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Master of Dragons

Page 18

by Angela Knight

  Still chanting liquid Sidhe words in her purring, sensual voice, Nineva pointed down at a gap in the twenty-foot outer ring. It led into a maze formed by the swirling lines of the spell.

  Knowing what she wanted, Kel banished his clothing and stepped naked through the gap in the ring. Instinctively keeping his steps long and slow, he began to follow the path drawn into the spell. With each step, the magic grew stronger, dancing over his skin like the stroke of invisible female fingers.

  His cock swelled under that enchanted touch, growing hard, thick. His gaze locked on Nineva as she stood across the ring from him. Her nipples rose under the thin fabric of the red gown, clearly visible. Kel lifted his eyes to meet hers—and took a deep breath at the sensual need he saw in those opalescent eyes. Her stare was direct and hungry, even as her voice rose and fell in its musical, incomprehensible chant.

  Maybe this was about more than duty after all.

  Nineva had to struggle to concentrate on her magic as Kel walked naked through the spell. He moved with a liquid strength, his broad shoulders rolling, muscle rippling up and down his sculpted torso and long legs. His cock rose hard and thick, bobbing slightly above the tight, furred sac of his balls. Just looking at him made her mouth go dry. She barely managed not to stutter as she chanted the ancient words that were designed to bind the spell to Semira.

  Under his steady stare, she felt herself grow wet.

  By the time he stepped into the center of the circle, Nineva was aching. She finished the spell in a voice gone hoarse with need. For a moment, they stared at each other, heat swimming between them in waves she could almost see.

  Deep within her mind, Nineva heard a purr of approval in a familiar voice. Yessssss. More, my child!

  “The spell worked,” she managed. “We’ve got a connection to Semira. It’s fragile, but it’s there.”

  Kel smiled slowly, his glowing eyes heavy-lidded with desire. “Then let’s make the best of it.” He leaned down and took her mouth with that knee-weakening skill she knew so well. His lips tasted of desire, masculinity, and a smoky hint of something she recognized as dragon. His broad palms slid up her arms, and his fingers found the thin straps of her silk gown. He pushed them down until the dress slid over her hips and puddled around her feet.

  His gaze dropped to her hard nipples, and he covered her breasts with his hands. “So pretty,” he said, his voice deliciously deep. “So soft.”

  Nineva closed her eyes at the feeling of his fingers stroking, squeezing the sensitive flesh. The pleasure made her shiver.

  But even as she started to lean into him, she remembered Semira. “Lie down.” Her voice was hoarse. “I’ve got to work the rest of the spell.”

  Kel looked at her, and the corner of his mouth quirked in a lazy half-smile. “Well, since you ask so nicely.” He stepped back. His cock stood high and proud, drawing her longing attention. His smile broadened, as if he read the depth of her hunger. He moved to the center of the spell circle and dropped onto his back, graceful as a cat. His heavy erection fell against his belly, so long it stretched past his belly button. Nineva eyed the tempting width, the thickly veined underside, the flushed and swollen head. She dropped to her knees at his side and reached for her magic. Softly, she began to chant.

  The power gathered, thrumming through her body, tingling in the tips of her fingers. Making her grow even wetter.

  She reached for him. Touched the satin surface of his mouth, traced the arrogant angle of his cheekbones down his jaw to the round jut of his chin. He watched her, his gaze hot, intent as a predator’s.

  Nineva continued to chant, though her voice sounded increasingly rough. Still spinning the spell, she traced her fingers down his body, feeling the nodes of power beneath his velvet skin. Her fingers circled his nipples in an intricate, lacy pattern, drawing his magic closer to the surface. Kel groaned in delight, his back arching as if in involuntary reaction. The movement made his shaft bounce against his belly.

  Nineva had to swallow and lick her dry lips before she could continue the spell.

  Kel could feel his own pulse in his cock. It seemed to strain longingly toward her clever hand. He wanted to howl like a wolf at the sensation of those delicate fingers drawing patterns of energy over his aching flesh. He wanted to beg.

  At least she wanted him just as badly. He could smell the salt and musk of her desire as her body readied for his. He gritted his teeth, dying to reach between those long legs and touch her tight, slick flesh.

