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Shattered Heart (Z series)

Page 2

by Jerri Drennen

  She raced to the refrigerator and grabbed two eggs and some bacon. She quickly threw everything on the grill and went to pop down two slices of toast. Then she shot back and turned the eggs and bacon.

  When the food was ready, she rang the bell, noticing that Cara stood next to JT, holding the coffee pot, chatting away like the two were old friends. For some reason that irritated her, and she hollered, “Order up, Cara.”

  JT clearly recognized her voice and turned toward her, his piercing gaze sending a raging heat over her entire body.

  Charlotte stepped out of view. The man unnerved her more than anyone. Not even her husband had stirred such a strange feeling inside her stomach. Butterflies, followed by something that literally caused a vise-like grip in her belly.

  Her best friend came up to the window and frowned, then took the plate and left.

  Jeez. Charlotte didn’t like the way he made her feel. Like she was on fire with no water in sight to put it out.

  She shook her head.

  This was crazy. She was a grown woman—had been married for God’s sake, and here she acted as if this was her first awareness of the male species. Completely ridiculous, and she was much too young to be having hot flashes.

  Charlotte released a breath and walked to the storage closet to replenish her supplies. Breakfast rush had begun to wind down, but their morning had been busy. If this continued, she’d be able to promise William his money back.

  Maybe he’d consider giving her a loan.

  Why hadn’t she thought of that?

  She didn’t want to marry William any more than he surely did her. He was just trying to right a wrong he thought he was responsible for.

  The first time he’d asked her to consider marrying him was nine months after Shaun’s death. She’d been shocked by his offer and had refused, which he immediately accepted. Six months later he asked again, then a few months after that. Charlotte wasn’t sure why he still felt guilty after so long. But until the bank informed her of her balloon payment due on her loan, she never even considered taking William up on his offer. Somehow he got wind of her trouble and he’d come to her with his deal. Marry him and not lose Lettie’s.

  But perhaps if she told him business had picked up and that she should be able to pay him back in a hurry if he just loaned her money, they wouldn’t have to do something so drastic as get married.

  “Are you all right, Lettie?” Cara stared at her through the window, her amber eyes narrowed.

  “Yeah, what do you need?”

  “JT told me to tell you that his breakfast was perfect. He left us both a tip.”

  Charlotte blew out another breath. Hopefully she’d never see him again because he just messed with her head and she needed hers screwed on tight to turn this business around.

  * * *

  JT opened the door on his truck when his cell went off. He grabbed the phone and pressed talk.

  “Is this JT?” a man’s voice asked.

  “Yes it is.”

  “I’m calling about the position you applied for at the Terran Corporation. Are you still interested?”

  JT closed his eyes. Finally. “More than interested.”

  “Good. Mr. Terran would like to meet with you this afternoon, if that’s convenient.”

  “Where did he want to meet?”

  “He’ll be at the Gray Summit site until two. Could you possibly meet him there?”

  “Sure. Let him know I’ll try to be there around one.”

  “Perfect. He’ll see you then.”

  JT ended the call and smiled. Now he had to prove himself indispensable to Terran and hope he could get the information Z needed to bring the man to justice.

  This sting operation took a long time to orchestrate. Two years since Homeland Security had been contacted by a man who worked for Terran. He’d been on their watch-list since, especially when the guy who tipped them off had died in an accident. That’s when they noted a number of overseas containers that claimed to be building materials coming from a country that didn’t export them. Unfortunately, the shipments were checked and nothing unusual found. It was almost as if they’d been warned of the inspection.

  HS contacted Z and had been waiting for an in to Terran, which they finally received. JT had had three months to cram for a civil engineering degree, along with education on construction science and management, so that he could do the job he’d be hired for. Not easy, but he was confident he could deal with whatever came up, and if he couldn’t, he had Zack and Lynch on the outside for help. They would be available to come in if he got into any kind of trouble.

  JT hoped he wouldn’t need them—particularly Lynch, since he’d just recently married and had a baby on the way. His wife, Casey, needed him, and JT could completely understand, based on the couple’s past history—with the loss of their first child.

  JT jumped into his truck and started the engine, staring at the large plate-glass window that had Lettie’s written on it. Charlotte had cooked his meal. Perfectly. He’d never met a woman who was so great in the kitchen. Most of the gals he’d dated over the years had been domestically challenged in every way. JT wondered how well Charlotte kept house.

  Where the hell did that come from?

  If he even suggested that to a woman, he’d be slammed as a sexist pig, and he was far from that. He, Zack and Lynch had lived on their own for years.

  Too bad all of that was about to change since Casey had returned from New Orleans with Lynch. The two were looking for their own place, so he and Zack would need to get another roommate soon. The house they lived in was much too big for two guys.

  A blonde head bobbed past the window, and JT’s thoughts diverted back to Charlotte. Damned if her marital status hadn’t disappointed the hell out of him. He’d wanted to go to bed with her in the worst way and, to top it off, hours later, he’d dreamt about doing just that. If the real deal was anything like the dream, he’d consider going against his code of honor and chase after her, ring or not. But it was just that, a dream. No one could be that good in bed.

