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Loving Their Dream Weaver

Page 3

by Loving Their Dream Weaver (lit)

  “So, ye were weavin’, eh?” Penn asked as he brushed hair away from her face.

  “Yes. A cream-colored shawl. I think it’s going to be pretty. I should finish it tomorrow. When I do, can you show me how to restring the loom?”

  “Hmmm, no. I don’t think so. We like having to come help you with yer weaving.”

  “Dinner’s ready,” Liam said from the doorway before disappearing back down the hall to the kitchen.

  “Sounds good,” Suz said as her stomach set up a loud grumbling. Dropping her head to keep Penn from seeing her embarrassment, she moved to climb from his lap.

  She heard him chuckle as he gathered her close. “Sounds like somebody’s hungry for more than jes’ me.” Standing, he carried her, still wrapped in the blanket, to the kitchen.

  “I forgot to eat lunch,” she admitted softly.

  “Ye forgot ta eat?” Liam turned from the table, where he’d just set down a bowl of something that smelled wonderful.

  “Yes. My mind was on weaving, not food.”

  Penn eased her down his body until she stood on her own two feet. He helped her pull on her sweater and jeans, then tossed her bra and panties into the laundry basket. Once she was dressed again, he brushed a kiss on the tip of her nose.

  “We’re goin’ ta have ta do something about that, brother. We canna hae our Dream Weaver fallin’ down from lack of nourishment.”

  “Aye, canna have that.” Liam held Suz’s chair for her before sitting down next to her. “Dunna worry lass, we’ll take proper care of ye.”

  Yes, but will you love me forever no matter how bad I screw things up? Suz wanted to ask. Instead she nodded and turned her attention to the dinner of beef stew and rolls that Jubilee, the motherly housekeeper they’d inherited from Ruth, had left for them.

  By the time they finished eating, Suz felt her muscles protesting their overuse. The muscles of her back, shoulders, and upper arms contracted painfully, causing her to cry out when she tried to stand.

  “Lass?” Liam took the dishes she held and set them back on the table.

  Penn reached for her, wanting to comfort her. “What the hell?”

  “No! Don’t touch me!” She cried out as she eased back down into her chair, eyes closed against the pain.

  “What’s happened?”

  She wasn’t sure who asked the question and didn’t care. Gritting her teeth, she swallowed down another cry of pain and took deep breaths. It took several minutes, but the pain finally eased off enough for her to speak.

  “I am sadly out of shape and spent too much time at the loom today.”

  “Oh, lass.” Liam leaned in and nuzzled her neck in sympathy. Even that gentle touch caused her to whimper in pain. He stood and headed for a cupboard above the sink. A moment later he held two capsules to her lips. “Tylenol.”

  She opened her mouth and took them, then drank the water from the glass he held to her lips. “Thanks.”

  “A hot bath and then bed for you, luv.” Penn said as he stood and stacked dishes.

  “It’s too early for bed.”

  When he reached for her with a determined expression and a deep-chested grumbly growl, Suz paled. She’d never heard that noise before. “All right. I’ll go. Could you please bring those notebooks upstairs for me? If I’m going to be bed-bound at least I can do some reading.”

  “Nay, lass. Yer gonna rest,” Liam said, as he cleared the table.

  “I will rest, but I can also read, can’t I?”

  Both men shook their heads.

  “The work day is over. Ye can study tomorrow since ye won’t be weavin’.’” Penn spoke as he helped her to stand.

  Her groan as she changed positions caused both men to go pale. Once she was on her feet, the burning ache along her overused muscles simmered. She found she could walk without too much pain, as long as she didn’t swing her arms too far in any direction. Trying to pick up the notebooks sent a burning protest through her arms and shoulders.

  Penn took the books out of her hands and returned them to the counter. He then guided her out of the kitchen and up the stairs, with a firm hand placed in the middle of her back. Instead of the bathroom across from the room they shared, he turned her toward the master suite.

