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Highlander's Pride: Winter Solstice (Against All Odds Series 1)

Page 42

by Veronica Wilson

  The alien seemed angry. His eyes narrowed as his expression changed into one of a man betrayed.

  “Is it not enough for you?” He rose, slamming his palm onto the table. “Are you not impress—“

  Suddenly, the wall behind Var’ghan exploded, showering him with debris. It would have shredded Deborah too, but his interposed body took the lion’s share of the impact. Instead of being blasted at full force, she merely fell backwards, narrowly avoiding hitting her head on the floor.

  “Spread out!” The voice of the corporal cut through the air like a whip. Immediately, all five members of the escort unit ran in. The hole in the wall behind them was sizeable, an obvious consequence of powerful explosives.

  “Williams! Check if the bastard is alive! Jenkins! Examine the expert! The rest of you! Secure the perimeter! Move, move, move!”

  Like a pack of attack hounds, each member of the unit took their assigned position. Add some snarling sounds and the effect would have been complete.

  “Sir, the alien is breathing, sir!” Private Williams exclaimed while she checked Var’ghan’s pulse. “The blast did a number on it, but I don’t think it’s in danger of expiring.”

  “Excellent, Williams! Hold it down, we don’t know what it can do yet!”

  “Sir!” Jenkins exclaimed as he stood over Deborah’s prone body. “The expert does not show any signs of significant injury!”

  “I see,” the corporal replied, the sound of disappointment all too evident in his voice. “Step back and take my position, then.”

  “Sir, with respect,” the black-skinned soldier said, “I can do it if you want me to.”

  “I know you can, Private,” the corporal replied as he approached. “But I owe her this much at least.”

  Why is he talking about me like I’m already dead?

  Private Jenkins saluted his superior and stepped away from Deborah to take watch at the colonel’s previous position.

  “What… what the hell is going on here?” Deborah managed to yell out, her ears still ringing.

  “Not that much, ma’am,” he replied, his rifle now pointed in her direction. “Besides your imminent removal, that is.”

  Removal? Why?

  “Excuse me!” In shock, Deborah found it difficult to fully grasp the situation.

  “You are excused. Any last words?”

  “Wait! Wait, please!” She tried getting up, but her disorientation prevented that. “What did I do? I’m a civilian, I couldn’t possibly have given up any relevant information! Why?” She spouted the sentence out in record time, even for her.

  “Contamination, Dr. Hall. Risk of compromise.” The way he talked to her was decidedly different than the tone he’d had earlier that day. It was as if she was no longer human.

  “What kind of contamination?” She searched for a way out, both with her eyes and in her head. There was none in sight.

  “Emotional contamination. You see, we’ve learned that the women they capture invariably turn to the enemy’s side. It’s not your fault, but we can’t take that chance with you. I’m sure you understand. You are simply not worth the risk.”

  Not worth it. The story of my life, it seems.

  “But enough talk, Dr. Hall. This has taken way too much of our time already. Goodbye.”

  Deborah closed her eyes and screamed, but gunfire snuffed out the sound of her voice.

  She expected pain, the horrendous feeling of bones being crushed and organs perforated, driving her to an inevitable and horrible death. None of it came.

  “What? Let go of me!” he heard Private Williams exclaim, inviting Deborah to open her eyes.

  When she did, she could not help but stare in disbelief. The floor had risen up to protect her from the hail of bullets, forming a hollow, cylinder-like shelter around her. Gunfire and swearing could be heard from the other side. However, the intensifying metallic buzzing of the room combined with the ringing in her ears made it impossible for her to figure out what was going on. For some ten seconds it was like that, then everything went quiet.

  “What’s going on out there? Tell me!” Deborah kept banging on the side of her barrier, panic taking over.

  Suddenly, the cylinder melted back into the ground and she barely kept her fist from hitting the chest of Var’ghan.

  He was in bad shape. There was blood everywhere. It was red, visually not distinct from that of actual human beings. Besides the injuries from the explosion, he had a couple of new gunshot wounds—one on his shoulder, the other on his thigh. Regardless of that, he was smiling.

  It was obvious why. The room was littered with the soldiers’ broken bodies. The corporal had suffered the worst injuries, both of his arms and legs twisted at odd angles.

  “Are you all right?” she finally managed to ask, the sight before her having rendered her speechless for a moment.

  “Not at all,” he answered, his expression betraying just how tired he was.

  “Did you kill them?”

  He smiled, staring into her eyes with that inhuman pair of his own. “You know what? I have absolutely no idea,” he finally replied.

  Instead of saying anything, Deborah Hall embraced him, engulfing his muscled body with her arms as well as her sizeable bulk.

  Somewhere far away

  “Come and get it, big boy!” Deborah posed seductively, her plump flesh exposed for her lover to see. Nude, she lay on the side of the ship’s bed-thing shivering in anticipation, the way she always did when she waited for him to come back.

  On the other side of the chamber stood Var’ghan, freshly returned from a meeting with his fellow elites. His expression made it abundantly clear just how much he enjoyed the sight of what she had to offer. His expression wasn’t the only part of him that radiated glee, as his growing crotch quickly made evident.

