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Taming a Duke's Wild Rose: Taming the Heart Series Book 2

Page 11

by Tammy Andresen

  “He’s new,” she whispered.

  “Shall I kill him for you?” Carl’s voice held humor but it was an offer he had made before. It reminded her that she needed to be very careful with this man. With that said, if he did kill Bates, it would be one less man for Alex to deal with.

  “Most likely, yes,” her scratchy voice croaked out.

  He gave a chuckle. “There now, you and I will make a wonderful team.”

  She said nothing, just took a few more sips of water. That would never happen. One way or the other, she would never be his wife.

  He set the glass down. “Perhaps some broth would speed your recovery?”

  She opened her eyes. That sounded heavenly. “Please,” she sighed out. Food would give her strength.

  He gave her a small smile and then left the room. Patting her hair, he leaned down and kissed her forehead. “I’ll be right back.”

  Rose closed her eyes as he left the room. She was no longer foolish enough to think that Carl actually cared for her. He wanted something from her and so he was treating her kindly. She would have to figure out how to use this knowledge to her advantage.

  He returned with the broth and Rose drank as much as she could. Both her stomach and her head calmed and as he laid her head back down on the pillow, she fell soundly back asleep.

  She woke several hours later to the sound of voices outside the door. “Say she’s seasick, but I ain’t seen her or heard a peep. They refused the doctor.”

  “Please,” her voice croaked. “Help.”

  “We’ll demand entry. Can’t have a woman dying on this ship,” another voice boomed.

  Relief swept over her. There was a chance she would be saved.

  Her eyes, still heavy, fell closed again, though she tried to prop them open. Suddenly, the door banged open. A candle was thrust in her face. Rose blinked several times, shielding herself from the light.

  “She is alive.” Carl’s voice rose from the back of the room.

  “Help,” she just managed to push out.

  Carl pushed to the front of the group. “It’s all right, love. I’m here.” He wrapped her in his arms burying her face in his chest. She lifted her hands to push away but they barely rested on his chest. “You can see she vomited. She fell and banged her head too in her dizziness but I was able to get some broth in her.”

  “I’ll have to examine her,” another voice chimed in.

  “Of course.” Carl squeezed her tighter. It bordered on painful. “But perhaps in the morning. My beautiful wife needs her rest.”

  “Wife?” she tried to speak but he crushed her face harder against him.

  “Well, I suppose…” The doctor stepped forward.

  “Be a good girl now, and more food will come your way in the morning.” Carl whispered in her ear. Trembling, she tilted her head to peer into his eyes. He loosened his hold to allow her to do so but his eyes were hard as flint.

  Rose bit her lip. Would these other men help her if she asked? Something hard and sharp pressed into her side. She knew Carl needed her but she also suspected he was capable of anything. Turning to the man she assumed was the doctor, Rose attempted to plead with her eyes as she spoke. “I need more water.”

  “That is a good sign that the seasickness is abating.” He gave her a smile of encouragement and poured her a glass of water and handed it to Carl. He brought it to her lips, giving her a few sips. The doctor waved his hand. “Give her more. Hydration is key to recovery.”

  Carl gave the slightest grimace but did as the doctor said. The water invigorated her, giving her some small amount of energy. “Food,” she mumbled, glancing at Carl. His frown deepened. She had played within his rules, not letting on that she had been taken by force, but she didn’t intend to allow him to deny her sustenance. It was a risk to be so bold.

  “Of course.” The doctor again smiled his encouragement. “Captain Withers, would you get the lady some bread and salted meat?”

  The Captain nodded with weary eyes and Rose wondered what his hesitation was. “Of course,” he replied.

  Then he left the room. Another sailor was also there, standing silently behind the doctor. His cap was pulled low over his face and he held himself back from the group. But the jaunty set of his shoulders was familiar and Rose realized it was Alex’s friend, Chris Masters. Relief swept through her, making her limp in Carl’s arms.

