Book Read Free

Chosen One

Page 2

by Scarlett Dawn

  When the knock came late two days later, a half hour after the guys had left from their impromptu visit, I wasn’t at all surprised. They’d had enough time to do a background check through the MIA database if they had done a little snooping in the leasing office to get my name from the copy of my driver’s license I’d given while signing the lease. Dragging my hands from dishwater, I grabbed a towel off the sink, drying my hands as I peeked through the peephole.


  Well, this should be fun. I unlocked the door, and opened it to the night air, asking coolly while staring down at my hands, continuing to dry them, “Yes?” Then, I blinked, and instantly feigned startled shock…with a smidge of fear…when I glanced up. “Elder Jacobs. Elder Merrick. It’s nice to meet you both…and it was,” a glance at Elder Jacobs, “a pleasure noticing you at the hotel the other morning.” I puckered my brows, speaking slowly. “But, what are you both doing here?” More brows scrunching as I firmly ignored Elder Merrick, actually maneuvering my body so I didn’t have to view him straight on. “Do you have the wrong apartment?”

  Elder Jacobs leaned a shoulder against my doorframe, casually glancing about the interior of my currently messy apartment—thanks to the guys—before dark eyes met mine straight on. He cocked his head as he evaluated me slowly, this time his gaze completely professional. “Actually, we’re here to see you…Ms. Farrow, correct?”

  I nodded once, still feigning confusion. “Why…?” I cleared my throat, then acted the respectful individual I should be in their presence, stepping back and gesturing with my towel for them to come in. “My company just left, so you’ll have to excuse the mess.” As if they didn’t know this already.

  Both stepped inside, and I swear, it was like Elder Merricks fucking body heat attacked me, swirling around me, warming me too much as I caught a whiff of his subtle cologne, spiced and expensive as he stepped past me. Both of them scanned the area, taking in everything they hadn’t been able to see from outside, neither placing their back to me as I shut and locked the door. I gestured to the couch, quickly swiping the sweater off it Kincaid had left by accident, only wearing his t-shirt out of here when he got too hot, making me wonder if it was a Shifter thing being so heated. Folding it absently, and placing it on a clean section of the dinette while they sat, Elder Jacobs on the couch and Elder Merrick on a leather recliner, I tucked a bit of my red hair behind my ear.

  “Would either of you care for something to drink while we discuss why you’re here? I’ve got,” I moved into the kitchen, glanced in the fridge, “beer, water, milk, or a Coke.”

  Elder Jacobs took a water while Elder Merrick took a Coke. I refrained from sitting between them, their positioning perfect for if I sat on the end of the couch. I, instead, sat on one of the dinette’s chairs curling my bare feet up under me, my pink toenails peeking out from under my knees as I sipped at my own Coke, and stared pointedly at Elder Jacobs, still managing not to look directly at Elder Merrick yet.

  Yellow brows rose the barest bit as he took a drink from his bottled water, then stated serenely, “I’ll be blunt with you, Ms. Farrow. We followed you the day at the hotel when we saw you with the Prodigies, and have been watching you since. We’ve done a background check, since they seemed…chummy…with you, and imagine our surprise when nothing came up for a Sadie Farrow. No middle name, and,” his head cocked, and I felt an increase of air Elemental power radiate throughout the room, and instantly, my jaw clenched, as he tested me way too crudely, his brows lifting further before he pulled it back, “and so far as I can tell, I don’t feel a bit of Mystical power on you.”

  I sighed heavily and waved a hand at my forehead, muttering, “I feel like I should just plaster a sign on my forehead that states,” I stared hard into dark eyes, letting my eyes glow a bit, “don’t test me. You won’t feel shit. And it rubs the wrong way.” I shook my shoulders a bit, brushing off that feeling. “I’m magically protected. I don’t know how, either. So, you can’t feel my Elemental power.”

  Dark eyes moved to Elder Merrick. The man whose gaze felt like a damn lightning bolt against my flesh as he watched me, and I saw his black curls nod the barest bit from the corner of my eye, the truth detector of the room, before Elder Jacobs peered back to me steadily. “And would you care to explain your not-so-existent past, Ms. Farrow?”

