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Taming a Duke's Wild Rose: Taming the Heart Series Book 2

Page 8

by Tammy Andresen

  “I serve in a less official capacity than the Captain does,” he answered.

  Rose raised her eyebrows but did not press further. “Will we move my father today?”

  “Have you seen him his morning? How does he fare?”

  “Ill-tempered and restless. But I can only assume that is a good sign. Dr. Thompson says the wound is healing nicely.”

  Alex was relieved for Rose. He thought, perhaps, they would stay on with her father for a time after the wedding to see to his recovery.

  “Also, the bishop was here this morning.” Her eyes darted quickly over to him and then she looked back down at her plate.

  “As soon as Captain Masters and I have concluded our business, I would ask that we speak with your father.” He had wanted to talk about the wedding details but the company was distracting him. Attempting to eat a meat filled pasty, he glanced around the table. His presence seemed to have stopped conversation. Rose’s two companions seemed unable to look away from his scar and Chris watched them watch Alex with a contemplative expression. For Alex, it only confirmed what he already knew. His scars made him unlovable. Rose was a beautiful woman prone to changing her mind. She would certainly change her mind about him. It was only a matter of time before she realized that she could have any one she wanted. Once he was no longer her knight in shining armor, but just her husband she would look elsewhere, to a man like Chris.

  Rose mostly stared down at her plate though she kept giving him sly glances. She was not a woman prone to fidgeting but she did so now, her hands adjusting her silverware, folding and refolding her napkin. His fear began to flow more steadily.

  Action was the only course, so setting his napkin on the table he turned to his friend. “Shall we?”

  Chris gave a single nod and the two men stood. He adjusted his waistcoat and then began moving around the table. The ladies’ eyes never left him as he made his way down the suddenly absurdly long table. He had grown comfortable around Rose and had nearly forgotten about his deformity. These two ladies were a stark reminder. He had seen little of them the past few days, which he was now sure was intentional on the earl’s part. He heard one of them whisper loudly, “You’re actually marrying him, Rose?”

  “Hush, you ninny,” Rose hissed. He heard her skirts rustle and her chair scraped the floor. While she walked silently, he could feel her moving closer until her hand touched his arm. Her torso followed, pressing against his arm and back while she raised up on tiptoe to whisper in his ear. “Pay them no mind. I would have a private word with you before we speak with my father.” Her breath tickled his ear and the light touch of her fingers moving on his sleeve made him both more relaxed and far more excited all in a moment.

  He couldn’t be without her, and the desperate urge overtook him again to make Rose entirely his. She gave his arm another squeeze and he realized that he hadn’t answered. “Yes,” his voice grated out, rough and raw.

  Her touch lingered for another moment and then Rose was gone, returning to the table. Alex took a deep breath, and adjusted his waistcoat again. He resisted the urge to run his hands through his hair and instead, inhaled again, letting it out slowly. It was a good thing he was facing away from the ladies because he was near solid rock below the waist.

  “Let’s get you out of here.” Amusement rang in Chris’s word and Alex grit his teeth. Chris had a front row view of his emotional turmoil today.

  “Soon enough, she will be yours.” His friend grinned as he spoke.

  Unable to resist anymore, Alex ran his fingers through his hair. “It can’t come soon enough.”

  “Are you still worried that you will not maintain her affection?”

  Alex cleared his throat. “I suppose I am, though I’m not sure it matters. I want no one else and so I will see this through no matter the end.”

  “I would worry for you except that Rose seems equally smitten. She has hardly noticed I am alive. Me. Can you imagine?” Chris smacked him on the back.

  “Forever humble.” Alex grinned at his friend. “Rose looks at me as though I don’t bear this mark. She almost makes me forget it is there. The others…”

  “Try to understand that they half love it. It is titillating and exciting and many more women than you know would like to explore the contours of your face.”

  Alex gave a single nod. “I am absolutely certain that if you bore this scar, you would find a way to use it to your advantage. But in hunting for a wife, I don’t want to be with a woman who is half disgusted, even if the other half is fascination. I want a woman who doesn’t even seem to notice it is there…” And he glanced back towards the dining room.

  “I suppose you are lucky then. Because Rose looks at you as though you are her next meal.”

  “Don’t tease me. I don’t know how couples wait months. I may not make it two weeks.” Alex grimaced.

  “Then don’t. If the bishop did indeed bring the special license then marry her and take what is yours or take it and then marry her. Your choice, I’d say. I seriously doubt she would object, you lucky devil you.”

  “Her father would object,” Alex pushed out through clenched teeth. “And there is still the matter with Lundberg. I can’t put her in any more danger than she already is.”

  “Well, you should officially promote me to your most trusted advisor. Carl is a suspected spy. He is one of four men not accounted for within the sixth regiment when vital information was passed to the French. Suspicions are even higher because he is suddenly living the high life and courting an earl’s daughter while on a sudden leave.”

  Alex stopped, turning to his friend. “But there is no proof beyond that?”

  “That is a telling story,” Chris’ voice was laced with irritation. “At the very least it may be enough information to make a case for accelerating a wedding and launching a full-fledged investigation against Lundberg.”

