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Erotic Island Secrets: Forbidden Passions Run Wild

Page 10

by Napoli, Natalia

  “Listen you are beautiful but I’m not looking for anything without real results. You seem to have a bleeding heart but where is your mansion and your megayacht and your Bentley?” She turns her head and an eggshell white Bentley is parked right outside the front doors. “That is a very easy thing to manifest on the physical plane. What I can offer you is much more power, you will have to dedicate to learning, it’s not a walk in the park but the end result is you get to keep your soul and not have to live in the shadows with pain and guilt.”

  Suddenly they are aware of men dressed in black who have just entered from three directions. “I must go because I am in danger now. I have risked my life to come here. Here is my number, call me before sunset and we will take you to a safe place where your mind will not overpower your will.” One of the men dressed in black is closing in on them fast but Alexandria turns and with a smile cuts between a bystander and the door and slips out unscathed. She knows these men cannot make a scene in such a public setting. Marcus goes back to his hotel room, his heart racing.

  He sees his phone has received a text and it’s from Jane. It says, 8:00pm with an address. He feels as though he is now trapped and must go because of the video she has of him that she could release to the public. He now sees exactly why she made that video because she could sue him for seducing her secretary. He knows he’s locked in. She is a cunning vampire, he fell into her trap and now she owns his soul before the first drop of blood. He says to himself, Check Mate. Sitting on the edge of his bed he hangs his head feeling there is one last glimmer of hope for him. He texts the number written on the card. There is no name, just ten numbers. He says, “it might be too late. What time and where?” Immediately he get’s a message back that says, “5 PM, Grand Central Station.” He wonders why she wants to be in such a public area but then realizes that the public generally is a protective buffer against violent acts when reputations are at stake. Wringing out his hands, he begins to sweat. He receives a text from Jane that says, “DO NOT DISAPPOINT ME.”

  He hangs his head and buries it in his hands. For the first time in a long time be begins to cry. How could I be that greedy that I would sabotage my life for power? How could I not see the path I was going down? Now it’s too late, I will bring shame to my family and country if I don’t go.

  His security guards waiting outside the room follow him to his car where his driver is waiting to take them to Grand Central Station. The showdown is about to begin. Can this white witch work her magic and undo what he has already done? He feels a slight glimmer of hope thinking of her and her warm smile. He looks into the mirror and doesn’t like what he sees. He feels ashamed of himself. The moon begins to rise as the sun sets, time is rushing him to his fate.

  On the upper east side, Jane puts on her ceremonial attire, she can almost taste his blood already. The black dove sits in it’s cage and coos softly. Jane’s assistant brings a black corset and ties her into it. She then drapes a black mink fur shawl over her and sprays her with a special oil blend. They have just risen because they sleep during the day, as is the custom of the vampires. Jane’s assistant runs her long black fingernails through Jane’s hair. “Do you think he’ll come?” She says wishfully, as she wants to taste his blood too. “He has no choice.” Jane says resolutely. “His fate is sealed.”

  Chapter 4: The Kiss of Death

  Jane sends a text to Marcus. It says, “no one will be able to resist you. You will become like the other most powerful men in the world. There will be nothing that can stop you.” Marcus feels her agenda between the lines. His heart starts to race again as he get’s out of his car in front of Grand Central Station. He feels paranoid and looks around nervously wondering if this whole thing is a political set up and wonders if the two women are really working together.

  Marcus walks to the giant clock in grand central and a woman is sitting reading a book. She wears a hat and sunglasses and her blonde curls reveal her identity to him. He sits down next to her. She says, “don’t look directly at me. Act like you’re reading something on your phone.” He says, “ok.” She continues, “listen very carefully, you are being watched and in order to get you to the safehouse, you have to tell her a very believable excuse as to why you can’t make it tonight. She will make sure you’re there unless she believes you are in a life or death situation. Her people are watching you even now. You’re going to have to fake a heart attack at a restaurant in public so her people can report back to her. That’s the only way you can get out of this because you are worth more to her alive than dead. Until your security guards get you to your car, you are incapacitated. You will not send her a message until hours later when your hypothetical private doctor has stabilized your heart and hooked you up to the hypothetical IV.”

