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The Way You Bite

Page 12

by Zoe Forward

  He continued to tremble.

  She whispered, “Leave. Or I might feel inclined to hurt you.”

  The car peeled away. She shouldn’t have revealed herself, but how else did urban legends start? She merged with the shadows in the alley where the driver planned his evil. Now where to go?

  Her apartment? Squad vamps would be watching. If not them, then Ambrose’s guys. However, she needed new clothes and her passport. She could get scrubs at the clinic and regroup from there.

  She walked the many blocks to the veterinary hospital and circled the building three times, sticking to the shadows. Casting a mental net, she searched for vamps or wolves. Nothing after two passes.

  She marched to the front door, locked after hours. The receptionist buzzed her in. The twenty-something part-time receptionist smiled. “I thought you took the night off, Dr. Scarpa.”

  “I forgot something.”

  “You look different. I mean, it’s good. You look like you got a tan or something.”

  “I just worked out.” Vee flashed a smile. With an air of authority, she headed to the office she shared with three other vets.

  Her options for a next step were limited. Few friends were safe to phone. Roman’s allegiance was to his king. He could only go so far to help her. She trusted only a handful of vamps. Trace was too entrenched with Dominic. If he found out she was half wolf, she wasn’t sure what he’d do after he freaked out. She used the office phone to call her aunt, who answered on the second ring.

  “Hi, Carol. It’s Vee.”

  “Where have you been? I left you at least ten voicemail messages. You’re okay?”

  “Right now I’m fine.”

  “Thank, God. Hsu-Li phoned me a few hours ago acting all concerned that you’d disappeared. That slimy bastard doesn’t give two shits about you. What’s going on?”

  “I’m in a bit of a situation. I missed a mandatory meeting with Dominic. Did he tell you he wants me to start the treatment?”

  “What? Ambrose knows about this?” Carol’s tone was tight.

  “Seems so.”

  “Two bloody assholes. Honey, that’s not happening. You hear me? There’s too much risk. I wish Dominic hadn’t agreed to marry you to Ambrose in the first place, although Ambrose has given you a huge measure of freedom, which earns him a few brownie points in my book.”

  “I won’t do it. And then there’s… Did Hsu-Li say anything else?”

  “He assumed you’d call me. What else is going on?”

  Vee massaged her head. “Did my mother speak to you about Dominic not being my father.”

  “Ah, so that’s why Aleksander Dimitrov is in the States.”

  “What? How did you know he was here and that him here has to do with me?”

  “The news of him here is absolutely everywhere. It’s about time the wolves reached out to you.”

  Her hand tightened around the phone. “It’s true? I’m a mix?”


  Now it felt real. Drinking Lexan’s blood could’ve been a fluke. But to hear it from her aunt… Oh God, she was in a lot of trouble. “Seriously? What the hell, Carol?”

  “I’m so sorry, honey. I’m really sorry. Wish I could give you a hug right now. I love you so much, and this scared me. Well, it still scares me.”

  “I’m lucky Ambrose hasn’t tried to bite me. Did you ever think about what might’ve happened? God, if he died…”

  “I’ve been worried. I meant to try to tell you before you actually said vows, but then I thought it all seemed to be working out all right. He seemed like the kind of vamp who’d have a taste before the wedding night. Did he…”

  “No. He prefers males.”

  “What…whoa. Hold on. Ambrose is gay?”

  “He’s not really gay. He’s bi, cross species… I think he’s slept with everything and right now has a preference for males. Back to why we didn’t talk about this. Why?”

  “I always meant to, but it seemed like the wolf half of you was dormant. So long as it remained such, you were safe. I was afraid if I told you, it might activate itself or something. No one knows much about hybrids, least of all me. Dominic and his zealots are so crazy about executing any wolf mixes or anyone that even sympathizes that I was afraid for you. I’m sorry we’re doing this over the phone.”

  “Did you meet him? My father, I mean?”


  She almost dropped the phone. Carol knew her mythical father. “I can’t believe you never told me. This is a lot to take in. You met my real father? The guy everyone thinks killed my mother?”

