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Love in Death's Embrace

Page 12

by Lee, Trina M.

  “No, Luca. Don’t. Just leave me here. Let me do what’s right.”

  He searched her eyes for the genuine emotion he knew he’d find. “If you insist on staying here to burn, I’ll hold tight to you and pray that it burns me right along with you.”

  She crumpled completely, tears falling freely. “No, you can’t. Please.”

  “Sorry, beautiful lady. You’re not going down without me.” Lifting her in his arms despite the excruciating pain, Luca ignored her protests and made his way back to the house.

  The light from the fire guided him, and even with her additional weight, he moved fast. Adrenaline kept his legs moving, but it was the race against time that maintained his steady pace. The closer they drew to the SUV, the farther away it seemed.

  Though he couldn’t see the remaining layers of night as they were stripped away by the coming dawn, he knew it was close when Kat let out a pained cry. He ran as fast as he could, praying silently the whole way.

  “Hold on, Kat. You’ll be safe soon. I promise.”

  “Luca…it hurts. It’s coming fast.”

  Reaching the SUV, he juggled her weight while wrestling the back door open. He placed her on the floor, wishing now that he’d gotten the windows tinted. They’d never make it back to the city. There was nowhere else to go but the tombs.

  Luca leaped into the driver’s seat and gunned it. The engine roared, and the SUV tore out of the driveway with the tires smoking. No sooner had he left Arden’s house behind than the sound of sirens greeted him. A fire engine raced toward them and passed in a blur of red. That had been way too close.

  The first hint of an orange glow peeked over the horizon. Luca never would have imagined he could ever despise the sun. Right then, it was a threat and ceased to be anything but. The silhouette of the graveyard came into view, slowly taking shape as they drew closer.

  Almost there, almost to safety.

  Kat groaned when they came to a jarring stop. Luca had never been so grateful to be in a graveyard. Every motion felt delayed, like he just couldn’t move fast enough. Getting her out of the vehicle took longer than it should have. He fumbled her into his arms and propelled himself forward, intent on the closest tomb.

  The heavy door was sealed, standing firm and solid. He continued to cast frantic glances at the rising sun, wondering why it couldn’t have been an overcast day. Setting Kat carefully on the west side of the tomb, he made a futile attempt at getting the door open.

  “Kat, I need you here. You’ve got to do that crazy-ass mental shit you do so well.”

  “It burns,” she choked out, reaching for him.

  Gathering her to him tightly, he brought her to the door. “Come on, Kat. Get this door open, and you’re safe. It won’t burn anymore. You’ve got to.”

  She furrowed her brow and stared hard at the stone door. It was the only thing separating them from safety. Luca whispered words of encouragement to her, hoping against hope. She whimpered, a sound that cut Luca deep. It killed him to see her in pain.

  The sound of stone grinding on stone was the most joyous music to his ears. The door creaked open just a crack before stopping. Kat looked up at him, her eyes dull and listless.

  “That’s all I can do.”

  It was enough. After setting her down again, Luca was able to get his fingers in the gap she’d created. It took everything he had, but he got the damn door open enough to drag Kat inside. Collapsing on the hard, dirty floor, he clung to her with a need he’d only recently come to know.

  The sun continued its steady ascent in the eastern sky. The skeletal remains of a family lay on stone slabs on either side of them, but he barely noticed. Luca had eyes only for the scarlet-haired beauty at his side. He would have clung to her, burning with her if it had come to that. There was no doubt in his mind. But it hadn’t happened. Here they were together, albeit in the tomb of the dead. And he’d never felt more alive.

  Most of the day had passed by the time Kat stirred from her slumber. She moved restlessly on the dusty floor of their temporary sanctuary. Luca reached to stroke her tangled hair, speaking soft assurances to her.

  “Luca?” Her whispered words were a relief to hear.

  “I’m here, Kat. It’s okay.” He pressed warm kisses to her temple, then made his way down to her lips. She moved closer to him, gripping him tightly, desperation and need in her touch.

  “I want to go home,” she murmured against his lips. “It smells like death here.”