  My lips twitched. “Not specifically.” I held up a hand when his eyes narrowed the barest bit, his mouth opening. “I will tell you this, though.” I placed my hand back in my lap, taking a sip from my Coke. “I met Kincaid, Fergus, Nelson, and Venclaire recently.” Truth. “And we’ve become,” I shrugged my shoulders, “friends, I guess you could say. I don’t have a lot of those. I’m loyal to anyone I consider a friend. I’m not going at them with an ulterior motive. Only shared companionship, which they appear to enjoy my company as much I enjoy theirs.” I shrugged again. “I mean them no harm.” All truths.

  Again dark eyes flicked to Elder Merrick, in which he nodded slightly, his penetrating gaze still on me, then Elder Jacobs leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees, asking bluntly, “Who are you really?”

  I chuckled quietly, staring down at my Coke can. “No one sent me to hurt them or spy on them, Elder Jacobs. As I said, I’m only their friend.”

  There was a minute pause, and I’m sure he was verifying with Elder Merrick while I continued studying my can before he asked bluntly, “You have a criminal’s background, or possibly, someone under MIA”s protection, or even, a spook’s. But, since the database at MIA didn’t pull any information on you for us, which we have complete access to, that eliminates the middle and the latter, leaving only the former. So, what type of criminal are you, Ms. Farrow?”

  I sighed heavily, the sound loud in the room as I sat my Coke on the table next to Kincaid’s sweater, peering back into dark eyes. “Not the type to ever harm the Prodigies in any way.” I paused, and then clarified, “Or try to use them to aim at the Kings. I mean no Royals harm.”

  Another slight head nod from Elder Merrick when Elder Jacobs glanced at him, then ebony dark fingers tapped lightly on the water bottle as he considered my answers. “And if we brought you in to MIA for questioning? Do you think you might be a bit more forthright in your answers?”

  My lips curled the barest bit, and yes, I was baring my teeth a bit. “If you can tell me how I’ve broken the Law, I would be more than happy for you to try to take me in.” I did not do jails. They would definitely try, then fail, to keep me contained when they unsilvered me, since I no longer wore my salvation as removable jewelry.

  Thank you, death row and Primal Diamond.

  Yellow brows raised boredly, a direct contradiction to his words. “Interesting.” More tapping of his fingers. “Give me something of your background,” he shrugged a shoulder, resting back on the couch, “or I will take you in for a spelled questioning.”

  I thought about that one for a moment, deciding if I wanted to play nice with them, tapping my fingers on my Coke for long moments, feeling damn at home in this mixture of political intrigue and criminal bases, but I went with the normal blasé spiel, stating, “I don’t know who my biological parents are, I was raised in multiple shitty foster homes all over the world, the last one was a real bastard, and,” my head teetered back and forth, “my favorite breakfast food is oatmeal.” I smiled sweetly.

  Elder Jacobs didn’t even bother glancing at Elder Merrick, stating coolly, “I’m about,” he pinched his fingers together, “this close to taking you in, Ms. Farrow.”

  “And, it would be a wasted effort,” I stated evenly, and then sighed when he appeared ticked off. “Look, I’ve allowed you into my home, honestly answered your obtrusive questions more than most would allow anyone, none of them damning answers. If I didn’t make it perfectly clear, I have no malicious intent toward the Prodigies, and now,” I waved a hand about my apartment, “I’d like to clean up before I go to bed.” I stared pointedly. “Without either of you here.”

  When Elder Jac
obs glanced at Elder Merrick, who made a funny noise in his throat before choking a moment, then stated, gutturally, “Truth, except for that last part.”

  I know I froze, realizing what I had said, my cheeks instantly flaming bright pink, mortification filling me the barest bit, and unbelieving Elder Merrick had actually let that out of the damn bag.

  Elder Jacobs actually appeared the tiniest bit amused as he stared, his dark gaze roaming my face. “A criminal who blushes. How endearing.” His head cocked. “I’m flattered, Ms. Farrow, but I don’t believe staying the night with you would be wise, currently.”

  My face stayed utterly blank, and damn I was proud of myself, gasping, “Shame, that.”

