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Brighter than Gold (Western Rebels Book 1)

Page 18

by Cynthia Wright

  Jack turned so that the current of the river was at his back. As the water lapped against Katie’s breasts, they bobbed slightly, the taut, aching nipples turned up as if seeking the sunlight. Occasionally they broke the surface of the water in tantalizing invitation. Jack reached down to cup one breast with both hands, then lowered his head to nip gently at the sensitive pink bud. Katie gasped, astonished by the sudden shock of pleasure. She suffered the sweetest torment as Jack kneaded her swelling breasts and teased each nipple with his tongue and lips. When his mouth moved higher, blazing a fiery trail up to Katie’s throat, her head dropped back and her hair floated out on the water behind her.

  “Kathleen.” He spoke her name with husky warmth. “Kathleen, look at me.”

  She opened her eyes slowly, unable to speak, and met his passionate gaze.

  “You’re aware that it’s me?” he whispered. “That this is no dream?”

  Somehow Katie managed to nod, then twined her arms about his neck in search of his kiss. Jack cupped her buttocks in his hands and lifted her upward. Buoyant in the water, she wrapped her legs around his hips, thrilled to feel the hard pressure of his manhood against the core of her desire. Jack supported her under the water with one hand while the other molded one of her breasts. Shivers of delight transported her as his lips encircled the eager nipple; he swirled his tongue over the swollen peak, sucking gently until she began to pant and move her hips against his in a timeless rhythm. When Jack shifted slightly to position himself between her legs, Katie rocked back and forth against him, her body light in the water. Aided by the water, she slipped back and forth until, suddenly, there was a burst of delicious, throbbing sensations deep in her loins that undulated in waves over the rest of her body.

  Jack’s heart tightened with tenderness as he watched her enchanting face contort at the moment of her release. She made a sound of primitive joy, her nails digging into his back and her legs tensing around his hips, and he could feel her spasms against the length of his manhood. Again she moaned, this time reaching blindly under the water, begging wordlessly for his entry.

  He carried her to a quiet, shallow pool at the river’s edge where the thick branch of an oak tree arched out in a curve before them. Still holding her in his arms, he kissed her with sensuous deliberation before setting her on her feet. Katie stood spellbound with anticipation, waiting to discover what would happen next. When he removed her chemise and reached up to drape it over the oak branch, Katie stared boldly at his chiseled body. He was, without a doubt, the most beautiful man in the world.

  Jack looked over his shoulder at her, smiling in a way that made her blush with excitement. When he gathered her into his arms, Katie sighed openly and gave herself up to sensation. With feverish abandon, she feasted upon her lover, running her hands down his tapering back, kissing the warm expanse of his chest, then nuzzling his nipples as he had done to hers. When they tautened against her soft lips and she heard Jack’s sharp intake of breath, Katie was delighted by her discovery. Her hands strayed lower, exploring and caressing until Jack could stand no more.

  Carefully he swept her flowing hair over one shoulder and kissed along the side of her neck, turning her so that her back nestled against his chest. Katie shivered at the twin sensations of Jack’s lips on her shoulders and the sweet, sensual play of his fingers down her arms and over the tender insides of her elbows.

  Sunlight filtered through the trees, dappling Katie’s graceful back. When Jack moved forward and pressed himself against her, closing his eyes and breathing in the honeyed scent of her hair, she felt a fresh surge of arousal. He held her fast, reaching around to cup her breasts, then trail his hands over her belly to caress her more intimately. Katie reached for a tree branch that hung just above the water as Jack gradually came into her. They moaned softly in unison, savoring each sensation, until Katie was completely filled. He shut his eyes for a moment, snug inside her warmth.