  “Well, someone’s pleased to see me!” she exclaimed as he removed the Egyptian-like garment that was the norm for alien lords. A second later the thing was on the floor, and Varg’han was ready for what was about to follow. Like a predator he approached her, fully aroused.

  “Oh, look at the big—“

  He grabbed her by the breasts, burying his fingers into their pliable mass as he pushed her on her back. His touch was electric, causing the desire to swell within her abdomen. In response Deborah moaned as she parted her legs. Pleased with her reaction, he removed his right hand from her left breast, putting it to work elsewhere. Swiftly, but not in too much of a rush, it found its way to her waist, caressing her jiggling tummy as it slowly advanced down to the area between her legs.

  “Yeesss…” Deborah slowly exclaimed as Var’ghan’s fingers buried themselves into her. Like a tide, waves of electricity erupted from the area, spreading pleasurable sensations over every part of her body. By the time he pulled them out they were absolutely drenched. She was ready for him.

  Without hesitation, Var’ghan let go of her right breast, instead grabbing her by the thighs as he lifted them up. With the agility of a cat, he repositioned himself between her legs, letting them rest on his shoulders as he released them. He grabbed her firmly by the tummy as he touched her nether region with his throbbing manhood.

  Come on, bury it in already!

  She didn’t have to speak it out loud. As fast as he began his teasing Var’ghan ended it, plunging his erection into her with a force no Earth man could match. As always, Deborah gasped, but the trace amount of pain it caused her quickly gave way to an overwhelming pleasure. For a little while he let her squirm like that, his own arousal being stoked by the sight of her biting her lip. Then he repeated the motion, pulling out almost completely before he impaled her up to the base again.

  “More! It’s so good!” she purred, her red-painted nails grabbing the sheets below her back.

  “It’s about to get even better!” Var’ghan commented as he started thrusting repeatedly, every motion causing her to contort just the way he wanted, completely lost in the throes of passion.

  Her breathing sped
up, her moans intensified in both volume and frequency. Unconsciously, she crossed her ankles behind his torso, the way she did every time they made love. He knew what it meant. It was Var’ghan’s cue to step it up, and he would never disappoint.

  Like a machine, he proceeded to hammer the hell out of her insides, the force of every impact causing her body to jiggle as if an earthquake was raging below the two of them. Deborah’s fingers curled up into the sheets as much as they could, threatening to rip the fabric. Her legs let go of Var’hgan’s muscled torso, rising up into the air as the currents converged within her belly. Then, like an explosion, everything disappeared. There was no room, bed, or Var’ghan. She could not even feel her own body. Her consciousness had transformed into an expanding cloud of pleasure, and every additional thrust she received felt like a bolt of feel-good lightning.

  Drowned in bliss, Deborah had no idea how long she spent in that state. By the time she was about to revert back to her body another storm was coming, overpowering her senses again. Everything she could perceive and every pleasurable sensation joined together, producing something she could not describe.

  But it felt amazing.


  “So… how did the meeting go?” Deborah asked him as she helped herself up from her previously prone position.

  “Not as good as it could have,” Var’ghan responded as he rose from the bed. Full of energy from their recent romp, he took a couple of steps away and turned around to face her. “They didn’t bite yet. But they will, and then my tribe’s—our tribe’s—future will be all set.”

  “What makes you so certain they will not just, I don’t know, get themselves another one? For all we know, the military might be fielding the things regularly.” Deborah couldn’t help but observe each finely crafted detail of his body as she spoke. She knew why he had stepped away—he wanted her to see his magnificent body.

  He knows me so well.

  “They won’t, my love. Trust me. The two of us are the first to get a hold on that new neural stasis countermeasure that seems to be popular among the Earth’s military these days. It is an enormous asset, the way it wakes human soldiers like that, though I can’t for the life of me imagine how they’ve invented it with their level of technological mastery. Anyway, we’ve got it from your escort team, and trust me when I say it: it’s worth its weight in gold. Those still in charge of this mission will need to learn how the thing works so they can develop a way to beat it. And I will not give it to them for analysis until they agree to my terms.”

  “I understand that, Var’ghan, but that still doesn’t answer my question. What makes you think another one of yours won’t grab one by themselves?”

  “The way I did with you?” He smiled, displaying a dazzling array of white teeth. “Not everyone is me, love.”

  The ego on him is staggering. She smiled back. Then again, he is right.

  “But jokes aside, the answer is simple: manpower. There aren’t a whole lot of us left, my love. We used to be capable of a full-on invasion by means of synthetic soldiers, but that is no longer the case. Mankind is advancing at a rapid pace, and those new toys they have that fry our inorganics make every territory we could potentially take not worth the effort. If we want to fight, we now must do so by ourselves.”

  If the general knew this, he’d probably have creamed his panties. Good that he doesn’t, the jerk.

  “Add to this the fact that most of those who were originally engaged in this initiative have already gotten their mates and left for home, and the picture isn’t pretty. The force we still have stationed here is basically a reserve. No one will try to hunt for this technology. I hope that this answers your question.”

  I love it when he’s being all-knowing like that.

  “It sure does, sugar.” She put her hands on her knees, forcing her breasts together as she sat.

