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Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2)

Page 11

by Janae Keyes

  “I think I see a friend of mine, do you mind, Nathaniel?” Miranda asked as if she needed my permission for anything. I motioned her my okay, and she scurried off across the room.

  A silence hung between Greg and I. We hadn’t been particularly close since uni. We’d see one another at events when I was actually in attendance. When Greg joined the Tate, he became a player in the art world, and as I’d always had a particular fascination with art, I began to see him more frequently.

  “Thank you for suggesting Taylor take the job. I would have never met her otherwise, she’s something else. Tonight, I’m taking her back home. I have a feeling she’ll be a very nice shag,” Greg boasted about getting Taylor into his bed.

  Bile rose in my throat. I couldn’t allow him to have her, yet I had no power to stop her from taking a step in his direction and giving herself to him. Giving her beautiful and sensual self to him in the ways she’d given herself to me.

  I didn’t say anything to him. I turned and walked away. I wasn’t just disgusted with him but disgusted in myself. I wanted Taylor back in my life, but tonight I’d allowed Miranda to do something that should only be for Taylor, I’d betrayed her.

  Turning into the hall, I slammed into another warm body. My eyes opened to see Taylor, her eyes red. She’d clearly been crying. Her tears were because of me.

  “Taylor,” I said, my voice low and soft.

  “What?” she spat angrily.

  “I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have learned about the wedding like that,” I admitted.

  “I wouldn’t have expected it any other way, with your lack of honesty and all,” she growled.

  “I want to be more honest with you, but you aren’t allowing me the chance.”

  “Whatever. It’s not like you need to be honest with me. I’m not your girlfriend.”

  “But I want you to be, again.” Taylor rolled her eyes. “Don’t fucking do that,” I growled.

  “Don’t defy your demands for my obedience?” she demanded. Her spunk and spark shining through. I loved the attitude that Taylor carried, it was confident and didn’t take shit from anyone about anything.

  “Come here,” I growled as I took her hand and pulled her with me through the back halls of the small hotel. I opened a door that led to a broom closet and pulled her inside.

  Reaching up, I found a cord and gave it a yank. The small room was illuminated by a tiny lightbulb hanging from the ceiling.

  “Taylor, you aren’t hearing me out or giving me a chance,” I insisted as I cornered her against a wall, her body heat searing me.

  I used my stature to tower her as I leaned in. My hand came in contact with the wall. Her eyes fluttered up into mine. I knew exactly what she wanted. Her plump lips were begging for mine, and I wouldn’t deny her what she wanted.

  My free hand took the back of her head and gripped at her hair. Slamming my mouth onto hers, I selfishly feasted on her mouth. She tasted like sugar and champagne.

  Taylor moaned as she fisted at my jacket, drawing me in more. My tongue massaged hers, the tension between us dissipating in our kiss. My body pressed into hers as I removed my anchoring hand from the wall and slid it down her hips, my fingers bunched up the fabric of her dress.

  Though Miranda had sucked me off in the car, I was already hard as a rock and eager for Taylor, the only girl who could ever satisfy me and my desires.

  “I need you so fucking bad, Taylor,” I rasped into her mouth.

  Having drawn up the fabric of her gown, my fingers ventured under to find the delicate lace of her panties. I slipped my fingers under the decorative fabric and slid them down her wet slit. Allowing a finger inside, I brushed over throbbing clit, evoking a groan from her.

  “You aren’t going home with Greg tonight,” I insisted in her ear before taking a nibble at her lobe. “You’re mine, aren’t you?”

  “Yes sir,” she hummed in pleasure as I gave more attention to her nub of pleasure. Taylor knew exactly when to switch. She knew the exact moment that she obeyed my every command.

  My heart pounded at the thought of us getting caught together, my fingers deep inside her, drawing her toward the edge. Tonight, I’d give her the world and make her see stars as I punished and pleasured her.

  “You’ve been a bad girl. You know that?”

  “I know, my Lord.”

  “What needs to happen then?”

