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Blessed by Sapphires (A Dance with Destiny Book 2)

Page 10

by JK Ensley

  His gorgeous blood-colored hair, that delicious olive skin, those strangely exotic tattooed markings, and those beautiful ancient eyes. I had looked upon many handsome, strongly built men—such as good Vybius here—but they could never surpass Alzeen. I could see plainly now, none of them, not a single one could hold a candle to the mouthwatering physique of the man holding my hand within that magical orb. And… his awesome heart was his crowning glory. He owned me, owned the whole of me, every tiny piece.

  “My Alzeen, keeper of my heart. Oh, how I have missed you, my love.”

  The sphere I was leaning upon faded to black and disappeared. No longer supported by his past-revealing magic, I fell upon Vybius’s outstretched hand. My angelic sentinel pulled me back onto his lap. I felt so tiny, so alone. I drew my knees up, curled into a ball, trying my best to protect my rapidly shattering heart. There, against Vindicus’s massive chest, painful tears trickled down my cheeks and landed cold upon his glowing ethereal flesh.

  “Why did you stop, Vybius?” I whispered.

  “Because I am weak from lack of rest… and because…” He paused.

  “Because he is jealous. As am I, tiny maiden.” Vindicus growled. “Would that you shed tears such as these for me, I would move all ten layers and heaven itself just to hold you in my arms. You openly mourn for a man who could’ve found you, could have sought you out upon any layer, within any realm. Yet, he… did… nothing. You long for a being not worthy your sorrow, Milady. Yes, I am jealous, maddened with the damnable feeling.”

  “Jealous? How could either of you possibly be jealous? Look at you, both of you. Since your very creation, heaven hasn’t produced the like. You are incomparable glory. Women weep to look upon your rare beauty. How can you be jealous of a mere man?”

  “I’m not jealous of the man,” Vybius snapped.

  I stared at him, dumbfounded.

  “He’s jealous of your heart regarding the man, of your enviable feelings toward him,” Vindicus said. “We are of like-mind concerning this.”

  I threw my hands up in the air. “I, for the life of me, do not understand you people.”

  “And that has been your biggest problem, little one. This is the one thing you have always, and will continue to, stumble over. Your lack of understanding has caused you so much unnecessary pain. A woman should have met you at the gate to Vanahirdem. A woman should have been allowed to prepare you for what you should expect from the Vanir. Your innate innocence is holy and rare, child. Yet you see not its true glory… for this has always been normal for you. Trust me when I confess to you now, that self-same enchanting innocence of yours is to us… a rare gem we cannot look away from.”

  That beautiful tinkling voice came from the mesmerizing orange-haired warrior I had been drawn to upon entering the chamber hall.

  “Things happened as they must, I suppose. But things were not meant to be thus. Listen to me, little one. If a man or woman from any race or layer is drawn to the Vanir, it is much later in their mortal lives and only after much soul searching and prayer. If they pass the tests and make it through the gates, they’re taught for many years simply what it’s like to be Vanir. The proselytes are slowly woven into the culture. Their accumulation is natural. It completes them in a way that’s perfectly attuned to their individual soul. You, precious child, are unique in more ways than just your awesome mask. You were driven into the holy city and then flung into the harshest, bloodiest part of our world. Many who stand before you today have lived for thousands of years, and never have they witnessed even one of the things you have actually had to do, child. And such was your destiny since before your birth.”

  There was nothing in the air but painful silence as this beautiful creature came to me, sat before me upon the floor, taking my trembling hands in hers.

  “My name is Viatrix and I know well your journey, tiny Angel.”

  “Viatrix is our seer here in Vandermil,” Vybius said.

  “Yes, I am. I have not been as blessed as good Vybius here has with a glimpse into your actual soul, but I have been witness to many of your trials and many of your missions. All Vanir stand in awe of you, of your gifts, and especially of your innocent heart. But with the same breath, I must admit we never took into consideration the fact you are a human. And because of that, you are nothing like us at all.”

