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John Returns

Page 2

by A J Newman

  “Beth, I’ll bet that’s an ISA scout plane or helo from Tinker. Better keep an eye on it until we get to Tinker just in case it’s the USA, or those damn fools, The Chosen People.”

  The sky was clear so John couldn’t duck into clouds for cover, so he just kept the old Stearman plodding along at 1oo MPH, through a picnic perfect day, towards Tinker AF Base.

  John saw a helicopter approaching from behind and high above them when he heard, “Pilot of the Bi-plane. You are in restricted ISA airspace. Who are you and what is your destination?”

  “We are citizens of the ISA and are trying to get to Mobile. Can you get Romeo 6 on the radio? He will vouch for me.”

  “John, is that you? John Harris?”

  “Yes, it’s me.”

  “Oh my God, Mr. President, we thought that you were dead.”

  “Yeah, I hear that a lot myself, but, having now been identified to the world, I think we should land as quickly as possible.”

  The Apache approached, and John heard, “Is that the First Lady at the rear gunner’s position?”

  “Yes, and don’t piss her off. She has an itchy trigger finger, and her aim with the rear gun is really good.”


  “Major Harris, there is an old bi-plane approaching from the north. One of the Apaches is tracking it from a distance. It is headed straight for us and will be here in less than an hour. The pilot specifically asked for you, Romeo 6, to vouch for him.”

  “Really? Thank you, and please keep me posted. Get Charlie 5 on the radio ASAP.”

  After a short delay, the radio burst to life, “Romeo 6, Charlie 5, what can I do for you? Over.”

  “Stay on top of that old biplane heading this way. It could be a civilian or big trouble. I don’t want any unpleasantries, today, anyway.”

  “Roger that, Romeo 6, we have it under observation.”

  After a short time, Lt. Cates called for Major Harris.

  “Romeo 6, Charlie 5, Apache 3 reports that the plane is armed with a rear-mounted machine gun, and has a man and a woman aboard. They are only 15 miles out, should we contact them?”

  “Yes, tell the pilot to remain at a safe distance, and contact the plane. Try normal civilian channels and if no contact, try the CB.”

  Scott was in a briefing with Lt. Pope and his scout team when he was again interrupted.

  “Damn, that little plane is taking up our day. What the hell is it doing now?”

  “Sir, Big Dog is being escorted to runway one by three Apaches.”

  “What is George doing up here? I haven’t heard any jet landing.”

  “Sir, it is The Big Dog, the real President. We established contact with him on CB channel 9.”

  The pilot patched Scott through to John, he said, “Dad, where the hell did you get the old biplane?”

  “Hello, Scott. I stole it. Can you arrange a little faster transportation to Mobile, so I can see you and the rest of the family?”

  “Dad, the Apaches will escort you to Tinker, and I will meet you at the terminal.”

  “What the hell are you doing in Oklahoma?”

  “Rescuing you one more time, sir.”

  “Who the hell said that I needed rescuing? We just bombed a gang drug mill and killed a shit pot full of those bastards running it.

  In my spare time, I arranged for the annexation of Montana and Wyoming. What have you been doing while we were on vacation?”

  “I see, getting kidnapped, crashing a plane, and being lost for several months have not slowed you down a bit, Mr. President. How is the First Lady?”

  “Great, she’s manning the tail gunner’s seat.”

  John landed the plane and followed a Humvee to the terminal where he found soldiers lined up and saluting him as they climbed out of the old plane.

  Scott and Joan stepped out of the group, came over and exchanged salutes and hugs with both John and Beth.

  “Well, I guess Gus and George are back in Mobile. By the way son, we heard that Mobile was attacked.”

  “Dad, a nuclear device has destroyed the city and resulted in the loss of many thousands of lives. Our government and most of our friends; however, were secured. The U.S. President swears they did not do it.”

  Through gritted teeth, John said, “He had better not be lying. Not that I don’t trust him, but let’s have the Admiral use his back channel contacts for verification.”