  “Where are you from, Mr. and Mrs. Lundberg?” Chris’ voice flowed over her, and she held back tears of relief. Hope rising in her chest.

  “My wife is from a small village in Norfolk. I was raised just outside of London,” Carl supplied, casting a dark glare at the other man.

  Chris didn’t respond, but glanced meaningfully at her instead, his eyes searching her face.

  The captain returned and set the food next to the bed. The doctor then handed Rose a piece of bread. She took a bite, chewed, and swallowed, feeling life surge through her body. She took another.

  “Well, you gentlemen can see that my wife is fine and recovering. If you will excuse―“

  “We’ll stay till she’s done eating,” Chris said.

  Rose grabbed a piece of salted meat and popped it in her mouth. Chris was buying her time and she would take full advantage of it. As her brain began to function she realized that the ship’s crew was not working with Carl which should make it easier for her to escape. Why didn’t Chris just tell them she had been kidnapped? He must have a good reason.

  Carl was also assessing the other man. He stood, crossing his arms over his chest. “I am capable of taking care of my wife.”

  Rose ate faster. Once the Captain and Doctor left, she wouldn’t put it past Carl to take the food away. Would the Captain aid her if she went to him? It was a risk for sure but he was the one man who could lock Carl in the brig and return her home. Looking from his salty old face, it stared impassively back. He betrayed neither concern, sympathy, nor contempt.

  She looked to Chris, the rigid lines of his face revealed that he was ready to do battle. It seemed the safest bet to seek him out first and decide on a course of action together.

  The only problem was that, as a woman on a boat, it would be difficult to search without being seen.

  With food in her stomach, sleepiness overcame her. She tried to fight it but her body needed rest after the trauma. Even with all the men looking at her, her eyelids grew heavy and darkness overtook her.



  Alex stood on board The Destiny, watching the water slip by. It had been a full twenty-four hours since Rose had gone missing. With each passing moment some of his hope slipped away. Isla had tried to speak with him, as had William, but all he could do was watch the water flow past the bow of the ship and hope that the merchant vessel soon came into view.

  Maddox, for his part, had said little other than the word yes when Alex had requested the other duke help in the chase. Alex hadn’t minded. In fact, he was relieved to have one less person attempting to console him. So he was disappointed when Maddox approached him at the bow. “It’s been a long time.”

  “Yes,” Alex said through gritted teeth. The last thing he wanted to do was make small talk.

  “Have you met my wife?”

  “Yes,” Alex replied again. Had the circumstances been different, he might have noted that she was a stunning redhead who glowed in pregnancy with the couple’s second child. But now, all he could think about was his beautiful Rose.

  “We met in Boston, carriage was being held up by thieves.” For the first time, Alex turned his attention away from the water. Maddox continued. “She was all wrong for the title, of course, but perfect for me. I no more realized that when another suitor attempted to steal her away.”

  He turned his body towards the other man. “What happened?”

  “I caught up with them. Made sure I got my wife back.”

  “Did they live?” Maddox was an intimidating man under normal circumstances. Wh
en he caught up to Lundberg there was no telling what he might do.

  Barret took a deep breath. “Well one of them was killed by another. One lived, sent her to Australia…”

  “And the third?” Alex asked.

  “I shot him after he shot Piper.”

  “He shot your wife?” Alex gripped the rail with everything he had. He thought it may snap under his hand. If Rose was hurt…

  “Well, in fairness, he was aiming at me. But I only killed him in self-defense. Don’t kill him in cold blood. We want him to rot in jail, not you.”

  Alex gave a single nod though he was unsure that he would hold back in the moment. Rose was his future, she was his everything and Lundberg was taking that away from him. He had come back to life since meeting her and he would do everything in his power to cherish her and their relationship.

  “I can see you’re not listening,” His voice was a near growl and Alex turned to him crossing his arms. He and Barrett were near the same height, and while some might be intimidated by Barrett’s gruffness, Alex was not. “Piper, can you help me?”