  Per Ruth’s instructions, this suite had been stripped of its furnishings the day after her funeral. It would remain empty until their trip to Scotland. While they were away, the entire house would be painted and redecorated to their preferences. They’d already met with an interior designer friend of Ruth’s several times and discussed colors, swatches, and furniture with which the master suite would be decorated. Ruth’s plan was for this to be a retreat. Everything would be ready when they returned from this first trip together.

  The master bathroom was a new change in the dozen years since Suz’s last visit. Ruth had converted the small bedroom next door into a spa bathroom, complete with a walk-in shower big enough to hold a party in and an oversized Jacuzzi tub. There was even a closet big enough for them to share.

  Penn turned on the water to fill the tub. “I’ll be right back.” He kissed her cheek before disappearing out the door that led to the hallway.

  Suz unfastened her jeans and peeled them off easily enough, but couldn’t get her sweater off without gasping with the pain. Penn returned before she finished.

  A stack of towels filled his arms and several bottles dangled from his fingers. He set the bottles on the ledge that surrounded the Jacuzzi and dropped the towels to the floor. Then he turned his attention to Suz.

  “Need some help?”

  At her nod, he stepped closer. After helping her pull her arms from the sleeves, he lifted the sweater over her head and dropped it to the floor on top of her jeans. Then he stripped off his own clothes. After helping her into the tub, he turned on the jets and climbed in beside her before turning off the running water.

  “God, that feels good.” She moaned as the hot water surrounded her. She didn’t fight when he maneuvered her to sit between his legs then to lean back against his wide, muscular chest. He wrapped his arms around her and laced his fingers together over her middle.

  “Mmmm, it surely does.”

  “Got room for one more?” Liam asked as he entered the room, already naked.

  He climbed in and sat opposite them, pulling Suz’s feet into his lap. Picking up the left one, he began to massage it, starting with her toes. When he reached her ankle, he put it down and started on the right.

  Suz closed her eyes as his manipulations on her feet relaxed every muscle in her body. She didn’t even try to fight down her moans of appreciation. It felt so damn good. She could feel her cunt opening in preparation, yearning for something hard and male to fill it.

  When he reached her right ankle, he continued up that leg until he reached her knee. Then he switched and worked his way up her left leg. Shifting closer so he could reach higher, he massaged his way up her left leg until he reached her cleft. Then he turned his attention back to the right leg, doing the same. By the time he finished, she felt so relaxed she wasn’t sure she’d be able to walk anywhere.

  “Sit up, luv.” Penn helped her to sit up. Liam pulled her forward until she lay sprawled across his powerful chest.

  As soon as she was situated with her head resting just under his chin, Penn began rubbing the cheeks of her ass then slowly rose up her body. His hands fanned out over her back, massaging and rubbing away the tightness. When he found a particularly tight muscle—and there were many—he focused and continued pressing tight circles over the knot until it loosened. Then he would move onto the next one.

  Suz slowly relaxed under their ministrations. She allowed her mind to drift and then shut down all together. They wouldn’t hurt her. With one last deep breath, she drifted off as Penn worked his way down her arms.

  Chapter 4

  “She’s asleep.” Liam breathed.

  “Aye, I expected as much.”

  Penn brushed her hair out of the way then kissed the back o
f her neck before climbing from the tub. After wiping himself dry, he held out his arms for their love. Liam stood, cradling the sleeping woman against his chest, and stepped from the tub. Between them, they had Suz dried in minutes. Then he carried her to their bedroom.

  Penn pulled back the covers so his brother could lay her down. He pulled the covers over her and tucked her in before brushing a kiss on her cheek. “Good night, lass. Sweet dreams.”

  * * * *

  Suz woke feeling rested and relaxed. The last thing she remembered was Penn rubbing her back in the tub. Shifting her shoulders and back just a bit, she found her muscles were a little sore but nothing like they’d been the night before. Taking further inventory, her cunt felt wet and itchy and in need of a man or two to scratch her good and hard.

  “Good morning, lass. How are ye feeling?” Liam kissed her forehead and shifted, rubbing his erection against her belly.

  “Mmmm, itchy.”