  “But… Varick said—”

  “Yes, child. Varick told you how God took a piece of him and formed you before his own eyes. What good Varick failed to realize, what he failed to take into proper consideration, was the fact God may have taken a piece from a warrior Vanir to make you, but He made you into a human… into a woman. Because of this, you’re as fierce and powerful as any Vanir could possibly dream of being. But you are also as fragile as a little girl, a little human girl. I cannot fault my brothers. The truth is, there’s never been one like you before. We have no idea how to guide you, how to train you. We have not a clue how to help you, sweetest Angel.”

  “So… I’m truly alone in this world, then.”

  “In a manner of speaking, yes, you’re alone. You are alone in the whole mystery of what you are. But you know yourself, Jenevier, you have never been truly alone throughout the whole of your life. Look at it this way. It’s like you’re the very first baby born into a world full of adults. We love you. We’re uncontrollably drawn to you. Yet, you didn’t come with instructions and we can only try to do the best we can with our limited knowledge to try and raise you properly. Sometimes we fail. Sometimes we get it right. We’re all flying blind with this, child, but at least we are all flying together. Take heart in that.” She smiled sweetly at me and imparted warm, motherly love.

  “Gratitude, Viatrix. Your words come way past the point of needing, but they are a gift I shall treasure always.”

  I stood, gave my protective sentinel a thankful kiss on his vibrant blue locks, then turned to face one of the wisest, most beautiful women I had ever known.

  “I am far too common to express my enormous gratitude for your enlightening words. It’s how I have always been told… Every blessing has a curse, and every curse has a blessing. No one life has proven this more than my own.”

  She reached for my hand. “Come, let us walk. Vindicus is needed at the gate and good Vybius must regain his strength. You seemed full to bursting with questions when first you entered here. I will gladly answer all that I know.”

  “Apologies, Viatrix,” Vybius said. “But I promised Jenevier a complete tour of Vandermil. I will see to her.”

  I touched his arm, causing him to turn, granting me full access to those incredible amethyst eyes.

  “No, good Vybius. You have done far too much for me already. You need your rest. And honestly, I’m looking forward to spending some time with another woman for a change. You warriors can play hell on a lady’s heart sometimes.”

  “I am no warrior, Milady. And I promise you now, I am not playing.”

  “Vybius, enough,” Vahan said. “You need your rest and the lady has made her wishes clear.”

  I could plainly see the pain on Vybius’s regal face. I turned from him, walking out into the warming light arm in arm with Viatrix.

  She showed me many wonderful new things. I saw rare flowers—touched delicate petals that could be found nowhere else in all of creation. I was blessed with an enchanting, aromatic feast for my hungry eyes, a soothing balm for my wonderment, a colorful gift for my soul. To say I was spellbound would have been an understatement.

  I discovered the brilliantly crowned Vanir in Vandermil display outwardly the trait of their affinity, their natural guardianship. For instance, Viggo is the Guardian of the Sky and claims pale blue coloring—his hair, brows, and eyes—all matching thusly. Likewise, vibrant pink locks denoted an affinity to flowers in the same shade. This was true with all plants. Each one had a regal Vanir tending it, sharing the coloring identifying their heavenly job. But the most beautiful, the most vibrantly coifed, were the Vanir who claimed guardianship over precious
gems and metals. Vibrant red for the rubies, deep rich purple for the amethysts, bright vivid green for emeralds, and all else—gold, silver, diamond, bronze, pearl. Each element of nature boasted its own ethereal sentinel. Once you understood the concept, it was easy to tell a warrior’s affinity with but a glance. Viatrix made a game of the guessing and I didn’t get many wrong. Her instructional entertainment afforded me the opportunity to meet countless new friends face to face.

  Hours later, when my head truly was full to bursting, I said farewell to the ever-lovely, always-entertaining Viatrix and made my way back to Vybius’s comforting home.

  There the Sage sat, eyes half closed, fighting his long overdue slumber. I sighed aloud at his stubborn determination.

  Taking my treasured brother by the hand, I led him to a warm bath.

