Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2)

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Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2) Page 9

by Janae Keyes

  Voices chatted in the kitchen. I assumed it was Sara and Chris, but the moment I opened the door I was greeted with a sight I didn’t expect. Nate sat at the table while Sara poured his coffee.

  My heart jumped into my throat the moment Nate’s green eyes met mine and a smile spread across the lips I craved. I swallowed before heading to my usual chair without any words to Nate. He knew my heart was fragile and yet he continued to berate me with his presence, making it harder for me to fight off my feelings.

  “Good morning, Sara,” I said politely to the housekeeper.

  Over the days I’d been in the house, Sara had some time to tell me about her experience with Miranda. She told me from the moment Miranda arrived at the house for the first time; she was demanding and condescending. None of the staff had taken a liking to her, but there was nothing they could really say or do about her.

  “Morning,” Sara said, the woman’s eyes going between Nate and I.

  “Sara, could you get Taylor her coffee? I know she enjoys a fresh cup in the morning,” Nate noted.

  “She knows and I can ask myself,” I snapped in his direction.

  “I’ll be right back,” Sara said hurriedly before she rushed into the kitchen, obviously avoiding the tension filling the room.

  I plucked a croissant from the basket in the middle of the table and sat it on my plate. Tearing off a piece, I spread jam over it before popping it into my mouth. I’d woken up in a decent mood, and I wasn’t going to allow Nate to spoil it.

  “Taylor,” Nate started.

  “Why are you even here?” I asked angrily.

  He knew exactly what he was doing to me, and somewhere inside I think he liked torturing me. He knew that he still held me submissive to him. Having that control, enticed him further.

  “It’s my house, I need to go to some meetings at my London office, and I wanted to see you.”

  I laughed out loud. He portrayed this sense of innocence through it all. I didn’t know if Nate would believe it, but he was an actor. He could pretend that his intentions were as pure as ever, but I knew the truth behind his facade.

  “Why are you laughing?” he growled.

  “You wanted to see me? Really?”

  “Yes, Taylor. Believe or not, I love you.”

  “I don’t believe it; I don’t believe a word of the bullshit you continue to feed me. You’re trying to hang onto something that has no basis in reality. You don’t love me. If you loved me, you would have never broken my fucking heart!” I hadn’t realized that I’d stood from my spot, my finger was in his face, and I was shouting.

  “Lower your voice,” Nate hissed.

  “Suddenly, I’ve lost my appetite,” I grumbled the moment Sara returned with my cup of coffee. “Sorry Sara, I’m going to get my things and head to work now.”

  Leaving the kitchen behind, I tried to stop the tears that were relentlessly flowing from my eyes. I was over all of it, being an emotional wreck, thanks to Nate. I was over the control he held over my heart, and I was over that little voice in the back of my head that told me things would eventually work out. They wouldn’t. It was over.

  Grabbing up a tissue, I dabbed my tears away to keep from wrecking my makeup. Today would be much better than it started. Work was my escape from my reality, and more than anything, I needed it.

  I SAT IN the back of the car applying a layer of lipgloss as Chris pulled up to the museum. I smacked my lips and checked myself out in my compact mirror. My last week at the museum had been great and filled with flirting between Greg and I. Maybe the key to moving on would be someone else, I wasn’t sure if that someone else was Greg, but a girl could dream.

  “Pick you up at five?” Chris questioned as he opened my door, allowing me to step out onto the sidewalk.

  “As always, I’ll call you if anything changes,” I informed my driver and new friend.

  My morning hadn’t started the way I intended, but I was going to make the most of my day. I had a field trip group coming in, and I was working on the beginnings of a new exhibit. Keeping busy was a definite way to keep Nate off my mind and out of my heart.

  Stepping into the museum, I gave the receptionist a wave before I used my badge to get inside the back areas of the museum. I strolled the abandoned hall until I reached my office.

  I flicked on the light and placed my purse on my desk before I took in the sight outside my window. The fog just lingered over the river and boats took their time strolling up and down the Thames.

