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Erotic Island Secrets: Forbidden Passions Run Wild

Page 8

by Napoli, Natalia

  “I think it’ll be easier to show you. You might not believe me otherwise.” He said, and she nodded.

  He could tell that she was waiting, and there really would be no better time. There was something inside of him, dying to take her. To claim her, but he knew that he had to get through this first. Lila felt her heart hammering in her chest, threatening to pop out altogether. Every second that passed seem to be too much.

  There was something in her mind telling her to run as he got that gleam in his eye again, but something glued her to her spot. That’s when something began to happen. The man that set fire to her every time he looked at her in that intense way of his was changing right before her eyes. She never thought they were real. She could hear her blood rushing in her own ears.

  “You…” She started, and there was a huff as his nostrils flared.

  Lila was once again caught in that fierce gaze of his as she stared at the black dragon before her. There was a part of her that was afraid for her life, and yet another part told her it’d be okay. It was the second that she listened to with a hammering heart until he changed back into the naked man that she had grown to know.

  “Am a dragon shifter.” He finished for her, waiting for her to process it. Her breathing was shallow, and her breasts heaved with every inhale. He bit the inside of his lip, trying to hold back a groan. He stepped closer to her, ignoring his own nakedness as he cupped her face, forcing her to look up at him.

  “Can you handle that?” He whispered seductively, and she nodded a little. Her eyes were still caught in his own.

  “Good.” He said as his lips crashed down on hers, and he knew that there was no waiting his time.

  He started to kiss her with a passion when he had held back before. She moaned, kissing him back as he pushed her back into the chair. He hiked her leg up as her dress worked over her hips. Adam started to kiss down her neck, making her moan as she rolled her head to give him access as he nipped and licked his way down to her cleavage. His hand darted out to rip the dress, exposing her breasts. He could smell her wetness as his mouth went to her nipple. His tongue traced around it, making her moan again.

  “Say it.” He whispered against her flesh as his cock started to rub against her.

  “Say that you’re mine.” He said, starting to move up and down. His head bumped her clit, and she groaned, arching back as her nails dug into his back.

  “I’m yours.” She whispered, beside herself with lust as he started to push into her.

  She could feel him moving inside of her, pushing her closer to the edge with each primal thrust. Her heart hammered and she clenched around him. She moaned loudly, mixing with his own groans of pleasure. He growled, pushing into her harder as her back dug into the chair and her nails dug into his shoulders.

  She cried out in pleasure as he kissed back to her neck, sucking on the sensitive skin there. Her nipples hardened against her chest as she moved back against him, causing him to twitch inside of her. Finally, pushing her over the edge as she cried out his name and he pulled out. His cock throbbed between them as he stroked himself to completion as his lips danced across her own.

  “God, you drive me wild.” He said, and she nodded. Too breathless to speak.

  “I guess I should go down and make up a reason while you’ll be late for dinner.” He said, getting up gently as he pulled out another set of clothes from one of the bottom drawers.

  “That would be nice. I’m still trying to tell myself all of that just happened.” She said, finally getting her wits about her. He chuckled, and another rush of arousal went through her, causing a soft moan.

  “We can enjoy ourselves more later.” He said before disappearing with a wink.

  She was left to clean up. Looking at her neckline, she knew she’d need another dress, and she started to look for one. Thankfully we bought more than enough. She thought as she changed. She could still feel his warmth as she slipped the dress on to cover her body which seemed all too cold without him there.

  Those eyes flashed through her mind, both on him and on the dragon’s face. It still made her heart pound to think about, but for some reason there wasn’t any fear. Instead, she walked out with her head held high, and James broke out in a grin as he watched her. She just kept her chin up before she heard Adam arguing in the next room.

  “There’s no way she’s not freaking out in there.” She heard an obnoxious voice say a little too smugly.

  “I beg to differ.” Adam replied, clearly trying to hold back his anger.

  “Do you need escorted back to your room, Daniel?” He asked his brother just as Lila walked in.

  “I think he’ll be fine.” Lila piped in before crossing the room to take Adam’s arm. Daniel seemed infuriated, and she recognized him as Adam’s brother.