  Luca nodded, gathering her as close as possible, pressing his body to hers. “I know. As soon as the sun sets, we can leave. I promise.”

  She blinked a few times, focusing on him. The only light inside the tomb came from the opening in the heavy door. A slight beam of sunlight shone in, growing fainter as the sun moved toward the western horizon.

  “You could have left me to burn. You could be a free man right now.”

  “Hush,” he admonished, placing a finger over her lips. “I don’t want to hear it. Don’t you see? It was meant to be this way. The curse, fate, whatever you want to call it. It brought us together, and I have no regrets. Neither should you.”

  Kat smiled then, the doubt fading from her emerald eyes. “No more regrets. I couldn’t regret being here with you right now if I tried. I adore you, Luca Alexander.”

  A surge of joy filled Luca, until he felt the sting of tears. To think how close he’d come to losing her completely. The crazy woman had almost given him a heart attack. The resulting high, the realization they were both alive and well, was exhilarating.

  He crushed her to him in an embrace that conveyed the deep emotion he felt with his entire being. Everything about Kat delighted him in ways he hadn’t known since the glorious ignorance of childhood. The feeling was amazing, and he sought to revel in it. Smoothing her dust-covered hair back from her face, he kissed her with a tenderness reserved for absolute love. It wasn’t a kiss of sexual attraction or pure lust. It was real and honest, containing everything he had to give.

  Her lips parted, allowing Luca to dip his tongue inside her mouth. Gently and slowly, their tongues entwined, dancing together in a lovers’ tango. She made a sound low in her throat, almost a sigh. Her soft hands held his face, both intimate and commanding at the same time.

  They lay on their sides, facing one another. It wasn’t the most romantic of settings, but it seemed fitting. They had just faced potential death. With his heartbeat steadily increasing and the woman he loved in his arms, Luca was ready to celebrate life.

  Chapter Twelve

  The clink of glasses and the constant murmur of voices in conversation were soothing. Luca was aware of everything going on in the classy martini bar, but he had eyes only for her.

  Kat sat next to him, a finely shaped eyebrow arched flirtatiously. She flashed him a smile that revealed the tiny points of her fangs. The bloodlust was strong within her. He could see it in her eyes.

  Several days had passed since the close call at Arden’s. His broken wrist had been treated and placed in a light cast. It was healing nicely. Luca was grateful every moment that he’d gotten to Kat in time. His concern was for her more so than himself. His devotion ran deep. He adored her.

  “Hungry, my dear?” Luca raised his martini glass, winking playfully. The alcohol rushed through him, heady and warm. He watched as Kat scanned the other patrons, landing on the one man she’d set her sights on.

  He was a known drug kingpin, one of those guys who instilled fear in others with little more than the right look. Luca was nervous, knowing how badly Kat wanted this one. According to her, he was just the type of victim she preferred. This side of Kat was something Luca had to get used to, if not comfortable with. It was what she was.

  Kat licked her lips seductively, meeting the adoring gaze of the man at her side. “Oh, I most certainly am. Hungry for you, my love. But I’ll settle for him.”

  She was all predator, waiting for her prey to make the move that would deliver him into her deadly embrace. Luca
’s gaze never left her. Sipping his drink, he was intrigued knowing he would see Kat tonight like he never had. His pulse raced when Kat’s intended victim stood up from his table and made his way toward the door.

  Leaning in close, Kat slipped her tongue between Luca’s lips and kissed him with an undying passion. Her need was intoxicating. He could feel it deep down in the center of his being.

  Kat slipped from her stool and followed the drug lord outside. After downing the rest of his drink in one shot, Luca abandoned the glass and headed for the door. He hung back so as not to interfere, but he had to see this.

  Luca came upon them in a nearby alley. He didn’t doubt it had been easy enough for her to manipulate the man into doing what she wished. He might have been a professional criminal, but she was a vampire. Not to mention the most striking woman Luca had ever been fortunate enough to encounter.

  He was careful to hang back, out of sight for the most part. Breathing became difficult as the tension grew. Part of him was fearful of what he would see, how he would react to witnessing Kat in her true element. Would it affect what he thought of her?

