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Blessed by Sapphires (A Dance with Destiny Book 2)

Page 37

by JK Ensley

  “…Everything,” Vittorio whispered.

  “Yes, everything,” Vindicus said as he slowly nodded his agreement. “And that’s exactly what I did.”

  Tears were now streaming down the Hell Prince’s perfect cheeks. It caused a new wound to open within my breaking heart.

  “Now, Jenevier. These gifts are for you alone because of your destiny to be a healer,” Vindicus continued. “And no greater power could be afforded you. The awesome honor He has bestowed upon you with this trust… there simply are no words to describe it. And now, my Anicee, it’s time for you to use your rare gift.”

  “Use it?” My brows furrowed as I gaped at him. “But how?”

  “The same as you did for your Jezreel.”

  “But… but I cannot. I no longer remember how to say them. What if I do something wrong? I could kill us all. Help me. What should I do?”

  Varick spoke then. “What are you saying, Apollyon? Are you saying Jenevier holds the power to save Vittorio?”

  “Not just to save him, but to heal him completely. There’s no denying what’s evident to your own eyes. These trinkets she so casually wears about her dainty neck shouldn’t even exist. The fact they do is evidence enough of her untapped power. She is destined to be God’s own healer in this universe. He will use her as if she were His own hand. That’s why He blessed her with His own power, with the very power of God.”

  “No… I’m not worthy,” I muttered through my fresh tears. “I don’t want this gift. It’s too much responsibility. I don’t even possess the confidence or knowledge to wield it. I wish only to give it away, give it to someone more competent than I. I’m not good enough. I don’t want it.”

  “And that proves God has chosen rightly.” Vindicus smiled at me. “The only creature in all creation who can handle such a treasure… the one who desires it not.”

  Oh dear heavens, that smile, he is sooo beautiful, I thought.

  “But she knows not how to say the words,” Vinika said.

  “Perhaps you’re the one to teach them to her, Apollyon,” Varick suggested.

  “No. I am certain these gifts were never meant for my eyes. I shouldn’t have even touched them. Already the words have left my mind and I cannot recall them. No. I am to have no part or lot in this matter.”

  “Then how will I learn?”

  “The same way you learned how to heal Jezreel. The man you slew and then sacrificed yourself for, this Merodach, he knows the words. Perhaps that’s why your deed against him came with so a great a sentence as death. Because he’s the key God sent to teach you what you must know. Did Merodach not ask you to possess these treasures?”

  “No.” I shook my head, staring down at the trinkets resting lightly upon my palm. “I offered them to him. But he refused me.”

  “Then there’s your answer,” Vindicus proclaimed. “A man capable of reading the power but will not. And a woman capable of wielding the power but doesn’t want to. They are the perfect pair.” He smiled confidently at me, lending me needed strength.

  “So, if she is to heal Vittorio, then…” Varick paused.

  Vindicus lifted me from the waters and helped me back into my dress. He took my hand, leading me toward the door as he answered Varick over his shoulder.

  “Then, she needs Merodach.”

  Chapter 48



  “Where are you taking me?” Vindicus asked.

  “Why? Are you afraid?”

  “There is no creature on any layer I fear. Do you name me coward because I handle you as a delicate flower?”

  “Vindicus, lover, it was but jest.” I smiled. “I was teasing you, playing with you. It’s meant to be cute, flirtatious.”

  “And what response did you wish of me, Princess?”

  “Well, how would you respond if you didn’t take the question so seriously?”

  “Hmm, this is new for me.”

  “What troubles you?” I felt wickedness blazing within me. “Are you afraid of new things?”

  He shot his smoldering gaze toward me. The wicked glint in his eyes let me know he got it, he understood. I laughed and flew from him with lightning speed. He gave chase. Just as he reached for me, I vanished. He jerked to a stop. Catching sight of me behind him, the game was back on. When I disappeared from his grasp the fourth time only to reappear at his back once more, his arms closed around me.

  “Now I have you.”

