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Highlander's Pride: Winter Solstice (Against All Odds Series 1)

Page 23

by Veronica Wilson

  The parking lot was packed when he arrived. He shut down the engine and then climbed out, eager to step inside and see who Victor had brought with him. He and Victor had met years ago at a club in Venice. They were both there on business, and had struck up conversation on the golf course one morning. It just so happened that they both lived in the same part of New York, and were both self-made billionaires. Caleb liked Victor’s casual attitude. He was a hard worker, though, and he knew how to get what he wanted. Like Caleb, he, too, was single.

  Caleb wandered through the dimly lit lounge and eventually saw Victor sitting at a large, round table. He was surrounded by three women and one other man. Caleb’s eyes immediately fell on the woman with the caramel colored skin. She looked like an Abyssinian princess, with her high cheekbones and her thick, wavy hair. He was magnetized by her beauty until Victor snapped him out of it. “So you made it.” He stood up and patted Caleb on the back, then showed him to an empty seat. Caleb sat down, directly across from the beautiful woman that had caught his eye.

  “Thanks. I had just enough time to take the dog out for a quick walk and get cleaned up.” Caleb spoke to Victor, but looked at the woman as he spoke. She smiled politely and then looked away.

  “Well get yourself a drink and then have a look at the menu. The seafood platter is out of this world.” Victor smiled and then sat back down in his seat. Caleb was impressed. He wondered which one of the women was Victor’s new secretary, and then guessed that it was the buxom blond seated to his right. Victor had a thing for blondes, and most of the women who worked in his office fit the model-esque description. “Caleb, this is my new secretary, Monica.” Victor smiled at the woman to his right, and Caleb nodded his head in acknowledgement.

  “Nice meeting you, Monica. Are these your friends?” Caleb looked at the black woman once again, and she gave him a wry smile. Caleb figured she was probably used to receiving attention from ogling men, so he played along with the flattery.

  “Yes. This is Paula.” Monica smiled at her brunette friend, a gorgeous woman with long dark eyelashes. “And this is my other dear friend, Angelique.” Monica leaned forward and smiled. Angelique gave a dainty wave and then had a sip of her wine. Caleb said her name under his breath and then sighed. She reminded him of an angel. That was for sure.

  Caleb eyed her from his seat across the table. Her skin glowed with purity and refinement. He admired her posture, her elegant movements, and her peaceful demeanor. When she stood up to use the bathroom, he nearly fell off his chair. She was tall, probably around five feet eleven, and she had curves on her body that made Caleb swoon. She wore a camel colored maxi dress with a plunging neck-line, and her hips sashayed as he walked. He whistled under his breath and shot Victor a quick glance.

  “So, Caleb. Monica invited Paula and Angelique to dinner in celebration of their second year at Ford Modeling Agency. Isn’t that nice?” Victor smiled and then looked at the menu. “And today was Monica’s second week with Octavius Enterprises.” Victor sipped his drink and then looked up as the waiter arrived at the table.

  “Congratulations to everyone. Sounds like that’s reason to celebrate.” Caleb smiled and then ordered a scotch on the rocks. The waiter took dinner orders and then started to make his way back to the kitchen. Angelique arrived back at the table just in time to place her order.

  “I would like the Mediterranean salad with Italian dressing, please.” She placed her order and then handed the waiter her menu.

  “Are you British?” Caleb was intrigued with her accent. Angelique smiled and nodded her head.

  “Yes. I was born in London and moved to New York about five years ago.” She answered his question politely, but didn’t reveal any more information. Caleb wondered if she were already in a relationship.

  “And now you work here in New York as a model?” Caleb sipped his drink slowly and studied her expression. She literally stunned him with her beauty.

  “Yes. I’m a model and a spokeswoman for disadvantaged youth.” She sipped her wine once again and Caleb cocked his head with interest. He found it unusual that she was a model with a social conscience. In his experience, most of the models he’d ever met were superficial and had little time for the welfare of others.

  “That sounds pretty interesting. Do you have a reason for choosing your line of work?” He was interested in learning as much about her as he could.