  “What were you saying? Now how about you just run off. You aren’t taking over this family yet, little brother.” Adam said before walking them both closer to the dining room. That’s when he stopped for a moment, and Lila looked up at him with worry written all over her face.

  “What’s wrong?” She asked.

  “Well…” He trailed off, trying to figure out how to put it as clearly as he could. “I did forget to tell you something.” He finally finished.

  “It can’t be more astonishing than ‘hey… I’m a dragon’.” She teased him, but the look on his face turned mischievous.

  “Oh? Should I let you just figure it out then?” He asked.

  “Please don’t.” She groaned.

  “Fine. I run the entire family clan, and so that makes you pretty much a queen. Get used to it.” He said, and before she had a moment to respond, she was ushered into a room full of dark, calculating eyes that made her believe everything that he just said.

  Some smiles were friendly, some skeptical, and some calculating. She didn’t know if she could trust anyone, but looking at Adam, she knew that she’d be okay. He kissed her before introducing her as his mate. The word seemed startle her, but she tried not to show it. She took a seat beside him at the head of the table with James standing behind them. This time, he gave her a wide smile, and she dared to smile back.

  “He likes you now.” Adam said, finding her expression funny.

  “I see.” She said, whispering just like he was.

  “So, you were serious, weren’t you?” She asked, and he chuckled.

  “Deadly.” He answered, and that’s when she realized that she was just thrown into a world that she had no idea what to do in.

  She didn’t know where to start. What to do. Who to trust. All she knew was that she needed to stay by Adam. Then I’ll be fine. The meal was served, and it was rack of lamb with grilled asparagus and rice pilaf. Her mouth was already watering, and she couldn’t help but to giggle.

  “What’s so funny?” He asked.

  “Dragons and lambs. It’s just hilarious.” She said, and he just looked at her before realizing it was a joke.

  “You have an odd sense of humor.” He said as he placed his hand on her knee reassuringly. His brother was glaring at her from down the table, and so was an older woman.

  “Who’s that?” She asked when her glass of wine was being poured.

  “My mother. Good luck with her.” He chuckled, and she nodded. For a while, they all had a nice dinner, but she knew it’d only be a matter of time before people started to quiz her. She didn’t know how to tell them that she had only met him three days ago. It was still hard to wrap her head around it all.

  “So.” His mother finally said. “My name is Delilah, and I’m sure he’s already told you who I am. You’re the human, hmm?” She asked, clearly annoyed by it.

  “Yes.” She replied, and Delilah looked directly at her son.

  “Really? Why not a nice dragon lady? There’s many nobles to pick from. Other clans are more than interested in uniting.” She continued, and that’s when it hit Lila.

  “Fuck.” She exclaimed a little too loudly, startling them all.

’s wrong?” Adam asked.

  “I have work in the morning.” She said, eyes wide. Everyone around the table started laughing, and Adam looked his mother directly in the eyes.

  “That’s why. She’s amusing, beautiful, and delightfully adorable.” He said. Lila still looked worried, and he chuckled.

  “I’ll take care of it. You don’t even need to worry about it. You’ll be living a life of luxury now.” He explained, and she knew there would still be yet another thing to wrap her head around. His hand resting gently on her knee was the only thing that made her feel that no matter what happened, she could handle it.

  Vampire Seductress: Looks That Could Kill

  Chapter 1: My Super Power

  As the city begins to awaken and people begin to bustle about the streets, one woman doesn’t move. She slumbers deeply in her black silk sheets, covered by her black velvet comforter. Black orchids hang next to head on her nightstand and only one sliver of light makes it’s way into her intentionally darkened bedroom. The light is only visible under her door otherwise, one would have no sense of time in such a place. A black crystal chandelier hangs over her bed and two samurai swords cross on her headboard. Jane Vineti is an ominous woman with huge fake breasts, large seductive lips and fierce deep brown eyes. Her jet black hair reaches her waist and she stands six feet tall like a real amazonian woman. No man has been in Jane’s bedroom and for a very good reason. People are scared of her as they feel their heart flutter when she walks by them. Her beauty is intoxicating and one look from her melt’s people. She has the ability to have anything she wants, her power is well known. People know you can’t say no to Jane Vineti.