  “Blay. He was an ancient one, and oh my, did that guy have a presence. In a good way, but intimidating. Your mother and he adored each other. Sadly, they were in a tough spot with her married to Dominic.”

  “A tough spot? Holy shit, Carol. You helped them, didn’t you? You helped my mom cheat on Dominic with a werewolf? That’s…”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s treason. Well, it wasn’t back then. They were so in love. It was beautiful to see them together. Your mom deserved happiness.”

  “How long did they have this affair?”

  “Years. Decades.”

  “Dominic never knew? I can’t believe that. He’s such a control freak.”

  “Dominic still doesn’t know you’re not his. I agree it’s mindboggling. You’ve got Blay’s eyes. I thought surely someone in the vamp world would remember him, but it seems everyone is too young or they didn’t look that close. Somehow your mother was able to sell Dominic the lie that her affair only started after you were born, and therefore it lasted only a few months. I suspect she used her mental talents to convince him. Then, to complicate matters, Trace had to have that liaison with Lexan’s wife within the same year. I’m pretty sure Dominic found out about Trace, but considered it tit-for-tat. It certainly didn’t help ingratiate us with the European wolves to have Trace screwing the king’s wife. Ever wondered why Lexan never tried to stop the war over here?”

  “I feel like my head’s going to explode over all this. I’m not sure what to do at this point. I can’t go back to the wolves right now. I don’t trust Ambrose. Trace is too entrenched with Dominic and the war.”

  “You shouldn’t come up here. Dominic has deep reach now that your sister married the territory leader’s son. Meet me in Atlanta tomorrow. I’ll get you out of the country. Do you need money, or I can book you a flight?”

  Her mind whizzed. Dominic would have his computer guru watching his aunt’s purchases. Not a smart plan. She didn’t have funds or her passport. Maybe she could hitchhike. “I’ll try to find my way down there. Thanks. I love you and I’ll phone soon.”

  “Love you, too. Honey, watch out. If you can’t make it…if you get caught, you might be safer with them than vampires right now. Text me in eight hours to ensure you’re okay.” She hung up.

  Vee stared at the phone not feeling any more optimistic than before she spoke to Carol. Looked like her only viable option was to return to Lexan and take him up on his offer of getting her out of the country. Shower first.

  She showered, scrubbing off the smell of wolf with a panic-driven desperation. By the end of the scrubdown, she wasn’t sure how to get to Atlanta. She pulled on her backup scrubs and emerged from the bathroom.

  “Velvet Scarpa, I need for you to come with me. Now,” ordered a deep baritone British accent.

  She backed into the bathroom to find herself crowded by an unfamiliar vampire. His mind was closed, conveying only determination. Based on the type of dagger he had clasped in his fist he was European trained, not Squad.

  “Who are you?”

  “You are to come with me. No discussion. No questions.” His glower-smile combination dared her to disobey as if that would give him great pleasure. “We’re leaving now.”

  “As nice as your invitation is, I don’t think so.” She pushed past him to leave.

  He gripped her arm. “Don’t struggle.”

  “I’ll scream.”

  “No you won’t.” He touched her forehead with his free hand.

  “What the…?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  “I heard you got a vamp doctor helping you. A veterinarian.”

  Lexan wrapped the towel around his waist post-shower. He met the pale blue gaze identical to his own. Ryder reclined against the bathroom doorframe. He was an inch taller, with the blond hair of his mother. The kid had natural leadership skills but was impulsive and undisciplined. He’d allied himself with the most powerful wolf in the States—Julio Wildermont. Julio was a control freak with a legendary temper. He disappeared those who dared disagree with him. Lexan considered him a political chameleon, saying whatever his audience of the moment wanted to hear, but unable to stay true to anything. Somehow Ryder seemed happy to ride the wave of Julio’s command.

  Lexan strode out of the bedroom and tossed the towel onto the bed. Nakedness didn’t bother most wolves beyond their transition. Most had at least one or two public shift incidents when suddenly in the buff after a random change during the juvie phase.

