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Dirty Little Secret: Champagne Bubbles & Lipstick Stains (Book 2)

Page 18

by Janae Keyes

  “I understand, don’t worry. I had a great birthday, and we can do this another time,” I said, but he didn’t seem convinced. “Honestly Nate, I’m okay, and I understand.” He nodded in response.

  “Anne, can you call Langston to have him come. I need to call to have the plane ready,” Nate said to Anne who looked equally as sad. I knew she was incredibly sad to see us go so fast.

  BACK IN LONDON, it was raining. I pulled my coat around me as we entered the house. The moment we stepped inside Nate had to rush away to get everything he needed to head to Spain. I sulked all the way to my room. My birthday had been great and it did suck that our trip had to be cut short.

  I sat on the edge of my bed as Nate entered my room to say goodbye. He didn’t say anything as he pulled me into his arms. I leaned onto his chest, relishing in our last few moments together. He didn’t know how long he would be gone but planned to get back as soon as possible.

  “I love you,” I whispered up to him.

  “I love you always, my darling,” he responded with a kiss on my forehead.

  At once, he took my face between his hands and kissed me hard. I melted into his warm arms only wishing he was returning already. I knew I had work to distract me and I had painting to catch up on. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, damn we were going to be explosive when he returned.

  The moment Nate left me, I felt like I’d temporarily lost a piece of my heart. Luckily to keep me distracted, Lauren called me to have drinks.

  Chris dropped me off at some trendy bar where Lauren was waiting. I hugged my coat around me in the cold as I stepped into the bar. The music was blaring and voices everywhere. I had scanned the dim room before my eyes landed on the redhead across the room.

  Lauren waved me over to the table she’d been able to snag for the two of us. I weaved through the crowd and toward my friend and assistant.

  “Did Chris drop you?” she asked right away.

  “Yes, he did. How was your date with him by the way? He was very tight lipped about it. I suppose he doesn’t kiss and tell.”

  “It was great. He’s a great kisser by the way. We snogged most of the time before heading back to my place. He’s great in bed too,” Lauren proudly proclaimed. “I’d be with him tonight, but he had to work.” She eyed me.

  “Sorry,” I apologized. If Nate and I hadn’t returned, Lauren and Chris would be snuggled up together.

  “It’s fine. A girls drink is always needed. I was going to order something. What do you want?”

  “I’ll keep it simple tonight, vodka cranberry,” I told her before she hopped from her seat and strolled to the bar.

  I took a moment to glance at my phone, Nate was to send me a message when he arrived in Spain, I was still waiting. I put my phone back in my purse and swayed to the music.

  “Bartender was flirting, gave me a discount,” Lauren announced as she reached out table. She sat my vodka cocktail in front of me. I picked up the drink and took a sip. Instantly my stomach turned. “Something wrong with your drink?”

  “No, my stomach just hasn’t liked alcohol lately. Every time I’ve had a drink, I feel so sick. Maybe I should stay away from it for a bit.” I figured that was it. I had to take a break from drinking. I set my drink back on the table with a frown. It would be a night out without a drink for me.

  “Now, we need to get you a man,” Lauren insisted.

  “I have one.”

  “It’s not Greg as he’s dating that model chick now.”

  “Yeah, didn’t work out with him. My ex and I decided to work things out. It’s a challenge, but I love him so much.”

  “Aww, I’m happy for you. Maybe I’ll meet him one day?”


  Leaving the bar, I’d called Chris to get me. He was stuck in traffic as he was called away to take Miranda to some fundraiser dinner. Something about her driving unable to take her. I hugged my jacket around me in the cold. A half an hour passed and Chris hadn’t made it. I told him to give up and that I’d take the tube. I’d done it before, and at that point, it would be quicker for me to take the tube home than wait for him.

  I emerged from the Notting Hill Gate station and started toward home. I’d barely made it anywhere when passing an alley when yanked in. The force took me by surprise. My body slammed to the ground. My scream for help only echoed around me before the strength of a foot hit me.

