Book Read Free

Vote Then Read: Volume III

Page 105

by Aleatha Romig

  "Wait!" she cried, hanging onto his waist as he dragged himself toward escape.

  He almost made it to the sill, till Mattie managed to get both arms around his squirming torso.

  He turned in her grasp then and fought like a wildcat, clawing and kicking and baring snowy teeth. His fist caught her tender shoulder, and she grunted in irritation, but she wouldn’t let go. His heels drummed at her shins, and he gave her several sharp jabs in the ribs with his elbows, but she held fast. Then his pointy little fangs sank into her forearm. She yelped in pain and tossed him back onto the bed, holding his arms fast and sitting on him to keep him there.

  Catching her breath, she glanced at her injured arm. The skin wasn’t broken, but a double crescent of red throbbed where he’d bitten her. The boy still fought her with all the fury of a storm, but she had the advantage now. She watched through tendrils of her disheveled hair as his struggles weakened.

  "I’m not going to hurt you," she reiterated, though she was sure he couldn’t understand a word. "It’s all right."

  For a long while they stared at each other. He truly was a beautiful child, she decided, when his claws were sheathed. His skin was flawless and of such a rich color that it looked as if it radiated sunlight. His eyes, set deep within his face, above wide cheekbones and beneath slashing brows, were so dark as to be impenetrable. His pearly teeth hid now behind lips pressed tightly into a grim line. She wondered how long she’d have to sit on the pitiful child before that murderous look vanished from his gaze.

  "You’re a strong little boy, aren’t you?" she asked, drawing an even fiercer frown from him. "I wonder what your tribe calls you. Spitting Wildcat? Charging Bear?" She glowered back at him. "Scowling Wolf?"

  His small chest still rose and fell with rapid breaths, and she could see the quick beat of his heart in the hollow of his stomach. The poor lad couldn’t understand a word she spoke. How could she assuage his fear?

  "My name is Mattie. Mattie. Mattie."

  The boy only stared at her.

  "Actually Mathilda Hardwicke, but you may call me Mattie."

  The boy’s mouth parted just enough to murmur, "Coh-ah-nuya."

  "Is that your name? Coh-ah—"

  The boy winced as if she intended to strike him.

  "I promise I won’t hurt you." She tucked her lower lip thoughtfully under her teeth and considered the boy. Her Aunt Emily had taught her that when a lady was at a loss for words in conversation, she should find some common interest. But what could a properly schooled lady from the city possibly have in common with a little savage boy?

  Of course.

  He liked her drawings. Enough to steal them.

  She smiled at him.

  "You’re my first benefactor, you know, although I must say the commission arrangements leave a bit to be desired."

  The boy’s arms relaxed infinitesimally beneath her grasp.

  "Do you like my sketches?" She nodded to the drawing that lay beside his head.

  He warily turned to peek at it.

  "That’s a steamship. I traveled aboard her to get here." She glanced toward another. "And that’s the mule that carried my bag across Panama."

  He shifted to look at the second drawing, and his fists unfurled.

  "This one," she said, daring to release one of his wrists to hold the picture up for his inspection, "is a tiger lily I found in the meadow."

  While he studied it, she let go of his other arm and picked up the rough sketch of an acorn.

  "Utim," he said at once.

  "Utim?" Her heart fluttered.


  They were communicating. It was a heady feeling.

  "Utim!" she cried, beaming.

  Inspired, Mattie rifled through the scattered drawings until she found one of a chubby little boy clutching a tiny wooden sailboat to his chest.

  The Indian boy took the page in both hands and studied the picture with all the solemnity of a jeweler inspecting a diamond through his loupe.

  "Do you like it?"

  "Toy," the boy whispered as clear as day.

  Mattie gasped. How did he know that word?

  "Toy," he repeated louder. Then he pierced her with his ebony gaze. "Toy?"

  "Yes," she replied, unnerved. "Yes, it’s a toy."

  Unadulterated hunger instantly suffused the boy’s face. He wanted that toy, more than he wanted anything, more than he feared her.

  "Don’t you have any toys?"

