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PRIDE: A Bad Boy and Amish Girl Romance (The Brody Bunch#1)

Page 18

by Sienna Valentine

  “Hang on to the headboard,” I told her as I prepared to show her just what Reid Brody was famous for.

  Even bucking my hips into the exact spot I knew would drive Sarah crazy, it felt… different. Better. The pleasure that surged through me had an edge unlike anything I’d ever experienced before. Each time she kissed my busted lip, she took a little more of my pain away. When her fingertips grazed along my bruised cheeks, it was like she had a healer’s touch.

  I could feel nothing but joy when I was with her. And I wanted to make sure she always felt the same way about me, too.

  And so I held her, tight. Close. I gave her everything I had, and then some. I made her come again and again in every way I knew how to. And when I finally reached that peak with her, she wrapped her legs around my waist and held me to her, ensuring that I couldn’t pull out—that we would, at last, feel each other completely.

  “Oh, God, Reid,” she breathed into my hair as I shuddered in the throes of my orgasm. “I think… I think I love you…”

  She had fallen so hard, so fast. But that was the plan, wasn’t it? To make her fall in love with me?

  Problem was… somewhere along the line… I’d fallen in love with her, too.

  That was how the old me had seen it, at least—an inconvenient truth. A problem. But the new Reid saw it for what it was: the best damn thing that had ever happened to me. My all-time, favorite mistake.

  Pressing our foreheads together, I whispered to Sarah, “That’s perfect, darlin’. Because I think I love you, too.”

  And in a whole different way, we once again became each other’s firsts.



  Another day, and night, of lovemaking, and I woke up bleary-eyed the next day. It was hard to be upset about that, though, given the incredible sensations Reid had made me feel time and time again at his urging. I could get used to this.

  And that was the odd thing—that I really was starting to get used to it. In fact, I was starting to get used to a lot of things, including everything I’d once believed I would never adjust to. The song of the city at night. The buzz of a home powered by electricity. The heavy, slow breathing of a man beside me, asleep and in bed—the warmth of his body, so close to my own—the nakedness of his skin…

  Once upon a time, and not so very long ago, the very idea of these things would have seemed foreign to me. Wrong, even. But now, just a short time after first meeting Reid Brody and the rest of the Brody Bunch, it all seemed so… normal. So right.

  So much had changed for me in just a week. Could I really trust my feelings on this?

  I rolled onto my back, staring out the window as sunlight filtered in past the blinds. I knew I wasn’t being objective. I knew I ought to have been considering my responsibilities, my duty to God and community, my duty to my family. But assuming Hannah was right, all that had gone out the window when Father sent those men to abduct me and Beth, and to bring us to him through whatever means necessary. Still, even given the circumstances, part of me felt like I’d given up everything because of a man. An English man.

  Yet, what had I gained? As I looked over at Reid, the answer was clear: I’d gained so much more.

  “I never thought I could feel this way,” I murmured out loud, brushing my fingers over Reid’s beard. “This kind of passion. This… love…”

  Reid stirred a little beside me. Without opening his eyes, he draped an arm across my stomach and pulled me closer, nuzzling into the curve between my neck and my shoulder. “If it helps, I never thought I could feel it, either,” he muttered, the soft scrape of his lips inspiring goosebumps across my arms.

  “You don’t understand,” I whispered. “Where I come from… love like this doesn’t exist. Passion doesn’t exist. It’s all about… duty and honor. About having babies and becoming a mother. But the magnitude of what I feel for you… the things you make me feel…” Tears brimmed in my eyes. “It just wouldn’t have been possible, if I’d never left home. If I’d never known you, Reid… I would’ve spent my whole life lost. Drifting. Never knowing how good life could really be.”

  Reid lifted his head a little, propping himself up on an arm to look down at me. I kissed his lips gently and he returned the gesture with a wince; the cut looked nasty. It would have to be cleaned again later. And his nose was still an angry purple.

  But that reminded me of yet another thing I’d have never known, if I’d stayed at home where I’d thought everything was right, simple, and safe. I never would have known just how far a man would be willing to go for me—to protect me, to save me. I would have had no idea I was worth so much. That was because back there, I wasn’t worth hardly anything. No more than my virginity. Yet out here, losing that didn’t devalue me. In fact, being with Reid hadn’t taken anything from me at all. I’d lost nothing in this process, this transaction of flesh. I’d only gained a deeper understanding of the world and my place in it. Being with Reid was as spiritual an experience as I’d ever had in any church. Maybe even more so.

  “I just… don’t understand the things people say about life out here in the English world,” I told him, stroking my fingers along his arm. “How can what we have possibly be sinful, when it brings me so much joy? So much bliss?”

  Reid smiled faintly—not too much, or he’d hurt himself. He said, “I don’t have any good answers for you, darlin’. All I can say is that I’m glad you’re still here with me. And I hope you’ll stay.”

  “For how long?” I asked him, returning his smile. “How long should I stay here with you, Reid Brody?”