  “Ah, no, please,” I begged with my attacker.

  I took a moment to open my eyes and take in my surroundings. There was more than one. About three men were coming at me. My limbs jittered in pure fear at the thought of what they could do to me.

  My body slammed into the pavement once again. Punches and kicks all over my body. Pain is ricocheting through every portion of my body. My head knocked into something metal. I assumed it was the side of a dumpster. I struggled to keep my bearings, hit after hit, until it all stopped with one voice.

  “Okay guys, you can stop,” came Miranda’s voice. I paused in complete shock.

  The clicking of heels drew near. I opened my eyes to see Miranda, dressed elegantly in a silver ball gown. She came right to me, but not close enough.

  “Shocked to see me Taylor?” she questioned. “I told you, I get what I want by any means. I gave you two weeks. Those two weeks have passed. You haven’t moved a toe. Now, this is your warning. Go away.”

  I swallowed hard. This was a level I hadn’t expected from Miranda. Would I run away like a dog between my legs at her threats? I held my tears. I wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of seeing my tears.

  “Do you think you belong here? Honestly, do you think you’d fit in with Nathaniel’s family? I was born and raised for this. I know how to be a Duchess. You’re some poor artist who doesn’t know a thing about this life. Just go, you don’t belong.”

  Anger boiled deep inside me. Who was she to say I didn’t belong? Nate loved me. That is what made me belong. I didn’t give a fuck about being a Duchess. I only wanted to be with the man I loved and who loved me through all the bullshit.

  “Bitch,” I growled as I struggled through my pain. “Bitch--I will fuck you up.” I lunged toward Miranda, taking the hem of her dress in my fingers.

  I’d managed to grab her ankle to bring her to the ground when I was slammed back toward the brick wall behind me, and something I assumed was a trashcan lid made contact with my face. A shocking and blinding pain filled me.

  My hand went to my mouth. From the moment my fingers made contact with my lip, I hissed and cringed. In the dim light of the alley, I saw the shimmer of the blood on my fingers.

  Miranda laughed as she turned away. I saw the silver of her dress sparkling in the headlights of a large vehicle that stopped. She opened the door and looked back at me, a smile on her lips.

  “Do what you will boys, but don’t kill her,” Miranda called before she stepped in the back of a black SUV.

  I whimpered the moment a boot stepped to me.



  THERE WERE PEOPLE talking to me. I was fighting to keep conscious. The men had kicked me around for what I assumed was a few hours, but it could have been mere minutes. I was left at the edge of the alley when a woman passing by found me and called emergency services.

  Being rolled into the emergency room, the bright lights shining in my eyes, I groaned. Everything on me hurt, and bile rose in my throat as questions came from every direction. I needed all of them to shut up for a moment and allow me to find my bearings.

  “Ma’am, your passport says your name is Taylor Walker, is this true?” a voice asked.

  “Yes,” I moaned.

  “Have you been drinking tonight ma’am?” the voice continued.


  “Were you sexually assaulted?”


  “Are you sure?”

  “Very sure.”

  “Are you pregnant?”


  “Are you sure?”
br />   “I think so.”

  “Okay, add an HCG test to her blood panel just to be on the safe side. Rush the results to myself and the doctor,” the voice said to someone else in the distance, I heard them confirm with her.

  Next thing I knew, something poked me, almost like a bee sting. I yelped in pain, tears flowing from my eyes. I’d never imagined that anything like this could ever happen to me. I wanted to curl into a ball and cry, but everything hurt too much.

  “Ms. Walker, we called the last number on your phone that you dialed and spoke with a Chris, he said his mother, Sara will be coming for you.” I peeled my eyes open to see the face of a woman looking down at me. The voice must have belonged to her. I nodded in response as my eyes studied the small hospital room I’d been taken to.

  I glanced down at my clothes that were stained with grime and blood. I wanted Nate to hold me, but at the same time, I didn’t dare want to tell him what happened to me. It would be impossible to keep it away from him, though. I was a bruised and beat up mess.