  Piper joined her husband at the rail. Wrapping his arms around her, he set his cheek on the top of her vibrant auburn hair. The warmth that emanated from them was almost shocking considering Barrett’s normal gruff manner. Skimming his hand down his wife’s pregnant belly he closed his eyes. Alex felt a lump rise in his throat. He wanted Rose next to him with his arms around her. He hadn’t told her how he felt and he needed the chance to say all those words.

  Piper gave him an understanding smile. “I understand what you’re going through.”

  “That is kind of you―“ She held up her hand.

  “Lady Rose will see you, the kind of man you are, whatever you choose to do. Please consider what type of man she would want you to be.”

  Alex’s head snapped back. He hadn’t considered that. All of this was because Rose was his future. They belonged together. She was letting go of her fantasy of heroes that slay dragons, in favor of men who only do what was necessary. It was imperative that he be the man she was coming to understand was superior rather than lowering himself to the common killer that Lundberg was. How could he not have seen this? “Your Grace, how did you know?”

  “Please call me Piper. You and Lady Rose have a great deal in common with Barrett and myself. I am sure we will be great friends as I think I hold some understanding of what Rose is going through and what makes her love you beyond all others.”

  “How could you know that and why would you think she loves me? You’ve yet to meet her. She is so beautiful and I am…” He could see why Barrett loved this woman. She seemed to reading his very soul with her beautiful sea blue eyes.

  “I see your face and I know, by your reaction, what the two of you must share. Many ladies find Barrett intimidating. That never stopped me from seeing what was underneath.” Her face was soft as she hugged her husband.

  “Thank you, Piper. Your words have meant a great deal to me.”

  Isla and her brother moved towards them. Piper reached her hand out to the other woman, who grasped it easily. “Isla,” Piper’s voice held a great deal of warmth. “I think His Grace doubts Rose’s feelings for him.”

  “Piper, call me Alex.” He cleared his throat feeling exposed. His feelings had not been on display like this for a very long time.

  Isla looked at him in surprise. Then she reached her hand out to him as did Piper, forming a ring. “I have never seen Rose like this before. She fancied heroes and soldiers but with you, she loves the man. I could clearly hear the difference in her voice.”

  Hope rose in his chest. Isla would know better than anyone. Was she correct? “Do you really believe that?”

  “I do.” Isla gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Alex took a deep breath. He had kept himself separated from society, especially women. But like Rose, these women did not seem repulsed by his scars. They all accepted him. For the first time in a long time, he had a place in this world.

  “You should get some rest, if my estimations are correct, we should overtake them tomorrow, late morning,” Barrett rumbled.

  He gave a terse nod. He doubted he would sleep but it may do him go to lay down for a bit. He would need his strength for the fight ahead.


  Rose woke with the sun. She was in the room alone, the pitcher of water still on the stand. There was still a dull ache in her temple, but it was manageable and her stomach no longer rolled. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, she sat up, taking a deep breath to steady the spinning room. With shaky arms, she poured herself some water. Taking several deep breaths, she bolstered the courage to stand. Her legs trembled but they held her. Biting her lip, she looked at the door. Now what?

  As if on cue, the softest tap came from the other side. “Rose? Are you awake?”

  “Chris?” her voice rose in a tentative question.

  “You recognize me.” Relief laced his words. “I saw Lundberg carrying you onto the ship. I was following him while Alex went to the constable.”

  “The captain just let you on?”

  “We are acquainted.” He paused. “The question is, how do we get you out of this room?”

  “Give me just a moment.” She felt in her hair and, sure enough, found a pin. She was shaky and weak but after fiddling with the lock for a few moments it gave a decided click.

  She pulled open the door and stepped out, near falling. Chris swept her up, grabbing the door and closing it behind her. He handed her another slice of meat and a hunk of bread and then moved purposefully down the hall. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, doing better, though my head still aches and I am weak.”

