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Stone: At Your Service (Carolina Bad Boys #1)

Page 9

by Rie Warren

  “Yeah, promotions,” I muttered.

  “You’re a natural, Stone! You absolutely have to be in the cover model contest,” Jules squealed beside us.

  I batted Jules and her bullhorn away from my face. Lifting Leelee’s hand, I brought it just below my lips in formal thanks—and dropped it.

  “Stone?” Her confused voice cut me up.

  I stiffened my shoulders and headed toward Nicky. “I can’t walk you to your door tonight, lady.”

  Joining Nicky at the usual table, I spackled on a smile for my buddy as I listened to Leelee’s heels snicking away. The gut-deep arousal I couldn’t act on ate a hole through my stomach, but it wasn’t half as bad as the horrible tightness in my chest. I would never have Leelee. I wasn’t good enough for a woman like her. Hell, my own wife had walked out on me.

  Chapter Six

  Thursday: Mm Mmm (Not) Good

  THANKFULLY, AFTER I GAVE Leelee the old heave-ho—a so long, unlucky lady move I’d perfected down to the don’t-care-stare—the night wound down quickly. No one was the wiser, but who knew how long that would last since Jules’s RAWR creation had gone up all over the Internet. And being the masochistic prick I was, I really wanted to see our kiss myself. A hundred times over. Then I wanted to run head first into one of the fancy marble columns in Con central command, because I’d fucked up with Leelee and potentially with Nicky too.

  She wasn’t just a piece of tail I could screw and move on from. All the signs so far pointed to romance with a capital R, and I’d never let myself get into this position before. The fact it was happening now, when I couldn’t make a move if I wanted to, put a big neon billboard over the signs, reading: Josh Stone is Screwing the Pooch but Good. Add in the fact Nicky was my best bud and I was here to be his fake lover, and it all spelled Gargantuan Disaster.

  In our room, I shucked my shoes and, shedding my clothes down to briefs, flopped onto the bed.

  “What was that mm mmm stuff y’all were talkin’ about earlier?” I asked Nicky.

  “Hmm?” He halted midway through hanging his shirt in the closet.

  “Ha ha, dickface.”

  Nicky rummaged around his messenger bag—or murse, as I liked to call it—before tossing a book at me. “Male-male romance. Remember? That’s what Jacqueline writes. She asked me to give this to you.”

  I glanced at the cover that showed two half-naked guys on the brink of a kiss. Solar Flares. Flipping it open, I shouted, “Sweet! She signed it.”

  He moved into the bathroom as I read the inscription aloud:


  A fuckhawt read for a fuckhawt guy.

  *le sigh*

  xoxo, Jacqueline~

  Didn’t I just feel warm and fuzzy—and a little like an all you could eat male buffet. I thumbed a few pages in, hitting a dog-eared page. “And she marked passages?”

  “I told her what you’re like.” Nicky gargled through a mouthful of toothpaste.

  Great, so now I’m the stud-muffin smut-reader of the group, with the Twitter-viral ass.

  “So I should probably be readin’ this, since it’s written for dudes like us?”

  The toilet flushed, the water ran, and he ambled back into the room. “Typically, male-male romance is written for the ladies.”

  I popped up in bed. “Women get off on two guys going at it?”

  “Hell yeah.”

  That was a massive head scratcher, the likes that would have Viper digging in her ears for days. “Huh. So how is this any different from me reading your stuff? That’s for women too.”

  “I s’pose it’s not, really. Have at it.” He bundled into bed beside me.

  “Well, Jackée did go to the trouble of giving me a signed edition. The least I can do is read.”

  “Yup.” Laughter hovered around the edges of his agreement.

  I glared at him. “Have you read it?”


  “All righty then.” True to my nature, I chose the third marked passage, in the middle of the book. There was nudity, cocksucking, kisses. It was pretty steamy. A tingle even started in my balls. Then it all went way the hell south, literally. Cranking my eyelids closed, I froze in a clenched-ass posture.

  “Oh hell no. There’s bunghole tonguing!”

  The other side of the bed shook with Nicky’s laughter. He managed to huff out, “You never tried it?”

  “Dude, when has my mouth been near a man’s butthole, ever?”

  “What about women?”