  “I need to be punished,” she confessed to me, her voice filled with breathless abandon, causing a grin to spread across my face.

  I rubbed at her harder. I needed her as close to the cliff as I could get her. Her breathing drew hitched as her muscles began to tighten around my fingers. Fuck, I absolutely loved the moment right before she came, the bliss I saw in her dark brown eyes.

  Kissing her again, I allowed her muffled yelps to enter my mouth. Pulling my hand from inside her panties, I allowed the fabric of her dress to fall to the floor as she leaned onto the wall, trying to calm her hurried breaths.

  I brought my drenched fingers to my mouth and licked her sweetness from my hand.

  “Mmm, I missed the taste of you,” I hummed.

  “Nate,” she breathed, my eyes meeting hers.

  “Yes, my darling,” I whispered as I slid my hands around her hips. My mind was already working on finding an escape out of the hotel. My goal was to run away with her, take her home and fuck her as hard as I could.

  “What the fuck am I doing?” she said to herself aloud. At once, like an explosion, our dissipated tension had returned. Her eyes met mine, and I saw a blazing fire. Taylor shoved my hands off her body. “We can’t do this. You’re getting married in six months. I can’t believe I let myself get dragged in. Fuck, Nate.”

  “Taylor, I’m not getting married,” I insisted.

  “Nate,” she whispered, pressing her hands to my chest. “We can’t do this. I can’t be dragged into your web. We’ve gone over this so many times. Please, just let me go.”

  I watched the tears flow down her cheeks. I wanted to kiss them all away, yet I knew she wouldn’t allow it. My heart burned to have her be mine though I knew her heart would suffer. I had to let her go. It was the only way to secure her happiness.

  “Just promise me one thing,” I pleaded with her. She nodded. “Don’t go home with Greg tonight. Give me time before you move on.”

  “I can do that,” she sniffed. She took a tissue from her purse and dabbed her tears away, gave me a weak smile, and left me alone in the dimly lit closet.



  I FOUGHT TO keep myself from falling apart. My encounter with Nate had brought out every feeling and raw emotion I’d tried to suppress. Nate knew exactly how to make me fall apart at his very command.

  When I’d left him alone, I found Greg and convinced him I’d come down with something and that I should go home to rest. He was obviously disappointed that our night would end there and that I wouldn’t be going home with him as planned. It was a good thing I didn’t go there with him. I was attracted to him, but I couldn’t find it inside me to sleep with him.

  Nate was letting me go. I saw the pain in his eyes. He’d given up and was allowing me my freedom from his grasp. He’d only asked the one thing and I’d given him that.

  I heard Nate return home about two hours after me. I heard his breathing as he lingered outside my bedroom door trying to muster up the courage to face me, but he’d failed and retreated to his room, slamming the door behind him.

  By morning, Nate had already gone to his office. I called in sick to continue the illusion of being sick for Greg.

  The sun had come out by mid-morning, and it was vital that I took a moment to get fresh air. I gathered up my painting supplies and set myself up in the back garden. The air was just crisp as the winds of fall were beginning to descend.

  I took a moment to catch the rays of the sun though with the chill I still needed a light cardigan sweater over my t-shirt.

  Thinking of the other night with Gr
eg, looking out at London from above, the lights and the way they sparkled on the river below. I closed my eyes for a moment, visualizing the sight for myself.

  My brush dipped into the midnight blue paint, and I took a stroke at my blank canvas. I hadn’t painted in such a long time. It was almost like therapy. My emotions began to flow through each stroke of my brush. My painting came to life for me.

  The slam of the back door made me jump, and I turned to see Nate, he gave me a single glance but didn’t say a word until he took a seat on a patio bench not far from where I stood painting.

  Taking in the garden, the last flowers of summer were trying to keep their bloom though were in a losing battle as the leaves were already at the beginning stages of turning and the garden would soon be flushed with reds, yellows, oranges, and browns. The lush life of summer would melt away to allow in the brisk fall temperatures and eventually the frigid winter.

