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Page 9

by Robin Leigh Miller

  A wave of lust so powerful it made her thighs quiver crashed over her. She was numb to the cold air as her blood heated and surged through her body. Only one thing rolled over and over in her mind. She wanted him, this sexy as hell genie cutting her wood.

  “You shouldn’t be out here like that.”

  His dark, thick, rumbling voice drew her attention to his face. Dear God help her. He stood there with the axe gripped in one large hand, his shoulders straight and his chest bunched. The look in his eyes nearly made her orgasm right there. In fact, a gush of hot liquid pooled between her legs as he let his gaze roam down her body and back up again.

  A small voice reminded her no man had ever looked at her like this before. He made her feel desirable, wanted and horny. Apparently he felt the same way, from the looks of his bulging erection straining against his old denim jeans.

  One of them had to take control of this moment. Chance struggled for some form of intelligence. All she came up with was, “What are you doing?” in a breathy, husky voice.

  Hayes closed his eyes, his nostrils flared and she could tell he fought for composure. “I’m cutting wood for your fireplace,” he answered in a strained voice.


  “Because you need it and I wanted to help.” He ran his palm down over his face. “Chance, go inside.”

  She couldn’t move, couldn’t even tear her gaze away from him. He was candy to a deprived child. A full course meal to a starving man. Erotic pleasure to a horny woman and she wanted to keep looking.

  “It’s too cold for you to be out here like that.”

  Was it her imagination or did his voice keep getting deeper, thicker and more dangerous? If he kept talking she might come standing right here. Would that be such a terrible thing? Not at the moment.

  Hayes stepped forward, kept moving and she could only watch. Each muscle glided easily beneath his skin, changing angles and mesmerizing her. Oh how she wanted to touch him. He stopped only a few inches from her, his body heat wrapping around her and making her womb quiver.

  “Regardless of how old I am or what I can do, I’m a man who hasn’t touched a woman or even thought about touchin’ one for a long time. You have changed all that and standin’ here with your nipples piercin’ that thin towel is breakin’ all my control.”

  Chance heard his words, understood what he meant, but right now she didn’t care. Following her instincts, she reached out and laid her palm against his chest, right over his heart. Hayes drew in a ragged breath, causing her hand to rise and fall. Needing more, she skimmed her palm across the planes, lightly brushed his nipples and then let her hand lower to his abs.

  “Sometimes I look at you and think I’m dreaming,” she whispered.

  Hayes gripped her wrist and stopped her movement. “That’s the problem. I’m real flesh and blood and no one seems to know it.”

  The sadness in his voice matched the emotion in his eyes.

  “You should go inside and warm up, Chance.” He released her wrist and cupped her cheek in his hand.

  Glorious heat spread throughout her body. For the first time since she was a child, she felt her heart beat. Not the ordinary physical mechanics of it, but an actual sense of purpose for existing. It scared her yet excited her at the same time. An odd twist of reality happened then. She saw him not as he was today, but in the past. Their surroundings morphed until they stood in a musty tent surrounded by the dim light of an oil lamp.

  “Annie?” Hayes spoke in a whispered question.

  The name sounded familiar, not alarming her at all. She reached out again, touching his bare flesh, letting her hand travel down his sculpted abs until she cupped his hard cock and squeezed. Again that familiarity overcame her. She knew him, knew he would be gentle and give her heart-stopping pleasure. She wanted that. Now.

  “Pleasure me.” The whispered words came easily and not for one second did she regret them.

  Hayes growled deep in his throat, scooped her up in his arms and in the blink of an eye she found herself on an old, lumpy cot. Even that didn’t shake her from this bizarre hallucination. Somewhere in the depths of her mind she remembered this bed. Knew where the hard spots were and adjusted away from them.

  Hayes reached down and tugged the towel away from her body, exposing every quivering inch of flesh. He sucked in a ragged breath and let his fingertips glide between her breasts.