  “Totally different story. And maybe.” Jesus, if this kept up we’d be trading fucking cupcake recipes next, while we lounged in bed together, talking about chick-or-dick sex, at a romance convention. Still, I was curious. “You?”

  “Maybe.” He smirked. The Don Juan probably thought he had more moves than me. He definitely didn’t lack for bed warmers. He was simply more choosy, less promiscuous, more discreet than me. Fucker.

  “Sweet dreamin’, Josh.”

  “I hate you, Nicky.” Which of course in our world meant love—in some sort of twisted, always have your back, gonna beat your ass kind of way.


  Dawn burned bright when I snuffled awake. Nicky snored beside me, half his head and all his hair hidden under a pillow. I checked the clock, thought about the kid probably jumping on Ma’s bed at this precise moment, and went back to sleep.

  Two hours had passed when I woke from nightmares of Leelee kneeing me in the nut-sack, Nicky smothering me with a pillow, and JJ running wild with the evil, grinning leprechaun from Lucky Charms.

  I stretched my arms and legs, and groaned long and loud.

  “Coming to breakfast?” Nicky stood from packing his daily dos into his man-bag. He’d left his brown hair loose and he hadn’t shaved. He looked a little more rough and tumble—like he did at home—in shredded jeans and an old linen shirt.

  Owning up to being a dick part II vs. laying low? I opted for the middle ground.

  “Lookin’ good, cubbie.” I jumped up, scrounging for my gym shorts and sneakers. “But I think I’ll hit the weights. Will you be in the lobby in a couple hours?” I hung the lanyard, carnation and all, over my hairy bear chest.

  “I might be, but if I’m not, someone will be around.”

  Yeah, it was a specific someone I was worried about.

  “Hey, how’d your dance with Leelee go off? I didn’t get a chance to look at it online last night.”

  Think fast, shit-for-brains. “Uh, probably not worth a look. I don’t even think Jules had the camera on us.”

  “Really? You mean you didn’t put any famous Stone moves on her?”

  Oh, I put the moves on her all right, with my hands and my mouth. And Nicky would shit a brick if he found out. “Savin’ all those for you, babe.”

  Before he left the room, I reached over to pat his cheek, which was the closest to a true lover’s touch as we were ever gonna get.

  I left not long after him. The gym was empty presumably because all romance writers already looked awesome, or they didn’t know a barbell from a hand weight. Leelee sure had, but she wasn’t there either. It was probably a blessing, yet I couldn’t shake thoughts of her as I went through a workout regime that was more grueling than usual. By the time I finished, I could’ve sworn my brains, my guts, and my muscles were splattered all over the blue-matted floor.

  After a hasty cleanup in the hotel room, I headed to the lobby: the epicenter or the aftermath, depending on how you looked at it. And it looked like a little unpleasant aftermath was coming my way since Leelee sat at a lonely table in the far corner.

  I commenced my walk of shame. As soon as she saw me, she closed her laptop, unplugged the cord from coffee table outlet, and smashed everything into her bag as fast as she could. I swerved in front of her when she shot to her feet.

  “Leelee.” I placed a hand on her arm.

  The instant she looked up at me, I wished I’d left my heart on the gym floor too because what I saw tore me up. Confusion warped into hurt,
and then her eyes glittered, green and frosty.

  “What were you sayin’ about harassment yesterday?” She glared at my hand until I thought it would shrivel up and fall off. Something I needed my dick to do, because lo and behold, Miss Leelee Songchild was even sexier when she was pissed right the hell off at me.

  I dropped her arm because it sure sounded like she’d call security on me even if she wouldn’t do it on LaForge. “I’m not harassing—”

  “No. You just kissed me,” she hissed, tightening the shoulder strap on her bag as if it was armor.

  “I’m supposed to say it was a mistake, Leelee.”

  “It didn’t feel like one.”

  I swallowed roughly, gauging how much to admit. “To me either . . .” Fuck it. I never was a smart boy, so why start now?

  The rapid pulse at the base of her neck, the nervous lick of her perfect pouty lips entranced me.

  “I’m sorry.” I got closer to her, slowly, one step at a time. Placing a hand over hers, I stopped her from fidgeting with the shoulder strap.

  “Are you?” Her fingertips hovered over her mouth as if she still tasted my lips like I did hers.