  In response, Var’ghan’s manhood started rising again, despite the fact that he’d just had sex. Giving her a knowing gaze, he started getting closer again.

  “As I’ve said, in exchange for sharing my discovery with the reserve, I will demand primacy in eligible females for my tribe. My sons will get to have their brides. The bloodline will not die out. And none of my subordinates will miss a woman’s touch anymore. Not under my rule.”

  “That’s great, love.” She caressed his abs with her hands now that he was near. It made her want more. “But your woman is missing your touch right now. Are you ready for another round?”

  “Always,” Var’ghan replied, the desire evident in his alien eyes.


  My Alien King

  A moonlit field

  It gets me every time.

  Gazing through her bedroom window, Caroline stared into the cornfields that surrounded her family home. It was late, but she always enjoyed the little ritual. The silvery illumination from up above interacted wonderfully with the scenery, producing a calming effect like no other.

  As opposed to the usual fire from the sky.

  No amount of musing on the hidden benefits of Texan country life would help her forget the facts, though. The world was still in disarray. The war between aliens and mankind had devastated the United States, and nothing would ever be the same again. Every now and again, something would come up and remind everyone of that. A glowing metallic object would fly over their house with a metallic buzzing sound. Army men (and women) would march by, demanding supplies and asking that the residents join the fight. Family members and neighbors became grimmer and less fun each day.

  And then there are those… rumors. She shuddered at the thought. Even though she never knew of anyone who was harmed or taken during the war, she had heard of what the aliens looked like. Heck, everyone had. Their description was all over the news: large, metallic, catlike things. It was said that they hunted for people to take.

  Supposedly one of them was sighted near here. She bit the inside of her lip, her serene state of mind shattered in an instant.

  Calm down! she told herself. The surrounding areas had been searched thoroughly. No trace of the thing had been found, and no one had disappeared since. In all likelihood, that was just someone’s sick joke.

  But what if it wasn’t? TV was crystal clear about what to do when you find yourself faced with a cat: you try to run away from it. After taking another look outside, Caroline slowly turned her head away from her window and toward the large mirror facing her bed. Yeah, as if I could do that! She almost broke out into a laughter as she saw her reflection.

  Even though the light in her room was not on, she could still see enough of herself by the external illumination. She was stunning, albeit in a distinctly exaggerated way. Voluptuous curves graced her entire body, starting from her enormous bosom, all the way down to her ample hips. Not even the relatively skimpy pink nightie she wore could conceal her radiating femininity. And then there was her face: perfectly round, with an immaculately tanned complexi0n, crowned with flowing locks of long blond hair.

  Yeah, I won’t be doing laps anytime soon. Enticingly, she rotated her torso to her left, pulling her nightie downward and exposing just a little bit of her chest while she posed seductively. She knew that she was beautiful (the stares she got wherever she went assured her of that), but the moonlight made every single part of her appear that much better. But who cares, I turn heads regardless of my weight. Heck, I bet I look better than I would if I was thin!

  As she was studying herself in the mirror, suddenly, something happened. She couldn’t put her finger on it at first, but she could swear that something about her reflection had changed. Then it came to her, and she quickly turned back toward the window. Something is blocking some of the moonlight! The realization made her heart skip a beat. What she saw then almost made her faint: crawling through the window was a man-sized metallic thing.

  Oh, Jesus Christ, no! Her cries stuck in her throat, Caroline rolled to the side of her bed as quickly as her plus-sized body allowed. In absolute panic, she scrat
ched the carpet with her fingernails as she stumbled toward the door. This can’t happen! It’s just a rumor! It must be, she tried to assure herself. The metallic buzzing that slowly built up from the window argued otherwise.

  With a powerful bound, the alien-thing quickly relocated itself to the top of her bed. She was just about to stand up and open the door when she realized that the room was getting brighter and brighter with each second. With all of her limbs shaking, she turned the knob and made a clumsy attempt to run out.

  All she could register then was an intense flash of light, followed by the complete lack of any sensation.

  An unknown place

  For a good while, she was unable to perceive anything. Over the course if what seemed like hours, a metallic buzzing sound became apparent. It was distinctly different from the one that had emanated from the cat, but it still made her feel uneasy, even more so in her semi-conscious state. Then, out of the blue, a voice found its way to her ear.

  “Your readings tell me that you are fully awake, beautiful. By all means, feel free to open your eyes.” It was deep, and full of masculine power.

  Now completely roused from her stupor, Caroline opened her eyes and immediately found herself overwhelmed by what she saw. The room was the color of chrome and completely smooth, shaped like the inside of a chicken’s egg. Unlike a chicken’s egg, though, this one contained the most stunning example of a man she had ever seen in her life. And I have seen my share of hunks.

  What was immediately apparent was how tall he was. Easily over six feet two, the stud had a body that would make decathletes jealous. There was no trace of fat on it, and every subtle and not-so-subtle piece of muscle was clearly visible beneath his skin. His features were strong, with a powerful jaw and prominent cheekbones, but there was something about his eyes that Caroline managed to make note of only after a good second or so. Instead of having irises like those of regular people, instead they radiated an intense white light.


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