  The sound of voices low in discussion reached him. He was unable to make out their words, but Kat’s tone held a clearly suggestive lilt. A low chuckle came in response and then nothing. Silence. Luca dared to venture farther into the alley, his eyes widening as he made sense of the scene before him.

  Kat’s lips were peeled back, exposing her fangs in full. It was nothing like catching a glimpse when she smiled. It was a vivid display of her savage nature. The inhuman quality of the power she possessed.

  It would have been frightening if he hadn’t been so in love with her.

  She caressed the face of her prey with delicate hands, almost lovingly. His will to live made him fight hard, struggling to get away, but she held him firm. The man was easily twice her size, yet she overpowered him with little effort. Luca was enthralled as he watched Kat go in for the kill. Her victim shrieked in fear and pain when she sank her fangs into his artery with a brutality that stunned Luca.

  Blood sprayed, and Kat’s victim fell silent. She gripped his limp frame, draining the life from him while her lover watched. It wouldn’t have been surprising if Luca had felt disgusted or uncomfortable. He’d fully expected to react negatively to the unnatural act. He hadn’t expected to enjoy it.

  The atmosphere was thick with the essence of death and sexually charged energy. As Kat sucked at the flowing blood, Luca became painfully aware of his raging erection. Watching her feed was a potent combination of danger and electrifying arousal. Even as it unnerved him, it inflamed his desire.

  Kat fed voraciously, her eyes radiant in the darkness. His staggering need for her left Luca breathless. She turned to him with a sated smile and dropped the dead man at her feet. Blood glistened on her lips, as red as the hair that flowed down her back. Her tongue darted out, moist and pink, catching the remnants before they could drip onto her lush cleavage. The sight was enough to bring Luca to his knees.

  A gesture, her finger curled in invitation, and he was all over her. Crushing her to his hard body, Luca devoured her. She tasted of blood, and it thrilled him, encouraging him to delve deeper into her mouth. She kissed him back, biting his tongue.

  Groaning, he resisted when she tried to pull away. Luca was wild with lust. He sought to hold on to her, burying his face in her neck. Breathing deeply of her scent, he ground his groin against hers in an attempt to relieve the persistent hunger.

  “You’re incredible.” Kat laughed and reached down between their bodies to grasp his cock tightly. “I never would have guessed you’d be hot for the bloodletting.”

  Luca hadn’t thought so either. Something about watching her take control with demanding aggression had unleashed a dark side of him. He’d thought his purpose in life was to rid the world of the evil that owned the night. He was starting to discover that perhaps Kat’s purpose wasn’t so different. She didn’t stalk innocents or delight in the blood of children. No, she set her sights on those who contributed little and took much at the cost of others.

  “I want you. Right now.” He gave a little growl as she rubbed him through his jeans. His clothing was too restrictive. It simply wouldn’t do.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here.” Kat released him abruptly and sauntered down the alley. Glancing back at him with a sinful smile, she said, “Coming, baby?”

  Luca was hot on her heels. In the short time since he’d first met Kat, he had learned as much about himself as he had about her. His freedom had always been tied to her. He just hadn’t known how.

  They strolled together, hand in hand, to where he’d parked the SUV. They hadn’t spoken much of the future, plans, or promises. Rather, it had been about every present moment. That was what mattered most. Luca had come to appreciate the intricacies of life, how things were never as they first seemed. It took a closer look, beyond everything he thought he knew, to see what really lay within reach.

  The moment they pulled up in front of Kat’s house, she tensed noticeably. Her emerald eyes flashed in the night as she scanned the street. All but leaping from the vehicle, she appeared ready for a fight.

  Luca’s pulse pounded as adrenaline rushed through his veins. He didn’t have Kat’s keen senses, but even he could feel an unnatural quality in the air. Something wasn’t right.

  He came to her side swiftly, ready to make a move for the weapons he always carried. But there didn’t seem to be anyone around. Still, he couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling that gripped him.

