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Page 19

by Robin Leigh Miller

  “I like these,” he mumbled. “Sexy.” And then he gripped the thin material in his fist and jerked, tearing the elastic.

  She’d never had her underwear torn from her body before. It sent thrilling chills over her flesh, drawing more moisture between her legs. “Oh God, yes,” she moaned.

  Hayes moved between her legs, raised her knees and began a torturous game of teasing as he kissed her inner thighs up to the junction of her legs and back. He always came so close but retreated. He was trying to kill her. She knew it, and he would succeed soon.

  “Hayes, please,” she whimpered.

  His hands slipped beneath her butt, lifted her hips and then he blew a steady stream of warm breath over her soaked pussy. Crazed with lust, Chance thrashed her head back and forth, cupped her breasts and tweaked her nipples to intensify the pleasure. He was so close that when she lifted her hips she could feel the breeze of his breath on her wet flesh.

  “You amaze me,” he said with awe his voice.

  “I’ll amaze you more when you fuck me,” she replied with desperation.

  “Patience,” he chuckled. “First I have to taste you.”

  Oh. God. She wouldn’t survive this. The first swipe of his tongue from her clenched opening to her clit tore a scream from her throat. Her body tensed, jerked and her hands fisted the sheets of the bed. Another pass of his tongue and lights exploded in her eyes. She couldn’t breathe. She thought her heart had stopped but then he licked again and the muscle nearly exploded from her chest.

  The man teased her clit, careful not to push her over the edge, speared his tongue inside her and devoured her sensitive flesh. Chance lost all control, she writhed, strange noises filled the room and she could feel every single hair on her body. Yep, he was trying to kill her and she was the willing victim.

  “Can’t breathe,” she managed, spiraling through a thick haze of pleasure.

  Apparently that held little worry for him. He did pull away, stopped his hungry laps at her pussy, but then he got to his knees, flipped her over onto her belly and jerked her ass into the air. Chance scrambled to her knees, eager for that first delicious feel of his cock pushing into her.

  Hayes moved her legs, spreading them wide and then gently rubbed his fingers over her swollen, sensitive flesh. One long finger dipped inside her opening as his other hand smoothed over her ass. A deep groan reverberated from his throat as he probed and teased her further.

  “I promise I’ll give you what we both need,” he growled in that dark, inhuman voice that sent tantalizing chills down her spine.

  Chance turned her head and met his gaze. It should probably scare her the way his eyes blazed with a misty, green hue, but it didn’t. It mesmerized her, drew her further in to the moment, made her want more. His finger teased the inside of her walls, rubbing that certain spot that made her quiver and teeter on the edge of oblivion. When she thought for sure she’d lose her control he withdrew, rubbed her flesh and then pushed inside again.

  It took a moment, her brain didn’t want to work, but eventually she realized what he was doing. Every time he stroked her inner walls her body grew slick, coating his finger in her juices. Only when she was soaked with desire once again did he stop. Positioning himself between her legs, he gripped her ass cheeks, spread them apart and then ran his tongue through her nectar.

  A pleading cry tore from her lips as his hot tongue bathed her and then speared inside her tunnel. A constant stream of whimpers were the only thing that kept her from unraveling as she pressed her face into the mattress and slowly went insane. He devoured her, ate like a man possessed.

  When he satisfied his hunger he straightened, ran his hand up her spine and followed it with his tongue. The assault of pure, raw pleasure made her shake as sweat coated her flesh. Her experience with men had never been like this. Did it have something to do with his magic? Did he intensify the pleasure purposely? Did it matter?

  “I’m sorry, darlin’, but I’m addicted to your taste. I couldn’t stop myself once I got started.” Hayes helped her lower to the mattress, rolled her onto her back and nuzzled her breasts, flicking her nipples with his tongue.

  She couldn’t stop shaking. She was drowning in pleasure. One thrust and it would all be over.