  Jane’s bedroom has black curtains, blackout electric blinds, black leather furniture and a black rug on a deep mahogany brown colored wooden floor with large black steel bolts. A human sized cast iron bird cage holds a black dove next to a 15 foot tall mirror framed in black glass. Jane is a fashionista and many women try to follow her gothic style of dark hair, smoky eyes and dark lipstick. Even her wine glasses are black crystal glass. Her black Steinway piano in the living room has a haunting look elevated on an island in a pit surrounded by recessed seating in the shape of a five pointed star. Above the piano is a long chain which holds a black glass ball with a red light inside of it. The living room has 19 foot high ceilings and blood red curtains. It is gothic in every sense of the world but extremely rich in taste.

  Jane awakens and pulls her body out of bed. Her eyes flash and for a moment, they look like cat eyes. She yawns and we see her cuspid teeth are noticeably pointed which is a trend among the gothic community. Jane gets up and her assistant, a pale skinny gothic girl with black eyes is waiting with her coffee and briefs her on her schedule. Jane puts on a tight black dress and black leather jacket and walks with her assistant to her elevator. A black phantom takes them to Vampire Enterprises which is a huge skyscraper in New York. It is a multimedia production and marketing powerhouse. She is the head of it all and people are frankly just flat out afraid of her. Rumor has it she has a violent temper and has a thing for kinky sex.

  However, she manages to grow her business year after year flawlessly, landing major contracts and always producing the most seductive and award winning marketing campaigns. It seems that everything she touches turns to gold. Although rather sinister, she has a palpable power that everyone wants to figure out, if she will let them close enough. She’s a mysterious woman and her assistant protects her like her life depends it. Part of Jane’s success is that she throws a massive theme party every weekend so she has a continual stream of important people coming into her exotic and impressive home that want to work with her. Party attendees brag about being invited and tell people about this mysterious woman. New clients are on a three year waiting list with her company and people are literally banging down the door to get a piece of her magic. Trained at Harvard with a master’s in marketing from Yale, she’s much smarter than most men she meets and much younger. But people know when she looks them in the eyes, they get weak in the knees. She has what is known around the city as ‘looks that could kill.’

  Her gigantic black desk is completely clear of paper and one Mac desktop computer sits on the corner. She moves her black mouse and her pale skin shows her veins. Diamond rings adorn all of her fingers and her black nails come to a point on the end. Her hair is appropriately fashionable. Her bangs are cut straight across her forehead highlighting her eyes. She is always perfectly groomed and expects all of her employees to be the same. One sloppy untucked shirt is grounds for being fired. The empire she has built is not by accident, she’s a control freak and the image of her company has to be pristine.

  Jane only mingles with the most powerful people in New York City and has a knack for making people’s businesses an overnight success. Her home is legendary as are the luxurious parties she throws which are attended by many of the wealthy elite. Wealthy businessmen, celebrities and male models around the world pursue this power woman. She has a mysteriously seductive air about her and rumor has it she has a super power that she’s used to build her empire. People wonder if she is messing with dark occult powers. The big mystery is why this sexy socialite has never been seen with a romantic partner. It seems no man’s charm can open her heart.

  This particular morning she sees her schedule, which is usually full of trust fund babies who meet with her and ask her to brand their next company. She looks at her schedule bored with how easy she knows these clients will be. “Where’s my next challenge?” She says to her assistant who knows her well. “I think he just arrived Jane. I’ll show him in.” Marcus Beaux, a part of the royal Danish blood line walks in wearing a black suit and black shirt and tie. He is striking and Jane looks at him to see his weakness. She wants to crack him and she wants to use her secret powers on him. Jane smiles showing her sharp teeth. He comments, “I like your style.” She stops smiling. “Don’t flatter me, it’s not going to get you anywhere.” He says, “but I thought the black leopard in a cage in the foyer was over the top and cruel.” She says, “there you go. Part of marketing is getting in touch with people’s feelings.”