  “Roger that, sir, it is already in the works.

  The Vice President and the Secretary of Defense were in The Compound along with the rest of our family.”

  “Beth started crying and thanked God for the survivors. Is Jenn ok? Dear God will this never end?”

  “Beth, my little sister, Jenn, is doing well, as are Randy, Kristie, Little Gus and Lindsey. I guess it ends when we kill all of the bad guys.”

  “Thanks, now I know it will never end, this is the normal.”

  “We have been told that a group of Iranians, with possible help from the USA, conducted the attack.”

  “I was so sure that we had killed all of those Iranian bastards.”

  “Dad, it seems that they had a large number of sleeper cells in all major countries. We’ve also heard that they were able to move their national treasury of gold, silver, and other precious metals to a safe place. They plan to kill us while restarting their country by annexing Syria and Lebanon.”

  “Thanks for the update. Well, what did they say when you reported that I’m still alive and kicking?”

  “I have not reported in, yet. I thought that you might want to let them know yourself.”

  “Well, I’m just the man to stir things up. Get the VP and my cabinet on the phone.”


  “George, what is the meeting about and who are we waiting for on the phone?”

  “I don’t know. Who called the meeting?”

  “We were told that the President called the meeting. Are you losing it? You are the President.”

  The phone rang, and George pushed the on button. The group heard, “What the hell is this about me needing to be rescued. I’ve been busy annexing Wyoming and Montana. Can’t y’all get anything done without me for five minutes?”

  “What the hell? John, is that you?”

  “Yes, George, it’s me. I’m back.”

  “What happened? Glad to hear that you are safe. John, no one actually knew what happened to you.”

  “Well for starters, the plane we took from California was hijacked and crashed in Wyoming by those idiot Chosen People.

  I was injured and kidnapped by another group. The head injury caused a loss of memory. I lived with them for a couple of months. Oh, by the way, we killed a couple hundred or so bad guys. My whole team is still up in Wyoming. Help is in route to bring them back.

  We must also send them a Brigade of the 1st Air Cavalry, out of Ft. Bliss to take out the trash, and help the citizens join the ISA.

  “Scott is liaising for their transportation through the big movers out of Little Rock AFB.

  They’ll put the HQ and two Battalions at Marmstrom AFB near Great Falls, Montana.

  Then put a Battalion at Francis E Warren Air Force Base in Cheyenne, WY. We can put a good portion of the population back to work building new military infrastructure. Since there is no long runway at Warren, let’s add one.”

  “John, I’ve never heard of Warren AFB. What is there? What, wait, huh…no runway at an Air Force Base?”

  John smiled, and said, “The Base is home to the only land based Intercontinental Ballistic Missile launch silos in North America.

  The Main Base consists of over 6,000 acres and another 12,600 acres that remain undeveloped. It’s not a great place for Basic Training, but super for winter exercises.

  Now, what the hell is going on with hunting down and killing everyone responsible for the disaster in Mobile?”

  “Welcome back, John, oh, we’re fine, you and Beth doin’ ok?” George snickered.

  “Ok, Ok, sorry, yes both fine, I’m rea
lly glad to hear all is well with your folks…how’s that, wiseass?”

  We were very worried about you, but I kept telling everyone that like an old worn out penny you’d turn up.”

  “Gus, I love you too. How come that young wife, of yours, hasn’t given you a heart attack yet? Come on, aren’t you afraid of dying?”

  Yes, John, I have thought of that, but, as they say, if she dies, she dies.” John and Gus both broke out cackling, while the ladies looked on with intense disdain.

  “Ok, come on, get a good night’s rest and we’ll have a plane for you in the morning.

  “Roger that, and please have the last weeks briefing reports sent over to me ASAP?”


  “Thanks, damn it’s good to be back.”

  Scott took Beth and John to a Hotel that was on the eastern border of the airbase for the night. The hotel was Scott’s base of operations. The rooms were much quieter than the base housing. There were aircraft constantly landing or taking off.