  “I know what you want,” she whispered. “Let me give you what you like.” Chance pushed herself up, scooted to the edge of the cot and released the button on his jeans. Yes, he liked this. She knew exactly how to please him.

  His stomach muscles clenched each time her knuckles brushed his skin. Once she had his jeans completely unfastened, she tugged the denim down over his hips until his cock sprang free. Anticipation and sheer joy filled her chest. She gripped his thick, hard shaft and stroked, knowing exactly where to apply pressure.

  “You have to stop,” he grumbled, gripping her wrist in a viselike hold. “Chance, stop.”

  The sound of her name, her real name, brought her back to the present rapidly. She wasn’t on a cot in a tent. They were in her bedroom and she was naked, holding Hayes’ cock firmly in her grasp. Still, she didn’t want this to end. The drive, the need and hunger for this man overrode every scrap of common sense she had.

  “I don’t want to, Hayes.” Her mouth watered, opened and she leaned in, flicking her tongue over the crest of his erection.

  Hayes moaned, muttered a few curses and then slid his fingers into her damp hair. “Chance, you don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “Yes I do. I don’t know how I know, but I know you like this and I want more than anything to give it to you.” His protest died off on a strangled groan as she engulfed his head with her mouth.

  His taste exploded on her tongue, familiar, addicting and driving her insane with need. Flattening her tongue so it could stroke his shaft, she swallowed him all the way to the back of her throat before retreating. Hayes speared all ten of his fingers into her hair and held on. Chance reached around, gripped his taut ass and dug her fingers into the hard muscle for leverage.

  Long minutes passed as she devoured his hard cock, licked, sucked and caressed until desperate sounds tumbled from his lips. His girth had grown, become thicker and longer. She didn’t want to stop but he forced her head back and held her at bay as he panted, staring down at her.

  “Chance?” His voice held doubt along with desire.


  “Is it you? Do you know who you are?”

  “Of course I do.” She knew exactly who she was and what she was doing. The whys would come later, right now she only wanted pleasure. “You aren’t the only one who hasn’t had affection in a while. Do I scare you?”

  He studied her face, gazed deep into her eyes and then helped her up. “All of this scares me. I don’t understand it but I know I need you. Regrets will come later,” he warned.

  No. She wouldn’t have regrets. This felt right. “I’m a big girl, Hayes.” Chance reached down and wrapped her fingers around his cock.

  He moved fast, lowered her down on the bed and jerked her body until her ass hung off the edge. Next he knelt between her open thighs and blew a warm breath over her wet pussy. Chance punched her head back into the mattress as she lifted her hips.

  “Yes, God, yes.” That one rush of hot air set fire to her nerve endings. Before she could settle he slipped one finger deep inside her hot, clenched pussy and sealed his lips around her clit.

  Chance fisted the quilt in her hands, lifted her hips and ground herself against his mouth. “More,” she growled. He knew the exact amount of suction to drive her higher without making her crest. As his finger pumped in and out of her body, he swirled his tongue around her swollen clit.

  Chance thrashed her head on the mattress. It had been so long. Far too long since she felt this kind of extreme, intense pleasure and she knew this was only the beginning. He would shatter her into a million piece
s, gather her back together before destroying her all over again.

  “Hayes, it’s too good. I need to come.” Her body burned. Nerves snapped and sizzled and when he pushed two fingers deep inside her clenched tunnel, her vision blurred.

  “Protection,” he snarled, releasing her clit.

  “Drawer.” At least she hoped she still had some. Would it be any good after all this time?

  Through her bleary vision, she saw Hayes roll the latex down his shaft and regretted not being able to do it for him. Then his head pressed against her opening, causing her mind to blank. He entered slowly and smoothly, allowing her tight muscles to adjust. She gasped at the feel of him filling her.

  “You’re so damn tight,” he growled.

  Muscles gave, stretched and allowed him passage. When he seated himself to the hilt, he stopped, took a bracing breath and then leaned down and sucked an aching nipple between his lips. The immediate spear of pleasure made her walls tighten around him further. She released the quilt and fisted his hair, holding him there, arching her back and offering him more.

