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Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)

Page 11

by Jude Ouvrard

  An hour later...

  My phone's ringing and my guess is that it is Abbie looking for an escape. Poor girl. If I'd known that she hated shopping so much, I wouldn't have encouraged her to go with them. Ali and Joy will no doubt drive her fucking crazy; I know they will. I'll apologise to Abbie when I see her again. If I wasn’t so busy fixing the photos, I would have picked her up from the shops, but I need to get this finished.

  I snatch up the phone. ''Hello?''

  ''Mr. Presley?''

  I click the mouse button, losing interest when it’s not Abbie on the other end of the line. ''Yeah, speaking.''

  ''It’s Justin Fitzgerald from Tattoo Magz. We’d like to have you as the photographer for our next shoot. Are you available in two weeks? We'll have the studio set up for a two-day job.''

  I think for about two seconds, and agree quickly. ''Yeah, sure, I’ll make the dates work. Just tell me where and when, and I'll be there.''

  ''I’ll call you later with the full details. Oh, and your protégée will be modelling for the shoot.''

  I frowned. ''My protégée?'' Who the hell is he talking about? I have no freaking protégée.

  ''Yeah, Kelly Dickey.'' I’m certain my heart stops when I hear her name. I can't believe I’m going to have to deal with her for two full days and wish I hadn’t already agreed. She's a total pain in the ass. If I had my way, I’d never have to deal with Kelly Dickey, ever again. I can only expect trouble with her the same room as me and that infuriates me. This is my job. I can’t risk it.

  ''Hmm. She's not exactly my protégée, I only did her portfolio photos.'' The ones she used me to get. I feel sick in the pit of my stomach.

  ''Oh, okay. Well, I’ll be in touch with you soon about the final details.''

  I disconnect the call and sit staring into space. Another contract is great, but I know this is going to be a nightmare. Kelly Dickey! There are two possibilities for how this shoot will pan out – she’ll either behave like the total bitch that she is, or she might try to play nice. Probably too nice, if you know what I mean. She's the devil personified, and it pisses me off that I’ll have to deal with her again.

  I wonder if I should tell Abbie about Kelly and the fact that I’ve got to work with her on a shoot. I’ve met both of Abbie's exes. Cameron seemed alright. I wouldn’t mind spending time with him; he seemed like an okay kind of guy. If he does move back to Washington, I’m sure I will see him again, because Abbie seemed pretty keen on renewing their friendship. It worries me a little bit, but I don’t believe Abbie would ever go back to him. That guy is history.

  I pray to God that Abbie is never put in a situation where she has to meet Kelly. They are complete opposites. Kelly is wild… tattoos all over her body, curses like a sailor and tends to be on the rougher side. Abbie... well, she is absolutely flawless, just the way she is. Funny, adorable, simple and magical. The problem is, if they did meet one another, Kelly would try to intimidate Abbie – of that, I have no doubt. I'm not sure if Abbie would be able to deal with Kelly. Abbie is far too nice. Kelly would eat her alive. When I think about Kelly, I not only can't believe we dated, but I also can’t fathom why I was hooked on her for so long. She was nice at the time, but it was only a facade. She is evil, a complete narcissist.

  Okay, now it’s my third attempt to get down to work. The door is locked to help prevent distractions, but I keep my phone on, just in case Abbie calls. Fortunately, the photos don't need too much work, so I don’t need to stay focused for long. I make sure everything is perfect, save every change and go back to double-check if there is anything left to do. I’m pleased with my work. Three hours later, I'm done.


  If I could only get Abbie to try on one single pair of heels, it would make my day. Converse are comfy enough, but come on – you can’t wear them all the time! Apparently, Abbie does.

  I don't know why, but she's the type of woman I've always imagined for my brother. I only met her a few hours ago, and I can already see that she completes him. She's strong, beautiful… and a little weird, just like Presley. She thinks differently; she constantly surprises me with the way she thinks and what she says. I hope that she likes us, it will break Presley’s heart if she doesn’t. Family is very important to him.

  ''Abbie. Please don't say no, okay? I just want to see you in a pair of heels for five seconds. Please?'' I’m begging her, even giving her my best shot at puppy eyes. Nobody can refuse puppy eyes.