  I laughed. “How did you do that?”

  “You are too predictable, my sweet.”

  “Or perhaps I wanted these gorgeous arms around me.”

  “Mmm… Everything about you drives me mad. Will you do me the gracious honor of being my wife?”

  “That wish has already been granted, my gentle lover.”

  One blue eyebrow lifted with his knowing smirk. “Gentle? Do I not satisfy you?”

  “So now you jest with me?”

  “Oh, so all those secret things you whisper in my ear that no other man should ever hear… and the way you scream with pleasure over and over. Are you saying I should take those things as your approval of me?”

  I giggled. “You’re a horrible person, an evil man.”

  “Mmm… You have no idea. I was certain someone would have filled you in about me by now, tiny Angel.”

  I punched his rock hard chest. It hurt my knuckles a little. He laughed and hugged me, but he didn’t squeeze me like he normally did.

  “What was that? I thought you said you wanted to devour me. Now… your arms barely hold me.”

  “I always want to devour you. But I do not wish to hurt my precious Anicee.”

  “Hurt me?” I laughed. “Now you’re being ridiculous. You know I’m made of stronger stuff than that.”

  “You know what I mean.” He blushed and looked away.

  “What was that? Did you just blush? I have never seen you blush before, have I? I like it. I like it a lot.”

  He rolled his eyes and sighed. “You will be the death of me before this glorious day is over, Princess.”

  “All joking aside. What did you mean, really?”

  “What you felt in the pools of Vanahirdem, in the healing waters,” he said.


  “I forget how naïve and young you truly are.”

  “What? What is it?”

  “You were blessed, my love. You were blessed. Even Vinika saw it.”

  “Blessed with what?” I held my hands up to halt our conversation. “Oh, wait. There it is.”

  I flew down and into a large store. I couldn’t contain my broad smile as I returned and handed him the gift.

  He raised a single eyebrow and tilted his head to the side. “And what is this?”

  “Just open it.”

  He fumbled with the shiny paper and stared blankly into the open box.

  “Okay. What is it?” His lovely brow furrowed with confusion.

  “It’s what the people here on layer eight call a camera. You said you never wanted the image of me to fade from your memory. Now… it won’t. I just hope I’m able to capture your likeness on film.” I took the camera out and pointed it at him. “Smile.”

  The thick plastic square slid out the front. He snatched it before I could stop him.

  “Careful. I don’t want you to smudge it. Here, hold it like this.”

  He watched in awe as his heavenly features slowly came to life.

  “That one’s mine,” I said through my smile.

  We hurried on to Ashgard. I entered the castle alone and spoke with Merodach.

  “Anything for you, Jenevier. This you know. Give me a moment to make some adjustments here and I will meet you at the window.”

  “I’ll be waiting. I want to introduce you to someone very special.”

  He laughed awkwardly. “I’m not real sure I like the sound of that.”

  Vindicus and I sat upon the sill, awaiting Merodach’s return. We held hands and looked out at the beautiful land of
Ashgard. He absently stroked his thumb across the top of my hand. I would have been content just sitting with him like that forever.


  “You mean… you now have the power to summon forth demons from hell?” Merodach spoke as he took a cautious step back.

  His words pulled a warning growl from my husband.

  “He is not a demon,” I said. “He’s an Angel.”

  “A dark Angel,” Merodach said.

  “Yes, he’s a dark Angel. And I didn’t pull him out of hell.”

  “Love did,” Vindicus added.

  “Fear not, old friend. Come with us, please. I need your help, for I cannot save my brother alone.”

  “But you said he yet lives as long as he remains within the waters. Yes?”

  “Yes,” I answered.

  “Then I have time to think on this. No?”

  “No! I will not leave him soaking for days because you’re scared or jealous or whatever your problem seems to be. If I must, I will take you by force. Please, do not deny me this one thing, Merodach. I truly need you.” I took his hand in mine. “There was a time not so very long ago you offered me the whole of this realm. Has your heart changed toward me? Can you not spare me just one hour of your life?”