  I knew Vybius was exhausted, but I was so full of wonder and new discoveries, I chatted along incessantly as I bathed the regal Vanir. Once I had him properly robed, I prepared one of Aunt Marlise’s famous soothing teas and bade him drink. I brushed out and braided his extremely long luxurious locks, the same as I had done for Varick so many times before, talking and laughing all the while. His braid was stunning, a sparkling treasure, to be sure. The deep amethyst wove spectacularly through the pristine silver, lacing its way down his back, nearly to his knees. It just popped. I couldn’t stop looking at it, couldn’t stop touching it, playing with it. I truly envy Vybius his glorious hair.

  Standing behind him, I admired his impressive reflection staring back at me through tired eyes in the large looking glass.

  I tenderly kissed the top of his head. “Ah, Brother, were I to be crowned as you are, my beauty would be that of fairytales.”

  Vybius reached up, gently placing his hands over mine upon his shoulders. “Your smile alone surpasses fairytales, Jenevier. Were you any lovelier, the Angels in heaven would yield to their own jealousy and still your exquisite heart, cease your magnificence.”

  I chuckled. “And if all men were blessed with your silver tongue, good Vybius, we women wouldn’t stand a chance. Our hearts would melt within us and we would freely surrender them, give them away with no hope of reclamation.”

  “Would that I should be so blessed,” he whispered. “The stars don’t write such glory in my eternity.”

  I affectionately kissed his iridescent cheek and led him to the giant bed, demanding he lie down and rest. As promised, I lay with my head upon his chiseled chest, listening to the hypnotic rhythm of his steady pulse. I told him many stories, beguiling him with many of the things I’d seen during my recent banishment on layer eight. When the beating of his precious heart slowed and sleep finally claimed him, I laid perfectly still, breathing in his spellbinding scent until I was certain he would not easily wake.

  Keeping the front door steady, I silently eased it closed, holding my breath until I heard the tiny click of the latch. Smiling contently, I strolled out into the constant sunlight and sat down, lazily resting my weary form across a giant slab of sapphire magnificently protruding from the ground.

  Has any place ever been quite so spectacular?

  Then, I closed my eyes and drifted.

  Chapter 16



  “That’s my stone your gorgeous little bottom rests upon.”

  My eyes were closed but I didn’t need to see the ethereal warrior now shading my sunlight to know his deep guttural voice.

  “Ah, I figured that out all on my own hours ago, Vindicus.” I opened one eye and looked up at the giant. “What brings you to this door, Sentinel? Should you not be guarding the gate?”

  “Shift’s over. I came to check on Vybius. His glow seemed a little off today.”

  He spoke as he lay down on the ground beside my priceless resting place, propped up on one elbow. My blue Guardian began plucking up blades of grass, casually chewing on them.

  “Is that so? Well, Vybius is resting now and I shan’t let you disturb him.”

  “Then I suppose I’ll just have to be content with your poor company for a while.”

  I chuckled. “Surely you could do worse.”

  “I could, perhaps, but not very easily. You’re about as worse as they come around here.”

  I grabbed hold of his supporting wrist, jerking his arm from under his head. He casually fell back, resting his all-too-perfect form upon the lawn. His smile was lazy, tinged with mischievousness.

  “He has fallen for you, ya know. A week ago, I would have called you a liar if you told me that stuffy old devil would ever fall in love. Now, here we are… worlds away from normal.” Casually reaching over, he tugged lightly on my skirt tail. “Is that what you do, tiny lady? Stroll into people’s lives, turn their worlds upside down, and leave with more tears than smiles?”

  “Your words may be spoken in jest, but they are painfully near the truth.” I felt the burn of coming tears. “You see what is not there, Brother. I am betrothed. My heart is not mine to give,” I whispered, mostly to myself. “And you are much mistaken. He hasn’t fallen for me. Vybius and I are as kin, blood born siblings, more like.” I yanked a lock of his ethereal hair. “It was natural for us, happened within an instant. It’s easy being with Vybius… it’s comfortable.”

