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Master of Dragons

Page 28

by Angela Knight

  Later, she could not for the life of her remember the words Merlin spoke over them.

  Apparently she made the correct responses, because Kel never flinched. His deep voice rang over the listening crowd as he swore to take her for his wife and hold her close to his heart.

  Finally Merlin lifted the cup high over their heads. “Just as they share this wine, may Nineva and Kel drink deep of life’s joys, finding strength in one another for those times of challenge.”

  He offered the cup to her, and she took it carefully. The metal felt surprisingly warm in her hands as she bent to sip of the frothing liquid inside. It tasted of sunlight and spring. Her mouth curled up in delight as she turned to Kel. “Drink deep of this, my husband. It is indeed sweet.”

  As he accepted and drank, symbolizing their union, the crowd lifted their voices in a shout of approval.

  Nineva watched Kel hand the cup to Merlin again, scarcely noticing the tears of happiness that ran down her cheeks. When he hauled her into his arms, his kiss tasted like alien wine, exotic and shimmering with power.

  The Magekind celebrated as fiercely as they grieved. There were tables loaded with food for the Majae and those guests who, unlike the vampires, actually ate. Nineva sampled delicious dishes she didn’t know the name of, drank intoxicating drinks, and danced until her feet ached.

  She was staggering from the dance floor with her new husband when a tall man she at first mistook for a Sidhe stepped into her path.

  Then she noticed that his skin was tinted with blue, and his glowing blue eyes had slit pupils. The iridescence falling around his shoulders was not hair, but feathers. At his side stood a woman so lovely, she took Nineva’s breath.

  Nineva recognized Semira at the same moment Kel gasped and dropped to one knee, dragging Nineva down with him. He bowed his head. Around them, Sidhe and Dragonkind dropped to their knees, too, while the humans simply looked a bit confused. “Cachamwri, you honor us.”

  “Semira, my goddess,” Nineva managed as her heart began to pound.

  “Oh, up, children,” the Dragon God said impatiently. “I have a wedding gift for you.”

  Nineva and Kel exchanged a slightly panic-stricken look as they quickly stood again. Kel cleared his throat. “We are honored yet again, though it is not necessary, Burning One.”

  “Well, of course not, but we wish to do it anyway. Come here, girl.” Cachamwri caught Nineva’s hand and drew her toward him. His mouth touched her cheek. Power surged through her with a little jolt that made her eyes go wide.

  Nineva stared at him. “Oh.” She blinked, as his gift burst full upon her. “Oh!”

  Cachamwri smiled slightly and nodded. “Go then. I know you want to.”

  Her eyes flicked to Semira, who made a little shooing gesture. “You earned it, child.”

  Kel watched in bewilderment as his bride abruptly floated off her slippered feet, the train of her wedding gown swaying as she rose higher and higher. “Nineva, where are you…”

  Light flared all around her, and she vanished. In her place was a lovely golden dragon, wings spreading wide to catch the wind. She looked down at him with a Draconian laugh. “What are you waiting for? Come on!”

  Kel didn’t have to be asked twice. He leaped after her, letting his magic carry him upward until it was safe to transform.

  As the crowd below broke into cheers, he followed the woman he loved toward the horizon.

  Below them, Morgana Le Fay tucked her arm into Soren’s and whispered, “I wondered how long it would take her to figure out that trick.”

  “She’s not going to stay a dragon, is she?” Eithne demanded from his other side, sounding a bit horrified.

  Soren only laughed. “Now, why would she do that, child, when it’s so much fun both ways?”




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