  Kat gave him a look that said more than any words. He nodded, moving to shadow her as she made her way up the front walk to the house. The yard was empty as he’d expected. It didn’t alleviate the sense that something was out of place.

  It jarred him when Kat stopped suddenly in front of him. Her entire body seemed to freeze, and she let out a small stunned cry. “Oh God!”

  “What is it?”

  Luca’s gut tightened painfully when his gaze followed hers. Placed on the sidewalk just before the front steps lay his dagger. It was blackened with soot from the fire, but it was his nonetheless. He’d left it behind after they tangled with Arden. He’d been too consumed with worry at Kat’s sudden disappearance to give it another thought. And here it was.

  “It doesn’t mean it was him, Kat. It could have been anyone else.” That was ridiculous, and he knew it, but the terror-stricken look on her face had him fumbling for something to say.

  “Anyone else in that house is bone and dust.” Her voice was whisper soft. “Only one vampire would have had a chance at escaping that fire.”

  “But how? You saw that place; it was engulfed. You set him on fire yourself.”

  Her gaze swung to his, and the despair lurking behind her heavenly orbs was heavy. “I warned you about him, Luca. He’s a master vampire. It’s not safe for us to be here, not until we know for sure.”

  Luca nodded, willing to agree to anything. If by chance Arden had made it out of the blazing inferno, he could be anywhere, and he’d be looking for vengeance.

  “Tomorrow night. We pack up and leave. But just until we know what we’re dealing with. We’re not running.” Luca grimaced, unable to stomach the thought of allowing Arden to chase them away. If the bastard had somehow survived, Luca would find him and finish the job.

  Kat stepped over the dagger and opened the front door with caution. She shook her head, indicating there was nobody inside. If Arden hadn’t yet healed to full capacity, it was unlikely he’d have been willing to hang around.

  Kicking the tarnished weapon aside, Luca followed her in, unable to resist glancing back over his shoulder. He was apprehensive, but unafraid. He’d been ready for Arden for a long time. Knowing he might not be dead only fed Luca’s desire for his destruction.

  He watched Kat go through the house, flicking on lights as she went. It wasn’t like her to be so unsettled. It ate at Luca. Instinct filled him with the desire to protect her. Regardless of her supernatu
ral strengths, she was his woman, and nobody was going to threaten her. Not on his watch.

  Kat was muttering up a storm of obscenities on her way through the living room and down the hall. “That motherfucker is going to learn to stay dead if I have to cut his fucking head off myself.”

  After shrugging out of his jacket, Luca tossed it over a chair and followed the sound of her cursing. An amused grin played over his lips. Kat’s fiery temper matched her red tresses.

  Leaning against the bedroom door, Luca watched with interest as she moved about the room. The short black dress she wore hit the floor after she slipped out of it. Clad in a black lace thong and matching bra, she kicked off her heels and flashed him a naughty smile.

  “I’m going to take a shower. Why don’t you get comfortable?” She reached for the clasp of the bra and freed her breasts from its confines.

  Luca swallowed hard. She slipped her fingers beneath the thong and slid it down her hips, letting it fall to her ankles. Stepping daintily out of the flimsy garment, she made a show of running her hands slowly up her body and through her hair. The action crushed the breath from him, and he could only watch helplessly as she sashayed into the en suite bathroom.

  What a little vixen. She knew exactly what she was doing to him. And Lord, how he loved it.

  The door to the bathroom didn’t close all the way. A three-inch gap remained. That was invitation enough for him.

  When Luca entered the bathroom, steam had already begun to cloud the mirror. He could see Kat’s blurred silhouette through the shower door. He paused, watching as she leisurely dragged the bath puff over her silky skin. The scent of body wash filled the room, a flowery fragrance he’d come to recognize.

  Sliding the shower door open, Luca was mesmerized. Every time he looked at her, it was like seeing her for the first time all over again. That striking hair and those eyes that seemed to see into his soul—they drew him in, along with the body that blew his mind. But it was the common bonds, the shared pain they had both known, that united them on a level that transcended all others. It was untouchable, undeniable, and most importantly, unbreakable.


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