  Then, slowly, he began to move, letting the ecstasy build. Katie pushed against the branch to meet his thrusts, while he framed her hips with his hands. The sound of their breathing filled the air, fueling their passion. When Jack nipped at her neck, then caressed his way down her back with his lips, Katie bent with him, sighing. The sensations of their coupling were the keenest, most exquisite she had ever known. Just when she was certain she could bear no more, he leaned forward to encircle her with one arm below her breasts, while his other hand reached around in front to brush the soft curls protecting Katie’s womanhood. Still moving inside her, he gauged the level of her arousal and lightly pressed his fingers against her. She whimpered and released the branch, wondering how he knew exactly how to touch her, how he knew exactly what she needed. As her climax built, his fingers pressed again, paused, then pressed again, and again. Suddenly she cried out, shuddering, as Jack thrust deep inside of her, feeling his own spasms begin. It was as if his entire being were centered in his loins, in the contractions that left him pulsing in the aftermath.

  A minute passed before he could speak, and then his voice was a hoarse whisper. “My God....” He stayed inside Katie, keeping them securely joined, his face buried in the curve of her neck.

  Sagging within his strong embrace, she felt stunned by her own abandon. “I feel...” Her mouth was parched. “I feel as if I’ve been turned inside out.”

  “Well said, my love.”

  Katie tensed slightly at the endearment. “I’m so thirsty.”

  Sensing her uneasiness, Jack gently withdrew and took a step backward. Immediately she reached for her chemise and drawers, nearly dry now in the breezy sunlight.

  “You must be hungry, too,” he said. “I know I am. I have some food and water in my saddlebags.”

  Her cheeks burned, and she kept her eyes averted. What must he think of her? “Yes, I am hungry. I’ll dress and join you.”

  Pulling on his own clothes, Jack pondered the situation. What was she feeling? He wasn’t even sure what he felt himself, but there was an unsettling ache in the region of his heart.

  Katie took her time, waiting until he had set out the food and water before she joined him. She could feel his eyes on her, and it worried her to think that he knew her so well. After all, he had awakened parts of her she hadn’t even known existed. Could he read her mind as well? Did he understand the confused workings of her heart?

  When he handed her a tin cup filled with water, Katie drank deeply, keeping her eyes down to avoid contact. Then she accepted a chunk of bread and an apple and sat down on the ground to eat.

  Jack watched her for a long moment. “Kathleen, I think we should talk....”

  She shook her head. “No. I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “But we can’t pretend it didn’t happen—”

  “That’s exactly what I intend to do,” Katie said, hoping he couldn’t hear the tremor in her voice. “I intend to pretend that this entire day didn’t happen!”

  Jack turned away, raking a hand through his hair. He’d let her have her way—for the moment, at least. They both needed time to sort things out. Then he smiled slightly, with a trace of bemusement. Every other woman he’d made love to had clung to him afterward, seeking kisses and declarations of love. With Katie, he’d experienced sensual delights beyond his wildest dreams, and now she treated him like a stranger. Of course, from the first their entire relationship had been unlike any he’d known before. Why should it be any different now?

  * * *

  The afternoon brought a cool breeze that hinted of autumn’s late arrival. How appropriate, Katie thought as she and Jack rode down Yankee Hill Road toward Columbia. Clouds gathered over the tree tops, promising rain.

  She sat behind him astride Byron, trying not to tighten her hold around his waist or lean against his back. The attraction she felt for this man frightened her. It had been there, simmering, all along, she realized now. The events of the morning made it impossible for her to deny her feelings any longer. She could admit to herself that she craved him help
lessly, that she adored everything about his physical presence. His kisses were intoxicating, the scent of his skin made her giddy, just looking at him was a feast for her eyes. She loved to touch him, to feel the warmth of his body and the soft texture of his hair. Worst of all, when he touched her, she simply lost her mind. She had no control over her response. He had some sort of magic in his fingers, his mouth, his—

  “Are you all right?” Jack asked softly.

  Katie flinched. “I’m fine!”

  “I thought I heard you sigh.”

  “I’m a little tired, I suppose.”

  “Well, we’re almost there.”

  “Good.” She was grateful that Jack couldn’t see her flaming cheeks. What was this madness that came over her when he was near? She was forced to accept the loss of control of her body; she had no choice. But certainly this did not mean that she was in love with Jack Adams. The very thought filled her with panic. No, what she felt was lust, a weakness of the flesh. Now that she understood her malady, she could take steps to effect a cure.