  Jane is highly manipulative. She plays the cat and mouse game with people for fun. He shifts in his chair, ready to play defense and launch an attack. He decides to use his looks to charm her. “Listen I don’t care if you pick up our brand or not. I really just wanted to ask you out on a date.” Jane’s ears perk up and she says, “so you flew your private jet all the way here just to ask me out on a date? How sweet. But you realize you’re wasting my fucking time right?” Jane doesn’t play it safe even though he’s royalty. He knows how to play hardball and responds, “or maybe you’re wasting mine.” She lifts her nose and turns to look out the window. “Mr.Beaux what is it exactly that you want?”

  Now he’s ready to attack and he says, “I want to know where you get your power. Everyone knows about but I want to see it.” Jane turns around sharply and says, “oh you want to see it do you?” She turns to her assistant and says, “close the blinds.” Jane slowly unbuttons her shirt and Marcus leans back enjoying the woman’s crazy antics. Her bright red bra is bursting at the seams with her fake breasts. “Not bad,” he says, “but I wonder, I’ve heard you’re tough, but I want to know. How tough are you?” She smiles nods to her assistant who kneels in front of her and buttons her shirt slowly, moving her hands intentionally under her shirt to turn Marcus on.

  Jane looks at him without smiling. “Alright, you’ve passed my first test. Next you have to come to my party this weekend. I hope you can handle yourself at a party because we don’t fuck around. There will be plenty of ass for you to chase there.” He smiles and says, “the only ass I’m chasing is yours.” She doesn’t break her poker face and says, “few men can handle me and my power. If you’re up for the challenge, let’s see how long you will last.” She delivers the words like a death threat and they drop heavy like a gauntlet. He looks at her sternly, “I assure you I am used to playing with fire and I pl
ay hard.”

  “Then let me film you,” she says. “What?” She looks to a camera on a tripod in the corner. Marcus is a very sexual being, as a male model and sex icon. He knows that Jane is very private and has never before been seen in public with any man let alone on a sex tape so he knows she wouldn’t blackmail him with it. “I’ll have sex with you on camera.” She shakes her head, “did you honestly think I’m that stupid? No you will have sex with her on camera. That way you will have to do whatever I say or I will release the video.” He stands up and looking her right in the eye pulls down his pants. The assistant, used to this drill walks over and sits on the desk. Still looking directly at Jane, he pushes the assistants skirt up and pushes her underwear to the side and starts fucking her. Jane says, “come on now, make me believe it.” He kisses her neck and grabs her breasts. “Better,” Jane says.

  “Alright, that’s enough,” Jane says and Marcus senses a slight twinge of jealousy. “Don’t be late tonight. We will email you the address.” Marcus, sweating looks at her and smiles, he knows it’s hard not to look at his six pack. “You can look,” he says, “I know you want to.” She looks at him like a piece of art on auction, wondering how much it’s worth. She let’s him stand there naked for a minute and then shrugs her shoulders as if she’s not that impressed. She smiles and puts his pants and shirt on. He looks back to normal and the assistant shows him out.

  Chapter 2: The Goth Party

  The stilt performers and fire dancers are warming up for the weekly party at Jane’s. The performers are dressed in black leather bras with straps crossing their abdomen and tight black leather pants. They sport black mohawks and extreme gothic makeup. The food is also ominous with spicy hordeurves and mouth watering hot red meat kababs. Jane herself is wearing a full goth costume with ten inch platform boots, a trenchcoat and sheer black skintight body suit. A platinum chain with diamonds hangs from her nose to her upper ear as if making a statement that she doesn’t feel pain and invites it. The eclectic underground music sets the tone for a night of dark and devious debauchery. As people start showing up, many of them are unrecognizable in their gothic costumes but there are many important figures in the social arena in attendance. Jane’s train is held up by her assistant, even her party’s are well thought out as a chance to develop the mystery around her own persona. But what most people think is that it’s all a show and it’s actually not.


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