  She felt a shifting behind her and another long, thick shaft pressed between the cheeks of her ass. “Itchy, ye say? Anything we can do about it?” Penn whispered in her ear before kissing the skin just below it.

  Opening her eyes, she grinned. “Uh huh.”

  Sitting up, she pushed on Liam’s chest until he lay back. She threw a leg over him and shifted to straddle his hips. His solid length nestled between her puffy lower lips, her juices drooling over his length.

  “I need you. Now.”

  Her gaze went from Liam to Penn and back, including them both in her hunger.

  “You’ve got us, luv.” Penn sat up, his worn denim blue eyes glowing hot as he watched her.

  Suz rose up on her knees as she wrapped one hand around Liam’s solid shaft. Two heartbeats later, she fit the broad head into the entrance of her cunt and wiggled her hips, welcoming him into her body. Taking a deep breath, she slid slowly down his cock until he was fully sheathed within her.

  “Oooo, lass. Yer so wet. So hot.” Liam groaned as he reached up, palming her breasts.

  Penn shifted to kneel beside them. “Where do ye want me, luv? Head or tail?”

  Suz leaned toward him and traced the outline of his lips with the tip of her tongue. “Your choice,” she whispered. Easing back, she grinned and licked her lips in anticipation.

  Penn groaned as he fisted his cock, drawing his hand slowly from tip to root. “Do ye have any idea what that little tongue does to me? To us?” His eyes narrowed as his hand traveled up the length of his shaft and back again.

  “Why don’t you tell me about it, stud.”

  She leaned down and opened her lips to take in just the head of his cock. When he hissed in response, she smiled, then reached for his hips to pull him closer until he was fully embedded in her mouth. She heard Liam groan as he watched the sexy scene playing out just above him.

  With both men filling her, Suz soon lost the ability to think. She could only feel the lust growing as her body moved back and forth between the men who surrounded her with their love. As her body tightened and prepared for orgasm, she felt them stiffen as they followed her to the edge.

  Liam’s thrusts grew faster, harder, and even deeper. His last thrust rubbed her just the right way, and she screamed her completion just as he growled his own. At the same moment Penn roared with his own release.

  A few racing heartbeats later, they all collapsed on the bed and cuddled together. Outside the window, the sun broke over the horizon to begin another day.

  “Good morning, boys,” she murmured, before drifting off to sleep again.

  * * * *

  “Did you come for him, bitch? Soon you’ll come for me. I’m coming for what’s mine.” Click.

  Suz hung up the phone with a shiver. Okay, so the first call hadn’t been a prank. Someone was messing with her. But who? And why?

  It had been as week since the first call. Every day a call came, usually after her McKenzie visitor, today being Liam,—had left to return to his own responsibilities.

  After her first day in the studio, the brothers had decided that whoever was free at noon would bring her a meal and then fuck her until she was able to think past her lusty needs. At the end of the day, if she’d continued weaving, the other ministered to her needs before dinner. At night they retired to bed early to play even more. It was a workable solution, though Suz wondered if she wasn’t becoming a pain in their asses.

  When the door opened suddenly, Suz jumped and screamed. The caller had made good on his threat. He was here. But what did he want?

  Her eyes widened when Liam crossed the room in three long strides and wrapped her in strong arms as he looked around for the threat. After holding her close for a minute, he eased back until he could see her face.

  “Lass? What’s frightened ye?”

  Suz met his searching gaze for a moment before dropping her chin and hiding her face in his shirt. He felt so good wrapped around her. She curled even closer, wondering what he would do if she opened up his shirt and crawled through to his skin to hide from the world.

  “There was another call. It scared me.”

  “What kind of a call?” Liam picked her up and sat in the office chair, cuddling her closer as he ran one hand up and down her back to soothe her.

  “He asked if I’d come for you. Then he said he was coming for what was his.” Suz whispered as she rubbed her cheek against Liam’s shirt and breathed in his masculine scent. He smelled of heat, sex, barn, and spicy male. It was a combination that never failed to turn her on.

  “This isna the first call, is it?”

  “No. He’s called the last six days, too.”