  A grin threatened to split Reid’s lip again. “For as long as you’ll have me.”

  “Good,” I replied, nuzzling into his chest and inhaling his scent—sandalwood, leather, and musk. “Because with you, Reid… I feel something I’ve always wanted to feel.” I tilted my head back just enough to look up into his eyes. “I feel free.”

  Reid ran his fingers through my hair. “And that, Sarah Miller, is how you’ll feel every day for the rest of your life.”

  Was that true? Would staying here, with Reid, mean a liberated life? Could he really promise me that, come what may, I would retain my sovereignty, my freedom?

  I wondered about this for the few seconds our mouths remained apart, but when he kissed me, I knew for sure he meant it. And that was good enough for me.



  So, there you have it—the story I promised you. Boy meets girl. Boy lies to girl. Boy loses girl and has to get his ass kicked to win her back. Tale as old as time, and all that.

  What, you wanna know more? What else is there to tell? Sarah and I lived happily ever after. The end.

  Okay, so maybe there’s more to it than that. You gotta work at these things, after all.

  Fine. Here’s the truth.

  After several days of fucking Sarah on every available surface in my apartment, we went back to Hannah’s to have brunch with her and Ash. Yeah, I said brunch—the kind of girly shit I’d never tolerate from anyone else. Ash must’ve had it bad, too, because I didn’t hear any objections from him when we showed up at ten thirty in the morning, ready to eat them both out of house and home. In fact, he looked downright content sitting there at the table, his eyes glued to Hannah’s ass as she cooked us up some French toast and eggs.

  “The hell’s the difference between brunch and breakfast?” I asked him as I sat down. “Shit, looks like breakfast food to me.”

  “Can’t you just be glad you’re getting fed?” Ash asked me, a smirk on his face. “Especially after the last few days you’ve had. Or am I reading the situation wrong?”

  “Nope, definitely not,” I said with a grin, the hairs on my nape standing on end as Sarah glided her hand across my shoulders on her way to join Hannah in the kitchen. “Gotta tell you, man, things have been good. Once we got that bullshit bet out of the way, it just… all fell into place.” I frowned. “But where the hell is Wyatt? Don’t tell me he and Beth didn’t work out?”
  “Mm, no, nothing like that,” Ash said, leaning back in his chair. “At least, I don’t think so. Last I heard, they were going ‘off the grid.’ I take that to mean they’re at the fuck cabin, same as you were. I hope you washed the sheets.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Right, ‘cause I look like the kind of guy who does laundry.” Ash wrinkled his nose in disgust and disappointment. I laughed. “At least the cabin’s seeing some regular use.”

  “Beth needed some time away too, I think,” Ash remarked, casting a glance at Sarah. “You know how it goes. These girls are used to the wild. They need to return to their roots every now and again to de-stress.”

  “You make it sound like we’re Amazons, or something,” Hannah said from the kitchen. She was taking the French toast out of the oven and shaking her head. “Maybe it’s just that we know you boys act like asses when you’re around each other, so we want to get you alone to figure out who the real you is beneath all that machismo.”

  I looked at Sarah and raised a brow. “Is that it, darlin’? You girls just wanna get us men civilized?”

  Sarah grinned and shrugged. “Sounds about right,” she said.

  “It’s a damn conspiracy,” I told Ash, and he rolled his eyes at me. But I could see the smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Shit, maybe you should be next in rotation. I bet Hannah could use some time to drag that stick out of your ass. I mean, I was gonna ask if me and Sarah could borrow it again soon…” I cleared my throat, noticing Sarah’s look of be nice and ask your brother for a favor like a real, adult person. “…if that’s all right with you.”

  Ash eyed me for a moment like I’d just started speaking in tongues. I could tell he wanted to say something, wanted to make fun of me for taking orders from a sweet little Amish girl, maybe. But the truth was we were both whipped, and we knew it. These girls had us not only by the balls, but by our hearts. It was an unspoken truth that resonated between us, something he and I finally had in common.

  After a while, he shrugged. “Soon as Beth and Wyatt come home, I don’t see why not. You two got any special plans?”

  “It’s a celebration,” I told him, leaning back as Sarah and Hannah arrived with our plates. Sarah kissed me when she put mine down and I smiled at her, kissing her back. I gave her ass a good squeeze too as she walked away to grab her own food, for good measure. “Sarah’s decided for sure that she’s not going back to her village. Seems like a pretty big step, and that deserves some consideration.”

  Hannah sat down across from me. She looked like I’d taken the weight of the world off her shoulders. “Thank God,” she said to Sarah with a slow smile. “I was really hoping you’d say that.”

  “You were right,” Sarah admitted, squirming a bit in her seat like it pained her to say the words. “The English world isn’t so bad. In fact…” She looked over at me. “It’s kind of perfect.”

  I took her hand on top of the table, and cringed when Hannah made a prolonged awwww sound. Ash pushed his plate away and held up his hands. “All right, that’s enough. I can’t eat this. You two have ruined my appetite with your sugary bullshit.”

