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Two Wolves and a Cook [Werewolf Castle 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 10

by Cara Adams

  Anastasia listened intently and heard tiny movements in Evan’s office. It really did seem to her as if someone was trying hard to be quiet. As if they were snooping into Evan’s things, not just picking up their own cell phone or something they’d forgotten. All the kitchen staff left their possessions in a cupboard behind Evan’s door. And since everyone lived in the castle, mostly these were items like a cell phone, a sweater, maybe sunglasses, not money or anything valuable. Just things they didn’t need as they worked.

  She heard soft steps and then the door to the walk-in refrigerator opened. Okay. That proved it wasn’t a worker. Anyone wanting a snack would go to the living room in the east wing where there was always plenty of food. And if it was someone wanting a specific item not in the east wing, they’d look in the dining room refrigerators where there were leftovers. No. This was strange. Why would anyone want to look inside the huge, walk-in refrigerator? That just didn’t make sense.

  Slowly she stood up, then she glanced at the twenty-pound bags of potatoes. They looked like the closest thing around here to a weapon she could find, so she picked one up in her arms and padded silently on her bare feet to the refrigerator. Cautiously, she stood to the side and peeked in. Lev was standing toward the back of the refrigerator, sliding dishes out of his way and looking behind them. “What the fuck are you doing in here, Lev?” she asked.

  He turned around, his face full of fury. He lifted his arms as if he’d punch her, so instinctively she threw the potatoes at him, hitting him in the center of the chest. Anastasia didn’t wait to see if he was all right. She slammed the refrigerator door closed, then dropped the security bar into place. They almost never used it, preferring to leave the door unbarred so they could walk in and out of the room a hundred times a day. But right now she was glad it was there. Not that it would hold a strong man like Lev for long, an angry man quite capable of destroying the hundreds of dollars worth of food in the refrigerator.

  She ran into Evan’s office, grabbed his phone, and punched in his room number, even though she thought he might be elsewhere doing his paperwork. Fortunately for her heavy breathing and pounding heart, he answered immediately.


  “I just locked Lev in the walk-in refrigerator.”

  “You what? Don’t answer that. Call Ion and the Alpha. I’m on my way.”

  She called Ion first, knowing wherever he was he’d have his cell phone in his pocket.

  “Hi, Evan. What’s up?”

  “It’s Anastasia. I just locked Lev in the walk-in refrigerator.”

  “Where’s Evan? Is he okay?”

  “He was working somewhere else. He’s on his way.”

  “So am I. Tell the Alpha.”

  He hung up before she could say Evan had already told her to do that. Not that she’d made the call yet. Actually, she’d never called him directly. She’d only ever called Odette. Her fingers started punching in Odette’s number. She didn’t know the Alpha’s number and she figured it’d be quicker to call Odette than to look up the Alpha’s personal number anyway.

  “Hey there, Evan. What can I do for you tonight?”

  “I’m sorry to bother you, Odette. But I don’t know the Alpha’s cell phone number and I just locked Lev in the walk-in refrigerator.”

  “An excellent place to keep him for a while, sweetie. Good thinking. Let me handle this for you now.”

  Anastasia sank into Evan’s desk chair. Her entire body was shaking with nerves. Half of her wanted to go and listen at the refrigerator door to hear if he was destroying all the food in there, but her legs were too weak to support her and the other half of her was trying hard not to cry. Possibly she hadn’t been in even a moment’s danger, despite Lev’s angry face. But it seemed to her as if she’d avoided being hurt by the tiniest of margins. She’d always felt so safe and at home in the kitchens. How the fuck did Lev get in, anyway? Oh shit. Had he hurt Magnus or Kiril and gotten their ID cards?

  Anastasia grabbed Evan’s phone again and rang Odette back. The line rang for quite a while before her calm voice answered, “Yes, sweetie?”

  “Lev shouldn’t have had an ID pass to let him into the kitchen. I wondered if he’d maybe hurt Kiril or Magnus and taken their cards?”

