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Sugar and Ice (Rinkside in the Rockies Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Aven Ellis

  Including Cade in a huge fight.

  I wince. I absolutely hate the idea of him being hit. Thinking about it makes me queasy. The angry look on his face when he punches an opponent—it’s hard to believe that is the same man who showers me with affection and always has to caress my face when he kisses me.

  I know Cade already explained his rough behavior on ice, but I can tell it’s going to take a while for me to get used to the hockey side of Cade.

  The video montage concludes with the Denver Mountain Lions logo flashing on the screen. Then the PA announcer welcomes the crowd to the season’s opening game. Because it’s the first game of the year, all of the trainers and assistant coaches are introduced, along with players who are injured or scratched for tonight’s game.

  Finally, it’s time for the players to be announced for tonight’s game. I’m so excited I’m sitting on the edge of my seat. I can’t wait to see Cade introduced.

  They are going in numerical order—except for the alternate captains and the captain, Gavin Tremblay, who will be introduced last.

  “Number 21, from Birmingham, England, JUDE PARKER!” the public address announcer roars.

  “JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!” the crowd roars.

  I cheer wildly with Sierra for Jude, who skates out on to the ice and raises his stick to the crowd in greeting. Then he takes his spot on the ice. More players are announced, and it feels like forever before it is number 82’s turn.

  Cade’s number.

  But finally, finally, finally, it’s his turn.

  “From Poughkeepsie, New York, number 82, CADE CALLAHAN!” the announcer says.

  A huge cheer goes up, none louder than mine. Cade skates onto the ice and raises his stick to the crowd, just like Jude did. I’m so proud I could burst. Cade’s skill and determination led him here, to a professional hockey team, to play the sport he’s so passionate about.

  And now I get to be a part of this world of his.

  “From Brussels, Belgium, number 11, your alternate captain, MAXIME LAURENT!” the announcer says, interrupting my thoughts.

  The crowd roars again, and I can’t help but smile because I adore Maxime as much as they do.

  The other alternate captain skates out after Maxime, and then Gavin is introduced. Everyone rises for the anthem, and I can’t wait for the game to get started. To see Cade not in pre-season form, but in the full-on hockey, take no prisoners, aggressive style that he is known for.

  As the anthem finishes, I try to calm the manic butterflies dancing in my stomach. The players head to center ice for the puck drop, and I find it hard not to hold my breath.

  I’m about to see Cade play in his opening night.

  And there are no words to describe the excitement I feel.


  By the start of the second period, I’m a wreck. The Mountain Lions are up 1-0, thanks to a goal from Brayden Kelly, so I should be elated.

  But gah, watching YouTube did not prepare me for how hard Cade plays his game.

  Will I ever get used to this? Cade is a beast out there. I’m terrified he’s going to kill himself.

  In the first period alone, Cade crashed opponents into the boards, upending one and sending a Houston player careening over the bench. He’s slammed into opposing players and bounced off the glass, and I keep gripping Sierra’s arm in anxiety, wondering how he hasn’t injured a hip, dislocated a shoulder, or incurred a horrible concussion.

  But every time Cade takes a hit, he bounces right back, determined to continue playing in his aggressive, passionate style.

  Which apparently will be every shift.

  “Oh, here we go!” a guy a few rows in front of us yells.

  I snap out of my thoughts and see Hunter Riley, an enormous defenseman for the Houston Scorpions, drop his stick and put up his fists at Cade.

  Shit! Hunter is huge. He could kill him! I grip Sierra’s arm as Cade drops his stick and bam! He punches Hunter right on the jaw. Hunter’s head snaps back, and he swings at Cade, landing one on his cheek.

  The crowd roars, flying to their feet to see the fight while screaming for Cade to “kick his ass!” The two exchange multiple blows then tumble down to the ice before, mercifully, a referee breaks up the fight.

