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Angel Among Sinners (The Garden Book 1)

Page 3

by Rachel Blake

  “It’s called having faith. Bathroom is the first door in the hall, towels are in the closet.”

  Nodding her head, Embry headed down the hall and shut the door behind her. Back to the cool surface, she slid to the floor and sat.

  “What in the world have you gotten yourself into?”

  “Just an opportunity for you to strive among us fellow sinners,” Eden replied a few seconds before the closing door sounded behind her.

  With a deep breath, Embry forced herself back to her feet and stripped off her grimy clothes. Shit, the hot water felt amazing, so she just stood under the stream and allowed it to wash away the dirt of the street, right along with the tears.

  She cried for a few reasons—relief, hope, and fear, but most of all fear because she wasn’t stupid. She knew this could very well be a trap, like the last time she was offered help. What she had to do now was decide if it was worth the risk. Decide if getting through today was worth whatever tomorrow would bring.

  Was the risk of starving to death now worth whatever could happen in the future? Was sleeping in a warm, comfortable bed tonight worth what she was going to wake up to in the morning? Was taking a leap of faith worth falling on her face over and over again?

  The sound of knuckles lightly rapping on the door had her jumping.

  “Who is it?”

  “Your time’s up, Embry,” Eden called from the other side. “Hurry, so your food doesn’t get cold.”

  Food was too important for her to dally. Giving her head one more rinse, she pulled the towel from the rack and stepped from the enclosed tub. On the counter was a new set of sweats and a much too big tee shirt; gone were all of her dirty clothes.

  Still damp, she pulled on the garments and pulled her hair into a messy bun at the top of her head. A tug in the wrong direction reminded her she hadn’t brushed it in days, and the knots were getting worse. Unable to do anything more with her appearance, she went to the great room.

  “Here.” Eden sat on the couch and held out a plastic to-go container in one hand and a brush in the other. “Come sit in front of me, and I'll brush the tangles and snarls from your hair. You can eat and ask the questions you were too scared to ask earlier.”

  The smell of the Chinese food nestled in the white box had her feet moving before she could think better of it.

  “How do you know I still have questions?”

  “Everyone does. It’s just part of the process. How we get to know each other and how you’re going to get the information to make an informed decision.”

  Nodding, Embry took the offered food and sat on the floor between the woman’s knees.

  “Am I allowed to ask anything?”

  “Within reason. Obviously, I’m not going to talk about the other girls. I still have to protect them and their identities, at least until you make your decision.”

  “I can respect that.” The brush started working the ends of her shoulder-length, chestnut locks. “So, how many other girls are there?”

  “I employ thirty-eight people at The Garden. I have security personnel, janitors, a secretary, and a few other positions.”


  “Yes, and the escorts.”

  “So, how do they get their clients?” Embry opened the container, and her mouth watered. Popping a piece of chicken in her mouth, she moaned.

  “I love when the newcomers think that can get me to trip up.” Eden moved the brush further into the tangled hair. “My girls don’t work the streets; it isn’t what we do anymore. The clients call the office, and they’re added to the schedule. We assign them a woman based on their availability and past encounters.”

  “But no sex.”

  “No sex. It is strictly escorting. Anything from a wedding to a trip to Las Vegas. The clients are vetted extensively, just like my girls.” She gently tugged on a piece of hair. “There are random check-ins and extensive self-defense training before anyone is sent anywhere.”

  “And all the women like doing this?”

  “I have a few male escorts, too. You would be shocked how many women want to return to their class reunion with eye candy on their arms.”

  “I can see that. Ow.”

  “Sorry, this snarl’s a bad one.”

  Embry looked around the spotless apartment.

  “Does Prim even have a child?”

  “Oh, yeah, Parker. You’ll meet him soon I’m sure.”

  “Do you want me to be an escort?”

  “God, no. You would be an escort if I thought it was the best use of your assets, but I don’t believe that’s the case. No, I think I can put your degree to some good use. Of course, I would pay you.”

  “No!” Panic filled Embry. “I can’t get a normal job. He’ll be able to track me. I can’t risk him knowing where I am.”

  “Easy, you’re not the first girl I’ve had in this situation, and you won’t be the last. We have ways around that.”

  “Legal ways.”

  “More or less. Most of the people in my employ are from hard backgrounds in some way or another. Many of them are still in hiding physically, but the people searching them don’t have the means to do financial record searches and all of that, but with your father’s reach, we’ll take precautions.”

  “I won’t just be paid in room and board?”

  “You watch too much TV, Em. No, you’ll be paid a fair wage. Housing will be part of your contract until you don’t need it anymore.”

  “It’s too good to be true. There has to be a ‘but’ in there somewhere.”

  “The ‘but’ in this case comes in the form of our rules. I’m a stickler for them. If you break them, you will be punished. Simple as that.”

  “Punished? Like you’ll doc my pay?”

  “No, that wouldn’t make me any better than that father of yours. It’s all spelled out in the contract.” Eden gestured with the brush to the small stack of papers on the counter. “Turn, so I can get this side. It’s a typical employment contract. In the back are the rules and an explanation of what is expected of you and anyone in my employ.”