  “You will have to have the paramedics sent to your suite at the Waldorf or her people will be suspicious. They have ears and eyes everywhere and know your moves,” she says without turning to look at him. He feels his heart rate rising, knowing that if Jane leaks the video, he could be cutting himself off from his family fortune and risking his entire inheritance. He could even be banned from the country for political reasons. He lowers his voice. “If I get out of this alive, just promise me you will be there for me if I have to go into hiding. I can’t do this alone.” She says, “I am going to protect you and those you could potentially infect. You are at a huge crossroads in your life. Watch every thought in your mind, calculate every move.” He feels compelled by the sound of her voice, called to action for something greater than himself for the first time in his life. He finds his inner motivation through his manly passion, “when all this is over, I’m going to take you on a date and treat you like a real lady. I’ll make you feel things you’ve never felt before. I’ll show you what a great lover I am.” Alexandria, feeling as though he is almost strong enough says, “I expect you to follow through with that promise. Keep your focus and do not waiver. Now go!”

  Marcus stands up and his security guards follow back up the escalator to street level where they get into his car and go to one of the most popular and expensive restaurants in the city. His driver calls to reserve him a table to fulfill his plot. Marcus informs his security guards on what to do. As Marcus gets to the restaurant, he gets out of the car and walks towards the front door. Stay calm, he tells himself. Just then two very large men step in front of the door and one of them says, “We need you to come with us right away. Your business partner, Ms. Vineti said she needs you earlier to meet with the contract lawyer.”

  Marcus sees that they have no intention of letting him into the restaurant and his security guards look to him to see what to do. Marcus, feeling physically threatened says, “I will have my driver take me there then.” The man shakes his head, “our helicopter is waiting. This lawyer has very little time and there is only room for one more in the helicopter.” Marcus postulates, “that’s impossible, I’m not legally allowed to travel without my security guards in another country. They are bound by contract.” The man says, “we have it taken care of. Here is a gap contract with our private international security company.” He hands him a black binder and a pen.

  Marcus sees he’s being cornered and the other security guard says, “Jane also sent you this gift.” He hands Marcus a small black box. He opens the box and a black diamond Rolex watch glistens as the lid opens. Marcus is seduced by it’s beauty and suddenly questions which direction he wants to go. Fuck it, just go with them, don’t throw this opportunity away, he says to himself. Looking up he says, “alright Gentleman. Let’s go.” They go to the top of the building and take off in the helicopter. The helicopter rides along the skyline and Marcus feels adrenaline rush through his veins looking over the city. I am going to run this city, he thinks to himself and suddenly picture’s Jane’s naked body waiting for him.

  The helicopter lands on top of her building and the two large men escort him to the elevator on top of the building. Marcus looks up at the full moon before getting into the elevator and wo
nders just how deep this vampire thing goes. Will he shapeshift at night into a bat? Will his entire chemical makeup change? He feels an urge to get naked with Jane, one of the most powerful women in New York City who wants him and only him. As the elevator sinks into the building, he watches the lights change as they pass each floor in their descent. He feels into his pocket and Alexandria’s card cuts his hand. “Ouch,” he says as he looks at his finger which is cut deep. He suddenly looks at his blood and realizes, this isn’t a game. He gets the urge to run, to flee and escape but he is now in a steel box with two gigantic men, going to meet a vampire who is waiting to turn him into a vampire.

  He finds some inner strength and decides, it’s not too late. You haven’t done the ceremony yet. He feels angry, really angry and his furry builds as they reach their floor. He conceals his anger, ready to unleash it in his carefully chosen words to Jane. She is not more powerful than me! I’m the one from the Royal bloodline. If she wants to start a war with a whole country she can try to fuck with me. He gets out of the elevator and Jane has a meal prepared on a long wooden gothic table. A cast iron light about twelve feet long hangs over the table and the table is covered with dishes that smell miraculous. He sees two glasses of wine poured at the end of the table. He wonders if she has put something in his drink already. He stands at the door and plants his feet, ready to stop this madness.