  Cade is yanked off Hunter, and he screams at him as he’s dragged back to the penalty box. Hunter yells back. I look up at the video screen and see Cade has a cut on his left cheek that is bleeding. The second he is in the box, he throws a stack of Gatorade bottles on the ground then angrily snaps his stick in half. Cade then slams himself down onto the bench, rips off his helmet, and shakes out his hair. I can see him breathing hard on the screen, trying to catch his breath.

  Once I can see he’s okay, my fear changes into another emotion.

  Cade is freaking hot when he’s a bad ass.

  I decide I will hold on to that thought whenever he takes the ice. He’s tough. He can handle this.

  And I can take care of him after the game, I think happily.

  With that thought in my head, I relax a bit and look forward to seeing Cade later tonight.

  Off the ice.

  And in my arms instead.


  As soon as I get the text from Cade that he’s back from the arena, I grab my overnight bag. The Mountain Lions won their home opener, 2-1, with Cade having an assist on a goal scored by Maxime. Sierra and I waited for them after the game so we could see them briefly to congratulate them, but then we left so I could get my things together to spend the night at Cade’s place.

  “I’ll send Jude upstairs for you,” I tease, smiling wickedly at Sierra.

  Sierra grins at me. She still hasn’t changed out of her “PARKER” jersey.

  “Are you sending Jude up for my benefit or so you can have Cade to yourself?” she asks, arching an eyebrow.

  I laugh. “Both, of course. See you tomorrow.”

  “Night,” Sierra calls out after me.

  I shut the door behind me and catch the elevator to go downstairs. It was so exciting to see Cade play tonight, but I realize watching Cade play is always going to be stressful for me. The game has an inherent element of danger, but his continual need to pursue his game with such passion causes him to constantly hard-hit other players, slam them into boards, and the worst part, start all-out fights.

  I bite my lip. Whenever he got punched, I felt as though I was receiving the blow myself. I worry about concussions. I worry about how much abuse his body can take. I mean, this was one game. He has eighty-one more to go.



  The elevator chimes and I step off, anxiety gripping my heart. I know he won’t go through the season unscathed, no athlete does. But it doesn’t make it any easier for me to accept.

  I ring the door bell and Leia starts barking, but then I hear Jude’s voice and she immediately stops. I can hear Cade and Jude talking, then Jude laughing, and finally the lock turns on the door.

  Cade pulls it open. Tonight he received a cut across the top of his right cheekbone, compliments of Hunter Riley, and the urge to kiss him all better is so irresistible I can’t stop myself.

  I slide my hands up around the back of his neck, draw his face down to mine, and kiss him slowly and sweetly on the lips. Cade laughs softly against my mouth and lifts his head.

  “Is this how I’m always going to be greeted after I come home from work?” he quips. “I have to say, I like this better than you greeting me with a cocktail at the door.”

  I brush my fingertips over his battle scar, and a feeling of concern comes over me.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I ask.

  Cade wraps his hand over mine and leads me into his apartment. “My sweet Josephine, I promise you my answer is the same as when you asked me after the game. I’m fine. Sore, but it’s hockey. I’m always sore after a game.”

  I try to feel reassured as Cade brings my hand to his lips and brushes a gentle kiss across my knuckles.

ou’re so complex,” I say aloud, studying him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Here you are, giving me a romantic, sweet, gentlemanly kiss on the hand and an hour and a half ago this same hand was punching another man across the face.”

  Cade’s eyes flicker. “Does that bother you?”

  “No, not at all,” I say. “I know the man you are, on and off the ice. It’s just such a striking difference, that’s all.”

  “I promise you I don’t raise my fists outside the rink. The only reason I ever would was if I had to protect you or someone else. I fight as part of my career. I’m passionate about the game. It can piss me off, and I react. But I leave all that on the ice.”

  “Yeah, the only thing he throws around here is scorched Pot Noodle cups in the bin, not punches,” Jude quips, coming into the room with Leia by his side and a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

  “Shut up,” Cade says, grinning.