  She reached his cock at last, but she didn’t touch it. At least not at first. Instead her fingers circled it, swirling paths of magic, building the spell higher even as she built his desire.

  Kel wondered how much more of this he could take before he lunged for her. Not yet. He clenched his hands into fists. I’ve got to let her finish the spell.

  But it wasn’t going to be easy. Her fingertips ghosted up the underside of his shaft now, making it harden even more. Closing her other hand around the base of the organ, she angled it upward so she could continue painting the spell over his skin.

  It was all he could do not to writhe.

  The magic rose even higher, as if stoked by his growing lust. Nineva reached the head of his shaft and danced her fingers over it, drawing lines of power and lust.

  Then she took her hand away. It felt as if she’d attached a hot, glowing string to the head of his cock that vibrated with the force of her magic, sending burning little jolts of delight up his spine. He groaned as his hips rolled upward, helplessly pleading.

  “Now,” Nineva breathed. “The spell is ready.”

  “And so am I.” It was a growl so deep, it surprised even Kel. He hadn’t thought his human vocal cords were capable of that register.

  Nineva gave him a wicked little smile. “Good.” Her opalescent eyes met his and locked as she slowly lowered her head.

  Toward the cock she still held angled upward. Involuntarily, every muscle in his abdomen tightened in anticipation.

  Her pink tongue extended toward the blushing, swollen head. He caught his breath and waited. It felt as if his entire nervous system thrummed.

  The tip of that hot tongue flicked over the ruddy cap of his cock, collecting a bead of pre-come. Kel shuddered at the stab of delight.

  She licked him again, the kind of long, luscious stroke you’d give an ice cream cone. He gasped.

  “How’s that?” Nineva asked, with that siren’s smile.

  He laughed, the sound strangled. “Can’t you tell by the way my eyes are rolling back in my head?”

  “Mmmmm.” Another lick, this one ending in a slow, torturous little swirl. She leaned in and nibbled the shaft gently, right under the head, where the flesh was most sensitive.

  “Cachamwri’s Egg!”

  Kel watched, his muscles straining, as she widened her mouth and swooped down, sucking him into wet, snug heat. Slowly, she lowered her head, taking more and more of the thick shaft as her hands stroked the rest. She pulled up, then plunged downward, taking still more of him down that sweet throat. The spell reverberated hungrily as his body jerked.

  Her gaze flicked to his. “Don’t come.”

  “Ride me!”

  “Not yet.” Her grin was blatantly taunting. She sucked him in again and drew so hard, his spine arched as he fought to control the heat building in his balls.

  Nineva pulled off him, then plunged down again for another deliciously agonizing suck that lasted a sweet eternity.

  Finally he knew he could take no more. “Enough!”

  She lifted her head to consider his face. “No, I don’t think so.” And swooped down over him again.

  Kel’s control snapped. He grabbed those slender shoulders and rolled her ruthlessly beneath him. Nineva gasped in involuntary surprise, and he groaned at the hot satin of her skin pressing against his. He sat back, grabbed one of her lovely legs behind the knee, and draped it over his shoulder. Seizing the other’s slender ankle, he dragged her wide, aimed his cock with his fr
ee hand, and drove deep.

  Her gasp of startled lust made his balls jerk tight.

  Kel’s shaft felt a mile long as he sank endlessly inside her in a delicious invasion that sent tight curls of sensation spiraling up her spine. His gaze intent, he braced his powerful arms beside her shoulders and began to thrust, rolling his muscular butt and powerful thighs.

  “You feel so slick. So tight. So good.” His long cobalt hair fell around her face, rippling every time he pushed inside. He lowered his head and took her lips in a hard kiss of pure masculine conquest, his tongue swirling inside her gasping mouth. Even as he kissed her, he continued to thrust, slow and hard, twisting his hips so his cock seemed to corkscrew inside her.

  Nineva could do nothing but cling to his powerful shoulders. He bit her lips just shy of pain, then nuzzled under her jaw, forcing her head up, tasting the pounding pulse in her throat.