  “Why do you reason with this man?” Vindicus growled and stood. “Is he not the very man who drugged you and lied to you with the intent of doing you great harm? Is he not the same person you sacrificed your pure soul for, so that he should live instead of you?”

  “Vindicus, don’t do this,” I warned.

  “No… he’s right. All that you say is true, Angel. I owe this most beautiful of all creatures not only my life, but everything I will ever be. Apologies, Jenevier. The way you smiled at this man broke my heart. I was being selfish to punish you. Forgive me, my love. I will gladly follow you anywhere. After you, Milady.” Merodach bowed graciously.

  I hugged the King’s neck and hopped up and down, clapping my hands like a little girl.

  Vindicus rolled his gorgeous eyes and shook his head. “I forget how young you truly are, child. Come. Let us be off.”

  We took the King’s hands and passed through the clouds in but a breath. When we burst through to the ethereal city of Vanahirdem, we flew straight into the training dome and gently eased King Merodach down by the edge of the pool where my angelic brother waited.


  I didn’t release my hold upon the King. Only I, from all present, could understand what a world-shattering shock this was for him. I was surprised at how well he accepted everything that’d just happened… and still managed to smile. He inclined his head toward the giant winged beings before him.

  “You’re much stronger than I was,” I whispered.

  “Well, I had the advantage of already hearing about your adventures. You described them quite well. And let us not forget, my love… I’ve met Vashti.”

  I could never forget, and his words pulled my mind back to that gruesome scene.

  “Since my sister seems to have lost her tongue, allow me the honor of introducing you to her new family.” Vinika smiled and took the King’s hand.

  I mouthed a Thank You to the elegant woman and released my hold upon Merodach as I surrendered him to my gorgeous sister. I don’t think he minded too awful much, for it was obvious to everyone… he was having a hard time trying not to stare at the lovely Vinika. She had laced her arm through his and led him around the room, making introductions. I returned a knowing wink to each of my brothers.

  Sitting down beside Vittorio’s shoulder, I leaned over and kissed him atop the head.

  “Did you miss me?”

  “Aye, Lass, my pain grew with each moment ye were away.”

  “You are horrible.” I mussed his hair.

  Vindicus joined me as I sat dangling my feet in the water next to my injured brother.

  “I must say, this is a rather unexpected turn of events. I never dreamed my final day with you would include all your former lovers,” Vindicus whispered.

  “I have no lovers but you.”

  “Then tell me, little Princess. How was your flower plucked before me?”

  I blushed, and then felt sick. “Yes, I was with Varick. But we had already exchanged manacles. Only the ceremony was to come.”

  “As happened with us,” he added.

  “Yes, but I have lain with no other. I am yet bound to you in every way, and I never want it to be otherwise. You already saw the whole of my life through Vybius’s magic. Are you angry, my love?”

  “Not at all. Jealous, perhaps. But not angry. How is it you can spend so much time alone with Vittorio, a person you obviously love unconditionally, and not be with him?”

  Vittorio laughed at that. “Aye, it’s nae from lack of me trying, Brother.”

  “You view me as evil.” I whispered the words as tears burned the backs of my eyes.

  “No, my love. I view you as desirable, passionate, exotic, innocent, sexy, naïve… never evil.”

  I couldn’t stop the few tears that escaped before I closed my eyes tightly and willed the flow to cease.

  “Did I hurt you, my love?” He gently touched my shoulder. “I meant no harm. I was merely amused at the company we were keeping this day. Forgive me, Princess. I have misspoken.”

  I pretended not to hear Vindicus’s apology. And yes, it was extremely childish of me. Perhaps it was because his words rang very nearly true. Or perhaps it was because I did love everyone in this room, and I simply didn’t know the correct way to express it or how to handle it properly. I am too naïve for my own good. I felt like a little girl trying to play at being grown up.

  So how did I handle this very real, very honest adult conversation? I ran away, of course. I jerked my shoulder free from my husband and left the two giants there, alone.