  “Just a simple employment contract.”

  “I didn’t say that. There are some differences, but they aren’t bad. You just have to decide if you can live with those differences.” She stood. “You can stay here tonight. Prim is staying elsewhere. I’ll be back in the morning. If you decide this isn’t for you, it’s no skin off my nose, but you really need to think about this opportunity and how far you’ll be able to get without it.”

  “Thank you?”

  “You’re welcome.” She walked to the door and turned back with her hand on the handle, “Oh, and Embry? Welcome to The Garden.”

  Embry sat, unmoving, even after the door shut behind her, questions running through her head. What in the fuck was she getting into? Was this real? Was it a trap? Even if it was a trap, did she care, did she have a choice? Her options at this point were limited. Closing up the to-go container, she put it in the fridge as she went over her options.

  Option one—she could walk out the very door Eden had just left through and never see this place again. Then what? Go back to trying to turn a trick? She swallowed hard. Eden was right, she wouldn’t make it through her first job.

  Option two—go back to her father. All it would take was a phone call. He would send a car, and this nightmare would be over. But she would be walking back into the nightmare she had just run away from, and it would be so much worse. Bile rose in her throat. The punishment for leaving him would, no doubt, make her wish she was dead. No, that wasn’t an option.

  Option three—survive now.

  She really didn’t have a choice, passing this up would be as good as signing her own death certificate.

  She needed a job to get back on her feet and start earning her own money—money she’d be able to keep and wouldn’t have to hand over to someone else, the second the check cleared. She thought back to the trust fund that had been mentioned but quickly pushed it away. She didn�
�t know how to access that money, and even if she did, trying to do so would lead her father right to her.

  There was no doubt in her mind she would have to deal with the 1consequences of her choice later, but for now, it was the only real choice she had.

  On shaky legs, Embry moved to the counter and pulled the papers toward her. The top simply read, ‘The Garden.’

  Flipping it open, she groaned. It had to be at least twenty-five pages, front and back. With a sigh, she collapsed into one of the stools and started her study of the employment contract. The first ten or so pages were your normal contract—information about the company, the legal terms of what it was, their standards, and goals.

  It was on the twelfth page where things got interesting. A non-disclosure agreement stared back at her. She didn’t even hesitate. Who the hell was she going to tell? Even if she did, no one would believe her.

  With a quick swirl of a pen, she signed her name, Embry Grace Worthington, and moved forward in the papers.

  Chapter Two

  A knock at the front door had Embry picking her head up off the counter, the drool from sleep bringing a piece of paper with her. The green display on the stove across the room read the time—7:58.

  “Embry? It’s Prim, I forgot my meds, and I really need them.”

  The mention of needing a medication was all that was needed to get her moving to the door. Swinging it open wide, she stepped to the side and allowed the woman inside.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Thank God.” She moved into the apartment and headed toward the bathroom. “Yes, I’m fine.”

  “You don’t sound fine, you’re wheezing.”

  “I just need my asthma meds.” Her voice sounded from the bathroom before a deep breath could be heard as she pulled the medications into her lungs; she’d found her inhaler. When she emerged again, she clutched the red device in her hand, relief clear on her face. “I forgot my meds when I packed last night, so I’m in hot water already this morning, and now, I’m going to be late to teach this stupid class.”

  “Don’t you have a key, Rosie? This is your apartment, right?”

  Her steps faltered for a second before she met the other woman’s eyes, “Did you sign the NDA?”

  “Uh, yeah.” Shaking her head slightly at the change of subject, Embry moved to the counter and showed her the drool stained paper. “See?”

  “Okay, then I can tell you. Rosie is a name I only use on the street, and frankly, a weird one to hear when the sun is out, although James has taken to calling me Rosebud ever since he saw that damn movie.” Holding out her hand, she introduced herself. “My name is Prim. Primly Hall.”

  “Nice to meet you. I’m—”

  “Embry Worthington. I know who you are, hon. They did the necessary research the first night I spotted you out there.” She looked between the front door and the other woman for a few seconds before finally making up her mind and stepping a little closer to Embry. “I know this is scary as fuck and different from anything you’ve been faced with before, but this is an opportunity that not many women get. Don’t blow it.”


  The low warning was growled from the still-open door and had Prim visibly cringing for a second before her face brightened as she turned.

  “Good morning, James,” she said, looking beyond the man.

  “You know she’s not far behind me. I just hope you have a good reason for being late for the self-defense class you’re supposed to be teaching in,”—he looked at his watch—“twenty minutes.”

  Embry watched as Prim chewed her bottom lip. Yeah, she obviously didn’t have a good enough reason.

  “I didn’t think so,” James opened his arms, and Prim moved into them. With his lips at the top of her head, he said, “What has you late this time?”

  Prim simply shook her head, her face buried in his chest.

  “Answer me, little girl. I can’t help you with her if you don’t tell me why you’re running late.”

  “You can’t save her from me anyway, James.” Eden stepped through the door and crossed her arms over her chest. “She knows she isn’t supposed to be here in the first place, not until all the paperwork is done, and not only that, she’s late for work. There is no saving her from my displeasure. Especially with how she snuck out of our bed this morning.”