  My stomach fiercely growled, and my hands slipped down over it. Damn Nate, I’d skipped out on my breakfast and morning coffee because of him. I hated to make my assistant Lauren do my bidding, but this morning I needed her as there was plenty of work to be done.

  I buzzed down to her desk and in only moments my door opened. The redhead strolled into my office. She was one smart cookie and being an assistant was under her. Her worth ethic was through the roof, and she held an endless supply of information about art and the museum in her pretty little head.

  “Morning,” she sang as she approached my desk, envelopes on her hand. “This all came in for you,” she noted as she set the mail down on the glass surface of my desk.

  “Thanks, I hate asking you this, but can you run to Starbucks for me? I need a quad white mocha and a muffin really bad this morning,” I reluctantly asked my assistant.

  “You know it is no problem at all,” Lauren insisted sweetly. “How was your weekend?”

  “Good, I was here most of the day on Saturday. Yesterday, I took a nice walk through Hyde Park and did a little painting. You?” It was nice to have someone else to talk to besides Sara and Chris. I’d messaged with Maci a bit and occasionally with Katie, but I didn’t want to disturb her honeymoon with my problems.

  “I partied with my friends. We started at this pub down near Knightsbridge and moved through the city. So much fun. We found this bar not far from here. Great place for a pint or cocktail after work,” she said as she went into detail on her weekend.

  “You’ll have to tell me where it is. I already know I’m going to need a good drink when I leave here. My morning was shit,” I confessed.

  “We can go together.”

  “You sure? I’m sure you already had plans, Ms. Popular.”

  Lauren laughed. “No plans and yes I’m sure. When we leave here we can go by there,” she insisted.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “I will go get your coffee and muffin. Then, I’ll be back.”

  “Thanks so much,” I said gleefully. Lauren was a lifesaver, once I had my coffee and substance, I’d be back on top of my game. Nate wasn’t going to ruin my day. That would give him much too much power.

  Only moments after Lauren left, the door to my office opened. My heart stopped when I saw Greg. There hadn’t been a day where he wasn’t incredibly good looking. Today his cream skin glowed against the dark charcoal of his button up, and his light blue eyes were bright as ever.

  “You’re here, good,” he said, his smooth voice reverberated in the small office. He stepped to my desk and sat down in one of the two chairs in front.

  I also sat and daintily crossed my legs as I peered at him across from me. I folded my hands to keep them from visibly jittering.

  “I trust your weekend was good,” he noted.

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “That’s fantastic,” he said giving me his smile that made my heart palpitate every single time. He leaned forward slightly and took a moment to observe me, his smile growing wider. “I wanted to talk to you about the emerging artist exhibit that your work will be featured in. We finally have a date. The exhibit will open on March 30th with a cocktail party for invited guests and open to the public on the 31st. How does that sound?”

  “That sounds amazing, truly,” I said excitedly. I’d have to fly my family out for the cocktail party and opening.

  “There will be three other artists, but I want you to be our featured spotlight. I’ve seen your wo
rk, and I haven’t seen anything like it. I’ve asked Nathaniel if the museum could borrow the chandelier one you did for his home, that one is truly a centerpiece.” Hearing Greg gush over my work sent tingles through my limbs. Greg was respected in the world of modern art and as the curator to one of the most prestigious modern art museums in the world, he knew what he was talking about.

  I couldn’t help but grin like a kid who’d just gotten their braces off. I’d spent my entire life seeking validation for my talents and coming from someone like Greg. It meant the world to me. This little artist had grown up and was now a player in the game.

  “You have no idea how much it means to me,” I gushed proudly.

  “From the smile on your beautiful face, I think I know,” Greg said. “Details will slowly come forth, and we will work through everything as we do every exhibit. I think this one will be popular and work very well for all the artists involved.” Greg stood from his chair.

  I quickly stood as well, nearly tripping in my heels, but retaining my composure as I walked around the desk.

