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Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2)

Page 6

by Janae Keyes

  As I walked, I took my time looking at all the photos my mom had hung on the walls. This hallway was her hall of memories. Every single school photo Katie and I ever took hung on the wall, along with photos from birthdays and family occasions.

  I paused for a moment at a photo of me when I was around seven years old. I stood in an old t-shirt covered in fingerpaint. I had the biggest smile on my face as I proudly displayed the painting I’d done. I still knew that feeling of completing something to be so proud of. Just looking at the photo, I could see my dreams already taking root in me and swirling in my brown eyes.

  Quickly, I wiped away a tear that had escaped. I turned away from the photo and hurried the rest of the way into the kitchen. I found my mom mulling over a pot with a glass of wine in her hand.

  “There you are. A few hours ago this nice young man came looking for you. He said his name was… Nathan?” He hadn’t told me that he came by the house first.

  “It’s Nathaniel, and I’ve already seen him,” I commented.

  “Good, he was very nice and attractive. I feel like I’ve seen him before. He seemed like he would be a good fit for you. Are you seeing him?” My mom was intrigued and rightly so, and of course, she was always trying to hook me up with someone.

  “I was seeing him, and yes you’ve seen him before, he stopped by Katie’s wedding,” I informed her as I leaned against the wall.

  “Was… is he the guy you were seeing in England?” she asked, finally connecting the dots.

  “Yes, that’s the guy. I had dinner with him tonight. He wants me back. I’m not interested in being with him right now. I want to focus on my career, and of course, he had resources to help with that. He offered me a great opportunity. I’m going to think on it.” It felt good to talk about all of this with my mom. Though she and I didn’t see eye to eye much of the time, she was easy to talk to when I needed it.

  “What do you think is the best decision for you and your career?” she asked before taking a sip of her wine.

  “I don’t know. I feel like if I don’t take the job, I’m putting a lot on the line when it comes to my career. I won’t be excelling as much. I also feel like if I take the job, I’ll be putting my heart on the line and right now my heart is so fragile.” I allowed the contents of my fractured heart to spill on the kitchen floor. This was my torn reality.

  “Maybe your heart needs a second chance,” my mom mentioned.

  At once, my cell phone began to ring in my pocket. Pulling it out, I saw on the screen that I was getting a call from Maci. I’d completely forgotten about her and the club night we’d planned. I was too exhausted mentally and physically to go to the club with her and Anika.

  “Hey Maci,” I answered her call.

  “Where are you?” Maci asked right away. I knew I should have been at my old apartment to get ready with her and Anika long ago.

  “Sorry, I ended up having dinner with Nate and--”

  “What? You had dinner with Nate? What happened? Did you guys fuck again?” Maci was spewing out questions. I chuckled at her rush of intrusion.

  “We just had dinner. He told me about a job offer. I’m thinking about it.”

  “Holy shit, he is dragging you in. He wants you so bad.” I rolled my eyes. “I will call you tomorrow. Anika is practically pulling me out the door.”

  “Okay, tomorrow,” I had noted to my friend before the line went dead. I glanced up in the direction of my mom. She was watching me.

  “You love that guy. I know it. I hope with whatever happened between you, he can fix it and make you happy. You deserve love and happiness and, in ways. I think this Nate guy gives it to you. I suppose you will be packing up to return to the UK.” It was as if my mom could read my mind. I knew I needed to go, not just for my career, but for my heart. I knew this thing between Nate and I wasn’t over.



  EVERYTHING MOVED INCREDIBLY fast from the moment I made my decision. Within days I was off to London. I called Nate that night and told him I would accept the job offer. I knew there were risks involved. Those risks included the shattered state of my heart, but I was willing to face them.

  When I went into details about the opportunity with my parents, they were ecstatic, my dad even cried. I’d never seen the man cry in my life, but he cried tears of joy for me. I finally felt like I was living up to my parent’s vision of me and my success.