  “An excellent point, sweetie. I’ll get someone to check them both immediately.”

  Anastasia put the phone down again and heard Evan’s voice. “Anastasia? Where are you?” Then there was the sound of running feet and he came into the room, sweeping her into his arms.

  Tears threatened to fall, but she told herself to stop being a baby. “Don’t open the door until someone else is here as well,” she said.

  “I’m not suicidal,” he whispered, hugging her tighter.

  She pulled in a deep breath, scenting him. He was all man, yet overlaid with the medieval spices they used every day. Cinnamon, and ginger, saffron, cardamom and nutmeg. He smelled wonderful and she was safe with him there. But still, the Alpha would be here soon and she needed to have her shoes back on before then. She pulled out of his arms and bent to the floor, grabbing her flat work boots with her socks tucked inside them.

  “You usually get undressed when you see me, not dressed,” Evan teased her gently.

  More people entered the kitchen and Evan hurried out. Anastasia laced her boots and followed him, standing back where she could see everything. Ion was here, with Nik Ozols, a wolf of an age with him. Anastasia assumed they’d been together when she called him. The Alpha was right behind them with two very big older men who Anastasia had seen around the castle but didn’t know.

  “Anastasia, take us to the walk-in refrigerator please,” ordered the Alpha.

  She led the way to it, and then stepped back. The Alpha nodded to the two large men who slid the bar away and opened the door, blocking the entry. Anastasia couldn’t see much with their bodies in the way, but she could see the floor and it didn’t have food all over it, which was a relief. The thought that Lev might have taken out his anger on her by destroying all the food had been worrying her.

  “Well, Lev, would you like to explain what’s going on?” asked the Alpha.

  His words were mild, but his tone of voice made it quite clear that saying no wasn’t an option.

  “It’s all a misunderstanding. I just wanted a snack. I was hungry,” said Lev.

  “And how did you open the kitchen door?” replied the Alpha.

  “It wasn’t locked.”

  “Oh yes it was. I double checked it when I left because Anastasia was here alone,” said Evan.

  Everyone was staring at Lev but he was looking at the floor.

  The Alpha pulled out his cell phone and scrolled through a few screens. “Would you like to change your story, Lev?” he asked. This time his tone was distinctly icy.

  There was total silence in the kitchen as the Alpha tapped the screen of his cell phone. “Put Sergei in Dungeon One, securely chained hand and foot. Lev can have Dungeon Two.”

  The Alpha turned to Lev and said, “My predecessor would have insisted you be injured in exactly the same way Magnus has been injured. Personally, I think that’s too mild a punishment.” He turned to the two men. “Dungeon Two, and chained hand and foot.”

  * * * *

  Ion pulled Anastasia to his side, tucked her under his arm, and held her tightly. He wanted to spank her for putting herself in danger, then to kiss her for so neatly capturing Lev. But neither action was appropriate right now. Besides, he really wanted to know what the Alpha planned to do with Lev. And what was this about Sergei? Where had he been and what had he been doing?

  They must both have been trying to find out information, but what, and why, and for whom?

  Ugh! Not knowing was so annoying.

  Evan hurried into the refrigerator, and Ion watched as he checked everything in there and brought out a large bag of potatoes. “Everything’s as it should be except for these.”

  “Oh, yes, sorry. I was still doing the inventory in the storeroom whe
n I noticed Lev was here and I threw them at him to distract him while I locked him in the refrigerator.”

  Ion just stared at Anastasia, then burst out laughing. “You’re an amazing woman.”

  “I hope the potatoes aren’t bruised,” added Evan, before laughing himself.

  “Oh dear. I’m afraid they might be. Lev might be, too. I hit him right in the chest.”

  Ion felt the laughter fade from him. “I think a bruise on his chest might be the least of his worries right now. I hope Magnus isn’t badly hurt. I wish I knew what was going on.”

  “I expect the Alpha will tell you what he wants us to know,” said Anastasia.

  He turned to her again. “It’s very late. You should be asleep. You’ll be starting work again all too soon. You, too, Evan.”