  Unluckily for him, Jane is very well versed in the ways of the mind and predicts his every move. She senses his resistance and says, “I thought we could wait on the ceremony and just get to know each other a little bit over dinner? Sorry I made up the lawyer thing, I was dying to see you.” She says in the sweetest tone she can muster. He feels slightly relieved but doesn’t believe her. She motions for him to sit. He decides to sit down trying to figure out what to say to her. He says, “everything you have built is so impressive and I’m in awe of how you conduct yourself in society. I have decided I’m not ready to be what you need. I would be doing you a great disservice to pretend like I’m as strong as you right now. I need to find more strength Jane, I can’t hold you back.” She says slyly. “Let’s not worry about business tonight. Let’s just have fun. I know I put a lot of pressure on people and need to be more….friendly.” She says this with a devious look in her eye. She picks up her glass and offers to cheers him. He picks up his glass suspiciously and hopes it’s not poisoned.

  He feels less pressure now that she says they will just have dinner. Jane asks him about his upbringing and makes a few jokes about her staff, keeping the mood light intentionally. As they drink more wine, she moves her chair a little closer to him so he can see her short skirt. She knows the way to get a man to do what she wants is to entice his senses. Her low cut dress reveals her large breasts and she has big dark red lips. The low music in the background whispers of dirty deeds. Marcus feels himself being turned on as the ambiance begins to influence his emotions. Jane says, “maybe we can just have sex and not worry about the rest of the stuff since you feel you aren’t ready. I mean I have needs and you’re here and you have needs and we are two hot people. Sounds kind of fun.” She says and shrugs her shoulders, using her tactics to lure him. She’s thinking of his blood and trying to distract him.

  Feeling again slightly uncomfortable, he says, “As much as I would love to ravish your body right now, on this table, I have just been called this evening on urgent business back to Denmark so it will have to wait. My plane leaves very soon.” She looks disappointed and sad. Cunningly she says, “I would never get in the way of important business matters as I myself know what it’s like. I’ll walk you to the door.” She walks slowly with her head high. She deliberately walks in front of him so he can see her tall legs and stunning figure. She turns at the door, “but can I just have one last kiss so I don’t go to bed sad? I’m so lonely Marcus.” He looks at her eyes which are watery and sees that trapped woman inside that he saw before.

  He clears his throat and she walks closer to him. “I hope you liked the watch,” she says. He nods his head which is spinning. Her face is now in front of his, her breasts press against him. She leans in for the kiss and he kisses her back. She slips her tongue into his mouth and he feels a rush of excitement. He grabs her passionately. Suddenly, before he knows what’s happening, she strikes and bites his neck. The bite draws blood as she sinks her razor sharp teeth into him. He jumps back in pain and she has a drip of his blood on her mouth. “Delicious royal blood,” she says. “You weren’t brave enough and I had to do this for you. Now you will be able to rule with me Marcus. We will rule together.”

  Tears well up in Marcus’s eyes, he tries to find words but his throat is choked up. He says, “how can something so beautiful be so bad? How could one good night kiss, become the kiss of death? And now I’m one of you, now I too will roam the night in search of my next victim. I have created my own destiny.”

  *Bonus Collection* ( traducción al español)

  Como hemos explicado anteriormente, usted está recibiendo tres bonus libros dentro de la compra de este libro.

  Muchos de ustedes traducciones solicitadas a estos libros de bonificación, por lo que estamos ofreciendo a esas peticiones, aquí!

  A continuación, encontrar la traducción al español de estos libros.

  Esperamos que disfrute!