  He was too transfixed by the sketch to listen to her. Slowly, cautiously, she shifted her weight off of him and took one of his small, warm hands in hers.

  "Would you like to play with a toy?"

  He glanced briefly at his hand trapped inside hers and set aside the drawing.

  "Toy?" she asked, coming to her feet.

  He scooted off the bed, his fear completely replaced by eagerness now.

  Unfortunately, Mattie couldn’t think of a single thing in the cabin she could call a toy. She cursed herself for her short-sightedness. It was as rude as inviting someone to tea when your cupboards were bare.

  "Hmm." She tapped her chin and looked around the room.

  "Hmm." He imitated her gestures, as if they were part of some mystical rite.

  She bit back a grin. How adorable the little warrior was. She could hardly wait to draw...

  Draw. The pencils. Of course.

  She bent toward him. "Would you like to draw a picture?"

  He cocked his head at her, one brow raised in inquiry.

  "Come. I’ll show you how."

  With his help, she gathered up the drawings and pencils, and then pulled out two sheets of fresh paper from her portfolio. Settling him upon the stool, she placed the paper on the table before him and wrapped his fingers around a pencil.

  "What shall we draw, hmm? Shall we start with something simple?" Standing behind him, she smelled the faint odor of smoke in his hair. “How about utim?"


  She guided his pencil carefully around the curve of an acorn cap and along the smooth sides of the shell, shading the length of one side to give it the illusion of depth. When it was done, the boy dropped the pencil and excitedly picked up the page, examining it so closely his breath fluttered the paper. He turned it over and peered at the back side as well, as if he thought the object might actually have dimension.

  She chuckled. His innocence was delightful. She wondered what his name was.

  "My name is Mattie," she said, laying a palm across her bosom. "Mattie. What is your name?" She touched her fingertips to his chest.

  He ignored her. He was far more interested in drawing than polite conversation. And, truth to tell, she could understand perfectly.

  "Would you like to try another?"

  The boy went through five sheets of paper over the next several hours, filling them front and back, corner to corner, before his little stomach began complaining.

  A particularly loud growl made Mattie giggle, and the boy giggled back, the sound of his laughter like water bubbling over rocks. He quickly leafed through his drawings until he found the one of a small black bear she’d seen across the canyon on her way to Paradise Bar.

  "Pano," he told her, then pointed to his stomach.

  "Pano," she repeated with a grin. Then she growled and playfully tickled his belly. "Very hungry pano. We need to feed you, don’t we?"

  Mattie perused her shelves. There was still ample jerky, but that was about all. The beans would take hours to cook, there was nothing she could do with the flour, and she doubted the child would be too enthused about a pot of coffee. Then her glance alit on the last tin of peaches, and she smiled.

  "I’ll bet you’ve never tasted the likes of these," she sang as she opened the can and dumped the last of the precious fruit onto a dish for him.

  His eyes grew round with pleasure as he sampled the sweet peaches, and he cleaned his plate before Mattie could even set out the jerky. Her own stomach grumbled in complaint, but she was too preoccupied
with indulging her guest to pay it any mind.

  Watching him eat, she wondered again at his beauty. From paintings, she’d expected that Indians were squat and ugly, with weathered faces and lined mouths that turned down at the corners. This boy was far from unattractive. Why, with a good barbering and the proper clothes...

  He looked up, rather nervously, she thought, which she supposed was natural. She’d been staring at him, after all, and rather openly. She politely lowered her eyes, and then, with an inspired grin, turned to rummage through her carpetbag for her comb.

  "Would you like me to comb your hair?" she asked while he worked on his last piece of jerky.

  He stared blankly at her. She ran the comb through the ends of her own hair to demonstrate, but he seemed unimpressed. She supposed even Indian boys couldn’t get very excited about grooming.

  "Here," she said, gently combing the very ends of his hair.

  He gave a small sigh of defeat. Apparently, he knew the process then. He suffered in silence, only wincing once when she tugged at a particularly stubborn knot.