  “The paramedics did a great job at patching you up. There will be some police officers coming to talk to you, but for now, I think it is best you rest,” she said kindly.

  I did my best to give the nurse a weak smile before she walked to the door of the room, turned down the lights and left me alone.

  Replaying the night in my mind, I realized Miranda had set me up. She knew as long as Chris was driving me anywhere I needed to go, she wouldn’t be able to have me cornered. She on purpose had him take her somewhere to make it impossible to get back to me. I had no choice, but to take the tube home and there came the opportunity to have me jumped.

  Thinking made my head hurt. Laying my head on the pillow, I let my mind wander to all the excuses I could give Nate for my beaten and bruised state. Then there were the police that were to come. Miranda obviously had power on her side. I had to serve up a lie to the police as well.

  I moaned, nausea rose inside me. I forced myself to lean over the side of the bed. I spotted a small trash can in arm’s reach. Through the pain, I managed to grab the can just in time as the contents of my stomach spilled out.

  “That’s been frequently happening, before tonight, hasn’t it?” the voice of the nurse questioned. I looked up from the wastebasket and to the kind nurse, dressed in white. I nodded. “I got your blood results back. I’d assume you’ve had that nausea and vomiting, along with increased fatigue, sore and growing breasts. Also, increased hunger.”

  How did this lady know all of this from a blood draw? I’d assumed I was stressed and possibly overworked, but it would eventually go away. Maybe I’d been going through some weird phase.

  “Ms. Walker, you’re pregnant,” the nurse informed me. I dropped the can and sat back on the bed. I stared at her, her words, playing over and over in my mind. I couldn’t be pregnant, Nate and I were sa-- well, we tried to be safe. I’d never had the chance to get on proper birth control.

  “Are you sure?” I asked, my voice shaking, my hands going to my face. This was the worst time to receive that type of news. My life was going to change forever.

  “I’m very sure, dear. I’ve spoken with the OBGYN on call, and she will be coming over soon.”

  “Okay,” I whispered, my hands moving from my face and over my stomach. There was a baby in there, a baby that Nate and I made.

  “Are you in a safe place? Is your partner abusive?” The nurse’s tone changed as she came to my bedside.

  “Oh--no. My boyfriend is wonderful. I’m in shock and a little scared of the future, but I’m definitely safe with my boyfriend,” I told her.

  “Are you in England visiting?”

  “I’m here working, I’m the Junior Curator and Young Arts Education Coordinator at the Tate Modern,” I announced proudly. I loved my job title. I loved that I had something that told the world I’d become successful and all by following my passion.

  Suddenly, I found myself wanting to pass that passion on, give to the next in line. I would be the person to shape my child’s future. I’d be their biggest cheerleader in whatever he or she wanted to do. I smiled, thinking of raising a little artist, a lawyer, a business owner, a musician, a Lord or Lady.

  “That’s wonderful,” the nurse gave me a grand smile as a knock came at the door. She turned, and I looked to see Sara standing in the doorway.

  The stunned look on her face said it all. Though I hadn’t seen myself, I knew I was in pretty bad shape. I took a breath, Sara wouldn’t stand to hear my lies, I’d have to tell her the truth of what happened.

  “I’m Sara Rajpar, Taylor’s emergency contact,” Sara told the nurse.

  “Yes, we’re waiting for the OBGYN and trauma doctor to clear her and then she can go,” the nurse informed Sara who stepped into the room.

  “OBGYN here,” a voice came from behind Sara.

  Sara moved out of the way for a middle-aged blonde woman who came rolling a large machine with her. I gulped at the sight of it. She began to set up and Sara took a seat at my side. My heart pounded the entire time.

  “Ms. Walker, Nurse Callie will get you a gown, undress and put that on. Then we can do an ultrasound to see the baby,” the doctor said. I saw the look in Sara’s eyes. They grew wide.