  “You like this, I can feel it,” he spoke around her nipple. “Can I make you come like this?”

  She couldn’t voice her answer. Air seemed to have vanished in her lungs. No doubt though, he could probably make her come simply by kissing her at this point. His lips drew on her nipple as his other hand rolled the free one, tweaking it, lightly pinching and then soothing the nub.

  Chance swirled her hips, trying to move. She wanted him to pound into her, move, do something. The pressure in her body reached critical and when he pulled back slowly as he sucked hard on her nipple, the world shattered. Her body clutched him tight and then released, setting off spasm after spasm. She could no longer feel the mattress beneath her or see the ceiling. The only thing that existed was this avalanche of pleasure pummeling her body.

  Hayes groaned, stood and gripped her thighs as his hips worked like a piston, pounding his hard cock through her clenching muscles. Her breasts bounced from the force and when his release hit she could feel the hard throb of his cock. They came in rhythm. Her clenching, him pulsing. It went on forever until finally he fell forward, bracing himself on his elbows.

  Chance could only lie there, too spent to wrap her arms around him or even mutter a single word. Suddenly Hayes adjusted his hips, pulled from her body and rolled to her side, flopping on his back. Neither spoke. This wasn’t like a normal relationship. Hell, they didn’t even have a relationship.

  She should feel the shame or regret spilling in by now but she couldn’t seem to muster either emotion. She only felt right. As if she’d been waiting for this for an eternity.

  “I don’t know what just happened,” she managed, breaking the silence.

  “We had sex,” he replied in a gravelly voice. “Amazing, unrealistic sex.”

  “Yeah, no doubt, but why?”

  “Any number of reasons, I suppose.”

  She could hear the confusion in his voice so she felt a little better about it all. At least she wasn’t the only one confused by how they’d gone from strangers to instant fuck buddies. Sure, people did this sort of thing all the time, or at least that’s what she heard, but not her.

  “I don’t regret it.” The words burst from her lips without thought.

  “Neither do I.”

  “I want you to know, I don’t do this sort of thing. This is totally uncharacteristic of me.”

  Hayes chuckled. A rich, warm sound that covered her like a warm blanket. “You don’t have to explain yourself to me, Chance. I know the kind of woman you are, that’s what makes this odd.”

  “Yeah, odd is a good word.” They lay there a few moments longer. She tried to find a reason to feel bad about herself but she couldn’t. “So we had sex, great sex.”


  “It probably shouldn’t happen again, huh?”

  Hayes sat up, turned toward her and let his gaze sweep over her naked body. Chance shivered beneath his heated scrutiny. An instant flame flickered to life in the pit of her stomach. This wasn’t good. She should not want him again so soon.

  “No, it shouldn’t.”

  He rose from the bed and before she could blink had himself dressed and was heading for the door. The finality of his words, the utter sound of determination not to touch her again, it made her heart flinch. As she lay there hoping her legs would function, she realized this had to be as much of a brain puzzler for him as it was for her. Then she remembered the name he called her. Annie. It didn’t bother her, in fact she seemed to know who and what he meant. A puzzler for sure.

  Chance forced her sated body to move, went and grabbed another quick shower and wandered out into the kitchen. Hayes was nowhere to be found, not that it surprised her. She peered out the window and found him chopping away at the wood again.

  Yeah, she understood immersing yourself in work to help clear the cobwebs. That’s what she intended to do. First she needed to eat. She’d expended a lot of energy in a short period of time. Without eating she’d run down quickly today. As she toiled at the stove mixing up biscuits and gravy, she kept one eye on the door. As the minutes passed she discovered she couldn’t wait for him to walk through the door.

  Like he said, odd. Where did all this teenage horniness come from? It wasn’t like she was in love with the guy. Lust maybe? He had one hell of a body and knew how to use it. Still, that didn’t explain the shift inside her. Even now she seemed to be looking through a new set of eyes. As if a missing piece had fallen into place, not quite completing a picture but nearing its completion.