  “Well, I was recruited by the agency back in London. Someone saw me at a local art event and asked me to come to New York. It happened rather quickly, but it was worth the move. I became a sort of overnight sensation.” She smiled and then took another sip of her wine. “But I come from a family who struggled for years to achieve what they now have. I have a place in my heart for giving back to others who might not have as many opportunities as I do.” She nodded and Caleb smiled. He swore he was already in love.

  When the food arrived everyone dove in with little hesitation. Salvio’s was known for its flavorful land creative dishes. Caleb enjoyed his meal in silence, looking up occasionally to watch Angelique dab the corner of her mouth with her napkin. He wondered if she had any interest in him, and realized that she hadn’t once asked him anything about his own life. He figured maybe she was just shy.

  “So how do you know Monica?” Caleb looked up from his meal and stared into Angelique’s almond shaped eyes.

  “We met a few years ago at a charity event. The three of us spend most of our free time together.” Angelique looked over at her friends and they all gave smiles of acknowledgement. For a second, Caleb wondered if they were lesbians. His mind wandered. Surely, that wouldn’t be the worst reality for him, but he secretly hoped that Angelique was straight, and that she was also single.

  “I see. Are any of you married?” He cut to the chase and then took a long hard sip of his drink. Angelique bashfully smiled.

  “Paula is engaged. But I’m single and so is Monica. How about you?” She raised her eyebrows and asked him her first question of the night. Caleb cleared his throat and gave her a nonchalant smile in return.

  “I’m single. But hopefully not for long.” He sipped his drink and gave her a lingering smile. She sipped her wine and smiled politely in return. Caleb could sense that she was no easy catch. If she had even the slightest bit of interest in him, she wasn’t showing it.

  “Well, I wish you luck in your search.” Angelique tossed her hair behind her shoulder and then looked over at Paula. “Hey, Paula. Are we still going to the movies later tonight?” She leaned forward and Caleb eyed her cleavage. It was obvious why she was a top model in New York. Paula nodded her head.

  “Yep. Starts at ten. We’ll get there just in time.” Paula smiled at her friend and then had a bite of her dinner. Caleb thought a movie sounded like a perfect way to round out the evening, but he was definitely not going to invite himself. Victor caught wind of the conversation and interjected with humor.

  “You girls are going to the movies without us? What kind of move is that?” Victor leaned forward and then laughed. “I know, I know. Girl’s night out. We’ll let it slide this time.” He grinned and then sipped on his drink. The other man at the table laughed and sipped on his beer. Caleb recognized him from Victor’s office, but didn’t know his name. “Hey, Caleb. I didn’t introduce you to Rio. He’s working with me on the new architecture design we have coming up with the Fishborne project.” Rio gave Caleb a head nod and then went back to sipping on his beer.

  When the waiter dropped off the check, Victor scooped it up and then slapped a credit card on the table. “I hope you all enjoyed your meal. I know I had a good time catching up with everyone.” He smiled and gave Monica a sly grin. She batted her lashes and then flicked one of her blond tresses over her shoulder. Caleb sat back in his chair and watched as Angelique gathered her purse and slid a scarf over her shoulders.

  “Nice meeting you, Caleb.” Angelique pushed in her chair, walked over to Victor, and then waited for her friends to get up, as well. They all t
hanked Victor and then headed toward the door. Victor, Caleb, and Rio stood back and watched as the women smiled and walked away.

  “Hey, Angelique.” Caleb stepped forward and walked behind her. He didn’t want to miss his opportunity. What if he never saw her again? She turned around and raised her eyebrows. “I was wondering if you’d like to meet up some time for coffee or lunch. I know of a great place right in the valley that you might enjoy.” His heart fluttered and he waited for her response.

  “Thanks, Caleb. But I have a pretty tight schedule. I enjoyed talking with you, though.” She smiled and then turned around and walked toward the door. Victor and Rio hung back, watching as Caleb was denied. He sighed and then stood silently as she walked away.