  Hayes positioned himself over her, opened her legs using his knees and then stopped. A hard look settled over his face and then he sighed.

  “As much as I want to feel you bare, I won’t leave you behind with a child to raise alone.”

  She glanced between them in time to see a condom cover his engorged flesh seconds before he nudged the head of his cock against her throbbing opening. Anticipation welled, constricted her throat and burned in her lungs. She wanted this, God, how she wanted this.

  “Look at me, darlin’. I want to see your eyes.”

  She obeyed. That green flickering drew her in. Chance gripped his arms, dug her fingers into hard muscle and held on.

  As the head of his cock pressed against her she lifted her hips and he slid in easily. “I won’t last,” she whimpered.

  “You don’t have to.” He surged forward, gently but with force.

  All the pent-up anticipation exploded with her orgasm. Chance arched, dug her fingers into his flesh as she screamed his name. Waves of intense pleasure crashed through her hard. With each slow stroke of his cock inside her, he drew the extreme release out. Her body shattered, she knew it. Pieces were flying around the room.

  When her vision began to clear and her body reassembled, she locked gazes with him and shivered at his deep, penetrating eyes. They flickered with greens and reds, watched her passionately and she knew no one would ever make her feel more like a woman then this man.

  Hayes lowered his head, kissed her neck, jawline and found her lips. She quickly got lost in the tender caress of his lips while he continued to pump and thrust inside her. Her fingers grazed down the bunched muscles of his back, over the curve of his taut ass and then back again. Her hips met his rhythm and for long, luscious moments they writhed together in ecstasy.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured, nipping her earlobe. “My Chance. My only Chance.”

  She couldn’t speak. When she tried she found her throat tightening. His words brought a sad desperation to the moment. He still thought there was no hope for them but she refused to believe it. He’d see. She’d find a way.

  Needing to take some control, she urged him onto his back, straddled his hips and started a slow ride of ecstasy. Hayes took advantage of his free hands, stroking her entire body. It was as if he wanted to commit her to memory.

  The motion of her body, the rub of his taut muscle and coarse hair on her clit had her climbing that peak again. She could feel her inner walls tightening, let the tingling pleasure take over and panted as she gazed down at the most handsome man she had ever known. He too felt the climax building, she could see it in the way his jaw clenched and his nostrils flared. Even the colors in his eyes grew more intense.

  Chance placed her hand on his thigh, bent back slightly and increased her pace. Hayes reached up and cupped her breasts, tormented her nipples and brought her sensitive body to the breaking point. This was all she had to give him and she wanted it to cement him to her. He couldn’t possibly think of leaving her after this.

  “Chance,” he whispered before his hips bucked, driving him further inside her. His head punched back into the mattress as a deep moan filled the room.

  The feel of his cock pulsing sent her over the edge. Her orgasm exploded, her muscles gripping and releasing so powerfully it bordered on pain, but she loved it. Waves of sheer bliss rolled from the top of her head down to her core and further to her toes. It went on and on, filling her up to overflowing. Nothing would ever compare to him, Hayes, her lost genie.

  When their bodies settled, the last of their releases eased away, she collapsed over him. Hayes wrapped her tightly in his arms, burying his face in her neck.

  “I don’t know how it happened but I love you, Hayes,” she

  His body trembled slightly and then she felt wetness on her skin. Tears. Maybe she should have been concerned, a little bit worried, but she wasn’t. She’d accomplished something. She’d broken through his iron shielding and now they could work together at figuring out how to spend the rest of their lives together.

  Chapter Thirteen

  He was doomed. That’s all there was to it. She’d ensured he’d spend the rest of his existence mourning the loss of the most beautiful treasure ever found. He’d become bitter, his mental state would twist until he became vile, angry and damned hateful. That sensual love they made would be the catalyst to his soul rotting like a dead fish. Yep, he was screwed.