  His hair was coarse and thick, straight as a horse’s tail, and where she smoothed the tangles from it, it hung like a glossy gossamer veil past his shoulders. He sat patiently through her ministrations, and when she finished, she was sure that, aside from the uneven ends, his lush mane would have been the envy of any woman in New York.

  "Now," she said, tucking the comb away, and drawing the boy to his feet, "what about the rest of you?" She cocked an eye at his wiry body. "I wonder..."

  The doctor had left a few articles of clothing behind in his travel trunk. Removing the oilcloth-covered board that proclaimed it a dining table, Mattie opened the trunk and hauled forth a faded red calico shirt. She held it up to the child.

  "Well, it’s several sizes too large, but if we fold up the sleeves..."

  She helped him slip his arms into the shirt and buttoned it all the way up. Then she rolled the sleeves back till they hung just above his wrists. It looked more like a dress than a shirt, but the vivid color contrasted beautifully with his black hair, and at least it would keep him warm. She only wished she had shoes to give him.

  "My, don’t you look handsome," she exclaimed, while he fingered the cloth in wonder.

  But his interest in her ablutions waned quickly. By the envious glances he stole at his drawings, he obviously wanted to go back to the "toys."

  "Shall we take them outside?" she asked, scooping up the pencils and several sheets of clean paper.

  It surprised her to see how late the day had grown. Only an hour or so of sketching light remained. The sun cast long shadows from the swaying pines, and pie wedges of shade shifted across the flower-dotted meadow. Sparrows and finches flitted by too quickly to draw, making their last rounds through the branches. But Mattie had learned, if she sat still long enough, subjects would come to her. The boy sat beside her on the edge of the plank porch, pencil poised, mimicking her quiet vigil.

  Sure enough, within a few minutes, a delicate buff-colored doe lifted her velvet muzzle at the far end of the clearing. Mattie touched the boy’s arm.

  "Look," she whispered.

  As the deer picked her cautious way across the grass, nibbling at the tender shoots, Mattie discovered the twins behind her, a perfectly matched pair of spotted fawns tottering on pencil-thin legs.

  "Tem-diyoki," the boy whispered.


  "Diyoki," he breathed.

  Moving as imperceptibly as possible, Mattie brought pencil to paper and wrote the word, TEM-DIYOKI. Then she began to draw, scarcely looking at the page, only watching the doe grazing with her two babies.

  The boy did likewise, and when Mattie hazarded a glance at his paper, she saw that, though his work was rough and done with an untrained hand, he added details he couldn’t possibly see at this distance. The doe had long, curling eyelashes and the hint of a smile at the corners of her dark lips. The fawns’ spotted fur stood up a little on their back, and he drew the black hooves with a clear split up the middle.

  Mattie smiled. This was his world. He knew it far better than she. She could illustrate what she saw, but he sketched what he knew.

  All at once, the doe’s head lifted in alarm, her ears forward. She stood frozen for several seconds. Then, with a powerful bound, she fled with her babies into the woods.

  Mattie wondered what had frightened them. She turned to shrug at the boy, but his attention was riveted elsewhere. He gasped, and Mattie followed his gaze. What she saw made her jaw go slack.

  Death was coming. There was no other description for the grim beast that charged toward them. Another ten strides, and she’d be lucky to sputter out the Lord’s Prayer before he devoured them both with those snarling white teeth.


  The boy trembled beside her, and before she could wonder at her own sanity, she thrust him behind her, placing her body solidly between the child and their attacker.

  "S-stay back! I’m w-warning you!" she cried, painfully aware that stammering did nothing to enforce her threat. "Don’t come any closer."

  The splayed hand she held in front of her looked pale and useless against the menacing beast, which loomed nearer despite her admonitions, and she suddenly longed to have the butt of Doc Jim’s rifle settled against her shoulder.

  But it was too late. She couldn’t abandon the boy clutching in terror at her skirts. Instead, she clasped the lad’s arm with feigned assurance, squeezed her eyes shut, and prayed for a swift end.