  The door opened slowly. Hayes stepped inside and quietly closed it. As soon as she looked at him a spear of lust hit that made her knees wobble. Stifling a moan of frustration, she returned her attention back to the stove.

  “I made breakfast,” she said, a little too loud and fast.

  He glanced at the table and blinked. “You don’t have to keep feedin’ me. It isn’t necessary for me to live.”

  “I know.” Awkward silence spread between them until she wanted to jump out of her skin. “Would you like to take a warm shower or eat first?”

  He smiled, shook his head and waved his hand toward the table. “After you.”

  They both sat. As before he waited for her take the first bite before eating himself. She made extra this morning, thinking he’d worked up an appetite outside and in her bedroom. And from the look on his face he seemed to be enjoying it.

  “Hayes, why didn’t you just use your genie skills on the wood?”

  “Because I know how you feel about doin’ things yourself. This way you can help but it’ll get done faster and that Bill won’t be able to hold it over you. Besides, it felt good to work again. It’s been too long.”

  So he did know her, a little too well. Still, the fact that he took her feelings into consideration blew her away. He could have used his magic and lied about it. “Thank you. I appreciate the thoughtfulness. I can’t wait to see that bastard’s face when he realizes I didn’t need him.”

  “Don’t poke the bear too much, Chance. I get the feelin’ it’ll make him angry and men like him can be unpredictable when they get mad.”

  He had a point, damn it. “Warning received.” They finished eating, neither speaking of what glorious pleasure they both had only a short while ago.

  Before Chance could get up to clear the table, Hayes waved his hand and everything was washed and put away. She could get used to that. After giving him a towel and showing him how to run the shower, Chance carried in several armloads of wood for tonight.

  After that she went to the barn and gathered her pieces to take into the shop. She found Hayes leaned against the car, his arms and ankles crossed, waiting for her. It didn’t seem to matter how many times she saw him, he looked magnificent.

  “Mind if I ride with you until town? I’ll make sure to be out of sight before anyone sees.”

  “Sure.” She put her pieces in the backseat and tried to push away
the guilt of not wanting anyone to see him. It wasn’t like people wouldn’t notice this tall, muscular man glued to her side all day. Imagine trying to explain him. Imagine her trying to concentrate.

  He did as promised and as soon as they reached the edge of town he vanished without a word. Okay, that disappointment she felt meant nothing. This was the best for both of them.

  Chance found Jenny perched on an old wooden stool outside. Chance retrieved the repaired chair and presented it to Jenny. The woman beamed with excitement, pushed aside the stool and put it in its proper place. They had their regular morning mindless chatter before people started rolling in. Between customers, Chance allowed her mind to wander to this morning’s explosion of passion. Seeing Hayes in her yard, seeing Hayes naked, feeling Hayes inside her body, his lips on her aching flesh.

  “You keep grinning like that and people will start to talk,” Jenny told her.

  “What?” Had she been grinning?

  “What’s going on, young lady? Who is he and why haven’t I been introduced?”

  Chance froze. Did the woman have psychic abilities? “What are you talking about?”

  “Only one thing puts a goofy grin on a woman’s face like that. A man. Spill it. I may be old but I’m not dead. Give me all the details.”

  Would it hurt to mention Hayes? That way if he did make an appearance around here Jenny wouldn’t be shocked. Jenny wasn’t the gossiping kind anyway. “Well, there is a man.”

  “I knew it.” Jenny clapped her hands. “I was beginning to think you didn’t like them.”

  “Not as a rule. But he’s different. Old-fashioned, strong and not afraid to work. There’s something about him, Jenny. Something that makes me feel a comfort and at the same time wary.”

  “What’s his name?”


  A flash of surprise filled Jenny’s face. “Hayes. That’s a name you don’t hear often. What’s he look like?”

  “Ruggedly handsome, not pretty at all but real. Know what I mean?”


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