  Liam didn’t say anything further, but she felt his hold tighten around her and every muscle in him tense. He then took a deep breath and relaxed. Murmuring in a language she didn’t understand, he held her, caressed her, and comforted her. When she stopped trembling, she climbed down from his lap. She’d always been strong and able to take care of herself. Why were these crank calls upsetting her so much?

  “And why haven’t ye told us about this?” Liam watched as she went to the wall of windows and pulled open the curtains. Sunlight brightened the room, but she didn’t turn to look at him.

  “I’m such a bother already. I thought whoever it is would stop.”

  She circled the loom and paused before the shelves where hundreds of spools of weaving threads waited to be used. She hated feeling weak and hated interrupting their days with her sexual needs. Blinking back tears of frustration, she stared at the colors, though she would never admit that all she could see was a blurry rainbow. She didn’t jump or try to fight when Liam turned her to face him. He lifted her chin with one finger as he bent down until they stood nose to nose.

  “What do ye mean, yer a bother? Yer our woman, our Dream Weaver, our love. Of course yer no’ a bother.”

  “I interrupt your day, make you stop what you’re doing to come here and fuck my tension away. I’m not even sure what I’m doing and yet you . . . you . . .” Her words trailed off as tears of unexplained sadness welled up and choked her.

  “Oh, sweet Suz. It’s all right. Yer no bother. Truth tell, I’m been hard all mornin’, jes’ waiting fer ye ta call.” He murmured into her hair and held her while she wept.

  Finally her sadness eased and she pulled back. Grabbing a towel from the shelf, she wiped at the wet spot on his shirt before drying her tears. “I’m okay now.” She tried to sound strong and confident, but knew she didn’t fool either of them. “Why did you come back?”

  “I’ve lost me phone.”

  Thankful for something else to focus on, Suz went into tracker mode, eventually finding his cell phone in the basket of shuttles under the loom’s bench. Picking it up, she handed it to him with a faint smile. “I believe this is yours?”

  Liam accepted the phone and returned it to his belt before pulling her in for another hug. “Are ye gonna be okay out here alone this afternoon?”

  Suz shrugged. “I’ll be fine. I thought I’d read through a couple m
ore of Ruth’s notebooks. My back is a little stiff today.”

  She’d finished five shawls using various techniques she’d learned by reading Ruth’s design notebooks and using her own color choices. With each new thing she learned, her confidence grew, but she still was not sure she’d woven anything so spectacular that Mother Nature would love it. And she only had a few weeks left.

  Liam shook his head. “No, yer takin’ the afternoon off. Ye can come with me ta see the babies.”

  “Babies?” Suz perked up. She loved babies.

  “Aye, lass, babies. But first ye’ll hae ta change into jeans and boots. We’ll talk about yer phone calls this evening with Penn. Then we’ll talk about yer punishment for keeping somethin’ like this from us.”

  Liam laced their fingers together. After locking the studio, they headed to the house so she could change clothes. Neither noticed the figure dressed in a hooded sweatshirt and faded jeans watching them from behind the chicken coop. Once they entered the house and closed the door, he kicked a hole in the side of the coop.

  * * * *

  “And why haven't ye tol’ us about these calls before now?” Penn asked that night after dinner, his voice deceptively dark and low. He crossed the room to stand right in front of her, his eyes never straying from hers.

  This was as close to a temper as she’d seen in either of them since their trip to Denver. Then, fear and hurt feelings had driven their temper. Now Penn was just plain mad.

  “At first I thought it was just a crank caller. But he’s called every day for a week. I didn’t tell you because, well, truth is I didn’t want to be a bother.” Suz dropped her gaze from his glowering pale blue-gray orbs to the carpet.

  “A bother? A bother? How could ye think ye’d be a bother? Yer the Dream Weaver. What would the world do without ye? What would we do without ye?” Penn circled the room then returned to pull her up into his chest. Hugging her tight, he buried his face into the curve between her neck and shoulder. She felt him tremble and then a hot wetness burned against her skin. “I love you,” he murmured as he shifted her. One arm spanned her waist to hold her firmly in place.


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