  She rolls her eyes. ''Three seconds is all you’re getting. Alicia, come here so I can hold on to you while I'm standing in these ridiculous skyscrapers. How many inches high are they, anyway?'

  ''Three and a half inches.'' I smile triumphantly.

  ''Joy-Anna, this is pure torture.” She laughs. “I was never a fan of heels before.” Abbie looks uncertain of how to walk, but I figure she better get used to it. The Williams clan love fashion and high heels.

  ''It's not hate, it's love,” I protest, kneeling down to slip one of the shoes onto her foot. “Presley would probably love seeing you wearing them.''

  ''Couldn’t we start with something a little less high. Like an inch?'' She sighs, staring down at the shoe mournfully. ''This is ridiculous. How can you even walk in these things?''

  I’m horrified. ''Abbie, these are Louis Vuittons. You can’t complain about them.'' Abbie might be the first girl in the history of the world talking crap about Vuitton. He is the god of high heels!

  ''Does he design sneakers?'' Abbie asks in an amused tone.

  ''Yes – but no – you are not trying sneakers on. I asked you to try on the heels.''

  Abbie heaved in a deep breath. ''Joy-Anna... Alicia. You are both nice women and very stylish, but it doesn’t matter how nice you are, there is no way I am walking more than four steps in these things. Okay?'' She isn’t asking, she is telling. As weird as it seems, she really isn’t a heel person. It’s okay, I have to respect her wishes. At least I tried.

  Alicia turns to me. ''Presley would probably be pissed if she comes back with two broken ankles. I think Abbie's right. Flats it is for her.''

  ''Thank you, Alicia.'' Abbie takes the shoes off and places them back in the box.

  ''On your wedding day, you will wear heels.'' I announce decisively.

  Abbie holds up her hands in protest. ''Whoa, whoa, Joy-Anna, easy! I only met your brother a couple of weeks ago.''

  ''I know, but you are going to marry him. That I'm certain of,'' I announce smugly.

  Abbie's laughing, but I think underneath the bravado, she’s actually a little scared. I suspect the idea of marriage is a pretty huge step for her. ''Joy-Anna, you're hilarious,'' she manages. She's being so nice. I like her a lot.

  Ali turns to Abbie and places a hand on Abbie’s shoulder. ''She's right Abbie. Presley’s said to us many times in the past, when the time comes, and he knows he's with the right woman, he won't hesitate. He definitely wants to get married someday.''

  ''Girls, come on... I know I love him, but this is so new.'' Abbie is clearly a little uncomfortable with the turn of our discussion.

  ''Sorry, but we're just so happy that he found you,'' I say.

  ''I am too.'' She smiles timidly, slipping her Converse back on her feet and keeping her head down, so she doesn’t have to look at us.

  I decide it would be wise to stop talking about marriage, or Presley will be angry if he finds out we’ve made Abbie uncomfortable.

  Although I change the subject, I know Abbie is his perfect match. I can’t stop smiling, I'm just so happy for Presley. After Kelly, I didn't know if he would ever date another woman again. With Abbie, I know it's already more than he ever had with Kelly. I would bet my shoe collection that they’ll get married before the end of the year. It’s a huge bet, but once he realizes how perfect Abbie is for him, Presley won't waste any time. I know my brother, very well.


  Believe it or not, I'm actually enjoying myself. Joy-Anna is a bit over the top, but I find myself liking her.
She certainly loves her designers and fashion. She tried to get me into heels but failed miserably. I know she’s doing this with a good heart; there’s no malice coming from her. Joy-Anna is brilliant at spending money and convincing others to do the same. I haven’t spent this much money on clothes in months. It feels so good to splurge.

  Marriage! I think she's insane for suggesting something so soon. The funny part is, I doubt I could say no to Presley if he did ask me. He's my everything, already. I know I don't know him very well, but everything I do know about him makes my heart happy. I've come out of a bad, unhealthy relationship and it makes me see just how much this one with Presley is worth. With him, it’s all about love, well-being and pure joy.

  I bought a pair of nice shoes at the store where I tried on the heels. They're simple, flat, and made of black leather. Honestly, they look great and it surprises me since I’m actually stepping outside of my bubble. It is even possible for me to envision myself wearing them with something other than just jeans.