  By the next day, I was packing everything I needed. Once again, I’d left my family behind for an opportunity that didn’t seem real, though this time I knew it had to be real. Nate could lie to me all he wanted about our relationship, but when it came to my career, I knew he wouldn’t lie.

  Stepping into the arrivals hall at Heathrow Airport, I took in the now familiar sight and not just from a scene in my favorite movie, but because I’d now been here before.

  I’d been informed by Nate that someone would be getting me at the airport and taking me to his London home, but it would not be Langston as the two of them had returned to the North of England and Nate was sitting comfortable at Branagan Manor.

  I glanced around the crowd waiting, hoping to find my ride. That was when I spotted a young brown-skinned man. He looked to be around my age. He wore a suit with sneakers and a pair of Beats headphones. In his hand was a card with my name written on it sloppily. I shook my head as he reminded me of my cousins, who even as relatively new adults were trying to be cooler than they actually were.

  Approaching the guy, he yanked his headphones off and studied me. His eyes didn’t seem to believe what they were seeing. I didn’t look particularly remarkable today as I’d traveled in a pair of comfortable jeans and a form fitting v-neck band t-shirt.

  “Hi, I’m Taylor Walker,” I informed him as I extended my hand to shake his.

  As if shocked by lightning the guy jumped and grabbed my hand into his, shaking it with enthusiasm. I couldn’t help but laugh at his reaction.

  “Morning, I’m Chris. I’m a driver for Branagan Shipping. I was told to pick you up and take you to Lord Branagan’s home on Kensington Palace Gardens,” he shouted as if I wasn’t a native speaker of English.

  “Yes, that’s correct, and you don’t have to talk so loud. I speak and understand English perfectly, American after all,” I noted with a giggle, this guy was going to be fun, though I would miss Langston.

  “Sorry, got a little too excited. It’s my first time out, really driving someone,” he explained to me.

  “Oh, this is exciting. I get to be your first?” I questioned.

  “Yes, ma’am,” he proudly proclaimed.

  “You’re losing your driving virginity to me. Better use protection,” I mused, giving him a wink before I burst into a fit of giggles, Chris was quick to join me in laughing.

  “I like you,” he announced. “Let me get your bags, and we’re off.”

  Chris took hold of my suitcase, carry-on, and backpack and I watched him fumble for a few moments before he’d secured everything. I tried to help him at one point, but he was insistent that he could do it.

  Allowing him to lead the way, we exited the airport and began walking toward the parking for taxis and private cars. I inhaled the crisp air. It wasn’t as warm as my previous time here over three months ago, but there was still a hint of summer left in the air.

  We approached a charcoal gray Mercedes that was very similar to the black one that Langston drove. Chris fumbled around to get out the keys but managed. He opened the back door for me and allowed me to get in.

  Once he’d placed my belongings in the trunk, Chris jogged around to the driver’s seat and took the wheel. As if he was a teenage boy about to take his driving test, he triple checked all his mirrors and even tested out his blinkers. I tried my hardest to muffle the giggle that was fighting to escape me.

  “So, your first time driving?” I asked as he started the engine.

  “Yeah, well, people. I was driving a lorry for Branagan Shipping. The position came open
only days ago, and I snatched it,” Chris announced proudly as we merged into the traffic leaving the airport.

  As before, I took in the sights around me. I was excited to be back. Before I hadn’t gotten to spend too much time in London and now I was incredibly excited to explore much more than I had before. The most exciting part was, now I had the money to utilize when exploring, while before I was just a broke girl with a dream.

  “Your first time in London?” Chris inquired as we sat in rush hour traffic. I spotted his brown eyes watching me in the rearview mirror.

  “No, I was here a few months ago,” I answered.

  “You know Lord Branagan?”

  “Yes, I did some work for him.” That was all he needed to know. There was nothing false about my statement, I did some work with my hands, but my heart ended up doing all the back-breaking labor.

  “Cool, my mum works for him too. She is head of housekeeping at the house I’m taking you to,” he announced proudly.

  “Wait, your mom is Sara?”