  “For you, perhaps.” Vindicus grabbed my hand, pulling me from my sapphire pedestal. We lay on our backs, elbows touching, staring into a perfectly blue sky. “I tell you now, delicate Angel, that little Guardian in there, he sees you as anything but a blood born sister.” He yanked one of my curls in retribution. “Are you really so daft you cannot see the obvious adoration dancing plainly within his rare eyes? No wonder you stay in trouble, little girl. You do not think before you speak and you do not look before you step. You blindside yourself, naïve maiden.”

  “What you say is true, Guardian, the whole of it. I have always been my own worst enemy. Alas, I cannot love another. No matter what may be dancing in my new friend’s lovely eyes. I am Varick’s Anicee, now and always.”

  “For a woman who cannot lie, you seem to have no problem lying to yourself. I have looked upon your dainty fingers, held them even.” He picked up my hand, gently rubbing his thumb over the empty indentation where the tattoo had once been. “You are absent a manacle, dear one.”

  “Perhaps upon my hand, I am. Yet the same doesn’t hold true for my heart. It is bound with a tie that cannot be seen and can never be broken.” I sighed. “When Vybius wakes, we will talk. I do not wish to hurt that gentle man.”

  “Gentle?” Vindicus laughed. “Take heed, Milady. I didn’t call him an old devil in jest. There’s a reason he has never loved before. It’s not his purpose.” He rolled onto his side, propping himself back up on his elbow, staring down at me. “It’s easy to forget how incredibly young you are. When you have lived a tenth as long as I have, you’ll stop using words such as always and never. Eternity is a long time, little sis. You cannot even fathom it. There will be countless things that will change your always and your nevers. Trust me on this. It is as it should be. Besides, change is the only thing that makes the endless time… bearable.”

  I unconsciously played with his stunning blue locks. “And just how long have you lived, ancient Guardian?”

  “If you truly wish to know, I will tell you…”

  And, he began.

  Hours passed like minutes. We laughed and spoke of things of old. Vindicus told me of great battles, thousands of years ago. I briefly touched on the many I had seen and described in detail the little babies in Detroit, how they had grown into amazing young adults.

  He shared marvelous tales of ancient wars fought in places that no longer exist against people who no longer were. I didn’t ask if he’d helped wipe these races from every place except the history books, for I didn’t truly wish to think about that possibility. Not right now.

  Time stood still as our memories danced about us. As it was in Vanahirdem, the light never faded. The day never waxed old. Only my yawns betrayed my internal cl

  “You’re going to leave me now, aren’t you?” Vindicus whispered. “Would it matter if I told you… I didn’t want you to go?”

  I didn’t answer him. I only smiled, kissed my new Guardian farewell, and made my way back to the giant bed holding my sleeping friend. Collapsing wearily beside Vybius’s silent form, I slept the peaceful dreamless sleep of a newborn babe.

  Still smiling, I woke to the smell of rose tea and sugar sprinkled honey bread. The most beautiful amethyst eyes in all creation were sparkling down at me.

  “Good morrow, my love.”

  “Mmm.” I yawned and stretched my arms. “Good morning, Vybius.”

  “Promise not to tell anyone and I’ll let you in on a little secret.”

  “My lips are sealed.” I giggled as he handed me the tea.

  “Last night… I slept with an Angel.”

  “Truly? Well, I have a secret of my own,” I whispered. “I did as well. And I’m certain my Angel was rarer than yours.”

  We shared a cheerful breakfast together before heading down to the chamber hall, hand in hand, laughing like children. Well, I was laughing, Vybius only smiled. I ran from one enticing new thing to the next, inquiring about every little mystery I found. My lovely new friend obliged me all, never tiring of my ceaseless enthusiastic questioning.

  We finally reached the crowded chamber hall where everyone sat, silently awaiting our arrival. It seems they were all too curious to learn more of my once hidden secrets, now revealed to all.

  When I gaily skipped within, I released Vybius’s hand and ran to Viatrix. She caught me up in her arms, lifting me to match her towering height, and gave me a giant hug.

  I marched to the center of the room and found my blue Guardian already sitting on the floor, smiling.

  “Vindicus, my sunshine, I no longer fear my past. You won’t have to coddle me today, I shouldn’t think.”


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