  “You could try to burn ramen instead of my imports,” Jude says, picking up his phone.

  “I’ll just eat your ham and pickle chips instead then,” Cade says.

  “Don’t touch my crisps,” Jude says, shooting Cade a look.

  “What? Did you say ham and pickle potato chips?” I ask.

  Jude smiles at me. “Yes. They’re brilliant.”

  “Those are okay, but the prawn flavor is gross.”

  “Shrimp potato chips?” I ask, wrinkling my nose. “Don’t they smell bad? Ewh.”

  “What is it with you Americans? My crisps are great,” Jude declares, putting a leash on Leia. “Go ahead and try some. You can thank me later for changing your life. All right, I’m headed upstairs. See you guys tomorrow.”

  I watch as they head out, and Cade snakes his arms around my waist, drawing me into his chest.

  “See? Jupe reaffirmed that I only throw Pot Noodles,” he declares, smiling down at me. “I’m harmless off the ice.”

  Oh, you are dangerous off the ice, but not in the way you think, I say to myself as I stare into his ruggedly handsome face. I’ve fallen for you, and I don’t know what I’ll do if you never fall for me in the same way.

  Cade bends down and kisses me, and I try to let my fear go and focus on our present.

  He breaks the kiss and cups my face in his hands. “Still no hints about what we’re doing on Sunday?”

  “You’re already thinking about Sunday? It’s Thursday. And you’re flying out to Los Angeles tomorrow. We have a few days before our date.”

  “I prefer to think about spending time with you.”


  “It’s a surprise,” I say, resting my hands on his strong chest and feeling the fabric of his dress shirt underneath my fingertips.

  “I hate surprises,” Cade groans. Then he smiles. “Unless it’s a sexy woman in an apron needing my oven. That turned out to be a great surprise.”

  I smile at him. “For me, too.”

  Cade kisses me again, and I focus on the moment, of being one of the surprises in his life that has made him happy.

  And hopefully my plans for him on Sunday will make him just as happy, too.


  “I can’t believe you planned this,” Cade says as we head up the trail. “My city girl is taking me hiking!”

  It’s a beautiful, crisp, Sunday morning in Golden, Colorado. The skies are blue with streaks of puffy white clouds. The mountains peek up from behind the towering, golden aspen trees that line both sides of the path. The Horseshoe Trail, which leads to the Frazer Meadow, is littered with rich autumn leaves, and the views this autumn morning are nothing short of spectacular.

  “I know how much the outdoors rejuvenate you,” I say as we walk. “I thought this would be perfect after your first road trip, and before you go back on the road at the end of the week.”

  “It does. And I like sharing it with you,” he says.

  I’m glad he can’t see the swoony smile that lights up my face.

  “How did you find the Horseshoe Trail?” he asks.

  “I wanted someplace close to Denver. My research said this trail is good for kids, so while it will be a breeze for you, I should be able to handle it. Should,” I emphasize.

  “If you get tired, I can carry you piggy-back style.”

  “Don’t tempt me. I might get exhausted before we reach the meadow!”

  “The views will make it worth it,” Cade declares.

  I shift my gaze from the pines and the aspens to Cade’s backside, taking in the way his gray T-shirt fits his broad back and the way his ass looks so incredibly sculpted from weight work and skating. God, does he look h—

  All of the sudden, I tumble over a rock and fly forward, letting out a cry as I hit the ground face-first.


  Oh shit, I want to die. Mortification fills me as Cade hurries to my side. I push myself into a sitting position.

  I wiped out because I was checking out Cade’s ass.

  “I’m fine,” I blurt out. “I tripped on a rock.”

  I rub my hands, which are now covered in dirt, against my shorts while Cade carefully lifts my chin.

  “You scraped your chin,” he says gently. “I’ve got some stuff in my backpack. We can clean it off.”