  Instantly, his eyes met mine in the rearview mirror and a smile spread across his face.

  “You know my mum?” he asked excitedly before slightly turning in my direction, but working to keep his eyes on the road.

  “Yeah, I stayed at the house before,” I informed him with a grin.

  At once, my eyes went wide, and I let out a scream. Chris sharply turned to face the road before slamming on the breaks fully. My hands flew out, and I grabbed the seat in front of me. Chris had narrowly avoiding rear-ending a car in front of us at full speed.

  My heart was thumping as I opened my eyes. Chris’ tan skin had gone pale as the car behind us honked.

  “You...okay?” Chris asked me, his voice shaking.

  “Yeah, you?” I asked the guy who looked as if his life had flashed before his eyes.

  “Good, I’m good,” he affirmed, though I knew he was just as shaken as me. Chris sat up in his seat and put his foot on the gas, obviously timidly at first.

  It wasn’t too much longer until we’d arrived on the street of Kensington Palace Gardens. The police guard greeted Chris at the gate, where he presented the correct papers to allow us onto the road. I’d nearly forgotten how beautiful it was.

  The gates opened as we pulled into the driveway of Nate’s London home. The light coral house stood how I remembered it before, and the moment that Chris turned the engine off, the front door flew open.

  I jumped out of the backseat the moment I spotted the lovely Sara. She looked the same. Her tan skin glowed, and her dark hair, peppered with gray was in a tight bun. I threw my arms around the woman who’d been one of the first people I connected with during my last trip to England. I was excited that I would be in the house for longer than a few days this time.

  “Oh, I was getting worried,” Sara said as she hugged me.

  “Don’t worry Sara. Your son is a great driver. He only almost killed us once,” I mentioned coyly.

  “What!” Sara exclaimed as her arms flew to her hips and her brown eyes glared at her young son. I burst into giggles as she reminded me very much of my own mother at the moment.

  “Don’t worry Sara, it wasn’t so bad,” I quickly interjected as I gave Chris a look of apology because I was sure he’d be here more fussing from his mother later in the day about it.

  “As long as you are here and in once piece,” she admitted. “Chris, take Taylor’s things to her room,” she instructed her son who managed to grab all of my stuff from the trunk before he hobbled past us with it all and into the house.

  “How have things been with you since I last saw you here?” Sara asked as we started toward the house together.

  “A lot has happened, amazingly I’m still in one piece,” I said with a sigh. Everything about that sentence was the complete truth, so much had happened in the few months since I’d left this house and I’d oddly managed to survive it all.

  “I know bits,” Sara mentioned. My head shot in her direction. She nodded while giving me a coy grin. “Of course I know Langston, but you might not know that I also speak with Anne and she told me everything. I’ve met the fiancée, I won’t speak ill of her out there, but I know she is a handful.” I was eager to know what Sara’s definition of a handful was, but as we were still outside and other employees were scurrying about, that would have to wait until later.

  Entering the home, I felt it, right there. It was the feeling I’d been searching for, home. I tried to shake it as I knew it only latched itself onto me as it was Nate’s home. I didn’t want this place, associated with him, to feel like a place I belonged, that wasn’t going to happen.

  JET LAG KICKED in right away, and from almost the moment I sat on my bed, I was falling asleep. I woke up from my nap to the sun shining through the windows of my bedroom. I loved that I was set up in the same bedroom as before, the pillows and blankets were just as fluffy and white as I remembered.

  Sitting up, I found my cell phone on the bedside table. It was nearing 12:45. Before retreating to my room, Sara informed me that lunch was going to be a little late and would be around 1:30. I took the extra time I had to get myself washed up.

  Leaving my en suite bathroom behind, I felt fresh in my cutoff jean shorts and a sparkly tank top. My suitcase sat on the floor already overflowing with my things. I had no idea how long this living arrangement was being offered, but I knew this time I’d be here more than a few days.

  I opened my laptop and started up some music while I used the minutes I had to unpack my things. I hummed along to the music and danced around as I stood at the wardrobe hanging up the dresses I’d brought along.