  Without replying, he dressed. He dragged a comb through his damp hair. Then he loaded four knives into their reassuring spots, finding the ritual soothing. He needed routine right now to help him regain control over the persistent demands of his mind, which clamored for him to hunt Vee down and continue what they’d started. The need to protect and dominate her thrummed in his blood. The last fifteen minutes in the shower of trying to regain control and move beyond her effect on him were a bust. Damn it, they’d connected on a primitive level that even he knew he would never get over. He was practically crawling out of his skin to get to her.

  Finally Lexan said, “It’s been a long time, Ryder.”

  “I thought since you were in the area, I should visit.”

  “Does your keeper know you’re here? I hadn’t anticipated seeing you, or him, until the meeting tomorrow.”

  “Julio knows.”

  “He wants to know my plan for the war, doesn’t he?” Ryder wouldn’t be here if he hadn’t been forced. God, it hurt. He wished he could turn back time and take away the awful moments in Ryder’s childhood. The bitter arguments between he and Ryder’s mother and their divorce didn’t leave a lot of happy memories.

  Ryder nodded.

  “He’ll have to ask me himself, then. The offer for you to stay with me, to train, is still open.”

  Ryder nodded, noncommittal. “I can’t leave the States right now. I’ve been seeing someone.”

  His chest clenched. He’d missed too much of Ryder’s life, and now his son was getting serious about a female. “Is she your mate?”

  “I don’t know. Maybe. How does anyone know?”

  Jesus, a father-son moment. The last time he’d had one was before his divorce when Ryder had been about five. “You’ll know. You’ll mark her. It’s instinctual.” His thoughts slipped to Vee. Internally, he gritted his teeth that he wasn’t out searching for her. Wolves more talented than he in tracking were out there doing the job for him. “I’d like to meet her…your female.”

  Ryder’s face darkened. “Seems we don’t have to mark ’em to be with ’em. Like you never claimed Mother.”

  Lexan massaged his forehead. “Your mother and I weren’t meant to be. It was a bad situation for both of us, but we loved you.”

  Ryder crossed his arms. “It was your fault she hated you. If you’d claimed her properly and not shamed her in front of our people—”

  Lexan blew out a long sigh. Patience. His ex-wife had tried to assassinate him through contract killers too many times until she died in an accident a few years ago. “We should never have married. It’s why I am not a fan of arranged unions. However, I’m not sad it led to you.”

  Ryder headed for the exit. “So, what’s up with this girl your guys are chasing?”

  “Where’d you hear something like that?”

  “People talk.”

  Lexan stalked toward Ryder. “My people don’t talk. Who told you that?”

  Ryder’s eyes widened. “I used persuasion on Eric. I’m sorry, Dad, I wanted to know why you were here. I hoped it was to find a peaceful resolution to this war. Julio is a reasonably effective leader, but he can’t end this war.” Quietly he added, “He’s not you.”

  Bloody hell. Ryder used the D-word. He hadn’t called him anything but Lexan since his ex-wife turned Ryder against him. His eyes misted.

  Lexan said, “The vampire is my business.”

  “She’s a Scarpa set to marry a DiFalco. You trying to figure out a way to stop the war?”


  “All right, it’s your biz. I’m leaving, but I came by to warn you Julio isn’t happy about you here.” Ryder pivoted.

  Lexan caught his arm. “I want you to visit us in Europe. Call Eric. He’ll make arrangements. Bring your female. The war here is about to get more dangerous.”

  Ryder’s gaze dropped. “I don’t know…I’ll think about it.” He left.

  He grinned. It was the first time Ryder let him in since he and his wife separated.

  Eric arrived, panting.

  “What’s wrong?” It had to be Vee.

  “Ambrose took her. One of his guys knocked her out. At least TC said he hoped she was alive.”

  Dead? His chest locked up for an instant, followed swiftly by the need to pulverize someone. “We go now. Full tactical.”

  “It’ll be world war if we attack Ambrose.”

  “Then let it be war.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The novelty of passing out and waking up somewhere new had officially worn off.