  He watched Evan lock up the kitchen, then he and Evan walked Anastasia back to the priests’ house, and kissed her good night.

  Next, he and Evan returned to the main building. There was an older man very obviously guarding the “Staff Only” door. He was sitting on a chair, just inside the entry, a little to the side so no one peeking in would see him, but he would instantly see anyone entering. Across his knees was a solid piece of lumber. Ion supposed it would be the equivalent of hitting someone with a baseball bat.

  He walked Evan all the way back to his room, before slapping him on the shoulder as he departed. He knew Evan was very disturbed by what had happened, but Anastasia had handled the situation exactly right and Evan also had to be back at work in far too few hours to waste any more time this night. He, however, didn’t start work until eight, and he could be even later if he wanted to be, as long as he told his coworker, Nik, that he’d been held up. In fact, since Nik had been there tonight, likely he wouldn’t need to say anything. Nik was plenty smart enough to work out why he was late and to do the usual morning checks without him.

  Ion went back down to the first floor and along to the Alpha’s office. He stopped in Odette’s doorway, wondering if there’d be a meeting happening, but her office was empty and the Alpha’s door was shut, which was how he usually had it.

  “Excuse me, ma’am. Is Magnus all right? And Kiril?”

  “Magnus has a horrible headache, but not a concussion. He’s spending the rest of the night in the First Aid room so Addison can watch over him. He’s had aspirin and water, and should be feeling much better by morning although he won’t be back at work for a few days. Since there’s a banquet tomorrow, which means extra cooking and more dishes to wash, I’ve asked a couple of the part-time kitchen helpers to work a full day for you, which should make up for him not being at work.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure Evan will be very relieved,” said Ion.

  “Uh-huh. Now, why are you really here?” asked Odette.

  Damn the woman, she was quick on the uptake. She’d not only seen what needed to be done to replace Magnus, but also that he wouldn’t be able to rest until he knew what was really going on with Lev and Sergei.

  “I thought Anastasia’s brothers were supposed to be watching Lev and Sergei,” he said. He really wasn’t trying to make trouble, he just wanted the facts.

  “It’s not as easy to do discreetly as it looks on the movies. My personal suspicion is that Lev and Sergei knew about Stefan and Dominik. Stefan was on duty tonight and followed them both into town to the bar. Lev then slipped out, located Magnus, hit him over the head, took his ID and broke into the kitchen. Where Anastasia proved herself more capable than her brothers. That’s all I’m prepared to say, and you may share it only with Evan and Anastasia in private. If the Alpha wishes you to know anymore he’ll tell you himself.”

  Ion was grateful she’d told him as much as he had. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “Good night.” It was dismissal. He bowed his head and left her office. She’d told him that Magnus would be all right. He knew the Alpha had Lev and Sergei locked in the dungeons. He could trust the Alpha to deal with whatever would happen next. Of course the shit would hit the fan any minute now because Lev and Sergei were working for someone else, probably the Alpha of Turkey, and undoubtedly they would have told him where their Alpha was living. So any number of wolves could be heading their way to try to convince the Alpha of Werewolf Castle to vote for them as Supreme Alpha of Europe.

  I guess they’ll all come one after the other. The Alpha of Turkey, and the Alpha of Vojvodina, and the Alphas of France and Germany, and who the hell knows where else. It’s going to be a fucking circus here until a new Supreme Alpha of Europe is elected.

  * * * *

  Evan was completely exhausted by the end of the day. There’d been a full banquet to deal with, no Magnus, of course, and neither he nor Anastasia had slept much the night before. Her eyes were deeply set in her face with dark gray shadows under them, and her usually pretty pink cheeks were pale. She’d also insisted on checking every item in the walk-in refrigerator herself, even though Lev had promised he’d never do anything to hurt innocent tourists and hadn’t touched the food other than moving it around to look for some secret papers he’d been sent to find.

  Yeah, right. Evan didn’t necessarily believe Lev either.