  The breeze coming through my open window blew my curls around my bare shoulders as I moved around tapping my feet and shaking my ass. I hadn’t felt that great in a long time. It was a feeling that took over my entire body. I felt as if, through all of the pain, everything was somehow coming together for good.

  “Always finding you shaking that sweet arse of yours,” came a voice that made me freeze in place. He couldn’t be here, as far as I knew he was far off at Branagan Manor and not in London.

  I turned slowly, thinking it must be a sort of illusion or dream. As I turned to face the door, I came face to face with Lord Nathaniel Branagan. I inhaled a sharp breath at his intrusion.

  Quickly, I rushed to my computer and turned my music off, my eyes not leaving his the entire time.

  “I thought you were at Branagan Manor,” I noted as I leaned against one of the posters of my canopy bed. I was attempting to play it cool.

  “I was,” he mentioned as he took a step toward me.

  “And you aren’t now.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Why is that?”

  “I wanted to make sure you got in okay,” he admitted. My heart swelled to ten times its normal size with his revelation, but I shook the feeling away and deflated that useless empathetic organ.

  I cleared my throat.

  “You could have called Sara, checked in. You didn’t need to come down here and waste your time,” I insisted. Nate let out a sigh. It was apparent to him that I wasn’t going to make any of this easy on him. Nate didn’t deserve easy. He’d shattered my heart and used me. I was wiser now and no longer a pawn in his sick game.

  “I do have some information for you. I figured I could share it with you over lunch.” There it was, he was playing that game again. I was being baited with this sacred information he held, information that he could have relayed to me over various other channels.

  “Whatever,” I grunted while rolling my eyes. I pushed past him as I abandoned him alone in my room.

  My heart was being squeezed, but I’d made the pivotal decision to move forward. Nate could no longer hold command over my heart, and I was moving on with my future.

  Jogging down the stairs, I inhaled the delicious smells coming from the house kitchen. It was evident that the chef had outdone himself.

  I entered the kitchen to find Sara and the table set f
or two. I allowed a sigh to escape. Nate was actually planning to have lunch with me.

  “Smells great,” I commented to Sara as I took a seat at one of the two places.

  The moment my butt hit the cushion, the door swung open, and Nate entered the room. I glanced away from him and took a sip of water from my waiting glass.

  “A late lunch for two, as requested,” Sara said to Nate as he went around the table and claimed his own spot.

  “Yes, thank you very much, Sara,” Nate cooed to the kind woman, I gave her a glance, and she offered a look of sadness in my direction. “It smells delicious.”

  “Chef has prepared a tarragon chicken salad served with baby greens and a caramelized onion tart,” Sara introduced as she pulled the silver lid from over my china plate.

  I gazed down at the perfect meal presented to me. I was eager to dig in. After not eating too much during my travels, my body needed substance.

  “Sara, could you get us a bottle of red?” Nate kindly asked.

  “Any particular one, sir?” Sara questioned.

  “I think there are a couple of bottles of Château Léoville-Las Cases in the cellar,” Nate mentioned. I spotted Sara give him a nod before she disappeared, leaving Nate and I alone to begin our meal. “Do you want the information I have for you?”

  “Sure, Nathaniel, how about you tell me,” I spat before rolling my eyes at the man seated only feet from me. I glanced to see him frowning. I knew it was due to my sour attitude. I let out an exasperated sigh before allowing my eyes to leave him and look down at my waiting meal.

  “Taylor,” he started. “Taylor, please look at me.” I closed my eyes for a brief second before opening them and positioning them on him. Sadness had washed over him. “I don’t want this agitation around us, and please call me Nate, I prefer it from you.”

  “Whatever, Nate,” I hissed to hide the sadness that was taking root inside of me. “What’s this information you have?”

  “I’ve spoken with Greg at the museum,” Nate began. Instantly, I sat up in my seat eager to hear more. “He wants to meet with you tomorrow, 9 AM.”


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