  Her climax was gathering deep in her sex, beginning to throb in hunger. He felt so damn huge. So deliciously heavy and so incredibly male.

  One big hand found her breast. Thumb and forefinger closed over her desperately tight nipple. Squeezed. Twisted with exquisite care. Forced another whimper from her mouth.

  “How’s that?” It was a deliberate mocking echo of her earlier question, but she didn’t care.

  Nineva couldn’t even manage speech, only a desperate nod. God, please don’t stop…

  Another shattering, burning thrust. She curled her leg tighter over his shoulder, bearing down, trying to force him that last fraction she needed to come. Distantly, she was aware of the spell, still thrumming between them. Feeding the goddess.

  Kel found her other nipple, stroked, teased. Maddened, she rolled up at him, harder, fighting to grind her way into climax. He chuckled, deep and satisfied. “Never tease a dragon, Nineva.”

  “Fine, dammit!” she growled. “Fuck me!”

  Kel laughed and gave her what she needed, picking up the pace, plunging in and out in sweet, searing thrusts that tore a scream from her lips. She writhed as her orgasm built and built and built…

  And exploded.

  Nineva screamed, unconsciously digging her nails into the thick brawn of his biceps. She heard Kel roar and stiffen, driving his cock all the way to the root. Holding it there, pulsing.

  The spell pulsed in echo. Harder, harder. Growing into a deep thrum she felt in her very bones. She met Kel’s startled gaze…


  Magic roared through them like a second orgasm, ferocious and hungry, blazing with power.

  The world went white, then black. Black and flecked with glittering sparks, like a night sky…

  No, it was the sky. She could see the moon, riding full against a spill of brilliant stars.

  A moon suddenly obscured by great wings. Must be Kel, flying through the night…

  No. There were too many wings, too many dragons. A thundering storm of them, filling the sky with blasts of magical fire. Armored warriors rode them, swords or axes or glowing globes of power in their hands as they swooped downward toward an army of mounted Sidhe.

  “Nineva?” Kel’s deep voice sounded worried.

  She opened her eyes to find herself cuddled against him, his arms gone tender now. “What…?” Her voice sounded far too weak. She cleared her throat and tried again. “What happened?”

  “We came, and then you collapsed.” He studied her, concern evident in his eyes. “Are you all right?”

  She licked her dry lips, letting her head fall against his shoulder. “I had a vision. Semira sent me a vision. Dragons.”

  His gaze went guarded. “Another burning dream?”

  “No, not that. I saw Magekind, or maybe they were Sidhe. But they were mounted on a squadron of dragons. Hundreds of them. Fighting the rebels and an army of Dark Ones.”

  Kel frowned. “Are you sure? My people don’t like humans. They’re not likely to form an alliance with them, much less carry them into battle.”

  She lifted her head. It was starting to pound. “Even to fight the Dark Ones? I thought your people suffered as badly as the Sidhe during that first invasion.”

  He snorted. “We did, but that won’t mean anything to the Dragonkind. Bigotry is not the most rational of emotions. Quite frankly, they wouldn’t believe it if we told them.”

  Nineva frowned. “Well, we’re going to have to make them believe. We need them, Kel. The goddess wouldn’t have sent me that vision otherwise.”

  Kel closed his eyes with an expression of pain and sighed. After a moment, he opened his eyes again. “Okay. Convincing them is going to be a big, hairy pain in the ass, but okay. What about finding Semira?”

  Nineva frowned and reached out, searching for the goddess. The intensity she’d felt during the spell had faded, but she could still sense a faint presence, ghostly and glowing. Semira?

  Yes, child?

  Thank the Goddess, the link had held this time, though it was still painfully weak. Can you help us find you?

  She sensed Semira’s sigh. I don’t know where I am. That witch Varza has encased me in a containment spell. It is all I can do to reach you, even after everything you have done to build my power. Until I’m free again, my strength will be limited.

  We’ll have to try the spell again. Do you want us to do that first, or go to the Dragon Lands?

  Go to the Dragon Lands. They must join the fight.

  Kel said he doesn’t think they’ll believe us.

  You will convince them, child. You must.