  “Of course. Thank you, my friend. I am anxious to take Lundberg out of the picture. He is dangerous but this gives me a solid place to start.”

  “I’ve got more. He and his friends often congregate at the Cock and Crow. That would be a good place to try and gather more information.”

  “Shall we meet there tonight?”

  “Absolutely.” Chris gave him an excited grin. “I’ll arrive early to secure the table in the darkest corner.”

  “Much obliged.” Alex shook Chris’ hand. Tonight he would begin tightening the noose around Carl Lundberg.



  Rose sat at breakfast, listening to her companions talk incessantly about the scarred duke. It was obvious they were titillated, frightened, and excited as they chattered with increasing speed.

  “Did you see how deep it was? How did he live?”

  “With that dark hair, it makes him look so mysterious…”

  “…and frightening--“

  “And handsome--”


  “Dreadful…” they both took a breath to continue.

  “That man will be my husband. You talk as though he is an actor on a stage to ogle. He is a person. Please―“

  “Aren’t you frightened?” Sarah Anne asked.

  “Of His Grace? Of course not. He is everything I could have…” She had been about to admit he was everything she had ever wanted in a man. It surprised her to realize that the man she had been trying to avoid was the absolute best choice for her. Taking a deep breath, she stood. “I need to speak with His Grace and my father. I’ll meet you both in the music room.”

  Out in the hall, she leaned against the wall. Any doubts she’d had evaporated last night. Her body knew what her mind had not, he was the man for her. Why else would she have allowed him so many liberties? Liberties she had never allowed another man even when she had said she’d loved them. Her mind drifted back to when she hadn’t allowed Carl to kiss her. She had known he wasn’t the man for her.

  Alex had proven himself selfless with all of his attenti
on and ministrations that had been left unreturned. There was so much about love that she had yet to understand but with more conviction than she thought possible, she knew she would give all the effort she could to being worthy of the man who would be her husband. He deserved nothing less.

  Moving towards the study, she heard Alex’s deep rumble mingled with her father’s low and tired tones.

  “I will defer to your best judgement,” she heard her father say. Walking faster, she knocked quickly, determined not to eavesdrop again.

  Alex opened the door and stepped aside to allow her in. His hand covertly brushed her back as she passed. He was so close, his scent filled her nostrils. That tantalizing mixture of pine and male musk made her inhale sharply. She wanted more.

  “Rose,” her father’s voice called from the makeshift bed. “Let me look at you, child.”

  Reluctantly, she turned her attention to her father and stepped further into the room. “How do you fare?”

  “I’ll be better when you are safely married and your future is secure. The license arrived today.” He gave her a long look to emphasize his point.

  Little shivers of anticipation raced down her spine. But she kept her exterior calm. Perhaps it was habit, her father never approved of her feelings for men, or maybe she just wanted to keep them between her and Alex, but her answer was demure. “Yes, Papa.”

  “Very good. Lundberg is proving to be a larger problem than we anticipated. It has been suggested that you marry even sooner.”

  Rose gasped. “What will people say?” She could just hear the gossips of the ton as they discussed her hurried marriage to the deformed duke.

  “That matters not,” Alex said behind her. “As you will be my wife, all will be forgiven. What is of concern is that you are amenable to the arrangement.”

  “I hardly think―“ her father began but Alex held up his hand.

  “I want to know that you find this arrangement satisfactory, Rose.”

  She turned to look at her fiancé. Every muscle was clenched taut, his face an unreadable mask. “Alex, I told you last―“ A quick jerk of his head made her stop. She had been about to reveal that they had discussed this very topic then night before. That they had spent time unchaperoned. “Of course, I am amenable to it.”

  “Very good. Send Bates in to arrange my movement back to my rooms.” Her father patted her hand.

  “Yes, Papa.”

  “I’ll escort you.” Alex took her hand to help her out of her chair.

  “Thank you,” she murmured as he tucked her hand into his arm.

  As soon as they reached the hall, Alex’s lips brushed her temple. “Were you able to sleep at all last night?”

  “I did quite well, what about you? You seem tense this morning.” She looked up at him, searching his face for the answers.

  “I am well. Thank you for your concern.” His face was a mask again.

  “You can tell me. What concerns you?” Her other arm reached across her body to squeeze his bicep.

  “Lundberg weighs heavily on my mind but beyond that, I want to make sure this is truly what you want.” His chocolate brown eyes pierced into hers.

  He was searching her face for answers too, his eyes looked over every nuance of her expression. “Alex, I have already told you that I wanted to marry you.”

  “Yes, but will you feel that way tomorrow and the next day and in a year from now?”

  Rose’s heart stopped beating for a split second. She shouldn’t be surprised. She had held the same fear for herself but when he said it, it cut through her. He doubted her ability to commit. “I cannot see into the future.” Her voice was soft. She didn’t want him to hear the hurt. “I only know how I feel now and…” Equally difficult was admitting the depths of her feelings, especially in light of his words. “If you will excuse me, I should find Bates.” She slipped her hand out from his and, lifting her skirts, made a dash down the hall.