  Before calling it a night, everyone had a great meal of T-bone steak with all of the trimmings.

  “Mom, Dad, Scott and I were married right before we headed out to find you. We have been worried sick about y’all and the rest of the team.”

  Everyone scrambled to their feet and began hugging before John said, “It’s about time you made an honest man out of my son. How’s reporting into him working out?”

  Before she could answer, Jim Payne jumped in with, “I have been going berserk worrying about Imelda. I talked Scott into letting me join the rescue group to help find her.”

  John patted Jim on the back and said, “Jim, Imelda is in good health and has saved all of our lives several times. You’d better marry that gal before she gets away.”

  “You need not worry. I’m going to marry that gal just as soon as we get back home.”

  They were enjoying after dinner drinks when there was a loud roar and a sonic boom over the Airbase.

  “It didn’t take long for Gus to scramble the flyboys and get them over here.”

  Scott looked at John and said, “The Navy intercepted the conversation between you and the Apache pilot. The Admiral sent planes immediately.

  Gus told them to buzz us to let you know they are here. There also is a company from the 75th Ranger Battalion landing in a few minutes to protect you and Beth. It might prove embarrassing for me if you survived only to have some idiot take a pot shot and kill you before I could get you back home.”

  John broke out laughing and said, “I could have used your team up in Wyoming to clean the pond scum out of that place.”

  Scott said, “Dad, why don’t you send me up there to finish what you started while you get rested and briefed on Mobile? I’ll bring our friends home, kick some thug ass and set the people up to defend themselves.

  “Think bigger Scott, I’m sending Jim to bring back our team. I need you to coordinate a major operation to cover Montana and Wyoming.

  We will leave a Combat Brigade from the 1st Air Cavalry Division, from Ft. Bliss, at Malmstrom AFB. It’s one of three Air Force Bases that maintains and operates the Minuteman III intercontinental missiles. It is also part of Global Strike Command headquartered out of Barksdale AFB in Louisiana.

  Scott, get with the folks at Fort Bliss. They can work up the troop movement and the establishment of required facilities.”

  “Will do dad.”

  “Now, what would you do about relocating our capital? Mobile will be a wasteland for hundreds of years to come. The Compound will make a great outpost, but we need a thriving capital that everyone would be proud of, not a slag heap.”

  “Dad, if we had the assets, I’d say, let’s build a new one just below Nashville, Tennessee. It’s away from the coast and far enough from the USA to be mostly safe.

  Unfortunately, we do not yet have the assets, and national wealth to be able to do it. I do like the idea for maybe 5 years down the road. We could make do with existing buildings until then.”

  John looked thoughtful, and said, “I was having the same exact thoughts. It would sure make Beth happy.

  Realistically, however, where would you put an interim Capitol?”

  “Dad, can you wait until I get back from Wyoming? I’d like to give it some more thought.”

  “All right,” said John, “but don’t think for too long. The ISA no longer has a capital. I’ll be making the decision by the end of the week. The brain trust will be working on it for the next few days.

  Talk went on well into the night, but finally adjourned and all went to bed.

  At breakfast, the next morning a loud booming voice heard throughout the dining facility said, “John, you old pain in my ass, I guess you really are hard to kill!”

  Everyone rose as John jumped to his feet and rushed to give Gus a huge bear hug, “Gus, you couldn’t wait to see me later today? I miss you too, but you could have waited.”

  “Well John, someone has to bring you up to date and prepare you for the devastation that is Mobile. It is gone, and Ann doesn’t have a city anymore. We lost many good people. We lost Sally, General Stokes, and Meg. They were at a meeting in Mobile when the bomb was detonated.”

  “What do we know about who conducted the attack?”

  “I’ll fill you in on the plane ride down to The Compound.”

  “Beth, darling, you are just as beautiful as ever.”

  “Gus, you silver tongued devil, are you taking care of Ginny? I worry about her being stuck with an old fart like you.”

