Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2)

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Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2) Page 10

by Janae Keyes

  “Why are you doing this Taylor?” Nate asked.

  “Doing what? Living my life?”

  “You know what I mean!” he growled angrily.

  “Fuck you,” I snapped. “I’m a grown-ass woman, and I can do what I want. I’m going on a date. You, the man who broke my heart, doesn’t get a say in what I can and can’t do. Period. Did you get that Nathaniel? You can’t say shit to me about what I can and can’t do.”

  “Taylor, please,” Nate begged.

  “Please what, Nathaniel? How many times do I have to tell you? Leave me the fuck alone!” I yelled. All the anger and animosity I had for him spilling out along with tears. “You don’t have the right to be jealous. Don’t pretend that you aren’t jealous because I know you are. You don’t get that right after lying to me, and holding onto me when you clearly were engaged to someone else.”

  “Fuck yes, I’m jealous. You’re mine! You know you’re mine,” he insisted as he rushed to me. His hands took me by the hips, pulling me close, his body heat burning against my own, my breath shallow.

  I couldn’t understand why it felt so good. The man who’d lied to me and shattered my heart to pieces held me close and demanded my submission, and I caught myself willing to give it, ready to be his and only at his touch.

  Nate was going crazy. I knew it. The control he normally kept, was slipping through his fingers. I wasn’t allowing him to control me anymore and it was breaking him down into an unpredictable state. Nate didn’t like the unpredictable. He craved having that feeling that came with controlling every aspect that he could. I was tearing that control away from him with my lack of submission.

  “Taylor, your guest has arrived!” Sara’s voice called out from the bottom of the stairs.

  I shook myself from my trance and yanked my body away from Nate’s. My stomach clenched at the sight of him, vulnerable and aching for me. My body was burning for his.

  “I won’t be a burden to you for much longer. I’m going to look for my own place. You won’t have to deal with me,” I said as I began to exit my bedroom.

  “Wait,” Nate insisted, and I stopped in my tracks. “You aren’t burden to me, please don’t move.”

  I shrugged and left him alone in my bedroom. I inhaled and wiped my tears away as I began toward the staircase. I fought my instincts that told me to run back to Nate, bury myself in his arms and never leave them.

  Arriving at the top of the stairs, the sight before me shook all those feelings away. Greg waited for me. A smile spread on his face from the moment my presence was known to him. He was handsome in dark jeans, a black button-up, and gray blazer.

  My heels clicked as I descended the stairs to an awaiting Greg, my heart pattering harder with each step-down. At the bottom of the stairs, Greg instantly took me by the waist and pulled my body close. His woody scent filled my nostrils eliminating the pine and myrrh scent of Nate.

  “You are a dream,” he murmured to me as he checked me out from head to toe.

  “Thanks,” I whispered up to him as he moved a stray curl from my face, keeping me in his alluring trance.

  “If you’re ready, we are off,” Greg mentioned to me. I nodded in response as he kept a firm grip on me, almost as if he was claiming me.

  My eyes fluttered up toward the top of the staircase where I spotted Nate, his eyes blazing as he watched me leave with Greg. A guilt rose in me, I tried to suppress it, yet it wouldn’t dissipate.

  Greg and I chatted lightly as he drove through London. He pointed out various places to me as he took us toward our destination in his BMW. I watched a darkened London pass until we’d arrived at a valet.

  We left the car with the young man as Greg laced his fingers with mine and began to lead me inside of a skyscraper. The glass building was in the shape of a giant pyramid and rose into the London sky.

  “Welcome to The Shard,” Greg announced as we approached an elevator inside of the towering skyscraper. My eyes were everywhere as I took in the place. “I’m assuming you’ve never been.”

  “No, I haven’t,” I beamed excitedly as the elevator opened and we entered, Greg pressing the button for the thirty-second floor.

  “I know the head chef of the restaurant we’re going to. He’s promised us a great evening,” Greg told me as his pulled me close to him. I leaned into his arms, strong and soothing. After my fight with Nate, I needed Greg’s calming and sensuality.