  Instant vamp unconsciousness. Very cool trick, but she’d never heard of it. She lifted her head from the leather backseat of a sleek fast-moving sedan. The early morning sunlight didn’t burn her, which suggested deep window tinting.

  “Do not attempt to escape. We are almost there,” said Mr. British Accent from the front seat.

  “Almost where?” she asked, not expecting an answer. The passing scenery of the rural road gave no helpful clues on location. One had only to travel twenty to thirty minutes outside of Charlotte in almost any direction to end up in farm town America. Quaint, but not helpful when trying to gain a sense of locale.

  The tattoo on her captor’s neck labeled him as a DiFalco guard. Only the most devoted to the ancient Italian family were granted the distinctive mark.

  Perspiration dripped down her back. Ambrose had resorted to kidnapping her, which meant he’d be pissed when they faced off. He didn’t like anyone, especially her, ignoring his summons. Her phone… Crap, she’d forgotten to reply to him before torching it in her car.

  She had to think her way out of this before seeing Ambrose. If he saw the mark on her shoulder, he’d kill her.

  The drive ended at a dirt road she recognized from the two times she’d visited Ambrose at this off-the-grid retreat. Each of those private meetings involved the specifics of their “arrangement.” She’d picked up details of his liaisons out West from his thoughts and used it. He respected the move, even complimented her on her intel. In his mind it made her a better candidate for his wife.

  The automatic fence opened onto a reclaimed old farm. No animals roamed the pastures. No one was here long enough to maintain animals. The entry fence’s surveillance had been spiffed up since the last time she’d been here six months ago.

  The British vamp opened her door and leered a make-my-day grin as if he wanted her to attempt escape. He reached for her as if to drag her into the house.

  “Don’t touch me.” She held up her hand as she exited the car. “I’ll follow you inside, but if you touch me, I’ll get angry.” She attempted her best imitation of Dominic’s scary smile.

  His eyes widened. He backed up a step.

  Way to go on intimidation. Those years of defying Dominic paid off.

  He led her into the recently updated kitchen of the main house, now stocked with a full bevy of stainless steel appliances. She thought it
odd Ambrose wanted it updated. Vamps weren’t into cooking. Sure, they could eat real food but preferred something red, liquid, and uncooked.

  The British guy asked, “Breakfast?” He poured blood from a pitcher into a juice glass.

  She sniffed, catching something off with the blood, probably chemical. “No thanks. I had something earlier.”

  Her mouth watered, remembering the taste of Lexan’s blood.

  The guy snickered. “I know. You’ve got the glow. I thought Dominic forbade everyone from feeding from a source?”

  “I fell off the wagon. Sometimes a girl needs a bit of excitement.”

  “Amen to that,” he whispered so low she almost missed it.

  Vee took a seat in one of the red barstool-height chairs at the kitchen island. “Where’s Ambrose?”

  The kitchen door swung wide. Ambrose sauntered in, looking the epitome of metrosexual in his designer black sweater and tailored slacks. There weren’t many males who could pull off cashmere, but no one would accuse him of being effeminate to his face.

  He held his hands wide. “Vee, welcome home.” His mouth tipped into a feral grin, which had her on instant alert.

  “Why are you out here and not in town?” She concentrated to slow her heart rate.

  “I thought we needed a bit of privacy to sort out things before we meet with Dominic.”

  “Us out here is for my benefit?”

  “Your father was displeased you missed the meeting. We were both concerned when your car was found. Where have you been?”

  Ambrose leaned causally against the kitchen counter. The look that passed over his face before he fell into his usual mask of empathy was one she knew well, having seen it countless times on Dominic. Manipulative speculation.

  Right now, she preferred one super-sexy wolf’s moves to this.

  Ambrose asked, “Did the wolves torch your car?”

  “I’m not doing the treatment. If you want a baby, then let’s discuss doing it the old-fashioned way.”

  “You are spectacular to always oppose Dominic like no other. There are pros and cons to the treatment, but we’ll discuss that later. Right now, I want to know where you’ve been and why your car was burned.” He tapped his lip. “Why didn’t you answer my calls?”


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