  I forget about my stinging chin and scraped knees and wonder what Cade must be thinking. His ex-girlfriend could share adventures with him, from serious hikes to zip-lining. So far I’ve injured him while fishing and fallen face-first on a trail recommended for children.

  Cade rips open a packet and removes an antibacterial wipe. He gently lifts my chin and begins to clean me up.

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper.

  “For what? You fell. You need bandages for your knees,” he says as he cleans them off.

  Cade was so nice about the fishing incident. And he’s being so sweet now. But will he think my clumsiness is okay when he wants to do a big climb and I can’t? Or camp overnight? Just thinking about either totally freaks me out.

  I watch as he rifles through his backpack for bandages. “I’m sorry I’m crap at hiking,” I admit.

  Cade looks up at me. “Josephine, you fell down. That’s not crap. It happens. Especially if you get distracted by the beauty out here, it’s easy to do.”

  I can’t help it. The idea that I was out here being mesmerized by nature kills me, and I burst out laughing. Cade furrows his brow at me.


  “I was looking at your ass when I fell.”


  “I was checking out your ass, and I didn’t see the rock,” I admit, my face burning with embarrassment.

  A huge grin spreads across his face, and I melt when I see his dimple pop out.

  “My ass is that distracting?”


  Cade laughs loudly.

  “Good to know you pay attention to the important things,” he teases. “Like my great ass.”

  “You do have a great ass.”

  Cade smiles as he puts bandages on my knees. Then, to my surprise, he places a gentle kiss over each bandage.

  “There. A kiss to make it better,” he says, brushing my hair away from my face. “Or two kisses, I should say.”

  My heart holds still. Here I am, under a glorious canopy of towering aspen trees of gold with an amazing man who is so romantic in the way he cares for me. Cade is kind and loving, yet strong and passionate.

  And on this beautiful autumn day, underneath the aspens and pines, I know one thing for sure.

  Nonna is right.

  I love him.

  My heart explodes to life as I gaze into his eyes.

  I loved Marco, I’m not denying that.

  But it wasn’t love like this.

  I love Cade for his beautiful soul, his heart, his mind. His sweetness. His fire. All of the complex things that he is, I love him with a depth I’ve never known.

  I need Cade. I’m a better person with him by my side, which is what I didn’t have with Marco
. I’m not complete without Cade, I’m not.

  “Come on, I’ll give you a ride for a bit,” Cade says, extending his hand to me and pulling me up.


  He turns around and bends over. “My damsel in distress needs a ride.”

  “You are going to carry me for the rest of the hike?”

  Cade turns over his shoulder, his eyes twinkling. “Nah. But I will for a little bit. Gives me an excuse to hold you.”

  I grab his backpack off the ground and slip it on. Then I climb up onto his back, and we laugh as he carries me up the trail.

  As I have my arms locked around him, and we’re laughing and being stupid together with him carrying me piggyback, I know I want this forever.

  I want to be in Colorado under the aspen trees, laughing with this man, and sharing our lives.


  Now more than ever, I hope Nonna is right about the legend of the apron.

  Cade is The One.

  And I hope with all my heart he will realize I’m The One for him, too.


  Today’s Purpose and Passion Statement:

  Today I will ask Angelique for another development project with the purpose of building off the assignment Tiffany has given me. I will also meet with Tiffany for feedback on my cupcakes, which she tasted last week. I will update her on the scheduled tasting with Skye and explain how we will be ready for photos when she comes in next week. Finally, I will follow up on my cereal cupcake concept to see if she will give me her approval.


  I pin my words next to Julia Child’s smiling face and re-read them.

  “Today’s purpose and passion statement?” Cade asks.

  I glance over my shoulder. Cade is eating the breakfast I made for him—designed to fuel him for practice on this late October day—of a ham and cheese omelet, homemade whole grain wheat bread with strawberry chia seed jam, fresh fruit, and Italian roast coffee. He has practice before flying out this afternoon for Cleveland. He’s on a three-game East Coast swing and won’t be back until Friday.


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