  Embry’s eyes widened.

  “Good morning, Eden,” Prim said as she pulled herself upright, her eyes meeting Eden’s. “Good morning, sir, er, James.”

  “I think you better stick with ‘sir’ this morning, Primly,” Eden said as she glanced pointedly at the clock. “What time does class start?”

  “8:15, ma’am.” Prim’s eyes dropped to her feet. “I was on time, I swear.”

  “Then what happened? What had you coming back here when you know that isn’t permitted?” Eden held up her hand as she moved to the counter and flipped through the contract, chuckling as she came to the damp page. “Fall asleep as you read?”

  “It was rather long and boring.” Embry slapped her hands over her mouth as soon as the words were out. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry.”

  “I see you read the rules and consequences portion of the contract as well. However, honesty will never be punished. Besides, while that clause has managed to be grandfathered into all the new contracts. In reality, it was rarely used in the beginning and never used now.” Eden turned to Prim and gave her a kind smile. “The exception is Prim.” Eden shifted from employer to something else as soon as she looked at the other woman. Embry would have sworn she saw love there.

  “What happened? How did you go from being on time to late and here?”

  Red crept into Prim’s face. “An asthma attack, ma’am.”


  The quietly sighed word had Prim looking up to James.

  “I know, but I really thought I had grabbed it until I woke up this morning and went to my bag. I swear I thought I had grabbed it.”

  “Primly Noelle.” Eden rubbed her hands against her forehead.

  “Do you need me, or can I go get the class situated until she’s available?” James asked.

  “Prim, go get your hairbrush.” Eden’s order had the other woman moving in an instant. “Can you get the class started, hand it off to someone else, then swing back here and pick the three of us up?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” James nodded.

  Embry looked back to Eden. “Was it just me, or did that sound really weird coming out of his mouth?” Again, she wanted to take the words back as soon as she gave them a voice. “Oh my God, I’m sorry. I swear, I usually have a better filter.”

  Eden simply laughed. “You’re right, and I hate it, but he insists on making me feel like an old lady when he can’t boss me about.”

  “Forty-five is not old, Eden Rose,” James corrected, his eyebrow high on his forehead.

  “Then he goes and says stuff like that and makes me feel like a little girl all over again.” Eden shook her head as she turned to watch Prim re-enter the room. “Do you have your meds as well?”

  “Here, Ma’am.” Prim held out the inhaler.

  “That’s the medication you forgot? Your inhaler? Primly Noelle, you know there is one at the house for this exact reason,” James scolded. “Why didn’t you just ask for it rather than coming all the way here?”

  “And break another rule?” Eden added.

  “I woke up with it, and I didn’t want to have to wake you,” Prim defended her decision.

  “Didn’t want to deal with a growly Eden when you had to wake her up so early is more like it,” James shot back with a shake of his head.

  “What would you have done if you had an attack in the middle of the night?” Eden pulled the brush roughly from Prim’s grasp. “Were you trying to get away with it? Hoping I wouldn’t find out?”

  “No, I swear I was going to tell you. I just… I was hoping to catch you in a better mood.”

  Eden shook her head. “And now, for your efforts, you
’ve caused yourself more trouble.”

  “Eden, please…” Prim’s plea died on her lips when James turned to her and crossed his arms over his chest. “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “The three of us will be picked up after the job is done and head to work then.” Eden turned to Embry. “How does that sound?”

  She wasn’t stupid, Embry knew what was going to happen. She had read the rules, the possible consequences for breaking said rules, ‘up to and including’ termination. But this wasn’t one of the rules that would get Prim fired.

  “Um, I can ride with him. I should probably get some self-defense classes started, anyway.”

  “Let me rephrase. That’s what will happen. While punishments like this have never been the norm, Primly is the exception. The relationship the three of us have is different from that of any other girl, but everyone that works for me is family and we don’t hide anything from family. So, it is best we get this out of the way now so you know she is a willing participant in this.” Eden turned her disapproving look on Prim, who was currently twisting her fingers in front of her.

  Snagging the inhaler out of Prim’s hand, James gave her arm a squeeze and placed a kiss on the top of Eden’s head as he headed to the front door.

  “Welcome to the family, Embry. Eden, don’t give her too much of a fright.”

  As soon as the door shut behind him, Eden’s face went from a sweet smile directed at the man she loved to stern disappointment.

  “Embry, will you lock the door, please?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Embry’s words, though little more than a squeak, had her eyes widening.

  “No need to be embarrassed. You’ve recognized the authority I have over the situation, nothing more.” Rounding the counter, Eden took a seat on a stool before gesturing to an empty one. “Lock the door and come join me. It’s clear we need to talk before we proceed. You, little one, can kneel.”

  “Yes, Ma’am,” Prim said before she gracefully sank to the floor next to Eden’s chair.

  “Embry? The door?”

  “Sorry.” As soon as the door was locked, Embry moved to sit at the counter. Once settled, she looked at the woman who knelt between them. “Is she going to stay there? More importantly, is that going to be expected of me? Because I don’t know if I can do that.”


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