  “Nice try, Caleb.” Victor approached him from behind and gave him a playful slap on the back. “She’s definitely a hot commodity. You didn’t really think she’d give you her number already, did you?” He chuckled and then looked at Rio who just smirked.

  “Well I’m no slouch.” Caleb laughed and then put his hands on his hips. He didn’t want to be boastful, but he had dated plenty of models, and some that were almost as beautiful as Angelique. His rugged good looks and his subtle charms had an effect on most of the women he met. Most of the time he never even mentioned that he was a billionaire. It was just an added bonus.

  “Rio over here tried asking her out a few months ago, right?” Victor jabbed Rio in the ribs and then chuckled. “So don’t feel bad. She shot him down, too.” Victor shook his head and grinned.

  “So what’s her deal? Is she seeing someone?” Caleb wanted to know if either of them knew more.

  “As far as I know, she’s single but rumor has it she’s involved with John Legend. You know him. That black singer and songwriter.” Victor spoke to Caleb as the man made their way to the door. The sky had grown dark and a cluster of stars dotted the sky. They walked out to the parking lot and then got into their cars. Caleb waved goodbye and then started his ignition.

  As he drove home to his goliath mansion, Caleb wondered what Angelique was doing. Had she gone to the movie like she had said she was going to? Was she out with a man? He shook his head and told himself that it was stilly to be so preoccupied with a woman he had just met, but he couldn’t shake her. Something told him that he needed to try and find her and ask her out one more time.

  Caleb let Romeo out and sat on his back steps. He was buzzed from the drinks at Salvio’s and he was nostalgic for someone to share these kinds of nights with, someone that he could lie in bed with after a nice dinner, someone he could make love to and shower with affection. He realized it had been a long time since he had even seen a woman that he was attracted to. Angelique was perfect. She had the body, mind, and spirit that he desired in a woman.

  Caleb whistled for Romeo and the two stepped back in the house. He shut off the lights and took off his clothes. Then he slipped on a pair of lounge pants and climbed into bed. He lied in silence, listening to the faint hum of crickets from the window that was cracked open in his bedroom. Then he turned over and drifted off to sleep.

  “Hey, Victor. It’s me. Does she work at the Ford agency down on Vasque and Fifth?” Caleb was sitting at his desk inside his study, sipping on a coffee and gazing out the window. Victor let out a chuckle.

  “Boy, you are persistent, aren’t you? Yes. She works at their main headquarters. I have no idea when she’s there, so don’t go asking me for her schedule.” Victor laughed again and then played with a pen that was on his desk. “Good luck, buddy.” He smiled and hung up.

  Caleb sipped his coffee and smiled. He was going to make sure that he got what he wanted, whether it came easily or not. He took a shower and dressed in his khakis and a white button down. Then he brushed his hair and splashed on some cedar wood cologne. He walked to Galaxy Spa and ordered their Deluxe Treatment Package which included a massage, a facial, and a body wrap. Then he walked down to the Ford Modeling Agency.

  “Good morning, sir. How can I help you?” A sophisticated blond who appeared to be about fifty greeted him when he walked through the double doors.

  “Hello. I’m looking for a woman named Angelique. She’s one of your models.” Caleb smiled and then looked around. The office space was well lit and various large plants added to the modern décor.

  “Do you mean Angelique Sevaugn?” The woman gave Caleb a curious smile and then placed her hands on her hips. Caleb nodded and shifted casually on his feet.

  “Oh, sweetheart, she’s in the middle of a shoot right now, and she doesn’t usually accept on-site visitors. She’s one of our most highly sought super-models right now, so you aren’t the first in line.” The woman was polite but Caleb detected a condescending air.

  “Look, I know her. We were at dinner together last night. I understand if she’s busy, but could you do me a favor?” Caleb was hopeful.

  “Perhaps.” The woman looked at him with a wry smile.

  “Here. I wanted to give her this.” Caleb handed the woman the gift certificate. He slid his business card inside the envelope and then handed it to her with a smile. “It’s just a little something.” He glanced around the lobby, wondering if she might just appear. The woman took the envelope.