  I can tell Joy-Anna and Alicia are hours away from being ready to go home. They have a couple of other stores in mind to visit. I decide I’m comfortable enough to be honest with them. ''Listen girls, I’ve had a really good time, but I'm exhausted after New York and I would love to some time with Presley. Would you mind if I leave?” I smiled mischievously. “Oh, and I’ll need his address.''

  ''You want to surprise him?'' I can tell from the look on her face that Joy-Anna loves surprises and will happily help me.

  ''Yeah, I do.'' I nod, with a huge smile on my face.

  Alicia writes down the address on a scrap of paper and hands it to me. I hug them both and turn to leave, heading outside to call for a taxi.

  Knock, Knock, Knock.

  I can hear a piano being played. He probably can't hear me over the noise. I never expected him to be a lover of Beethoven; I figured he would like rock music. Expect the unexpected is something I’ve learned about Presley. After a few minutes of waiting, I decide to call him to get his attention.

  ''Abbie? You survived?'' He sounds relieved to hear from me.

  ''Yeah, I had a good time.'' Believe it or not.

  I knock on the door again. I hear some noises on the phone and guess he's walking toward the door. I'm nervous, because he's not expecting me to be here.

  ''Good, I'm happy you had a good time. Hold on, someone's at my front door.'' It’s obvious he has no clue it’s me outside.

  He unlocks the door and my palms are sweaty. I take a deep breath, and as soon as the door opens I let a shy, “Surprise,” escape my lips. I’m worried when his face goes white and he shuts the door behind him, stopping me from seeing into the apartment.

  ''Abbie... how— who —I thought I was supposed to pick you up.'' He doesn’t sound happy and my heart skips a beat.

  ''I was tired and I decided to surprise you.'' I chew on my bottom lip. He definitely doesn't look happy. ''Joy-Anna and Alicia gave me your address.'' This wasn’t a good idea.

  ''Oh… yeah, okay... Abbie... I um, I’m a little anxious about this. My apartment's a very personal place.” He rubs his fingers through his hair. “Please, don't judge me... you’ll think I’m some sort of weirdo. I have my photos, and paintings all over the place. I... umm…'' He's obviously freaking out.

  ''Don't worry, Presley. '' I place a hand on his arm, trying to reassure him. ''I'm not here to judge you.''

  He opens the door hesitantly and motions me to enter. The entrance is pretty simple, nothing to worry about here. I drop my bags on the floor and walk into the living room. As Joy-Anna had mentioned, the walls are painted black. The furniture is white and very contemporary. There are huge black and white pictures, framed in red, on each of the walls.

  Presley follows behind me silently. I can’t find words. I'm speechless. In a corner, I see what appears to be his tattoo work area. There are drawings of tattoos hanging on the wall. I wonder if he did them. It’s incredible. He is a man of so many talents. His kitchen could be in magazine; it’s also very modern. All the cabinets are bright red and the counter is black marble. There are paintings on the walls in here, too, including a portrait of his mother. At least, I think that’s who it is.

  ''Is this your mother?'' I timidly ask.

  ''Yeah, I painted her portrait, based on a photo we had. It was the last one we took before she left.''

  ''You are remarkable and so talented, Presley.''

  He smiles, but he remains silent. I think he’s self-conscious when it comes to his art.

  I enter a room which turns out to be his office, and I can tell this is where the magic happens. There are photographs everywhere. There's a dartboard on the wall, and stuck to it is a photo of a blonde girl with a huge tattoo on her back. I figure he has some sort of an issue with her, but I won't ask about her just now.

  ''I have the photos we took in New York, if you’d like to see them.''

  ''Sure.'' I'm dying to see them. His camera probably did a far better job than mine would have.

  He walks past me and shuffles a few things on his desk before he finds an envelope. He hands it to me without meeting my eyes. Turning up at his apartment uninvited has obviously made him very uncomfortable. I’m sorry I pressured him into this. I should have waited for him to invite me of his own accord.

  In the corner of the room, I spy a baby grand piano. I realize he was the one I heard from outside. he’d been playing just a few minutes ago.