  I continued to paint before I heard something, Nate was humming a song as he read a book. Right away I knew the song. It was one of the few ballads from our favorite band.

  Painting the scene I’d captured in my mind, I listened to Nate’s hums and before I knew it, the words of the song began to emerge from my mouth. I sang aloud while Nate hummed the gentle melody.

  Turning slightly, I saw a smile spread across Nate’s face as his olive eyes continued to scan his book. I painted and sang while he allowed the melody to flow. We were in tune with one another, in perfect harmony.

  Hearing the sound of Nate’s book closing, I turned back to see him standing and coming in my direction. I placed my paintbrush down as he approached me. I allowed my heart to beat hard and fast at his presence.

  “May I have this dance?” he inquired sweetly as he placed out his hand for me to take, continuing to hum the song.

  I paused my singing for a moment to answer, “Why not?”

  Taking his hand, he pulled me in close. My body relished in the heat of his, drawing me in as it had done the night before. It was impossible for us not to attract to one another.

  A hand on my hip and the other holding mine, we danced along to Nate’s hummed cord and my singing. This was exactly how we belonged together, enjoying the last remnants of summer in the arms of one another.

  It was hard not to think of our first dance, where Nate had two left feet and couldn’t lead to save his life, but he’d grown since then, taking the lead and putting my dance skills to shame.

  “I’m amazed at how good you’ve gotten,” I mentioned. Nate only smiled in response to my compliment.

  His smile was infectious, and my smile soon followed. My heart was winning the battle. My brain was attempting me to shut down and shut him out as I’d done, but my heart was allowing him into my existence. Though all of the lies and the bullshit, I still loved him and I loved him hard. There wouldn’t be a day that I didn’t love him.

  The pitter patter of water around us shook us from our moment of bliss. The rain picked up almost instantaneously. I pulled myself away from Nate, eager to save my supplies and my painting.

  “Shit, my paint,” I fussed.

  “Here, I’ll help,” Nate offered as he rushed to assist in saving my things.

  Nate began to help me gather my supplies as quickly as we could together. I took my collection of paints into my arms while Nate grabbed the canvas and my easel.

  Sprinting through the backdoor, Nate shut the door behind us, I stopped to catch my hurried breaths and took a glance at Nate. He was soaked through, his coffee brown hair slicked over his forehead.

  Looking down at myself, I noticed I’d stained my white cardigan sweater with the paint. I shrugged at the sight as I knew I could get another sweater. My memory then struck me, and I tossed my paints to the side before grabbing my canvas from Nate. He’d saved my painting.

  “Thank God, it survived,” I sang happily.

  “Seems so,” Nate commented as he placed the canvas on top of a cabinet in order for it to stay out of harm's way. Nate turned his attention to me. “You are soaked.”

  “Yeah, you too. We should change.”

  Though we both knew where we should be going, neither of us moved as we stood looking at the other. Those few minutes outside had allowed something to bloom, something beyond the two of us.

  Nate stepped toward me, reminiscent of how he’d done with me at the party, the warmth of his body entrapping me.

  “Nate, I--”

  “No, Taylor!”

  “I’m trying to say. I’m exhausted.” Nate looked confused for a moment but allowed me to continue. “Fighting my heart is exhausting. Fuck, I love you too much to throw everything away.” Tears flowed from my eyes. Fear ravaged every portion of myself. I was afraid of my heart breaking again. I was scared of an unpredictable future.

  “Stop fighting then,” Nate declared. “I love you, Taylor. I see the fear in your eyes, I know that neither of us knows where this will end, but I can’t stand another minute of having you not being mine.”

  “Then, I’m yours,” I whispered before my fingers were snapping open the buttons of his shirt.

  My hands burned to touch his skin, to have him touch mine. Inside, I desired to follow his every instruction, to please him in every way possible. I was his, and this was the way I gave him pleasure, and in return, he’d give me his all.