  He stopped mere inches from her, close enough for his warm breath to ruffle her hair. Lord, she could feel heat and strength and danger emanating from his body. And she could smell him. His scent was complex, as wild as the wood, a blend of sweet smoke and spicy laurel, of fresh trout and tanned leather. She dared not move. She dared not breathe.

  As the seconds ticked by, measured by her racing heart, and no attack came, she finally risked peering through her lashes.

  She wished she’d kept them closed. Her mouth went instantly dry. The savage towered over her, eclipsing the sun with his dark, shaggy head and leaving her eyes at the level of his formidable, muscular chest. He glared down at her with eyes as black as a raven’s wing, eyes so steadfast and deadly in their perusal that his sudden snarl of “Hintsuli!” made her start in alarm.

  The boy jerked behind her. Mattie shook in her boots, but refused to budge.

  Then the attacker grew even more menacing. A deep breath swelled his chest, and his hands curved into fists the size of roasting hens.

  "Hintsuli!" he growled again, narrowing his eyes to angry slits.

  The boy whimpered in panic behind her, a string of words Mattie couldn’t understand, but the pathetic sound plucked at her heartstrings and broke through her fear. She had no idea what the brute was demanding nor what he intended, but she’d be damned if she’d put up with his brand of bullying. She didn’t care that the half-naked savage was twice her size and meaner than a bear. He had no business raging about, frightening little boys and defenseless women half out of their wits.

  "N-now, listen, you!" she commanded, garnering his full attention. She swallowed hard. His eyes chilled her like chips of black ice. "You just g-go on and leave the boy alone. He’s fine with me." She didn’t know what she was promising, but she couldn’t bear the thought of leaving the poor child in the hands of the vicious barbarian before her. "Go on," she said with a timid, dismissing brush of her hand. "Shoo."

  The man’s eyes hardened even more, while Mattie’s knees turned to jelly. He slowly perused her face, tracing her hairline, lingering on her trembling lips, resting briefly in the hollow of her throat, where she was sure he could discern the fluttering of her heart. Dear God, she realized, the beast could probably snap the thin column of her throat in one of his great paws without a second thought.

  Then, to her relief, the fury drained from his face. His brows still curved downward in irritation, but the cold fire disappeared from his eyes. He straightene
d and folded his arms across his chest.

  The gesture should have eased her worries. After all, standing thus, he couldn’t very well engage her in fisticuffs. But the posture made him look even more forbidding. Strands of glossy black hair slashed across his shoulders, allowing taunting glimpses of the considerable girth of his bare arms. They might be idle now, but the pure strength in those arms was glaringly apparent.

  "Hintsuli," he said once more, but now his voice was low.

  The boy peered around her skirts, and his face couldn’t have looked guiltier if he stood beside a broken vase with a pea shooter. Slowly, he ambled forward, his head hanging low on his chest. He glanced balefully up at the stranger, then at her, and patted his chest.

  "Hintsuli," he explained.

  Mattie frowned. So Hintsuli was the boy’s name. The man was summoning him then, not cursing him. He was calling...his son. Of course. She should have guessed. The family resemblance was obvious. The two shared the same dark scowl and flashing eyes, the same coppery skin, the same astonishingly beautiful...

  She hauled her gaze away from the Indian. It wouldn’t do to stare. The man clearly didn’t want his son socializing with a white woman, and no doubt he felt the same way about her himself. Which was fine with her. After all, a person of such a volatile temperament could hardly be enjoyable company. And if Mattie had just for a moment imagined the stunning portrait she could draw of the noble savage, it was only a ridiculous flight of fancy. There were plenty of subjects from which to choose among the miners. Besides, she doubted the man could sit still long enough for a decent portrait.

  Father and son were speaking to each other now in their soft, guttural language, the boy pouting, the man biting out his words. She caught that word, Coh-ah-nuya, on Hintsuli’s lips more than once, and she noticed that the man actually looked discomfited at the mention of it.

  With a scowl, he stooped to the boy and began unbuttoning the calico shirt.

  "No," Mattie said, resting her palm for an instant on the back of the man’s hand.

  He glanced at her fingers, and she pulled away as if she’d been burnt.


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