  “Baby?” Sara questioned.

  “Apparently so,” I said.

  After changing, I lay on the hospital bed. The doctor started the ultrasound. I couldn’t make out anything on the grayscale screen. She paused for a moment and zoomed into something. My heart thumped loud in my ears as I watched her inspect and take measurements.

  “That right there,” she pointed to a blob that kind of looked like a gummy bear. “That is your baby. I’d say from these measurements; you are about eight weeks. Seems to have a healthy heartbeat and was unharmed by your attack.”

  “You never noticed your menstrual period not coming?” the doctor questioned as she began to take notes. I shook my head.

  “It’s never been on any schedule, just came and went as it pleased. Not having it never alarmed me. I feel stupid, it should have, I’ve been having sex.” I felt incredibly stupid for not paying attention. I should have known earlier. Hell, all the throwing up should have been a sign. “What do I do now?” I asked, clearly unknowing, but willing to get on track. I wasn’t prepared for life as a pregnant woman. I’d never done research on anything when it came to bringing a life into the world; it was all foreign to me.

  “I will write you a script for prenatal vitamins. You should get an appointment with an OBGYN right away, even me, I have spots open. We’ll go from there.” She was very nice, and I felt a tad more relaxed knowing that everything was going to be fine. “Here, I printed you some pictures of your little one.”

  I grinned at the photos that might not look like much to someone else, but to me, they were the first pictures of my child. I thought of the wall at my mom’s house that was covered with photos of Katie and I. I needed my own wall now, and these were going to be the first photos on the wall.

  “Thank you,” I whispered as she handed me the ultrasound photos. The little gummy bear was all mine.

  Tears trickled down my face. I’d never felt such a love capture me as I peered down at what would be my child. Sara’s hand took mine, she held it tightly. Glancing over at her, she gave me the biggest smile. I thought about telling Nate and what his reaction would be like. He’d frequently talked about us getting married and having kids. He wanted kids, I knew that, but did he want one now?

  WHILE WAITING FOR the trauma doctor, the police came. I told them that I was dragged into the alley and beat up. I told him I had no idea who would want to hurt me or have me attacked. It was apparent to everyone it wasn’t a robbery as I still had possession of my phone and purse with nothing taken. My hope was that the case went cold, shriveled up, and died.

  “You know who did it, don’t you?” Sara asked as she helped me into my bed. I nodded. “Why didn’t you tell the police?”

  “Because, this per
son will get away with it in the end. I know it. I just want to put it behind me. Please don’t tell Nate,” I begged.

  “How can I not tell him? He’s going to see you soon enough and know something happened,” Sara noted, hands on her hips.

  “I know. I’ll figure something out. Also, please don’t say a word about the baby. I want to figure out how to tell him on my own.

  “That’s yours to tell. Remember, if you need anything, I’m here.”

  “Thanks, for now, I need rest.”

  “Just call me if you need me.” I watched Sara go to the door, she closed the door behind her and left me alone.

  I moved my blanket and placed my hands on my stomach. The last few hours I was still trying to wrap my mind around the idea that there was a baby in there. Nate and I had managed to make a child together, and I found myself incredibly afraid for him or her.

  Miranda was much more dangerous than she appeared. She thirsted to have Nate in her grasp and have me permanently out of the picture. I’d give anything to know that my child would always be safe.

  There was no doubt in my mind about the love my child would receive, at least from my end. I already loved my little one beyond anything. I learned to give that type of love from my parents. Though as I grew, we had our differences, their love was never ending.

  Thoughts of my parents prompted me to pick up my cell phone. It was 6 AM in London and therefore 10 PM in San Francisco and likely that my parents were still awake. I dialed their number and allowed the phone to ring.

  “Walker residence,” my dad’s voice answered. It only took having my dad’s voice in my ear to break me down. I began to bawl uncontrollably. It wasn’t just my life at stake, but the life of my child. “Tay, is that you? Tay-girl, what’s wrong?”


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