  “How did you get the lock open?”

  “It’s a skill.” She shrugged as she ate.

  He looked down at her quirking a brow. “I daresay, you are one of the most interesting women I have ever met.”

  “I shall take that as a compliment.” She grinned at him and he returned the favor.

  “I must ask, though it seems obvious, are you here against your will? Much as Alex is my friend, I’m not here to stop you if you want to run away with Carl.”

  “How can you even ask? Of course I am here against my will.” She tried to look indignant, even as she devoured her food while being carried.

  He gave her a grin. “I had to ask.”

  He opened a door and carried her inside. “What are we doing?”

  “I am going to let you eat and then I am going to get the Captain. He is an old family friend. I told him that I thought you had been taken against your will but he wanted proof before he caused a scene with Lundberg. I would have pressed harder last night but I thought you would be safe until the morning. So I waited outside your door.”

  “You were outside my door the entire night?”

  “Alex would never forgive me if I allowed anything to happen to you. The only problem is I don’t want to leave you here nor do I want to walk you about the boat. We have to figure out how to alert the Captain you were forced onto the ship.”

  A pounding sounded at the door. “Where is my wife?”

  “You don’t have a wife,” Chris called. “At least not on this boat.”

  A deafening blast roared into the room as a shot splintered through the door. Rose flattened herself on the bed as Chris dove across the room. Snatching her up, he dropped to the floor and rolled them under the bed. “Well this is quite the spot we’re in.”

  “Are you always so calm when being shot at?” she gasped.

  “One does get used to it, after a fashion.” He tucked her closer as another shot blasted through the door.

  She gasped again, “Is that because you are rake or a soldier?”

  “A rake?” He gave her a hard look and Rose nearly kicked herself. As usual she had said too much.

  “I apologize, I didn’t―“ Another shot fired, though it did not come through the door. Yelling filled the hall and Rose held her breath. She said a small prayer that no one
from the crew was hurt. Another shot, louder and deeper, shook the boat.

  “Oh my,” he said as he peeked out from under the bed.

  “What?” She held her breath.

  “Either Alex has arrived or we are being attacked by pirates in the English Channel.”

  “Attacked by pirates?” she yelped.

  “But hopefully it is your fiancé.”

  “Alex,” she sighed, her eyes straining towards the door that now sported several holes. The ship had gone quiet, or perhaps it was just the hallway.

  Chris rolled out from under the bed. “Stay there,” he commanded and slowly crossed the room, opening the door to peek into the hallway. “It’s clear,” Chris called as he motioned for her to come out.

  Grabbing her hand, he began pulling her towards the hatch. He peeked his head out, and then climbed all the way, signaling for her to follow. The sun nearly blinded her as her head crested the opening and Chris reached down, easily pulling out of the hole and into his arms to steady her. Her eyes slowly adjusted to the light. First, she saw Carl lying in a heap on the deck, then the Captain, talking to several men she did not recognize but as she searched, Alex’s face emerged. A smile lit hers and she dashed out of Chris’s arms toward her fiancé. Something was amiss. Even from this distance, she could see it, feel the coldness. His arms were still crossed and his expression hard. Moving closer, she was undeterred and raced towards him. “Alex,” Rose cried.

  He opened his arms and pulled her close for a brief second and then he set her aside again. Someone handed him a blanket which he wrapped around her. “How did he find you?” His eyes bore into Chris.

  “Who?” Her eyebrows drew together in a question.

  “Masters.” His jaw worked back and forth as though he were grinding his teeth. “Why are you with him?”

  Confusion clouded her mind. “I thought you sent him. Why else--”

  He didn’t allow her to finish. “It doesn’t matter. Let’s get you on the other ship..” He turned to the men around him. Rose huddled under her blanket. Sadness was overwhelming her. This should have been a joyful moment. “Tie him up, find the others.”


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