  As we walked onto the thirty-second floor and into the restaurant, the hustle of a professional kitchen greeted us. Delicious scents assaulted my senses as Greg pulled me along. A chef gave Greg a wave as we moved through into the dining room.

  Instantly, I was captivated by the panoramic view of London before me. I gasped at the beauty of the metropolitan city. I’d never experienced London from that angle, and it astounded me. The colors were dark, yet a brightness pulled me in. I saw a painting instantly.

  “Gorgeous,” I whispered.

  “Isn’t it?” Greg commented before we approached the host, who already seemed to know Greg. We were seated at a table next to a window.

  I was engulfed in London as Greg pulled my chair out for me. Smoothing my dress I took my seat and peered across the table at the handsome man that took his seat across from me. Though I was looking forward to what our evening brought, the guilt I had still burned in my throat, I needed a drink.

  As soon as I could, I ordered myself a glass of wine. I craved the calming it would bring me.

  “I’ve known Nathaniel a long time, and he isn’t one to make friends easily. He keeps to himself and doesn’t bring in others willingly. I’m assuming that something about you allowed him to accept you into his circle,” Greg commented before taking a sip of wine.

  “I suppose. I’ll be moving out of his home soon. I don’t want to overstay my welcome,” I noted innocently.

  “Have you found a place already?” Greg asked.

  “Not yet, I haven’t exactly started looking yet, but I’m hoping to find a decent place soon,” I added. “So, how long have you been at the museum?” I asked, eager to change the subject. Tonight wasn’t about Nate. It was about me moving on and possibly with Greg.

  “I’ve been there five years now. It’s been a hell of a ride. I’m lucky to have my position and fortunate to have a talented beauty like yourself on staff,” he explained as he took my hand that lay on the table into his. “What’s a lovely girl like you doing single?”

  Greg knew how to lay on the charm, and I was a victim of his advances. His eyes studied my face while his thumb caressed my hand, drawing me in more. Though the guilt still panged in me, it was slowly dissipating.

  “I had a bad break up over a month ago. It placed me back on the market,” I replied with an innocent shrug.

  “And in the perfect position for me to snag up. This arse who broke your heart didn’t deserve you. You’re talented and sexy, a man’s dream. Any man that can’t see that and fucks up doesn’t deserve to have you on his arm.”

  Was he telling the truth? Did Nate just not deserve me? I worked to shake the feelings away and all thoughts of Nate. I ached for my freedom from his hold, breaking the chains of our love that still lingered strongly.

  The food at the restaurant was delicious, everything I needed to comfort me on the night. After we had finished dinner, Greg led me toward the elevators. Going through the kitchen, I got to thank the chef for the meal, and he welcomed me back anytime.

  Instead of heading down, Greg took us up to the fifty-second floor to a lounge bar. The lights were low and the atmosphere contemporary with the Asian inspired design of the bar. All of the patrons spoke in low voices. I stepped to the window and looked down at the Thames below us, the boats almost like toys as they floated along.

  Greg left me for a moment, only to return with glasses of wine for both of us. He slid behind me, pulling me in my his waist. His body rubbed against me, enticing me and showing me what he’d like next.

  “You know what is better than that
sight?” Greg asked in a whisper.


  “You,” he hummed as he moved my curls from my neck, his lips coming in contact with my skin, sending shivers down my spine.

  Greg set his glass down on the nearest table before taking mine from my hands and placing my own down. He turned my body to face his, his stature towering me. His robust hands on my hips, pulling me in while leaning me against a support column.

  Jittering at his touch, I allowed him to move in closer before his lips captured mine. They were warm and inviting, drawing me in. His kiss took my breath away as it grew heavier, his tongue thrusting into my mouth, devouring me.

  Reluctantly, I kissed him back. I enjoyed his kiss, but one simple fact stood out, he wasn’t Nate. Though the way he kissed was sensual and filled with a burning lust, it wasn’t doing it for me. Nate’s lips were the one’s I needed on mine, pulling me into his vortex of heat and control.

  Sadness wafted through me as I realized that Nate held my heart tighter than I expected.