  It only got better, or worse, depending on how he chose to think about it. Late into the night he awoke to her hot little mouth sucking him so fiercely he almost lost his mind. Relentless, that was Chance. She pinned his hips to the bed, threatened to tie his ass up and made him lie there until she brought him to release. Sweet, brain-shredding release. Of course he had to repay the favor. It wouldn’t be right not to, and having a second chance to taste her sweet nectar, he’d be stupid not to.

  Damn and double damn. What the hell was he supposed to do now? Thinking about leaving her made his guts twist. Sure, he could go out and find some unsuspecting fool to trick into taking his place in the bottle. It couldn’t be that hard. But he would hate himself for it and more importantly, Chance would hate him. Why couldn’t he simply not care, go out, do it and come back?

  “Hey, Chance, guess what? I’m free, now strip and let me at you.” Yeah, that would go over big.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  Chance came up behind him, grabbed his ass and squeezed. A hot jolt of desire speared through him. Since last night, every time she touched him his cock did an instant salute. Yep, doomed.

  “Tell me again why you need to be up at this hour?” he asked, helping her put her coat on.

  “It’s Black Friday. This is the day everyone goes out shopping for Christmas and they get an early start. Every business in town is opening soon.”

  “Doesn’t make sense to me,” he grumbled.

  “Me either, but that’s the way of the world and so I roll with it.”

  She did that well, he noticed, and it made him love her all the more. Yeah, he realized that after they both had the most intense orgasms of their lives and she lay there on his bare chest. Her words shattered him. The little vixen snuck right into his heart and made him feel like he never felt before. The emotions were so pure and powerful he couldn’t stop the tears, so he sobbed like a damn baby into her neck. Christ, he hated that kind of weakness.

  “What are you so snarly about today?” she asked, her forehead creased and her eyes filled with worry. “Is everything all right?”

  He didn’t like seeing her worry. Unable to stop himself, he hugged her tight to his body and kissed the top of her head. Chance wasn’t having it. She pushed back and frowned up at him.

  “What is it?”

  “I don’t know what to do,” he admitted. God, he felt like a child.

  “Do about what?”


  She studied his face, looked deep into his eyes and he knew she was seeing right through him. A wicked little grin tugged at her lips. Those luscious lips that could make him beg for mercy.

  “Easy. You do me. Very simple when you think about it, or do you need more lessons?” She reached down and cupped his cock through his jeans. The jeans she bought.

  “Lessons are good,” he growled, ready to haul her back to the bedroom.

  “Hold that thought and when we get home tonight I’ll show you some new things.”

  She gave his throbbing cock a hard squeeze and rose up on her toes to give him a quick kiss. Hayes snagged her around the waist. “There’s more?” There couldn’t possibly be anything as good as last night.

  She giggled, a musical sound that wound its way through his body and anchored to his heart. He combed his fingers through her silky brown hair, lowered his head and took her lips in a tender kiss. She tasted like coffee, rich and smooth. He wanted to taste that every morning for the rest of his life.

  “Come on, we have to get going,” she whispered. “I promise, tonight I’ll focus on you, only you.”

  Reluctantly he released her, helped gather a few things and then followed her to the car. He noticed a slight spring in her step this morning, even a glow that shimmered around her body. That’s what happiness looked like, he supposed. He could only imagine how she’d appear after he left.

  And there it was, reality gnashing its teeth at him. No way around it. Duty called and its beckon was hard to ignore now. The strength he’d become accustomed to was barely at half power. Soon his magic would fizzle and once that happened there’d be no turning back. The shackles were feeding that information through his system now.

  On the way to town, Chance stopped at a donut shop and bought some treats along with three large, strong coffees. She said they’d need it. He wasn’t sure he understood until they pulled into the business part of town. Cars lined the streets, droves of people scurried on the sidewalks and Chance seemed to be energized by it.

  He found himself smiling at her enthusiasm. He’d become addicted to her and when addictions were given up cold turkey unpleasant things happened. He didn’t look forward to it but he would welcome it with open arms.