  “I treat her like a queen, and I love those two kids. They play all day with my grandkids. We had your three kids over for supper two days ago, and Kristie and Jenn are inseparable. She really stepped up taking care of the baby while y’all were gone.”

  “I’m so proud of Kristie, but worried Jenn won’t know me when we get back.”

  “Beth, everything will be fine. You worry too much, but I know, moms always worry about their babies.”

  Beth reached over, held Scott’s hand and said, “Even the big ones that can take care of themselves.”

  “Well, now that the mushy stuff is over let’s start loading up and head to The Compound.”

  “Gus, you always did have a way with words.”

  John and Beth said goodbye to Scott, Joan, and Jim as they boarded the jet for the flight to Mobile.

  Gus took John to the back of the plane to tell him about the attack on Mobile. He briefed John on what had happened over the past several months.

  John also filled Gus in on what had happened to him and his team in Wyoming.

  “Gus, before we get started, I directed Jim to head on up to Cody to recover my team.

  Scott is liaising with the 1st Air Cav. at Bliss to get an Air Cavalry Brigade to secure Montana and Wyoming.”

  “Good thinking. We’ll add two Apache flights to provide area support, and a flight of F-16s will be responsible for combat air patrol (CAP).

  Their ETA, in Montana, should be about the time we arrive at The Compound.”

  “I need for you to secretly check on Kristen Jones. She is the one that I lived with while there. I do not want Beth to know. I just want to know if she recovered.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll do it discretely. I can’t imagine how torn up you and Beth must be over what happened, but surely Beth doesn’t hold it against you. You lost your memory, and then they used you,” said Gus.

  “Beth is doing well, but I can tell every time she is thinking about the past.”

  “Gets a little frosty?”

  “Oh, hell yes, colder than a witch’s tit in a Montana February.”

  “Damn, let’s move on and get that behind you.”

  John said, “The sooner, the better. I also need you to get my little Stearman home to Mobile. I’m keeping it for my personal use.”

  “I’ll have my flyboys take it home this week. If you don’t mind, I’ll see that it has a body off restoration and modern avionics.”

  “Thanks. Could y
ou add a .556 FN 249 SAW, and brackets to hold extra ammo boxes? I don’t ever want to be light on ammo, again.”

  “Done, do you want some air to air missiles and bomb racks while they’re at it?”

  John replied, “I know you’re being a wise ass, but have them add a couple of Hellfire missiles.”

  “Damn John, not possible. It’s just too much weight for that kite, besides you are the President of the fricking ISA, not a fighter jockey in a hundred and forty-year-old biplane.”

  “Thank the crew for me.”

  “One thing that I do need to bring you up to speed on is our Rail Gun project. Do you remember that the Navy was testing them on several ships before TC?”

  “Yes, but they were very large and could only be land based or placed on a large ship due to the size of the electrical generators needed to power them.”

  “That was true, however several research centers, now in our control, never stopped working on improving them. The Admiral has over a dozen of the Gen I guns deployed and 20 of the newer more efficient Gen IIs.”

  “Why is this important now?”

  “Because the research was moved to The Compound eight months ago and was the target of a second bomb. We thought that they just wanted to annihilate The Compound and our Command and Control, but the Rail Gun Project was their primary target. The Compound would have been a big bonus.”

  “Why are they making this such a big target?”

  “Because thanks to our energy from small nuclear reactors and scrap steel we have an unlimited ability to fire hundreds of millions of devastating rounds at our enemy. We can destroy any incoming missile 20 miles away. An ICBM falling from space would be utterly destroyed before it detonated. John, the rounds for these things can even be made out of rock. They are amazing. Hell, they are like incoming meteors.”

  “I thought that you had to have special alloys and jacketed rounds for this to work.”

  Gus responded, “That was true of the old system and if you want to maximize the destruction, but just a hunk of steel traveling at 12,000 feet per second will punch a hole through a ship’s hull. Hell, it produces an explosion of molten metal. You remember it’s called spalling.


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