  “I’ll make sure she gets it. And your name is?” She eyed Caleb with curiosity. He smiled and then ran his hands through his hair.

  “My name’s Caleb Montgomery.” He straightened his posture and extended his hand. The woman smiled and extended hers.

  “Marjorie Fanslow. Nice to meet you.” She smiled and then tucked the envelope under her arm. Caleb hoped that she was honest, and that Angelique would actually receive the envelope. He turned around and then made his way back to the door. Before leaving, he glanced over his shoulder one last time to see if she was there. Then he sighed and headed out the door.

  At eight o’clock that night, after he had made himself a vegetable stir fry and had watched the sun set from his wrap-around deck, Caleb heard his phone ring. He didn’t want to get his hopes up, so he told himself that the private number was probably just a client calling him to ask about an upcoming project. He answered and then smiled when he heard Angelique’s voice.

  “Caleb? It’s Angelique.” Her voice was soothing and kind. Caleb sat down and gave Romeo a pat on the head.

  “Hi, Angelique. How are you?” Caleb was impressed that Marjorie had followed through with her words.

  “I’m doing well. Thanks. Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’m a hug fan of Galaxy Spa. Thanks for the gift.” She smiled and Caleb wondered if he should be so brazen as to ask her out a second time.

  “Well, I’m glad that you’ll enjoy it. I just wanted to let you know that I think you’re a beautiful woman, and even though you aren’t interested in dating right this second…” His voice trailed off and he ran his hands through his hair, trying not to talk so much as to sound like a fool.

  “Well, actually…” Angelique paused and then smiled. “I was thinking about it and I have a day that just opened up next week. They cancelled one of our travel shoots, so I’ll be in New York on Thursday instead of Patagonia. Would you like to meet up for lunch at Zuba’s on South?” Angelique lounged on her chaise and waited for Caleb’s response.

  “I’ve wanted to try out Zuba’s on South for the last year. I’m not kidding. My buddy told me that they get great bands and that they have a killer menu.” He smiled, the feeling of satisfaction permeating his inner core.

  “Sounds like a date, then.” Angelique grinned and then stood up and walked onto her balcony. The sky was now dotted with stars and a cool breeze shifted through the valley. She leaned her arms on the railing, then twirled around and flitted back inside.

  “What time would you like to meet?” Caleb didn’t even check his schedule to see if he had any clients booked for that afternoon. If he did, they’d have to be rescheduled.

  “Does noon work for you?” Angelique was always good with suggestions.

  “Perfect. I’ll see you
there.” Caleb smiled and then hung up the phone. He gave Romeo another pat on the head and then looked up at the New York sky. Something told him that his life was about to change for the better.

  When he got up the next morning, he thought about calling Victor and telling him that he finally got a date with Angelique. Then he decided that he’d just keep it to himself. He wanted to make sure that she actually had an interest in him before he went broadcasting his personal life.

  It felt like it took forever for Thursday to arrive. Caleb was generally a patient man, but having to wait all week to finally see Angelique made him anxious. He shook his head and laughed as he tried to concentrate on his work. He was falling hard, and he had only met her once.

  Zuba’s on South had a local jazz band on Thursday. Caleb parked in the lot and watched as a few of the musicians carried their instruments in the back door. He felt nervous which made him chuckle. He had always been overly confident on dates, and had often found himself bored easily. He already knew that an afternoon spent with Angelique Sevaugn would be anything but boring.

  When she showed up in her black convertible Mercedes, Caleb whistled softly under his breath. She parked and got out, turning heads as soon as she did. She wore a silky red shirt and a pair of black leggings with leather boots. Her hair was down and it looked thick and wavy. Her stride was long and deliberate, and he watched her for a few more minutes before climbing out from behind the wheel.

  “You look amazing.” Caleb met her at the door and held it open so she could walk inside.

  “Thanks, Caleb. I’m glad we could get together.” She adjusted her purse and was about to say something else when one of the jazz musicians approached her.

  “Excuse me, miss. Aren’t you the model whose face is on the billboard coming into Brooklyn?” He cocked his head to the side and Angelique smiled and nodded her head.


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