  Greg broke away, caressing my cheek, giving me an easeful and sexy grin. He could make me swoon, but not the way that Nate could. I swallowed and forced a smile to my face.

  “Tomorrow night, I’m going to a charity event. I’d love for you to attend with me,” Greg said as his hand slipped over my ass, pressing my body to his. I felt his arousal, hard and aching for me. My heart pounded, he wanted the sex I wasn’t willing to give him.

  “Okay, sounds nice,” I whispered against my better judgment. I had to fight what my heart truly wanted because it wasn’t for me, Nate and I could never be again.

  “Perfect. I think I will pick you up at the same time I did tonight. Bring some extra clothes. You can stay at my place after,” Greg insisted.

  “Greg,” I started, but he cut me off with a breathless kiss.

  I was playing with fire. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that I’d get burned. It was a risk I was willing to take to sear Nate out of my heart.



  FINDING CONCENTRATION THOUGH my day was nearly impossible. Taylor took up every fraction and space in my mind. I’d lost all control with her, and because of that, I’d spent my day ruling my company with an iron fist. This was the only place in my life that I had complete control and I desired to exercise it.

  “Lord Bran--ag--an, sir,” squeaked the voice of an employee at the door to my office.

  “What?” I growled, not giving her the time of day as I stared down at the notes on my desk.

  “You...umm called,” she mentioned.

  “Yes, who the fuck wrote these notes in the marketing meeting?” I asked in a frustrated tone. I’d spent the past thirty minutes trying to decipher what they meant and was coming up empty handed. I hired my employees to be competent, not dumb as fucking rocks.

  “I’m not sure...but...umm I guess… I can find out,” she timidly squeaked.

  “You guess?” I questioned, my eyes shooting up to hers that were filled with fear. “You don’t fucking guess around here. You fucking do it!”

  “Yes sir,” she rushed before nearly running out my office in tears.

  I wasn’t at all in the mood for what my evening had in store. My oldest sister, Evangeline, was throwing one of her charity parties and I wasn’t exactly sure how, but I was roped in and expected to bring Miranda as my date.

  Groaning, I rubbed my temples. The massive headache I had, kept me prisoner. It was all due to Taylor. I was enraged with her, but yet the only thing I wanted was to hold her close.

  I’d stood in the doorway, watching her get ready. Her slipping her lace panties over her perfectly round behind. Her hips moved sensually as she wiggled into her dress. I’d gotten hard from merely watching her get ready. The night before, I’d heard her come in late, tripping over the stairs, clearly tipsy. She’d apparently had drinks with her assistant.

  Knowing she was going on a date, sent me into a frenzy. Taylor was mine, and she knew it, but she continued to fight the pull I had on her. She fought what we had on purpose. I knew I fucked up, but she continued to remind me of my shortcomings.

  What made matters worse was finding out her date was Greg. Seeing his hands on her body made me sick. I’d waited up and watched her return home, Greg walking her to the door, pulling her close and kissing her like she belonged to him. I fought to keep myself from ripping his head off, taking her away from him and showing her who she belonged to.

  “Fuck this,” I grunted as I closed the folder that contained the illegible notes.

  The evening was closing in, and I had to get Miranda from her hotel. She refused to stay at my home, which I didn’t mind. According to her, my staff members were rude and treated her badly. Honestly, Miranda was the rude one, but I preferred her to stay at a hotel, I didn’t need her near me at all times.

  Arriving at Miranda’s hotel, she’d heeded my warning of being on time and was waiting outside. I rolled my eyes at her, clearly attempting to be the center of attention as she wore a silver gown when the night’s theme was gold and black.

  Langston stepped out of the car and greeted Miranda before opening the door for her. Miranda slipped into the car and turned to me. She scooted in close and placed a hand on my chest.

  “Good Evening, darling,” she hummed before placing a kiss on my lips. I glared at her clearly unwelcome gesture. “Nathaniel, could you at least act interested in me?”

  “In public, I will do so accordingly, right now we aren’t in public, and I really couldn’t care less about you,” I spat in her direction.

