the one who's responsible for teaching my little girl how to swear like a sailor now!”


  Yeah. The one man who just might be able to reduce the great Drew McKenzie to feeling like a naughty child who’d just been called to the principal’s office was Thomas Kirk.

  “Teasing you, pal!” Tom tapped Drew on the arm. “Please, I lived with Judy for how many years? I was just hoping that Maxie wouldn’t pick up her habit. But I see more of her mom in her every day.”

  Perhaps this was all just normal, Drew tried to reason with himself. It was how this dating thing worked. The father always had to put the fear of God into his daughter's boyfriend, especially during those early days of courtship. Since Maxine was an only child, that only exacerbated the situation. She was Tom's little girl for twenty-two years, and he'd certainly had no intentions of trusting this city boy who tossed around the eff word and was—of all things—an actor!

  Oh, Mack, you are so fucking screwed today!

  “Lighten up, Drew,” Tom teased. “It's only spilled coffee...”

  Dammit, Tom, I'm just trying to sneak out of this house and have my way with your daughter, Drew's inner-bully called out from inside his agile mind. Must you be so god damn chipper?

  Mug in hand, he turned to Tom, who held court at the granite island. Dawn had barely broken, and already Drew had managed to get himself into a shitload of trouble. Convinced that Tom just hated him, he joined Maxine’s father, nearly hanging his head in shame.

  “In all seriousness, Drew, I know this week has been hectic for you, but thank you for coming,” Tom said. “It means more to me than you realize. I don’t know how you made it, and I don’t know how we got through dinner, but nothing made me happier than to have the two of you there with me at the table.”

  Warm and cuddly feelings of comfort wrapped around Drew like a cozy, soft blanket. Tom liked him. Tom also loved to rouse him, but in truth, Drew was actually quite fond of him, too—guns and all.

  “It’s our pleasure,” Drew assured him. “And it’s part of the fun of the holidays—you can’t get through them without some kind of mad rush. We’d do it ag
ain. And we hope we’ll see you and Vicki in New York for a few of them.”

  “You’re serious about Christmas?”

  “I’ve got the room—you two could stay with me,” Drew suggested. Maxine was there all the time now, which Tom had figured out on his own, and for Vicki, the accommodations were much more agreeable than at the townhouse. “Just think about it. We’d love to have you back.”

  “I don’t think you’ll have to twist Vicki’s arm.”

  “So that’s a yes?”

  “That’s a yes, Drew…”

  “Yes to what?” Maxine bounced into the kitchen, then blushed uncontrollably as she turned away from her father’s gaze. Per Drew’s instruction, she wasn’t wearing panties.

  Drew had worked hard to find her the proper attire as Maxine slept that morning. He needed her to be accessible for him, but she didn’t bring anything with her that matched his specifications. Always resourceful, he dug into her old closet to find what he needed.

  “You have all those new clothes that you bought up there in New York, and you’re wearing the same old crap you wore back here!” Tom said, prompting his daughter to fold her lips together to stifle a giggle. “That stuff is way too big for you now!”

  “Just want to be comfortable…while…we…?” she looked at Drew, challenging him to fill in the blank.

  “While Maxine shows me around the old neighborhood…and we have breakfast together at one of the fine dining establishments along the beautiful country roads…”

  “Well, I’ll let you two have at it, then!” Tom said, then took one final swig from his coffee cup as Maxine poured one for herself.

  Puckering up, Maxine pecked him on the cheek. “Love you, Pops…”

  “You kids go have fun for now. And don’t forget, pal, we’ve got a date to chop down Sassypants’ Christmas tree at some point this weekend…”

  “Now, Tom…” Flustered, Drew propped his hand on his hip. “How could I ever forget that?”

  # # #

  “You still owe me a tour of the town,” Drew reminded her as they stepped outside on that rather chilly Friday morning.


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