  So when he’d gotten the text message from Ion at seven that night, to meet in the dungeon in half an hour, he’d been more than ready for some release. His shoulders were knotted with tension and his neck was stiff. Even his back and legs were aching and it wasn’t just from standing all day. He was used to doing that.

  Also, he needed to hold Anastasia. When she’d called him he’d almost died of agony that she was in danger. As it happened, she’d dealt with everything brilliantly. He’d never look at a twenty-pound bag of potatoes in the same way again. But that didn’t change the way he’d felt. It was his job to guard and protect her. Although watching every one of her brothers arrive in the kitchen and demand to know why she hadn’t called him to deal with Lev was rather funny. Each of them had laughed when she’d gazed back with wide, innocent eyes and said, “But I already had a bag of potatoes.”

  For the first time, Ion had dressed as a Dom. He was wearing skin-tight black leather pants, a broad black leather belt, and tight black armbands. His chest was naked. Evan was surprised at how muscular Ion looked. Of course they’d seen each other naked a number of times, but he’d never appreciated until now that Ion, while only a fraction of an inch taller than himself, was just as muscled. Evan knew all the lifting of crates of vegetables and sacks of flour had kept his own muscles firm. But Ion was just as tough, without having the daily workout he got.

  When he and Anastasia had undressed, Ion told them to climb on the two spanking benches set out in the middle of the dungeon. Evan wondered if one of them had been taken from the dungeon where Lev had been locked up, but he certainly wasn’t going to say that. Lev had terrified Anastasia and that was not acceptable.

  He leaned over the bench, placing his feet in the leather straps at one end and his wrists in the straps at the other end, then waited peacefully for Ion to buckle him in. He needed this. He needed to be punished for letting Anastasia be frightened. He needed to be whipped, spanked, and paddled until all the stress of the past few days evaporated from his body. He needed the spiritual freedom that came with punishment. All his troubles were removed, his Dom controlled everything. No longer did he have to think, to plan, to work. Ion did it all. The only thing left was for Evan to relax and absorb the punishment, to wait for Ion’s commands, and to obey them completely. Then he would be free.

  He let his body become one with the leather cover of the spanking bench. He cleared his mind, and then he waited for the first stroke of the whip. Evan never knew whether Ion would punish him first or Anastasia first. Sometimes Ion changed the action by doing them simultaneously. It didn’t matter. Whatever their Dom chose to do would be perfect. Evan was deeply relaxed and ready.

  The cane had a real bite to it as it landed on his ass, cutting a deep, thin line. Evan encouraged his anguish to flee his body through those lines. A little l
ater, Ion paddled his ass. This time the paddle was a heavy thump over a broad area of his flesh. Evan mentally embraced the different kind of punishment and welcomed it. By the time the flogger had warmed his shoulders and thighs, Evan was deep in subspace, at one with his heart, mind, and soul. Free from all life’s burdens, totally trusting his Dom.

  * * * *

  Ion had known exactly when Evan had descended into subspace. He’d planned for it, punishing Evan harder than ever before, because he knew how troubled Evan had been over Anastasia having to deal with Lev in the kitchen. Even though nothing had gone wrong, and Lev had been the mildest of intruders, the man had been angry at being caught. Also, Magnus had been hit damn hard on the head, so violence was lurking in the background, despite not having played much of a part in the action so far.

  While Evan was in subspace, Ion had used the time to open Anastasia’s ass and put a vibrator inside her. He’d unshackled her then made her stand in the center of the room.

  “Anastasia, you were very bad not to call for help immediately instead of following Lev. You could have been seriously hurt. That must never happen again. No more risk taking. Next time call for help at once. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He buzzed the dildo in her ass, making her squint her eyes for a moment.

  “Stand on one leg. Keep your hands at your sides.”

  Even though she was human, she had excellent coordination. He knew she wouldn’t fall over. He watched carefully though, and noted when her legs begin to wobble, and how she tightened her muscles to hold herself straight. He saw the first few beads of sweat form on her forehead, then her lips thinned into a straight line. Okay, that was enough punishment.


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