  ''You play?'' I question, indicating the piano.


  ''My mother used to listen to a piano version of ‘The Dying Swan’ all the time when I was a kid. She loved it.''

  ''I can play it for you, if you want,'' he makes the offer and strides toward the piano.

  He settles on the bench and invites me to join him. He stretches his fingers and then starts playing without using any sheet music. He knows it by heart. I cover my mouth with both hands, fighting back the tears. The sadness of the music resonates deeply in my soul, so many memories running through my mind. My parents together and my mom attempting to dance like a ballerina in the living room. I can no longer stop the tears. I see images of my dad sitting on the couch, laughing at my mother’s tragic dancing talents. My dad's laughter was always so loud and full of love.

  My eyes are mesmerized by Presley’s fingers dancing across the keys. How can somebody be gifted in so many different ways? I could happily sit here forever. I wipe away the tears with the back of my hand, hoping he didn't notice. When Presley finishes the piece, he glances at me briefly and kisses my temple.

  ''I'm sorry I made you cry, love.''

  He places his fingers back on the keys. The beauty of the sound he produces amazes me. Presley's wearing a short sleeved t-shirt that lets me see his hypnotic ink. Everything about him screams bad boy, but yet, he’s playing piano like a professional and allowing me a glimpse of a whole other side of him. His tattoos are giving him a tough allure, but the music he plays confirms how soft and gentle he can be. I love him.

  ''This is my favorite: Frederic Chopin, ‘Raindrop’.'' He smiles while he’s playing but suddenly becomes serious. ''This was apparently my mother’s favorite piece.'' He frowns. ''It’s the first piece I ever learned.''

  ''Presley, you're incredibly talented.'' I seem to keep repeating myself.

  He doesn't respond; he just continues playing. It’s a peaceful song, one I’ve never heard before. When his fingers hit the last chords, he stands up and offers me his hand. I rise beside him and gaze into his eyes. There's no need for words. We understand each other completely. I pull him towards me and kiss his soft lips. God, he feels good against my body. ''I missed you, Presley.'' I kiss his lips again. ''You have a nice apartment. I love it here.''


  Why really? “Yes, you are an amazing artist, and that's what I love about you.'' His apartment is alive. The colors, the love he’s put into it. How can he not see it? Presley gives everything he has, he bares his soul and lets others p
eek in and savor his passions. ''Never doubt yourself.''

  Chapter ELEVEN


  WE STARE AT each other for a long time. Deep down, I hope Abbie is wishing for the same things I do. Holding her forever and wanting her to be mine… ‘til death do us part. I'm crazy about this woman. She's stunning, intelligent and she accepts and nurtures my artistic side. She cried when I played the piano for her. I want to know why she reacted that way. There is so much more to learn about her; and I’m certain there are so many more reasons to love her. Never in my life have I felt like this, and in all honestly, I'm scared shitless.

  I gently kiss her sweet lips. ''Can you tell me more about you, your life, and your parents?'' I'm curious. I’ve decided I want to know as much as possible about her. She raises an eyebrow and I continue. ''You don't have to tell me, if you don't want to, but I would like to get to know you better. ''

  Abbie takes a moment to think, before she starts to speak. ''I was born in Portland. My parents got divorced when I was eleven years old. My mom got married young and I think she was tired of the life she had with my father. Dad didn’t want her to leave but there was nothing he could to make her stay. Erin, my mom, wanted to be free. She needed a new life. She packed up our things and we moved to Las Vegas. She became a different person from that point on. She started dating other men and I hated it. She didn't seem to care how I felt about it, she was apparently trying to find her perfect match. Some of the guys she dated were nice, some were idiots, and some were young enough to be her son. When I turned thirteen, she married a dentist. She’d only been dating him for three months when they got married. I think she thought she’d hit the jackpot. He had a big house, a fancy sports car and he spoiled her constantly. I was so angry when they got married. I barely knew him, and she never once asked me if I was okay with her plans. The first thing I knew, he was my step-dad, and was picking me up from school. They got divorced eleven months later, with Mom citing irreconcilable differences. The dentist cheated on her numerous times during their marriage, and she realized money doesn't always make things better.”


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