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Mercy Temple Chronicles Box Set

Page 52

by Ciara Graves

  “I can take it,” Bowen told us. “I have a vault that is highly protected. No one can get in it but me.”

  “You sure?” I asked.

  “Trust me, the dagger will be safe there.”

  “Great. One down. Twenty plus more to go.” I grimaced.

  And no Rafael to help us find them. He could help me find Envy. That would lead us to more artifacts and hybrids, maybe even Shuval herself. The rest of the plan, he couldn’t know about. If he found out Rufus was out of his cell and I was the one who did it, his leniency at my first lie would disappear.

  This was a complicated mess before.

  Now with him being thrown in the middle of it, the entire situation just got a whole lot worse.

  “What about the sacrifices? Was there anything linking them together?” Bowen asked.

  “Nothing I could see. Supes and humans. All from different sectors.”

  “He could’ve gotten them from anywhere.”

  “I’d say they might be donors, but I’d think someone would notice if that many went missing.”

  Bowen’s brow arched. “You sure about that?”

  “What are you getting at?”

  “Not sure yet, but I’ll let you know if I find anything.” He walked toward the door, but stopped short. “And I’m telling Damian about all of this.”

  “The hell you are.”

  “You were out of line tonight,” he snapped.

  I rushed to step between him and the door.

  “You took on Envy alone.”

  “I had Rafael.”

  “And yet you still nearly died. And Envy he got away. You are beyond reckless.”

  “If we’d left, those people would have died,” I shouted. “All those people dead. Is that what you want? Is it? If Shuval is powering the ley lines, then we have to stop her every chance we get. I was going to come back for you both, I swear I was, but I could not let him hurt anyone else.”

  Bowen seemed torn between strangling me and yelling at me. Possibly doing both at the same time. “You have to be more careful,” he urged.

  “Not like I want to get myself killed.”

  “I can’t tell anymore. And you were lucky tonight. Damned lucky it was only Envy there.”

  “Trust me, I know.”

  “If we’re going to let you continue, you have to start telling us the truth, and listening to us,” he demanded. “No more going off on your own or stealing information.”

  “Found the key, didn’t I?”


  “Alright, fine. Fair point.”

  Bowen exchanged a look with Rufus who shrugged.

  “This is your second chance. Don’t mess it up,” the gob said. “Fair warning, at some point we will have to tell Damian.”

  “I know. When that day comes, I’ll do it myself.” All I could hope was that day was way in the future. Very, very far in the future. I told them I was exhausted and was going to head back home now that they were caught up on the night’s events and had the artifact safe in hand.

  “One more thing,” Bowen said. “And be truthful with me.”

  “Okay,” I said slowly, wondering why he was looking not at me, but to my right.

  “Care to explain why Todd’s ghost has been following you around this past week?”

  “No way,” Todd replied.

  I groaned.

  “You can see me?”

  “I’m undead,” Bowen informed me and Todd. “We can always see ghosts. The question is why the hell is he following you around?”

  I had not seen that coming at all. I should’ve remembered vampires could see ghosts. Silly me believed Todd when he said no one could see him unless he wanted them to.

  “Sorry,” Todd told me.

  Rufus’s eyes widened.

  I realized Todd made it so the gob could see him too.

  “Looks like the gig is up.”

  “Yeah, fantastic.”

  “Mercy?” Bowen asked. “Explain.”

  “You might want to sit down for this one,” I said.

  I told them all about what happened to dear old Todd, the hitman.

  Chapter 17


  It’d been a few days since I came back to myself.

  I hadn’t seen Mercy yet, but we’d been texting every day. I hadn’t stopped thinking about her or dreaming about her, but that was an issue for another time. There was something else I needed to take care of. I asked her what witch I’d gone to for the potion and she told me she was supposedly going to be gone on vacation for another few weeks and probably wouldn’t be there.

  I figured the chance of seeing this witch again were slim, but I found myself walking through the Underground anyway in search of her shop.

  The first one I came to had a sign in the window stating the witch would indeed be gone.

  “Figures,” I mumbled to myself, turning to walk away. A creak sounded behind me followed by the tinkling of a bell. The door had opened all on its own. The street was empty, and there was no draft to push a locked door open like that.

  “Hello?” I called out as I opened it a bit further.

  At first, there was no answer, and I started to back out when the curtain parted and the witch who had given me the potion appeared. “Well, now. Don’t you look a hundred times better.”

  “I do. I believe I have you to thank for it. Thought you would be gone still.”

  “Nah,” she said, waving her hand at the window. “Every now and then I put that old thing up so people will leave me alone. I’m an old woman. Sometimes I don’t feel like dealing with the world.”

  “I have those days, too. Had them I guess.”

  She held the curtain open and motioned to follow her. “How about a cup of tea and you can tell me all about what happened inside your head.”

  I joined her in the back room. She poured us mugs of steaming tea. I sat on the same couch. The black cat perched nearby, meowing at me for attention. The tea was strong, but good.

  I drank half the mug as the witch watched me closely.