  “Here we are,” Jack said, reining Byron in in front of Katie’s house. This time he played the gentleman and dismounted first, then reached up to assist her.

  Steeling herself against the contact, Katie slid from the horse’s back into his arms. His touch sent shivers down her spine, but she took a breath and, trying to sound polite and detached, said, “Do you have a few moments to spare? There is something I would like to say to you.”

  “Certainly.” He watched as she walked ahead of him up to the house, a model of composure. “Kathleen—just a moment. I’d like to stable Byron first, and check to make sure Willoughby has returned. Can this wait until then?”

  She turned back. “All right. But please hurry.”

  In the house, Katie made herself a cup of tea. She was too restless to do anything but pace the parlor until she saw Jack striding up the walk. Opening the door, she waved him in.

  “Willoughby is fine,” he said. “I gave him an extra carrot.”

  “Thank you. I’d offer you something to drink,” Katie said, perching on the edge of the settee, “but I’d like to keep this as brief as possible.”

  Jack took the rocking chair nearby and leaned forward, forearms resting on his thighs. “Why don’t you just tell me what is on your mind?”

  She found it hard to look at him without feeling that warm, disturbing sensation inside. “All right. I just wanted to say that I am aware of the fact that I seem to be physically attracted to you I admit it.”

  He arched an eyebrow slightly. “And?”

  “And I see it as a weakness like any other that must be dealt with,” she continued primly. “If I were unable to refrain from eating a whole peach pie whenever I baked one, I would not bake them anymore. So, then, must it be where you are concerned.”

  Jack gave a shout of laughter. “You’re comparing me to a peach pie?”

  “That was just an example.”

  “Actually, I suppose I should be flattered, considering some of the other things you’ve compared me to.” His eyes twinkled.

  Folding her arms across her breasts, Katie persevered. “Abby has realized that she has a weakness for sherry. She does not drink liquor anymore. The principle is the same. I intend to avoid being alone with you.”

  He shook his head in disbelief. “Kathleen...”

  “There’s really nothing else to be said.”

  Jack knew his own share of frustration and confusion where Katie was concerned, but he was also sharply aware of the sweet, welling tenderness that overpowered him when he looked at her. It worried him not a little. “All right. For the time being, we’ll leave it at that. Your solution may be the best.”

  “What other is there?” she replied, blue eyes huge in her delicate, pale face.

  A knock at the door interrupted them. She answered it and discovered Lim Sung standing on the porch.

  “Katie, where have you been? I’ve looked everywhere!”

  “Come in, Lim. What is it?”

  He joined them in the tiny parlor, taking in Jack’s presence and Katie’s disheveled appearance without comment. “There’s good news. Tsing Tsing Yee’s egg has been returned. He just discovered it on a shelf in the store.”

  “But certainly you aren’t suggesting that it was there all along?” Katie cried. “I’m positive that Aaron Rush had it! He was keeping it in a cabin in the woods, and planned to sell it to that Mr. Armbrewster. I followed them there today. They were discussing price—”

  “Did you see the egg?” Jack asked.

  “Well, no. They seemed to be looking for it—”

  “Katie,” Lim broke in firmly, “Mr. Yee’s egg was returned by the Griffin! He left one of his embroidered handkerchiefs under the enamel box.”

  Katie’s mouth dropped open in shock. Jack sat back in the rocking chair and commented, “It sounds as if the Griffin did his work before Rush and Armbrewster reached the cabin this morning.”

  She sat down weakly, trying to take it all in. “I suppose this makes the Griffin a hero again.” She clenched her hands and set her mouth stubbornly. “Well, people can think what they want, but my feelings toward that outlaw will never change. I never hated anyone before, but I hate him. He killed my father, and I intend to see justice served. If I ever meet the Griffin face to face, he will die by my hand!”