  Dormitorio Escapadas: College Aventuras

  Capítulo 1: El primer día de colegio

  Neumáticos crunch sobre grava como Volkswagen GTI tira a un brusco fin delante de un letrero que dice 'registrar aparcamiento temporal solo'. Katie let's fuera un suspiro de alivio como ella apaga el coche. Ella mira a los jóvenes llevar seco borra las tablas, artículos de limpieza, botes de basura y rolling maletas, buscando algo incómodo y nervioso. Ella inmediatamente sentidos que algunas personas tienen más confianza en esta nueva jungla de colegio que otros. Ella toma una respiración profunda y cierra sus ojos, tienes esto! Se dice a sí misma.

  Después de manejar 14 horas para llegar a Raleigh Durham desde Washington D.C. Ella es rígido y aturdido. Justo entonces un tall guy vistiendo un tank top deportivo y algunos muy definidos bíceps, camina en frente de su coche y encaje la espalda a la realidad. La Universidad de Carolina del Norte es conocida por tener los mejores atletas y de repente una ráfaga de emoción los brotes a través de su columna vertebral. Y esto podría ser divertido. Ella piensa en ella misma. Ella abre la puerta y el olor del polvo de freno bocanadas en el coche, el signo de un largo viaje en coche. Ella sabe que está lejos del hogar, lejos de las normas y, por primera vez, ella puede hacer lo que quiere. La libertad es intoxicante.

  Katie mira en el espejo para ver si ella ve despeinada. Sus dos trenzas rubias son un poco desordenadas y su bebé cadena azul tank top muestra su vientre y su bronceado contra su elegante de alta con cintura shorts blancos. Ella se ve elegante y lindo. Buena elección de la indumentaria, piensa para sí misma. Siendo una bailarina, ella tiene una fina construir y gran tono muscular. Ella parece dulce pero también vamos a construir su pueblo sabe que ella es poderosa y juntos.

  Como va a la berlina para obtener su mochila, ella se da cuenta de que no saben siquiera qué edificio que está buscando. Ella se ríe como todo esto es tan nuevo y excitante. De repente un fútbol vuela sobre su cabeza y dos grandes linebackers empezar a hablar tortazo los unos a los otros en el estacionamiento de una manera juguetona. Hay una ligereza en el aire y estos atletas no parecen estar en breve la oferta. El más alto de los dos tíos se mira y guiños. Katie le mira directamente a los ojos y le da un smirk.

  Katie piensa a sí misma, necesito un chico inteligente, no un suspensor. Ella se balancea su mochila sobre sus hombros y tira la carta de bienvenida en su iphone para ver donde se supone que el check-in.

  Katie encuentra su camino a la correcta dormitorio y está impresionado por lo limpio y nuevo es el campus. Ella imaginó edificios antiguos como algo que ella había visto en una película, pero este campus es muy moderno y está bien conservado. Ella se siente una sensación de orgullo que ell
a fue capaz de entrar en esa dura escuela. Al llegar a su dormitorio, ella comprueba y obtiene su paquete de bienvenida. Como ella desliza su llave en la puerta de su casa, una voz detrás de ella dice, "Hey, bienvenido a UNC." Estamos teniendo un kickoff party en Mutt es esta noche a las 7, sería una lástima si se pierde. Es un gran lugar para conocer gente nueva que son frescas y normal." se ríe como él le lanza una botella de agua. "y aquí, lo necesitará para pasar el día".

  Ella atrapa torpemente y dice "Uh gracias." Él mira hacia arriba y hacia abajo y dice, "me llamó por el camino. Luego te veo." Con que él gira y camina por el pasillo y grita, "Steve consigue tu perra culo arriba tenemos que irnos get the keg que perdedor." Impresionante, Katie piensa a sí misma y sacude su cabeza en la condena de el chico de al lado. Aunque él es bastante lindo. Drew's hazel de ojos verdes y piel de caramelo suave le hacen parecer como la cubierta de algún yoga la portada de la revista. Katie considera el partido esa noche, pero odia la idea de mostrar algo solos.


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