  Alex watched her sprint down the hall and cursed himself for being a fool. He was raw this morning, not his usually composed self. Since Marissa, he had sequestered himself away. Keeping out of the public’s eye. Running his estate and socializing little.

  But he had needed an heir and Wentworth needed a titled man to marry his daughter. He had wanted Rose’s consent but what was happening was so much deeper. It was frightening, perhaps more so than battle even.

  Sighing, he headed in the direction that Rose had gone. He had just hurt her feelings and he needed to explain. Their feelings were just budding. It was important to nurture them not kill them before they could bloom.

  This hallway led to the back stairwell which went down to the kitchen. He could only assume that Rose sought the butler there. He took the stairs two at a time. It would be far easier to speak with her before she began her days’ activities that would most assuredly include her companions. Halfway down the stairs, he heard a strange thump, like a large object hitting the wall. He quickened his pace, sprinting down the rest of the narrow stairs and spilling out into the hall. He caught the faintest pink of Rose’s skirts before the back door closed.

  Bates stepped out of the kitchen but Alex motioned the man back out of the way as he went to find his Rose.

  She had gone to find Bates and Bates was in the kitchen. Why would she be going outside? Apprehension rose in his chest as he covered the hallway in just a few strides and then yanked open the door. Lundberg was dragging Rose across the lawn, one hand covering her mouth, the other wrapped tightly around her body. Rose kicked wildly but made little progress in escape.

  Red lines of fury momentarily blurred his vision before he charged after them, easily covering the ground between them. Without stopping, his fist balled up and swung at Carl’s head. The other man ducked it and abruptly released Rose who threw herself into Alex’s arms.

  For the span of a moment, Alex wondered what to do. Should he set Rose aside and beat the other man senseless? Rose would witness it all and she would be left unattended while he administered the beating. He never doubted for a second that he would be the victor. Lundberg was a lean man who clearly favored drink and fun over actual work, while Alex labored every day to better his holdings.

  Rose buried her head in his shoulder, a shuddering sob emitting into his jacket as Lundberg raced for the hedge. “The next time I see you, you will regret it,” Alex gritted out as he picked up Rose and carried her back into the house.

  “I only went down to the kitchen to find Bates but then he grabbed me before I even knew he was there.” She sobbed into his chest, her arms wrapping around his neck.

  “Sshhh, all is well. I have you.” One of his hands came up to stroke her hair.

  “I have unleashed a devil upon us. Little wonder you do not trust me.”

  “Rose, I have my own demons that drive me and often, it is myself I do not trust. It is time I explained it to you. I am sorry I hurt you, my love.” While he did not fully trust her either, now was not the time to say so. He wanted to make things right with her.

  “You’ve a right not to trust me. Look what my foolishness has done. But if you let me, I will spend my life proving to you that I can change. I can be better.” Her shoulders shook but her face was still buried.

  He opened the back door and carried her inside. Closing it firmly behind them, he set Rose down on her feet and then hooked a finger under her chin to lift her tear soaked face up to meet his eyes. “We’ve all made mistakes, Rose. I made one just a moments ago upstairs. I shouldn’t have said those things to you.”

  “Just because you shouldn’t have said them doesn’t make them untrue.” Her voice caught on a sob as she spoke the words.

  “At one time, I would not have given a second thought to your ability to love only me. But my own past makes it so difficult to trust.”

  “I understand.” Her words held a sadness that Alex keenly felt. It seemed an insurmountable hurdle for them to overcome. But they had to find the path somehow. He was growing to l
ove her more with each passing day. “We will figure this out.”

  “My father told me that my mother was just like me until she met my father. They were deeply in love. He said she never looked at another man after him.” Rose delicately nibbled her lip. He had noticed it was a habit of hers when she was nervous. His thumb trailed along the bottom lip, just skimming her teeth and she sucked in her breath.

  “Rose, I can hardly wait to see what our future holds. Promise to meet me in the library again tonight,” he whispered in her ear. He knew he shouldn’t. The control it took to deny himself when alone with her was wearing thin. But he couldn’t seem to resist.

  “What about my guard?” Her cheek brushed his.

  “I’ll take care of it.”

  She nodded her assent.

  His lips found hers and they clung together, her body pressed against his. His hands pulled her closer but an ache settled deep in his loins to be closer still. He needed to make Rose his own.



  Rose listened to her companions play pianoforte with thinly concealed annoyance. Neither played particularly well. They giggled constantly. Normally, it would not bother her, but today, she longed to be back in the comfort of Alex’s arms. With everything that had happened, all she wanted was to be close to him. Instead she listened to the two ladies abuse her delicate instrument.

  Fortunately, her ears were spared further abuse when her good friend Isla called unexpectedly. Jumping from her seat, she moved swiftly to greet her friend.

  It was a rare treat. Isla Maddox, beautiful beyond any woman Rose has ever seen, was the most interesting woman Rose knew. She eschewed almost every female activity in favor of fishing and riding horses. Some men called Isla wild, but Rose thought her wonderful.


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