  “Aye, Brother, ye tell it true,” Vittorio whispered to his dark company. “Every man in this room has, an’ still does, love yer wife. We would trade our wings or crowns, as it may be, tae be the only keeper of her heart. Yet that honor is yers alone, Brother. Even Varick can sense it. I envy ye above all beings. She… is my only regret. Tae have truly owned her heart, even for a day. Aye, that I would gladly die for… a thousand times over.”

  I knew every feeling and every thought that passed through my dear husband’s heart. As he did mine. Vindicus knew every word this valiant warrior had confided was the truth. His heart swelled with pride, but was tinged with epic jealousy. How could he face eternity after he left her side? Who would hold her in their arms and help heal her broken heart? He couldn’t bear the thought. Nor could he bear the pain it brought him. To never see her enchanting smile, to never taste her enticing lips, to never hold her in his arms or breathe in her intoxicating scent… how could he possibly go through with this? How would his sanity ever survive such an inconceivable loss as his precious wife? He could no longer breathe. I felt all of that course through my beloved dark Angel… and his pain splintered my soul.

  “King Merodach, I hate to cut the introductions short,” I said.

  “No, no. I’m the one to offer apologies,” Vinika said, smiling elegantly.

  “We need to start, when you’re ready,” I added.

  “Should we be alone? Can they hear the words as I teach you?” he asked.

  “No. No one should know what you speak of. No one should be tempted thusly,” Vindicus answered.

  “Then I will whisper to you once again, sweet Jenevier. Come to me as before.”

  I stood before the giant basin of healing water and Merodach gently pulled my hair back, baring my shoulder as he stood behind me. I took a deep breath, as before, and Merodach wrapped his arms around my waist. Every eye was upon us as I leaned back against his strong chest, closed my eyes, and cleared my mind.

  I felt his nose brush my ear. I began to concentrate on the strange sounds I knew would soon follow. Instead of feeling the tickling sensation of his whispering lips upon my ear, I felt them lightly brush my bared shoulder. I tr
ied to turn my head to see what he was doing, but I felt his hot breath at the tender spot where my neck and shoulder meet.


  Instead of an answer, I received a kiss where his breath had just left little goose bumps. His lips lingered and then pressed against me once more. I quickly looked to Vindicus. I could not only feel his anger swelling within me, I saw it burning in his eyes.

  “Merodach, please,” I pleaded.

  I pulled my shoulder away. He only laughed and pulled me back to him.

  “I could not help myself.” He chuckled. “I am completely fascinated with all these new markings. How did you come by them, my love?”

  “My husband,” I said. “They are the places where he healed my many wounds.”

  “Healed you? He has the power to heal? The Guardian of the eternal fire pits? You mean, these are his marks?”

  “They are mine. There are many of them.” Vindicus stood. “Shall we wait until you have kissed them all?”

  “Merodach? Why do you play? What you do now is not a good thing. I asked for your help. Will you bring only harm to exchange instead?”

  “Aye, Brother.” Vittorio snorted. “All ye need tae do is ask good Varick there. Right, Varick? She may look like a painted Angel, but her claws are sharp.”

  Vareilious laughed. “You waste good counsel, Brother. Save your strength. Was it not you, Your Highness? Were you not the one this tiny girl destroyed? Did I not see her rip out your still beating heart and squeeze it before your own eyes?”

  At the giant sentinel’s jest, Merodach tensed, tightening his arms reflexively around me. The response from Vindicus was swifter than light. Instantly, the vicious dark Angel’s heaving chest was touching my nose. His words made my knees go weak.

  “I fear not God’s wrath, puny mortal,” he snarled, with a voice that was more terrifying than any demon could possibly muster. “I am the King of Darkness and Guardian of the bottomless pits of hell. He has already ripped out what was left of my soul by sentencing me to an eternity without so much as a single moment more with my beloved wife. Touch her again, and this day will end with your pitiful screams echoing up from that very pit… my pit.”


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