  The cat walked over to lay on my lap.

  Petting the feline, I started recounting what occurred after I drank the potion. She said nothing the entire time I talked. All she did was refill my tea and nod here and there. When I told her how I heard Mercy’s voice while on this journey, felt her hand on my arm, even managed to catch glimpses of what was happening outside of me, the witch tilted her head, eyes glimmering with curiosity.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I wondered how much you cared for her. Now, I no longer wonder, since your connection to her is strong enough for her to reach you while under such a powerful spell. And vice versa.”

  “Meaning what exactly?”

  “Usually when one drinks that potion, they remain immobile until they complete their journey. You, however, told me barely an hour in, that there was someone who needed you.”

  “I did?”

  “Yes. You stood up and said you had to go to her.”

  “I bumped into Mercy that night,” I told the witch. “Apparently, I didn’t remember who I was, but I went with her, and I did help her. Right at the end, though, that’s when I saw what was happening to her. I came out of the journey in full demon rage.”

  The witch’s smile grew. “Did you now? My, that is interesting.”

  “Yeah… will I remember what I did here?”

  “Eventually the memories will return to you,” she explained. “It could take days or weeks, even months, but they will come back.”

  That was good to hear. Mercy might’ve said nothing transpired between us, but she lied. I was dying to know, and the last few nights, there’d been no nightmares. Only dreams of Mercy. In these dreams, we were kissing, laughing and talking. Part of me believed they were simply dreams, but another part believed they were memories from what I missed out on.

  “I guess I still need to pay you,” I told the witch as I finished my second cup of tea.

“No need.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Quite so. I might not be the seer my mother was, but I looked into your future while you were under, before you wandered out of my shop. There are a great many things that will be expected of you in due time. I am only happy I was able to get you clearheaded enough to face them.”

  “Like what?” I asked, frowning. “What did you see?”

  “I’m afraid if I tell you, all will change. It’s better if you simply find out for yourself.”

  I left the witch’s shop with more questions than answers, but at least I knew my memories would return.

  I went back home and crawled into bed, intending to get some sleep. I rolled over and grunted, glaring at the ceiling. When my eyes finally drifted shut, it was Mercy’s face I saw again.

  The witch’s words replayed in my head, repeating back to me what I’d told her. Mercy had needed me, and I’d gone to her. How had I known? And even during the journey, there should’ve been no way for me to know Mercy was nearby, or even talking to me, but I’d sensed her.

  Unable to sleep, I got up and found myself outside on the sidewalk, hurrying through the cold night air to get to Mercy’s place.

  I knocked on the door, anxiously waiting for her to answer. By the time she did, I realized how late it was.

  “Rafael?” She looked puzzled. “What’s wrong?”

  “I have to talk to you. Can I come in?”

  “Sure, what’s going on?” she asked, rubbing her eyes. She wore her tank and sleep shorts.

  An image of her walking around her apartment in those flashed through my mind, but I shook my head.


  “If I confess something to you, will you tell me the truth to a question I have?”

  She crossed her arms, nodding slowly. “I guess so. Does this have to do with what you saw in your head?”

  “No, not exactly. Remember that dream you said you had? About us?”

  “The one from the dreamweavers?”

  “Yeah, that one,” I said, my voice hoarse as all the emotion I’d pent up for Mercy since first meeting her threatened to spill over.

  “I do. What about it? It was just a dream.”

  “No, it wasn’t. I was there in your dream with you. Gigi sent me in to bring you out. That kiss we shared? That was real.”

  Her cheeks flushed, and she blinked quickly, shoving her hair behind her ears. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, oh.”

  “That’s—ah, that’s good to know. What exactly does that have to do with your question?”

  I closed the distance between us, and her breath caught as I took her hands in mine.

  “While my mind was otherwise occupied, what happened between us? You and me. Just be honest.”

  “Are you sure you want to know?” she asked, sounding worried.

  “I think I already do know,” I admitted. “While I was inside my head, I heard your voice, felt your hand on me. You were the reason I was able to get through my memories and face down my brother. We grew closer, I can feel it. We opened up to each other, and I’m not sure if I told you or not, but I like you, Mercy. Quite a bit. I keep having these dreams of us, but they feel too real to be made up.”

  She said nothing. Her hands remained in mine. I waited, the seconds ticking by. She chewed on her bottom lip, and then stood on her toes. One arm wrapped around my neck and her lips found mine. She sank into me, and I held her in my arms, lifting her easily off her feet.

  “That’s what happened,” she murmured against my lips between kisses.

  “Figured as much,” I replied, not setting her down just yet.

  Could’ve held her all night long if I had the chance. The kissing grew heated, and I finally set her down, so I could run my hands through her hair as she pressed hers flat to my chest. Seeing her nearly killed again tore me apart. All I wanted to do was prove to myself she survived, that we both did, and what I’d seen in my dreams had been real, after all.

  As she softly brushed her lips against mine, she sighed and leaned back. “So, you want to stay and watch a movie or something? Hang out.”

