Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)

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Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2) Page 16

by Jude Ouvrard

  ''It’s alright, baby. There isn't much going on here for now. I’ll just be hanging around Mom’s hospital room all the time, anyway.''

  ''Is it cancer?'' He asks the question hesitantly, knowing the subject is a touchy one.

  ''Yeah. It was initially located in her breast, but now it’s spread to her lungs and kidneys.”

  After forty-five minutes of catching up, we say our final goodbyes and I settle in on the bed to get some much-needed sleep. I missed Presley a lot today. We talked a lot about my mom, I vented, he listened…it was exactly what I needed. I couldn’t help feeling a little guilty, because I asked so little about him, but I promise myself as soon as I returned home I’ll ask him every detail about his shoots. We get off the phone, but almost instantly I feel a void without having him here. I decide to send him an ‘I love you’ text because I just missed him so much. As much as I knew he would be here if he could, it didn’t stop me from feeling sad that he wasn’t. I could really use a good Presley squeeze right about now.

  It’s the middle of the night, and I'm sitting on the bed, listening to Cam’s snores drifting down the hall from the couch in the living room. I’m occupied with thoughts about Mom and Presley. I'm glad I finally got to speak to Presley; it filled me with a much needed sense of ease and calm. He insisted he’s coming to Myrtle Beach, just as soon as he can. I can’t wait to see him again and hold him close. I miss his kisses, the touch of his soft lips against mine. If I'm lucky, Mom might even get to meet him. At least if Mom meets Presley, she will know I'm in good hands with him. So many things I didn’t share with her over the years, I want her to know about Presley.

  I take off my jeans, and put on Presley’s t-shirt, which I remembered to bring with me. The instant my head hits the pillow I’m out. The stresses from the day have finally caught up with me and I crash. When I wake up several hours later, I feel amazingly refreshed as soon as my eyes open. I sit up, stretch my arms into the air. Something in the corner of my room catches my eye and makes me jump and then I realize it’s just Cameron, asleep in my chair.

  What is he doing here?

  This can't be happening. Exactly how long did he sit and stare at me before he fell asleep?

  I’m annoyed. I love Presley, and only Presley. Cameron is a good guy, but he’s just a friend. I slip into my jeans, unhappy that Cameron’s seen me in my underwear, and grab a change of clothes before I jump into the shower.

  After showering, I prepare breakfast for Cameron and me. As soon as I enter the kitchen I hear Cameron shuffling around upstairs. He pokes his head around the corner of the kitchen and asks if it is okay if he takes a shower. We don’t talk about him sleeping in my room while I grab a clean towel for him, but I figure we’ll talk about it later. I scour through Mom’s refrigerator and find the fixings for bacon, eggs and toast. It’s weird to be in here and make breakfast like any other day. This is her home but it was never mine. Whether that is because she never invited me or I never asked, the fact remains. I'm starting to regret not calling when I could have and I know I have to try to make it right before it’s too late.

  ''Ab, I forgot to tell you, Dwayne called. Everything's fine at the hospital. He's waiting for us to arrive so he can to come home and get a little sleep.'' Cam appears from the bedroom in a pair of Bermudas, holding his t-shirt in one hand, and his phone in the other. I’m startled by the unexpected view of his hard as steel six-pack, but I nod, and deliberately avoid looking his way again. He must train every single day to get a body like that. His abs are sculpted to perfection, and his chest is so toned. He should be a personal trainer or something. Mentally shaking my head, I try to focus on something else.

  ''You don't have to come to the hospital with me, Cameron.'' I’ve already put him out by making him pick me up and drive here to be with me for this. I feel bad enough already; before now, I hadn’t even stopped to imagine all that he might be missing to be here with me.

  He looks hurt. I watch him frown and then he meets my eyes. ''I know, but I want to be there with you.''

  Laughing shyly at what I’m about to ask him. “What were you doing in my room this morning, anyway?” I watch his reaction carefully.

  ''I don’t know… I was just… It felt awkward to be sitting alone in the living room. I couldn’t sleep so I just… Forget about it. I’ll stay in the living room next time.'' He smiles warmly. “I know you’re with him. You don’t have to worry about me.”