  His gaze raked down my frame. “Yes, I do believe it is.” He started to lean forward, as if to stand, and I thought I saw salvation in his actions until he paused, looking thoughtfully at me, and his head cocked slowly just as gradually as he placed his elbows on his knees, a new hardness about him on his refined features. “I believe you have no ill intentions toward the Prodigies at this current time, but what I don’t believe,” he nodded toward me, “is that you are exactly as you claim. A criminal hides who they are, which you do beautifully with words, lifestyle, name, and I’m guessing, also, with your appearance. So give me this one thing, and I won’t take you in for questioning tonight.” He paused, staring me straight in the eyes. “What type of Elemental are you?”

  I sat very still, knowing he wanted this information if he ever planned to try to take me in, the most intel making it easiest to capture someone. “The information won’t help with what you seek.”

  His lips curled the barest bit, his tone hard. “Endearing, beautiful…and intelligent. I believe I’m falling in love already.” He absently took a drink of his water, those dark eyes staring at me over the bottle before swallowing gradually, and speaking just as slowly, his tone deathly serious. “Answer the question now or I’ll have you in silver in less than three seconds.”

  My jaw clenched, the muscle ticking there. “I’ll have both of your words this information stays between the three of us.” My gaze turned just as deadly as his, letting the killing bitch in me come out to play a bit for this power play. “And believe me, I’m doing you kindness right now by answering your question, instead of letting you try to silver me.”

  He actually chuckled quietly, his smile cruel. “God, I see why the Prodigies like you so much. So many layers. I wonder what else I would find if I only asked the right question.” His head teetered back and forth, hard dark eyes never leaving mine for a good minute, and finally he nodded, stating, “You have my word, since I’m so curious to see if you can answer a direct question without a spell.”

  I didn’t take my eyes off Elder Jacobs, waiting…


  “You have mine as well,” Elder Merrick stated in a quiet, gravelly tone.

  I nodded once, and then stated clearly, “I’m a spirit Elemental.”

  I saw both freeze, one directly in front of me, the other from the corner of my eye, dark eyes darting to Elder Merrick, whose dark head nodded once.

  I huffed a harsh chuckle, grabbing my Coke from the table. “Surprise, gentlemen. You just entered the land of the unknown.” I waved my finger in a comically frightening way, making a fake scary sound. “Be wary. Or run now. Your choice.” I chuckled quietly, the tone utterly condescending, a self-inflicted noise, aimed solely toward myself before I took a large drink. Lowering my Coke, I moved my eyes back to Elder Jacobs, who was clearly trying to hide his surprise. “I believe I’ve answered your question, and with all due respect,” I nodded toward the door, “I believe the two of you were leaving.”

  He cleared his throat, not moving. “I’ve only met one spirit Elemental before.” His gaze ran over my face again, an odd evaluation in his regard. “You’re nothing like him.”

  My brows rose. “That’s like saying all fire Elementals are the same.” I tsked him. “All Mysticals are not created alike.”

  “Clearly,” he murmured, and then raised slowly, his actions guarded.

  I sighed heavily. “Oh, for the love of God, I am not going to hurt you.” I paused, blinking. “Well, unless you try to hurt me without the Law behind you, then all bets are off.” I scowled at him. “So, don’t look at me that way. You asked. I answered. I’m not a damn bug to be studied.” I waved a hand at him, drinking a sip of my Coke. “And besides, you’re much more powerful than me, so calm down.”

  His jaw clenched. “I’m not frightened of you. I’m surprised and delighted. The man I knew was…” He shook his head slowly, gaze again running over my face. “Well, he was insane, for lack of a better description. And you, Ms. Farrow, are not.”

  “Ah,” I stated softly, nodding once. “I understand.”

  He set his water on an empty space on the coffee table, watching me closely. “I would actually love to ask—”

  I held up a hand. “I’m fairly sure you know I can’t answer.”

  He nodded once, jaw clenched. “Yes, but as you just stated, all Mysticals are not created alike.”

  My lips twitched as I stretched my legs out in front of me, twirling my ankles a bit, both of them popping from their previously scrunched state. “Yes, so I did.” I stood, and started moving toward the door, even as Elder Jacobs peered to Elder Merrick. “But, where questions and spirits are concerned, there is no difference. We can’t answer.”