  “Movie. Did we watch one of those together?”

  “A couple, actually. This is turning out to be a pretty good night. Not like I was actually sleeping or anything.”


  “No, I keep thinking of you,” she said, cheeks reddening all over again.

  “Movie would be great.”

  She took my hand and led me to the couch. Just as we sat, my cell went off.

  It was well after midnight.

  I pulled it out to see.

  Nor’s name flashed on the screen.

  I braced myself for whatever bad news he was bound to deliver. “Chief,” I said as I answered. “Bit late for a checkup call.”

  “Sorry, Rafael, know you’re on vacation, but we have a situation.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “Not sure how to explain this, but first things first. How are you feeling?”

  “Back to my old self, sir. Better actually,” I replied, as Mercy held up her hands, asking me what the problem was.

  “Good because I need you for this one. And, can’t believe I’m asking this, but I’m asking your bounty hunter for a favor. We’re going to need her help. Hell, we’re going to need everyone’s help.”

  I pulled my cell from my ear and put him on speakerphone. “She’s here now, sir. You can tell us both.”

  “Is she now? Well, then, you certainly are feeling better.”

  I rolled my eyes as Mercy smiled.

  “Right then,” Nor continued, “There was a massive disturbance in Sector 21, moments ago. The two upper floors of an apartment building were obliterated.”

  “Magic explosion?” Mercy asked.

  “Not that we could tell. No scorch marks. No sign of fire either. It was like something massive crashed into them.”

  “Were there any witnesses?” I asked

  Mercy got up and grabbed clothes, then disappeared behind a changing screen.

  So much for a relaxing night in.


  “There were. This is where it gets strange. Five different witnesses have the exact same story. Swore on their lives it was what they saw.” He sucked in a deep breath then added, “Gargoyles.”

  “What?” Mercy exclaimed, poking her head out from behind the screen. “Gargoyles?”

  “Yes, gargoyles.”

  “That’s not possible,” I said. “They’ve been extinct since the last of the dragonborn were wiped out. Where did they come from?”

  “No idea. Which is where you two come in. I want you both on this case. If we have gargoyles suddenly popping up out of nowhere, won’t be too long before we have worse to deal with. The last thing any of us need is any dragonborn making a reappearance. You get out there, and you find the truth. Understand, Rafael? If it’s some asshole playing a prank, I want him brought in. If not, well, I want you to capture the damned things and bring them in.”

  “We’re on it, sir,” I said. He told me he’d text me the coordinates of the disturbance, then hung up. I turned toward the screen. “Sorry about this. Might get in the way of us finding Envy.”

  “It’s fine. It’s not like I have anything to go on right now.”

  “Up for an adventure tonight?” I asked Mercy when she stepped out from behind her changing area.

  The news seemed to worry her, but she sheathed her daggers and her sword and then slipped into her shoulder holsters, and grabbed a bow and a quiver.

  “Yeah, who doesn’t want to hunt extinct creatures that could rip our faces off with one swipe? Should be fun, right?”

  “Should be,” I agreed and stood. “Let’s go find us some gargoyles.”

  Keep reading for an excerpt from the next book in the series!

  Excerpt: Secrets of Mercy

  Mercy Temple Chronicles Book Four

  Mages. Sirens. Demons. Dragons. Gryphons. A Federal Paranormal
Unit. Attackers of magic. The Mercy Temple Chronicles will hook you!

  Mercy Temple lives in a world where paranormals are a thing. Humans know of their existence, but the two species don’t interact. Or so it is thought. She’s a bounty hunter. She’s good at what she does.

  There’s a major disturbance in Sector 21. Attacks. Explosions. And… gargoyles. How can that be? Gargoyle are long extinct. Or are they?

  Now the Gathered wants to take Mercy from Damian again. What will happen when they find out her secrets?

  Warning: Unputdownable action-packed fantasy, with mages, sirens, demons, dragons, gryphons and a Federal Paranormal Unit

  Chapter 1


  “Gargoyles did that?”

  I had to agree with Mercy.

  We arrived on the scene of the disturbance to find the block cordoned off. Cops and Feds were crawling all over the place, along with reporters and bystanders. The place was a zoo.

  I tilted my head back and took in the damage. The entire southern corner of the top floor was gone. Like a giant came in and scooped it out with his fist. Stones and bricks covered the street. There were several people with bloody heads and limbs on gurneys. They were either hit by the falling debris or hurt trying to get away from it.

  “I don’t know much about them.” Mercy stepped around a large chunk of stone with rebar sticking out of it. “And the only being old enough who might know is currently missing.”


  “Yeah, that old gryphon bastard knows everything about all the races. Including the extinct ones. Of all times for him to get his ass kidnapped.” She stopped near the building and looked into the night sky. “You think they’re around?” still

  “I’d like to know if they turn to stone when the sun comes up.”

  “Believe that’s a legend.”

  “Yeah? And how many legends about our races turn out to be true?” Her eyes crinkled with worry and she scanned the sky again.


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