  His lips captured mine in a kiss like I’d never experienced. It was full and filled with emotions I don’t think Nate allowed free with anyone, until that very moment.

  Snatching open the last button, I ran the tips of my fingers along every defined groove of his abs and chest. Touching him sent vibrations through my limbs and my core. I twisted my legs to control the ache that was growing at a rapid pace between my legs.

  Nate struggled to rip his soaking shirt from his arms but managed and tossed it to the ground with a splat. He slid my cardigan off my arms, and I shivered in the cool air.

  “Let me get you warm, my darling,” Nate whispered, his lips never leaving mine.

  He swooped me up into his arms, my legs wrapping around his waist as he carried me.

  The simple feeling of being in Nate’s arms again comforted me. I missed inhaling his pine and myrrh scent and feeling his strong arms keeping me cradled and safe from any harm.

  Nate moved through the downstairs of the house in a flash and jogged up the marble staircase with no problem. I moaned as he slipped a hand under the back of my tank top and up my back.

  We passed the door to my bedroom and continued two doors down, to a room I’d never entered before. Nate’s bedroom in the London house. He turned the knob and pushed the door open.

  My eyes took in the large bedroom. The walls were covered in a dark wood with hand carved molding. The floor was the same as in my room, a lacquered wood. Nate’s bed stood in the middle of the room, a large four poster bed with the headboard built into the wall in the same wood that lined the room. The linens on the bed were a rich sage.


  Nate planted a kiss on my neck, my head moving back allowing him access to the spot he knew would capture me in an instant.


  He planted another kiss as he allowed my feet to touch the ground.


  At once, his lips hit the spot that caused me to groan.

  “So much,” he said before giving my neck a nibble.

  His used his might to take off my tank top, which was stuck to my torso, and he removed it from my body. His fingers traveled to the button and zipper of my jeans. He worked to bring the wet denim down my legs and off. I stood in a plain cotton bra and panties.

  “Taylor, you know what I like.” Nate’s voice was strong and demanding. I inhaled and held my breath for a split second to feel the pounding of my heart.

  “Yes, my Lord,” I answered knowingly.

  “Leave your underwear folded on the bedside table, and be how I like you when I return,” Nate instructed. I bit down on my lip as he left me alone in his bedro

  Quickly, I removed my bra and panties. I folded them neatly as Nate preferred and left them on the bedside table as I’d been instructed. I quickly kicked off my shoes and placed them beside the table.

  I took my place in the middle of his bed, naked, with my arms above my head, while I waited. Glancing at the ceiling, my breath was taken away by the intricate wallpaper that lined the ceiling. Unlike the wooden lined walls, the ceiling was covered in a sage wallpaper that was filled with complex golden adornments.

  The click of the bedroom door filled the room. I peered to see Nate enter. He was completely naked except for his boxers, a smirk lining his lips as he saw me, obedient to his demands.

  “My darling,” he started.

  “Mmmhmm,” I answered as his fingers made contact with my legs, brushing up my calf, to my thighs, and between. He barely grazed my slit before his fingers were off my, my eyes shooting up to meet his.

  “Are you ready to dive back into my toolbox?” With those words, a burst of thrill filled my system.

  “Yes, Sir,” I managed to breathe. My chest heaved up and down in anticipation of what was to come.

  Nate climbed onto the bed, his knees on either side of me, straddling me and holding me down. His hands grasped my wrist and held me to the bed. The hairs on my body stood on end and goosebumps prickling on every surface of my skin.

  Lips. Nate’s lips on my collarbone, kissing and biting. There was no turning back from this point, and honestly, I could never want to turn back. Forward was my ultimate destination with him.

  Pain, a sweet and sensual pain shot through me as Nate bit down on my collarbone, marking me, claiming me, feasting upon me. He planted a kiss on the place where he’d bitten.

  “We never talked about what your limits were,” Nate began. He placed a chaste kiss on my lips before allowing my hands free.

  Nate sat up and looked down at me, naked and eager. My chest heaving up and down from the exhilaration of the moment.


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