  “That is so puzzling,” Elder Jacobs muttered, sounding confused and intrigued at the same time, eyes back to me. “Like a Mage, and their visions.”

  I only smiled kindly, but my gaze darted to Elder Merrick, who had stood, and was moving round the recliner, back toward my bedroom. “Elder Merrick? What are you doing?”

  “I need to use the restroom,” he murmured absently, opening the door to my bedroom, glancing inside, staring briefly before shutting the door and moving to the correct one, opening it. Sounding irritated, he muttered, “I haven’t pissed since this morning, stuck in a damn car with him, spying on you.” The door shut tight behind him.


  “Well,” Elder Jacobs cleared his throat, clasping his hands before him, rocking back and forth on his heels, “he’s usually much more amenable.” I chuckled quietly, placing a fist in front of my mouth, staring at him with amused eyes at his blatant lie. He shrugged his shoulder. “I did say usually.”

  “Right,” I murmured, still chuckling until a few moments later I heard the toilet flush, and the bathroom door banged open after a few more moments.

  “You’re out of hand soap,” he stated gruffly, navy blue, striking eyes flicked to my confused ones, knowing I had soap in there as he damn near stalked through my apartment. Brushing past us, he mumbled, “It was a pleasure, Ms. Farrow.” He opened my door, barking over his shoulder, “Let’s go, Elder Jacobs. I’m starving.” Then, he was marching out of my apartment.

  Yes, charming.

  Elder Jacobs cleared his throat, and then peered back me. “‘Usually’ is a loose term, of course.” His head tilted toward me, his gaze hardening in an instant. “And, Ms. Farrow, don’t think you’re off the hook by what you told us. What you are is no indication of who you are.” Yellow brows quirked, and he slowly straightened while I kept even eye contact with him. And he smiled. Gracefully. “It was a pleasure.”

  I murmured the same, not meaning it any more than he did, and calmly shut and locked my door after he also left. Then, I turned on my heel and went to check the bathroom. I glanced about the sink, seeing the hand soap clearly where it should be, right in plain sight. My head cocked, eyebrows furrowing, as I glanced at the bottom of the bottle, noticing…a tiny yellow edge under it. Lifting the soap bottle, I saw a folded up piece of paper.

  I blinked and picked it up, unfolding the precise edges until it unfolded to a small, creased, yellow sheet of paper. On it was a very messy scrawl of masculine handwriting, the note message itself very short. It read:

  Our morning could have gone
better. My shock is gone from my first “varied” lover. If you are interested in something casual and discreet, call me.

  Shock widened my eyes, making me re-read the note three times making sure I was reading his handwriting correct, but it was desire, an allure for someone who I never would have imagined, that had my body warming.

  Chapter Three


  I was fucking pathetic. I didn’t even make the damn three day rule. It was two days after I read the note, on a Thursday evening after work. I knew the Prodigies had some sort of function at King Hall and wouldn’t be dropping by unannounced, so I had dug Elder Merrick’s—what the hell was I doing?—number from my purse, and dialed from my apartment phone I rarely ever used. Holding it gripped tight in my fingers, listening to it ring, my heartbeat going crazy, even a fine sheen of sweat dotting my brow, I was second guessing myself with each new ring in my ear.

  “Hello?” a gravelly voice over the line stated. Him, his voice, but I could hear multiple people in the background.

  I sucked in a harsh breath, pausing for a long moment, wondering if I should just hang up, but then I blurted, “Can you talk?” Hopefully, he recognized my voice, like I did his.

  There was an extended pause over the line, and then, “Give me a second.” I heard his voice muffled, as if he had placed his hand over the receiver, stating, “I’ll be back in a second, and no, I don’t agree with you. That action is too extreme.” Nibbling on my lip, I heard a slight uproar at his comment, and possibly someone saying “King Townsend”—the Shifter King in this day and age—meaning he was in some type of a meeting. The voices quieted a few moments later, and hearing what sounded like a few doors shut, he eventually stated, “I’m good to talk now.”

  My mouth flapped a few times, now that I had called him, not quite sure what to say, but I eventually babbled, “I’m game for casual and discreet.” Although, in all honesty, I really didn’t even know what “casual” meant. Discreet, now that I could do.


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