  As soon as they stepped inside the store Jenny turned the open sign and the day became hectic. Hayes did his best to help but most of the time he watched Chance interact with customers. Once in a while she’d look his way with a wink or give him a heart-melting smile.

  By noon he figured she and Jenny would be starving, so he made his way to her back office and conjured a warm lunch of chili, hot bread and spiced cider. It seemed appropriate for the time of year and weather. Jenny praised his cooking and advised him to teach Chance.

  The afternoon slipped by without notice. When the sun started to set, the crowds slowed. Chance plopped down in her chair, looking tired but still glowing. She said another three hours and they’d close up shop. She and Jenny chatted about the inventory, moving it around a bit so people got a better look at slower-moving items. As they discussed business Hayes wandered out the door into the darkness.

  He needed a quiet moment to think. Tonight he’d have to sit Chance down and talk, seriously talk about their situation. It would kill him, so to speak, but it needed to be done. As he drew in a lungful of brisk air, a truck drove by slowly. At first Hayes didn’t think much about it but when it damn near stopped in front of the store, causing the car behind it to honk, his attention went directly to the driver.

  Every muscle in his body went rigid, even his fists balled tight. Bill. What did that bastard want? Hayes made eye contact with the man. What he saw set his back teeth on edge. Something was up, no doubt about it. But what?

  Bill sped up slightly, disappearing down the road. Hayes stayed outside a while, waiting to see if the man returned. Fifteen minutes later and partially numb from the winter air, he returned to the warmth of the store. Should he tell Chance? Would the bastard do something to her place of business?

  “What kind of security do you have here?” he asked, trying to make it sound casual even as his insides roiled with concern.

  “I have an alarm and the police patrol this street pretty heavily due to all the business here. Why?”

  Hayes shrugged. Good. It would make it difficult for Bill to damage her store. “Curious. Anything I can do to help?” He didn’t want to worry her unnecessarily. Bill was free to drive anywhere he wanted. It was the main street of town, after all.

  The next three hours consisted of him being the muscle to move things around. A stray customer wandered in every now and then, made a purchase and then things quieted down. He teased and laughed with Chance and Jenny but the thought of Bill plagued his mind. Why would he drive by? What was he up to?

  Chance finally rang out her cash
register as Jenny flipped the sign. They took the older woman home, he walked her to the door and when he crawled back into the car he noticed how exhausted Chance appeared. Dark circles surrounded her weary eyes and her shoulders seemed to sag.

  “This was a good day,” she said, shooting him a smile as she pulled out onto the road. “Business was great and I moved a lot of old inventory. Wanna know what the best part was?”


  “You were there.”

  The punch to his gut was hard and stole his breath. Did anyone ever say something so simple yet meaningful to him before? Not that he could remember. Damn fate for doing this to him.

  “Don’t look so annoyed,” she teased. “You could have popped yourself out of there if you didn’t like it.”

  “It’s not that,” he muttered. “I wish I could have been more help.”

  “You were great. Thank you again for feeding us lunch.”

  Hayes shrugged off her gratitude. A wave of exhaustion crashed over him, something he hadn’t felt in two centuries. He could barely hold his head up and his limbs seemed to weigh a ton.

  “I guess I worked you too hard,” she laughed.

  “I guess you did. I enjoyed it though. You’ve built a nice business for yourself, Chance. People enjoy your creations. It’s a rare gift you have.”

  “Thank you.”

  They drove a few miles in silence, both of them yawning every couple of minutes and when they turned onto the road where Chance lived, a truck barreled toward them at high speed. Its headlights were blinding and the driver didn’t seem to notice them. Chance got over as far as she could but the vehicle nearly ran them into the ditch. Hayes grabbed a hold of the dash with one hand as he threw his arm in front of Chance with the other. She managed to get the car back on the road, bringing it to a sudden stop.


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