  Part Three

  Chapter 18

  October 17, 1864

  In the pale blush of early dawn, Katie awoke hugging her pillow lengthwise against her body. Her face was buried in it, and she smiled and sighed, dreaming that she was snuggled against Jack’s warm, wide, tanned back. This was the ultimate pleasure, to sleep with Jack, to mold herself to the hard curves of his body, to listen to the cadence of his breathing—

  Katie’s eyes shot open and she sat up, staring in horror at the pillow. What on earth was wrong with her? She wished she could shake herself and, in the process, dislodge Jack Adams from her system.

  Instead she got up, bathed, and made two large pans of gingerbread, welcoming the flurry of activity as a distraction from disturbing thoughts. When Katie arrived at the saloon, carrying the gingerbread wrapped in towels, she found Gideon sitting at the bar sipping coffee.

  “I’m going back to work today, Katie,” he announced.

  “You are?” She set the pans on the bar and took the stool next to him. “Are you certain you feel well enough?”

  He chuckled. “Oh, I think I’ve been well enough for a while. I’ve just let Abby convince me otherwise because I enjoyed this life of leisure.”

  “You’ve been happy with her, haven’t you?” One ebony tendril curled wistfully over Katie’s brow, lending her an air of girlish vulnerability. When she reached up absently to push it away, Gideon stopped her.

  “Leave it.” His smile was warm. “It’s pretty. You’re pretty, Katie. You look quite... uh, womanly lately. Hard to explain. If I weren’t in love with Abby, I’d be fully under your spell.”

  “In love!” she exclaimed triumphantly. “I thought so!”

  Gideon pushed up his spectacles and grinned. “I was forced to come to grips with the thing when I realized that I was perfectly well and the time had come to leave here. I think I had the idea that, when my recovery ended, my... uh... connection with Abby would have to end, too. Then it came to me that we do not necessarily have to deny ourselves those things which give us the most pleasure. So, last night, I spoke to Abby, and she has agreed to marry me.”

  “Marriage?” Katie repeated, awestruck. “How... wonderful! Congratulations!” She leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

  “Thank you.” Gideon beamed with happiness.

  “Will you do it properly in church? With a white gown for Abby, and flowers, and—”

  “A maid of honor?” he supplied, laughing. “Yes, of course. And Abby insists on a church wedding. She feels very close to God these days.”

  Katie nodded. “Abby has become very wise. When will the wedd
ing take place?”

  “In about two weeks, I think. Abby’s gone to talk to Mrs. Barnstaple about helping to make her wedding gown. Working here, she simply hasn’t the time to do it all herself.”

  “I’ll make the cake,” Katie declared. “And we’ll have a party here. Who will be the best man?”

  Gideon looked at her and swallowed. “I’ve decided to ask Jack.”

  “Jack?” she echoed in disbelief.

  “Yes.” His tone was dry. “You remember Jack Adams, don’t you?”

  “Of course! You needn’t tease me, Gideon. I was just surprised. After all, you barely know the man—”

  “He’s the best friend I have in this town now. All the men I grew up with here have either gone east to war or off to San Francisco or Nevada to make their fortunes. I’ve grown to like Jack very much. He has the kind of integrity that’s hard to come by these days. I realize that you don’t like him, but I certainly can’t understand why. He likes you, Katie, and he worries about you.”

  Mixed emotions gave her pause. “In all honesty, I have reason now to like Mr. Adams myself... although I have not forgotten that he has serious character defects. For the moment, however, we have called a truce.”

  “Won’t you tell me why? I’m a terrible snoop, you know.” He grinned. “All newspapermen are.”

  Katie couldn’t help laughing. “Well, let’s just say that I defied Mr. Adams’s warnings about Aaron Rush and nearly got myself killed. It was Jack’s concern for me that led him to... follow me and, ultimately, rescue me. So, you see, I owe him...”

  “Your life?”

  “Well,” she allowed, “at least a debt of gratitude.”

  “That’s good.” He watched her with keen gray eyes. “It’s a start. You two ought to be friends.”

  “I think that we are now... to a certain extent.”

  Gideon cleared his throat. “I heard that the Griffin returned Tsing Tsing Yee’s egg. I’m sorry you weren’t able to get the proof about Aaron Rush that you were looking for. We’d all be better off if you had.”


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