  How could I get through this week without lying to her through my teeth? And better yet, why wasn’t the lobby bar open yet? It was my turn to fidget nervously, shoving a hand into the pocket of my trousers, jingling loose change. “I don’t regret the kiss, but—”

  “Nicky,” she whispered.


  Her eyelashes fluttered to her flushed cheeks. “So maybe you can stop it with the mixed signals. Friends?” Leelee held out her hand.

  “Okay, friend.” I placed my palm in hers all the while knowing if I got the chance to plant one on her again, I was going to take it. Pulling my hand free, I ran it across my chin. “So, friend, I have a favor to ask.”

  She playfully rolled her eyes. “Well now, that didn’t take long.”

  “I told my ma about your book.”

  “Stone!” She punched my arm.

  “What’d I do now?”

  “Your mom? Ride is full of sex.” Leelee jutted out one curvaceous hip and wagged a finger in my face—I fucking liked it. “I can’t believe you told your mother about it. You said you didn’t even like the book.”

  “I never said that.” I’d tried to beat off to it several hundred interrupted times already.

  “The guy-girl thing?”

  I shrugged. “Read some more. Changed my mind. It’s hot as hell. Anyway, my ma reads that stuff, and she has a book club of horny old women. She asked if I could get you to autograph a copy for her. I’ll pay for it, ’course.”

  Hell, I’d buy a dozen of her books if she’d keep talking to me. I threw in the puppy dog look—not like Viper the rabid bitch. And man, I’d never worked this hard for a woman, especially one who almost certainly wasn’t gonna wind up on her back in a bed with me on top of her.

  She huffed, fluffed her gorgeous strawberry blond hair out, and turned away on—Oh, I’d missed those earlier—peep-toed, toe-cleavage stilettos. “Fine. I’ll do it.”

  Click clack went the heels, swish sway went her hips. I salivated behind her all the way to the elevators.

  Friends, yeah, this is gonna be good.

  There was a coy curve to her lips when she faced me. “Fancy meetin’ you here.”

  An empty car arrived, and I bowed low. “After you, Madame.”

  Leelee entered, pressing the button to my floor and hers. “I’ll just run to my room and sign up there. Doing that stuff in front of others makes me clam up. What’s your mom’s name?”

  I was too busy staring at the new, life-sized decorations in the elevator to respond.


  “What the hell is this?” I gestured to the floor-to-ceiling posters of various book covers plastered all around the car. We were surrounded by half-clothed men and women in various stages of hot and heavy action.

  Leelee sucked in her lip and let it pop loose. Not helping. “They only put them up once the Con gets rolling. Second-wave marketing.”


  “Are any of these guys your type?” she asked.

  “Heeeelll, no.” She frowned and I hurried on. “Ya know, none of them are Nicky, so . . .”

  “Mm hmm. I’ll let you off the hook. Tell me your mom’s name so I can get it right.”

  After I rattled off the details, Leelee smiled. “You, me, and the elevator again, Stone?”

  I zeroed in on a hairy-chested, ruffle-shirted pirate who had a big-breasted bombshell fainting over his arm, presumably from his virile manliness. “And Captain Jack Sparrow does high seas porn?”

  Her light laughter spun through me until I thought I’d swoon too, from lack of blood to my brain as it sped up the root of my cock. In an enclosed space with flirtatious Leelee, my friend, was not a good place to be right now.

  So I asked the first thing that came to mind, of course. “You get into swashbucklin’ sex?”

  Her voice lowered to that luscious honey tone, and her gaze raked up my body. “If the sword fits.”

  Holy fuck. Heart attack, death by cock contusion, an aneurism from arousal . . . some motherfucking thing—named Leelee Songchild—was gonna do me in this trip.

  I already knew she could write sex on the page. I was well aware she could move like a sex goddess and kiss as if her lips had been designed for sin. Add in her sweet personality, sharp wit, quick temper? She was one hot ticket.

  I rasped, “A tight sheath is all that’s needed, darlin’.”

  Her gasp was overridden by the ding of the elevator announcing my floor. Okay. Yep. And I was done. I put my hand in my pocket as I turned and strode out, this time to cover the large bulge in my pants. Rounding the corner, I hit the hall at a run, skidding to a stop at my door. Let me in, let me in. The goddamn light hit red, red—motherfucker!—green. Yes!