  Instead of heading toward the door, Greg stepped to me. The lust growing in his frosty eyes was blazing. His hand settled on my hip, and his other hand found it’s way to my face, cupping my cheek. I anxiously bit down on my lip.

  “Fuck, you do that a lot, biting your lip and I love it. I’m sorry if I came on too strong, but you are something else Taylor. I will back off if this is inappropriate, but I’d love to take you to dinner.” Greg had this confidence that shone through. He couldn’t, but his confidence yelled, I can jump over buildings in a single bound. He wore it well.

  “Okay,” I breathed nervously.

  “I have an engagement this evening, but tomorrow I’d love to take you out. What do you say?” The pad of his thumb ran over the skin of my cheek, caressing me. It all felt so good yet so wrong. I could tell myself that Nate had no authority in anything I did, but inside I felt chained to him. Breaking those chains would be a challenge, but I had to, it was time for me to break free.

  “I say, yes,” I beamed.

  “Perfect, you’ll have to give me your address. I can pick you up around eight.”

  “That’s easy. I’m staying at Lord Branagan’s London home.”

  Greg’s eyes widened at my statement and his thumb stopped its caressing motion on my cheek. I might have said the wrong thing. My heart began to pound at that realization.

  “You’re living in Nathaniel’s home?”

  “For now, he was kind enough to let me stay. You look shocked.” I tried to play it off. My relationship with Nate was to be kept under wraps, especially now as Nate had a fiancée.

  “Of course he’d open his home up to a pretty girl like you,” he laughed. I relaxed a bit. “Tomorrow evening, I will pick you up there. Have you had time to see London?”

  “No, not too much. I jumped right into work.”

  “Perfect, tomorrow night, London will be yours, beautiful.”

  Damn, he’d dragged me in. I was drinking the Kool-Aid, and there was no turning back. This was how moving on worked. Going out with a hot new guy was definitely the cure for shaking Nate out of my system, at least that was what I was hoping.

  Greg had lingered for the smallest moment before he left me alone. I inhaled at once, finally catching my breath after being breathless in his presence. There had been moments since I arrived when I thought moving here and accepting the job was a bad idea, especially this morning. Now, I had a moment where I thought, maybe moving on wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

  LEAVING MY OFFICE behind, I found Lauren standing behind her desk and grabbing up her purse. The fiery redhead had changed into a tight black dress, leaving me looking frumpy in my work clothes of paint-stained jeans and a dusty gray t-shirt. Today had been a messy one with my field trip group.

  “And someone is a beauty queen while I’m the ugly duckling,” I mentioned with a grin toward my assistant.

  “I had my roommate bring me a dress. After our drink, a friend of mine asked me to hang out at this club,” Lauren explained as we began to descend down the hall and toward the entrance hall of the museum.

  Most of the behind the scenes employees had already left or were also in the process of leaving, and it wouldn’t be too long until the museum closed. Lauren chatted about her friends as we exited the museum.

  “My driver is here. He’s going to drop us,” I informed Lauren whose mouth flew open. She looked completely shocked as we approached the gray Mercedes with a dapper looking Chris standing outside with the door open for us.

  “Ladies,” Chris greeted with a smirk in Lauren’s direction.

  “Hey Chris,” I chirped as I slid into the car followed by Lauren.

  Chris closed the door behind Lauren.

  “You have a driver? And he’s smoking hot. I need a man like him in my life. I’d let him fuck me any way he wanted.” Lauren could be vulgar. She reminded me a lot of Maci, which is why I got along with her so well. I giggled at Lauren’s statement.

  “What’s funny?” Chris asked as he hopped into the driver’s seat.

  “Oh nothing,” I said in an attempt to hush my manic giggles.

  Lauren directed Chris to the pub, and he dropped us off. It was a fairly modern place with delicious drinks. The after work crowd clearly approved of this place. It filled with patrons who’d obviously just left the office. A few guys had approached Lauren and I, giving us their business cards and we even snagged a few free drinks.