  “Awesome,” I said, reaching for his plate with my free hand, “more for me.”

  Ash lifted his fork. “Do it, motherfucker. I dare you.”

  “Come here and stop fighting,” Sarah said, pulling me toward her. I cupped her cheek in my hand, looking down into her eyes.

  “As long as you kiss me, I’ll do any damn thing you want,” I told her.

  And she did. And as promised, I left Ash’s plate well enough alone… even when he made gagging noises at us from across the table.

  So there we were, one big, happy family. Except for Wyatt and Beth, who at the time, we really, honestly believed were at the damn fuck cabin, fucking like rabbits.

  Turns out it was a little more complicated than that… but that’s their story…

  About the Author

  Bestselling author Sienna Valentine grew up in Canada and still lives there, spending her time reading and writing. Steamy romance has always been her favorite genre, and now finds that the only thing more satisfying than dreaming up her fantasies in the first place, is writing them down and being able to share them with others.

  You can find Sienna on facebook here:

  Don’t forget, if you want to be the first to know about her upcoming projects or join her ARC team, be sure to sign up on her mailing list!


  I’ve been teasing this book to some of my readers for a while, but because of the complexity of making the three books work together, I wanted to wait until I had all the details of the entire series fully thought out before releasing it. So I want to thank my dedicated friends and readers that have put up with the wait, and hope that I’ve done the story justice.

  I’d also like to thank those that beta read this book and their helpful feedback, and to all my facebook friends that have always been so supportive.

  Also by Sienna Valentine

  (All books available as eBooks or in print)

  * * *

  Outrageous Proposal





  Sanctum (Black Dogs MC 1)

  Retribution (Black Dogs MC 2)

  Vindication (Black Dogs MC 3)

  For a limited time, I’ve included bonus novels and excerpts below. But for those of you that liked PRIDE and want to can’t wait to hear the story of LUST, I’ve also included the first two chapters at the end of this book. Look for the entire novel in June 2016!

  Bonus Material

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  Bonus Book - Sanctum (Black Dogs MC Book 1)

  The first bonus book is Sanctum, the first of the Black Dogs MC series. The entire series is now available as a bundle on Amazon, or can be purchased individually. However, each book is stand-alone, and Sanctum does not end on a cliffhanger!

  ~ Prologue ~

  Maggie moaned and giggled in the dark as she felt Jase’s tongue sliding between her legs. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, fingers tangling in his hair, feeling the motion of his head moving around her center. The coolness of the sheets and the low summer breeze from the open window countered the heat of his body against hers. She could only stand a few minutes of his sweet torture before she grasped at his shoulders, trying to pull him on top of her.

  Jase moaned a few times as he lingered, his tongue flicking over her clit one last time before he obliged her silent orders. He traced a trail with his mouth up over her stomach and breasts. When she kissed him, she felt her own wetness on the 5 o’clock scruff on his chin. Jase slid his hips between her legs, his aching hardness pressing onto her sensitive lips. She gasped in his mouth and he laughed a low, sexy laugh that made her stomach shiver.

  Jase seemed to tease her a few more moments, sliding his cock against her without entering, until she whimpered and squirmed beneath him. He dropped a hard, passionate kiss on her lips when he finally relented and pushed inside of her. She inhaled the moan he let out when he felt her warmth around his cock. He began to thrust into her desperately, pulling her body for leverage to get as deeply inside of her as he could. Maggie grasped at him, digging nails into his back with every powerful meeting of his hips on hers.

  It was only a few minutes before they were both crying out in sweet release. Maggie bit into Jase’s shoulder, holding him close as she came. She felt him shudder against her, and deep inside her.

  Maggie collapsed against the sheets, and Jase, on top of her. The sounds of their heavy breathing filled the bedroom.

  Jase lifted his head up to look at her and pl
anted a kiss on her lips. “That’s five—record broken.”

  “Record broken hard,” said Maggie with a chuckle. “Good show, Campbell.”

  “And to you, ma’am,” said Jase. He playfully bit around her stomach where he knew she was ticklish, and Maggie collapsed into giggles until she finally got him to stop.

  Rolling off to lie next to her on the bed, Jase played with her curly hair as she lay on the pillow. “I feel like it’s been too long since we got to do this - at least this many times in a row.”

  “Yeah, well, who’s to blame for that, mister?” said Maggie with a quirk of her eyebrow.

  “I know, I know,” said Jase. “Things have been busy with the club, I know. Henry’s finally giving me better jobs than just bartending.”

  “Ugh,” said Maggie immediately. She twisted around dramatically. “Don’t even want to hear his name.”

  Jase laughed and tweaked her nose. “Maggie, we’re fucking in the man’s house.”

  “Yeah, well, not for long,” she said.

  “Oh?” said Jase. He laid his head down on the pillow next to her and gave her a hopeful grin. “Finally going to move in with me?”

  Maggie grinned back at him and scooted a little closer. She had practiced broaching this conversation for hours in the mirror before her father had finally left the house, allowing Jase time to come over. “Maybe… “


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