  “Someone is sour. It seems you didn’t have a good day in the office. Don’t worry. I have just the remedy,” she mentioned cheerfully. I shook my head and turned away as Langston drove us toward the event.

  At once, her hands were on me again, but in my lap and unzipping my pants. I had no time to react before she was pulling my dick from my pants and her mouth was on me. I moved to shove her off, but I froze at the feelings coursing through me. She’d weakened me in a single action.

  “Fuck,” I grunted, my head hitting the headrest. Miranda’s mouth and tongue worked its magic on me, keeping me in line with her desires for me.

  Miranda’s head bopped up and down with her motions and the bumps of the car. I spotted Langston in the driver’s seat shaking his head in disappointment. If Taylor were going to tart around town with Greg, I would take my chances for a moment with an offering woman. I knew it was wrong of me when I wanted Taylor back badly.

  Her tongue swirled around, licking up, before she sucked me back into her little mouth, taking me into her throat. I shut my eyes and gripped onto the door handle.

  “Shit, shit. Miranda, I’m going to come,” I hissed as a warning before I let loose into her mouth. Miranda sucked and licked up every bit before she returned me into my pants and zipped me back up.

  Taking her seat, Miranda sat back and glanced at me from the corner of her eye, a smirk lining her lips. Fuck, what had I done?

  “We’ve arrived,” Langston announced as he pulled in front of the old hotel that Evangeline had picked as a venue. Langston opened Miranda’s door and allowed her to slip from the car. She saw one of her friends and instantly ran off to gossip.

  I emerged from the car to a waiting Langston, a look of anger and disappointment on his face.

  “I know,” I said in a low voice, feeling the guilt flush through me.

  “And you are somehow expecting Taylor to take you back,” Langston hissed under his breath at me. “Why would she?”

  “Because I love her,” I insisted.

  “You have an odd way of showing it,” he stated before he walked around to the driver’s seat and got inside before driving off and leaving me standing there.

  “Nathaniel, over here!” Miranda’s voice yelled through the noise of the crowd.

  I sighed and headed in her direction where she stood with Penelope who was already nursing a drink. My middle sister couldn’t do anything without a
drink in her hand and tonight was no exception.

  “My brother,” she slurred as she pulled me into a drunken hug.

  “Good evening, Penelope,” I said as politely as possible before pulling away.

  Miranda linked her arm with my own before she turned me toward the entrance of the party. I strolled inside with her. I knew many of the guests in attendance as they were the usual crowd.

  “Is that who I think it is?” Miranda questioned. I snapped out of my mode to see her pointing in the direction of a dream draped in gold.

  Taylor stood wearing a strapless gold gown that made her look like a glass of champagne. Her hips were hugged perfectly, and the heart neckline gave just enough of a peek at her delicious tits that called for me.

  “We must go say hello,” Miranda insisted as she pulled me along.

  Before we reached Taylor and her date, Greg, her eyes met mine. She glanced away and down into her half empty drink. Greg took her by the waist, pulling her in close, claiming his territory.

  “Wow, the two of you look cozy,” Miranda mentioned coyly to Taylor and Greg as we approached them.

  “Yes, you do,” I added.

  “I had to snag this beauty up before anybody else did,” Greg said proudly before placing a kiss on Taylor’s cheek. I saw the way Taylor looked when he kissed her, uninterested and distant. It signified a level of hope for me with her.

  “Adorable, aren’t they Nathaniel?” Miranda asked of me.

  “Charming,” I muttered.

  “How’s the wedding planning coming along?” Taylor asked, turning to Miranda.

  “Oh, just wonderfully.” Miranda seemed to light up with any mention of our sham wedding. “March 30th cannot come fast enough.”

  “March 30th?” Taylor questioned, her eyes wide. “That’s only six months away.”

  “The longest six months in existence,” Miranda said.

  “I hope you can excuse me,” Taylor said quickly. “I’m going to go to the ladies’ room for a moment.”

  “Yes, hurry back love,” Greg added sweetly before Taylor hurried off. I saw it in her eyes. She was clearly upset with the revelation about the wedding. Everything was fucked up more than it should be.


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