  “How do you like London?” Lauren asked as she sipped her cocktail and leaned back on the lounge couch we’d managed to snag for ourselves.

  “I love it. I’ve had my ups and downs, mainly my ex-boyfriend, but I’m living through it,” I commented.

  I thought about Nate, the complication in my entire situation. This morning had been what was typical between us now if around one another we fought. He’d broken my heart. Keeping those emotions in check was hard.

  “Oh, an ex.” Lauren leaned in, she obviously wanted more information, though there was only a limited amount I could give. “He’s British?”

  “Yeah, he broke my heart and has been relentless in trying to get me back. I can’t take him back, though. He cut me too deep, and there are so many complications that make our relationship impossible. Though things are looking up. Greg asked me out,” I confessed. My confession evoked a gasp from Lauren.

  “Lucky bitch!” she exclaimed. “Greg is one sexy man. I nearly pissed my pants when I first met him.”

  “Me too,” I added with a giggle.

  “Well, that’s brilliant. You get Greg, and you can hook me up with that driver of yours,” she noted. “A hottie like Greg will get your mind off your ex, no problem.”

  “Fuck, I hope so. I’m tired of feeling beaten and broken over that man.”

  “Cheers to moving on and getting hot men.” Lauren raised her glass, and so did I.

  Taking a celebratory sip of my drink, I vowed to work toward moving on. Changes were to come. I needed to look for a new place to stay. By living with Nate, I allowed him a bit of power over me; power I no longer needed to give him. He’d had his chance, and blew it, period.



  STEPPING INTO MY panties, I felt a sex appeal I hadn’t felt the presence of in a long time. My black lace bra held my boobs up firmly, and my lace panties hugged my buttcheeks just the right way. The alluring girl I could be was back, and for once she wouldn’t be playing with Nate.

  I pulled my black bodycon dress over my head and checked myself out in the mirror. The dress accentuated every curve perfectly. That ass and those bountiful breasts my genes had blessed me with would play center stage tonight on my first date since Nate.

  Smacking my lips, I finished applying my crimson red lipstick. As fall neared, I’d decided my bright pink lipstick would take a backseat to some darker and more sensual colors.

  A throat cleared from the direction of my bedroom door. Nate stood in th
e doorway, leaning against the frame. I hadn’t known how long he’d been there, watching me.

  “You look stunning,” he mentioned as he entered my room. My heart pounded at his words. Nate knew exactly what to say to me and at the right moment.

  “Thanks,” I said as I grabbed my clutch purse from my bed.

  “You’re going out?” he questioned.

  “Yes.” I was sticking to one-word answers with him. He didn’t need much more than that. He wasn’t my dad and didn’t need any explanations from me.

  “You went out last night, didn’t you? I heard you come in late.”

  “I did.”

  “And you are going out tonight?”


  “Where did you go last night?”

  I let out a sigh, I didn’t see the need for all of his questions. I was a grown woman who was spending her time how she pleased. I rolled my eyes and continued to get ready. I gave myself one last glance in the mirror. I looked exactly how I wanted to look. I yanked my curls from their bun and allowed them to settle on my shoulders.

  “Taylor, I’m talking to you,” Nate growled.

  “And I’m not talking to you,” I spat.

  “Tell me, where did you go last night?”

  “I had drinks with my assistant.”

  “And where are you going tonight?” He wasn’t going to give up. I growled at his inquiry. I figured he might as well know.

  “I have a date tonight,” I said firmly, looking directly in his sage green eyes.

  Nate shifted on his feet. He’d gone rigid. I knew he wasn’t happy and that I’d given him an answer he wasn’t expecting. I shrugged, not caring what he thought, though somewhere, deep in the pits of my heart, I cared.

  “A date?” he questioned, anger rising in his voice. I turned away and back toward the mirror.

  “Yes, I have a date tonight with a nice guy,” I admitted as I used my hand to fluff my curls before smoothing out my dress. I turned back to face Nate, my hand on my hip.


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