  JT shifted the truck into reverse and backed away from the cafe, intent on getting his focus on what was important. How to get in and out of Oregon as fast as he could. The place was too damned dreary. Rain and more rain. Maybe when he finished the job he’d take a detour on his way home, run down to South Beach for some rest and recreation—find himself a willing chica and lay on some white sand with her for a week or so and soak up the sun.

  A vivid picture of a voluptuous goddess with long, shiny black hair emerged in his mind’s eye. Then the picture changed. A short-haired blonde replaced her. One with eyes so blue he couldn’t differentiate where they ended and the clear sky began.


  This woman had somehow gotten inside his head, and right now, that was the last thing JT needed. Not when he was about to meet William Terran for the first time—a meeting that could make or break a mission that was important to Z and the country as a whole, if what was in those containers turned out to be what they suspected.


  Charlotte rolled onto her back, angry that she couldn’t sleep. She’d been fighting restlessness for hours, all because she couldn’t get JT off her mind. Her body thrummed to life every time she pictured him.

  She blew out a ragged breath, turning on her side. This was the first time in weeks she hadn’t fallen asleep the minute her head hit the pillow.

  A pair of ice-blue eyes haunted her—along with a set of full, tempting lips.

  She sat abruptly and slammed her fists into the mattress. Why was she allowing this man to disrupt her rest? He was nobody—here in town for a short time and then he’d be gone. Charlotte needed to remember that, especially since she was hardly the type to have some kind of wild fling, unlike her best friend. Hell, Charlotte had only been with two men in the twenty-seven years she’d been alive.


  Sad to some, but she’d never been into casual sex. Being held i
n a man’s arms hadn’t been a high priority, especially since her husband’s death. Not until she spotted JT across Bailey’s.

  She would bet Lettie’s itself that he’d had more than two partners in his lifetime. He probably could add a couple of zeroes behind that. The man oozed raw sexuality and had an over-confidence that few males could pull off without appearing conceited.

  Charlotte shoved the covers aside and rose. No way was she getting any sleep with this man wreaking havoc with her head.

  Maybe a cup of warm milk would help.

  She padded down the hall to the kitchen and switched on the light, jumping half out of her skin when she heard a knock at the door.

  She glanced at the sunflower clock on the wall and frowned. Who in their right mind would come by at eleven at night?


  The police?

  A cold sweat worked its way over her body as the night she was informed of her husband’s accident came rushing back.

  Charlotte sucked in a breath, then raced through the living room to the front door, flipping on the porch light. Through the window, she was shocked to see the very reason she was up, on the stoop.

  That cold sweat turned to intense heat.

  Why would he be here? How did he find out where she lived?

  Without releasing the chain, she unbolted the lock and slowly eased the door open.

  “Mrs. Delaney?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

  “Yes.” A whirlwind of confusion tugged at her mind. How could he possibly know her last name? Cara had never told him. Unless she did when he was having breakfast that morning.

  “I need to talk to you about your husband.”

  The statement staggered her back a step. “What?”

  He leaned closer and his eyes widened. “Charlotte?”

  “What is this about?”

  “Can I come in, please. I don’t want anyone seeing me standing here.”

  Charlotte’s thoughts spun. Why would he need to talk to her? This late at night? The whole thing seemed fishy. Maybe he wanted in to rape her.


  “I’m not going to hurt you, Charlotte. I need to talk to you about what was going on with your husband right before he died.”

  Her jaw slacked. What could he possibly have to tell her about Shaun? He couldn’t have even known her husband since he was new to town.

  She glanced into his eyes. The seriousness reflected within their depths made Charlotte want to hear what he had to say.

  She closed the door, pausing long enough to gather her composure, then released the chain and opened it to him.

  JT rushed inside.

  Charlotte twisted her hands together, uncomfortable with her state of dress. The mere thought brought goose bumps to her arms.“What is this all about?”

  “Two years ago, your husband contacted Homeland Security. He was convinced the man he worked for was bringing illegal contraband into the country. The night before he had his accident, he called them to say he had evidence. Before he could meet with those officials, he was killed.”

  “Are you serious? What are you saying? That Shaun’s accident was no accident at all? That my husband was murdered?”

  “We have no proof of that but... .”

  “No!” She shook her head, and clutched for the nearest wall to keep her balance. This was too unbelievable. Just the thought made her sick to her stomach. “You’re wrong. My husband didn’t tell me anything about Terran being involved with anything shady.”

  “I’m sure he wanted to keep it from you. He probably thought it’d put you at risk.”

  “This is absurd. William Terran has been an upstanding member of this community for as long as I can remember. Why would he do something illegal?” She stared at him, needing to somehow be convinced this man who stood in the shadows next to her front door was telling the truth.

  “Well, we all know everyone in the construction business has taken a hit since the housing crisis. Maybe this was his only way to stay afloat.”

  “But to have my husband killed?”

  JT eyed her intently. “You’d be surprised what people will do for money.”