  Semira’s presence faded, leaving her alone. Nineva dropped her head back against the floor. “The spell wasn’t enough. Somebody named Varza has the goddess contained.”

  Kel gave her a seductive smile and started to reach for her. “We’ll just have to try again.”

  She lifted a hand, and he stopped in mid-gesture. “Not yet. First we’ve got to go to the Dragon Lands.”

  He sighed and sat back on his heels, watching her scramble to her bare feet. “I’d rather make love. Believe me, it’d be a lot more fun.”

  Nineva gave him a warm smile. “Oh, I don’t doubt that. But unfortunately, Semira was pretty definite. Dragons first, then sex.”

  “Figures.” He gestured, clothing himself in jeans and a black cotton T-shirt. “Well, if we’re leaving Avalon, I’ve got to check in with Arthur. He needs to know about this latest vision.”

  “Good idea. I’ll come with you. Maybe they’ve learned something about the sword.”

  “Maybe. But we’d better hurry. It’s almost dawn.”

  As they hurried along the cobblestone street toward the capitol building, Nineva remembered another piece of un-finished business. She cleared her throat. “I think I owe you an apology.”

  Kel snorted. “Yeah, those screaming orgasms really make my throat hurt.”

  “I’m serious. Going off with Dominic like that was really juvenile.” She shook her head. “I was so damned jealous, I couldn’t see straight.”

  His crimson eyes widened, and he stopped to stare at her. “You were jealous?”

  “That’s news? You must have been the only one in the bar who didn’t know, then.” She grimaced. “Thing is, I hate women who do shit like that. I’ve seen more fights started by bimbos acting like twelve-year-olds. So naturally, I do the same damn thing.”

  He studied her face. “You know, Clare would be the first to tell you we were never serious about each other.”

  “Yeah, I figured that. She wouldn’t have suggested a threesome if you had been. Women in love do not like to share.” Nineva blinked, as if suddenly realizing the implications of that statement. “I mean…”

  A long silence ticked by before Kel volunteered, “I was pretty pissed about Dominic. He’s the Court Seducer, so he romances women for a living. I didn’t enjoy watching him hone his technique on you.”

  Nineva blinked. “That’s an actual job description?”

  “Oh, yeah. See, Dominic’s job is giving Latents their powers.”


  “Descendents of the Magekind who carry Merlin’s spell in their genes. By having sex with one of them at least three times, a Magus can trigger the spell, making her a full Maja. Trouble is, most Latents have been raised as mortals, and they know nothing about the Magekind or their own potential. Dominic has to seduce them into it. And he’s really good at seduction.”

  “Sounds kind of like a gigolo.” She wrinkled her nose.

  “Pretty much.” He looked almost smug at having spiked his rival’s guns.

  Apparently he didn’t want to share either.

  The two found Arthur still at work in the Round Table chamber, coordinating the search for Merlin’s Grimoire. He listened as Nineva described her vision. When she finished, he exchanged a look with Kel. “Well, your dragon friends are going to love that.”

  “Yeah, but we’re going to have to get them onboard anyway. It would help if they all weren’t so blind stupid.” He drummed his fingers restlessly on the table. “Any news about Grim?”

  “We’ve looked everywhere, but we haven’t seen or sensed a damn thing.” Arthur raked his hand through his dark beard, his expression glum. “There is some good news, though. Gwen says Merlin’s shields are still up and just as powerful as ever. Trouble is, she’s afraid that Grim is the chink in our planetary armor.”

  Nineva frowned as she sank into one of the massive chairs that surrounded the table. “How?”

  “Well, as Grim himself told us, Merlin used Mageverse Earth’s ley lines to power the spell.” Ley lines were lines of magical force that cut through the planet, rather like Mortal Earth’s magnetic lines of force.

  Nineva considered the idea. “Makes sense. Using the ley lines would be the only real way to provide that much power to a spell over so many centuries.”

  “But you’d need some kind of control key—something that contained the actual spell,” Kel said, leaning back in his seat with a frown.

  “Which is where Grim comes into it,” Arthur told him.

  “Oh, fuck.” Nineva stared at him in horror. “If they destroy that book…”


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