  I tripped over my feet, glared at my shoes. Fuck it. They could stay on, it wasn’t a first. Hitting the chair, I practically chewed through my belt, unzipped lickety-split and ripped those bastards open. Shirt buttons torn aside, I glanced at the desk. Tissues, golden. Two hard tugs at my nipples and my hand brushed down my belly, onto the thick cock rearing straight up in the air.

  Leelee was due back soonish, but I was so keyed up, I couldn’t wait. And it sure as hell wouldn’t take long since I’d been holding back a massive blowout for forty-eight plus hours. The moment my hand curled around my cock, my back arched and a loud groan rumbled from my chest.

  Then it was all about the pump action. I worked my shaft like a piston, all chambers firing. A twist at the plum-colored head on every upswing and I growled. Come boiled in my nuts, prominent veins teased my fingers. Air barely scraped into my lungs as my brain backfired.

  “Fuck, yes.”

  Then it wasn’t my hand jacking me off, it was Leelee’s. I could see her, on her knees, free from her dress. Ample tits swinging, hips undulating back and forth, wanting my cock to fill her pussy.

  “Oh, God, yessss.”

  I spat into my palm, added it to the precome slickness, and everything went smooth as silk, hard as stone. Gripping my shaft, I planted my feet and raised my hips in and out of the loose hold of my fist. Oh yeah, so much better.

  One hand on the back of the chair, I drew in a deep breath that punched out of my nose. I lifted my eyes and barked out, “Leelee!”

  Oh Jesus. Oh yeah.

  She was there, just inside the room. A book in her hands and a rapt look in her eyes.

  Oh fuck. Numbnuts here—literally—must have left the door propped open against the bar guard. Now things had gotten way out of hand. Or in hand.

  Masturbating felt a million times better with her eyes glued to me. I spread my legs wider, lifted my balls out and fingered them good. Moisture rolled out of the broad head of my cock, and I used it to slick up and slide down the surface of my shaft. And just because Leelee didn’t scream, shout, or run away, I slowed it all down. Rolling my hips, st
roking my stomach, I leaned my head back with my eyes on her.

  Her stare met mine. “You look so beautiful.”

  That did it. Tight fast strokes scraping over the flared tip, I went almost airborne as come triggered from my cock. Long, hot ropes of it hit my chest, my abs. “Leelee, ah fuck.” It covered my hand, the chair, my pants. My dick pulsed as more come spooled out.

  Recovery seemed impossible. My hips jerked, my breath rasped, my heavy hooded eyes sought her.

  Leelee looked tense as fuck and fucking ready for a ride at the same time. Her words came out low and tight. “Life imitating art, Stone? Or smut . . . I guess.”

  It definitely wasn’t Avery I thought about when I swirled two fingers through the come on my chest. “I read that chapter.”

  “Everyone does.” A heated rash flashed up her neck to her face as she slipped the book onto the bed. She walked to the door to let herself out.

  “Leelee,” I groaned a second time. I started to rise, but my thighs were quaking with massive orgasm aftershocks.

  There wasn’t a slam of wood against metal. There wasn’t even an audible snick as the door closed behind her. Come cooled on my crotch and just about everywhere else within spraying distance, and I still couldn’t get Leelee off my mind—or in my pants.

  Chapter Seven

  Thursday: Hung Up and Strung Up

  CAUGHT RED-HANDED, WET-HANDED, WHAT did I do? I cleaned up, changed clothes, and glanced at Jacqueline’s mm mmm novel. I am not ready for more tongue-to-pucker probing. Of course, Leelee’s was right beside it. I had all of lunchtime to lurk in my room, pretending I hadn’t just jerked my jock out loud over her, in front of her. I sprawled on the bed to catch up on Ride, because I was a schmuck looking for more punishment anywhere I could find it. As long as Missy Peachtree wasn’t involved.

  Jase thought his head was going to explode. The one hugged by a cranium and the one on the top of his cock. Every day with Ave it was the same: same sensible shoes, same baggy clothes. Same frumpy, old maid, bought from the Goodwill bargain bins shit covering up the hot-as-hell, sexy bombshell he just knew was hiding under that serviceable crap-colored sweater-blouse combo she wore.


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