  Charlotte swallowed past the lump in her throat. Until today, she was contemplating marrying William to save her business. Would he have been willing to kill her husband to do the same?

  The room began to spin as she remembered how stressed Shaun had been those last few months. Had he been keeping all this to himself to protect her? If so, what was it her husband found that got him murdered?

  Her knees buckled, and she started to go down until JT scooped her up into his arms, carried her to the sofa and placed her atop the cushion.

  “I know this all must come as a shock to you. But we need to know what your husband had on Terran.”

  She scrubbed at her face. “I don’t know.”

  “Then we need to look high and low to find it.”

  * * *

  JT couldn’t believe blue-eyed Charlotte had been Shaun Delaney’s wife. Talk about a small world.

  Doubt and disillusion filled her eyes, clearly questioning whether or not his story was true.

  Could he blame her? Not really. Finding out that someone was murdered would be hard to grasp for anyone. Especially a man’s wife.

  “Are you okay?” He took hold of her hands, noting the gold band again. She was still wearing it after all this time. Talk about devotion.

  JT’s stomach clenched at the thought, and his reaction left him confused and uncomfortable.

  He shook the thought and studied Charlotte, his eyes zooming in on the wide V of her robe. The thing gaped, revealing creamy skin between full breasts.

  He gulped and turned away. Get your mind back on task. He had to find what Shaun Delaney had on Terran, or see something yourself, and that could take months.

  His best option was to discover what Charlotte’s husband had found.

  “Did Shaun have an office here?” JT turned to face her again.

  She nodded. “I haven’t been in there since he died. I just couldn’t face it.”

  Clearly this woman loved her husband, so unlike any woman in his life. His own mother moved from one man to the next without so much as a single tear. Of course, none had been worthy of crying over. All scum. All abusive to him.

  “Would you allow me to look?”

  “Okay.” She rose and started down a short hallway, stopping in front of a door.

  “You don’t have to go in if you don’t want to, Charlotte.”

  She glanced at him, the pulse point at her neck fluttering wildly. “No. It’s okay.”

  Charlotte turned the knob and opened the door, then switched on the light, bathing the room in a yellow glow.

  “You okay?” he asked when she didn’t move inside.

  She nodded and started for the desk.

  JT went around the opposite side and they met at the chair. Her hands gripped the leather so tightly he could see white on her knuckles.

  “You sure you’re all right, Charlotte?” JT cupped one of her hands with his. The contact sent a charge all the way up his arm.

  He pulled his hand back and brushed off the feeling. “You said you haven’t been in here since Shaun’s death?” Best to make conversation, get his mind on something safe.

  She shook her head, then moved away to stare out the window. JT could tell this was hard for her.

  Just get it over with.

  He moved the chair back and pulled open the top drawer, referencing what was inside. Nothing out of the ordinary. Then again, if Shaun had something damning on Terran, would he keep it where anyone could find it? JT didn’t think so.

  He turned to Charlotte. “Did your husband have a safe here or a deposit box at the bank?”

  “No.” She turned to look at him. “At least not that I know of.” The look of disillusionment in her eyes was clear.

  “Look, Charlotte, I know this is all so...unbelievable. I get that. But if Shaun kept thi
s from you, it was because he knew it was too dangerous to tell you, and he didn’t want you to get hurt. That tells me he must have loved you very much.”

  Tears clouded her eyes, turning them to a sparkling blue topaz.

  Emotion clogged JT’s throat. He wanted to pull her into his arms and make her forget her pain, but he knew she’d resist him—especially after what she’d just learned about her dead husband.

  JT needed to put himself into that man’s mindset. Where would he hide something that could uncover corruption by a prominent member of the community? Somewhere his wife wouldn’t knowingly stumble upon it, putting her at risk?

  No way would he conceal it at his office at The Terran Corporation. That would be too easy for William Terran to find. So where would he have put this so-called proof? And, what the hell was it? Pictures of what was being imported? Some kind of paperwork for it?

  “He wants to marry me,” Charlotte said from behind him.

  “What? Who?”

  “Terran. He’s asked me several times. I was going to say yes until Cara suggested I wait and think about it over the weekend.”

  JT rubbed at the stumble on his jaw. Wow. This said a lot to him. Clearly, there was some kind of evidence—otherwise, why would he ask Charlotte to marry him? Besides the fact the woman is breathtaking? And sexy. And could cook like nobody’s business.

  But, William Terran was a businessman first and foremost. There had to be more than his attraction to a woman for him to enter into marriage. Not when he never had before. No. This was all about Terran finding what Shaun had on him. Pure and simple. And that placed Charlotte’s life in danger—especially if she said no to the man.

  “Does he think I have this proof?” she asked, her eyes connecting with his.

  Lying to her would do no good. She’d see through his ruse. “I think he wants to find it before you do.”

  “But I had no idea about this whole thing. Surely he must know that by now.”

  She had a point, unless this was something so explosive that he couldn’t risk her finding it. Then again, the man killed for it. It had to be something pretty damning. Treasonous even.


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