  I can't tell if he’s being honest about the situation, but I decide to trust his words. ''Are you sure we’re cool?''

  ''Yeah, of course. I came in to your room this morning after I got up at dawn, wondering if I should wake you. I decided to wait a few minutes, and I must have fallen asleep again.'' He turned his gaze to the window and it seems he’s decided the discussion is finished. I do notice that he looks thoughtful as he puts on his t-shirt.

  When we lived together, we ate breakfast together like this, every day. Every morning, I would cook breakfast – eggs with bacon or sometimes ham. It was our own little routine and I missed that for a while. Even though our breakup felt right, for a while I still missed our routine.

  At the time, I decided I had to leave because I knew I wasn’t able to give him what he wanted. I decided to set him free, before we both got deeper into a relationship I knew had no future. Despite it being the right choice, I cried myself to sleep countless times, and I missed him a lot.

  ''Sit before the foods get cold. It's time to eat.'' I sip my coffee needing the energy boost.

  ''Sure, boss.'' He smiles.

  I take a bite of my eggs. “I have to thank you so much, for staying with me. I appreciate it a lot.''

  ''No problem, Abbie. You’re like family to me''. He looks thoughtful for a moment. “When... is he going to arrive?''

  ''Tomorrow, or maybe the day after.''

  Cameron nods and continues eating his breakfast. We lapse into an uncomfortable silence. Cameron doesn't appear to be upset, but I don’t think he’s looking forward to sharing our time with Presley.

  His problem, not mine. Personally, I can’t wait to be with Presley again.


  I wake up with a smile on my face. Thank God Bee’s talking to me. I know I should have pushed Kelly away, as soon as she touched me, but I didn't want to create a scene on the set. At least I don't have to worry about it anymore. I’m certain that Kelly won’t ever come near me again. I’m sure I humiliated her by telling Justin about her drunkenness. I was only trying to be professional, while she definitely wasn’t. Ultimately, this is my career, and there’s no way I'm letting Kelly ruin it.

  I’m looking forward to seeing Abbie, just as soon as I can get away. I’m taking pictures of the staff at my father’s office today. All the lawyers, and the legal assistants, and the staff in human resources; in fact, every single person who works there. They plan to upgrade their website, and need a professional photograph of each person in the office. I think it's a great idea, if only their timing was better. Joy-Anna is working with me, making sure everyone looks their best. We’re a great team, and time flies when we’re working together. I’m planning on taking as many of the photographs as I can today. I don’t want to rush them, but I want to get it finished as soon as possible. Hopefully, I'll only need to work in the morning tomorrow, giving me time to make the 1:00 pm flight that’s available. I called Dad and told him what was happening after I hung up the phone with Abbie, and he said it was sad situation. I never expect much from my father but I think he understands that I have an emergency to attend.

  It's early in the morning, but I promised Alicia that I would go and have breakfast with her before we start work. It's not even 8:00 am, and we’re sitting at a table in a very busy restaurant. I feel like my head's going to explode. A lack of sleep is giving me a major headache. I can't seem to sleep without my Abbie. I know she’s safe, and that there’s nothing to worry about, but I still miss her.

  ''Presley, could you at least act like
you want to be here?'' Alicia looks annoyed.

  I rake my fingers through my hair. ''Sorry Ali, I really do want to be here, but I just have a lot on my mind. I was thinking about the things I’ve got to do before I leave, and I can’t get Abbie out of my head.” I'm pathetically lovesick, I know.

  ''You have it bad for that girl, my friend.'' The sound of her laugh rings through the restaurant and I can’t help but smile in response. ''Presley, you got a tattoo for her. That’s the real deal.'' She touches my forearm and I move it so she can get a better look.

  ''Yeah, it is. I feel bad because I'm not there with her. She’s going through a lot right now.''

  Alicia sips her orange juice. ''Is she alone over there?''

  ''No, she’s with Cameron, her ex. They’re friends. Her mother’s husband is there, too.''

  ''Whoa, whoa, whoa! Did you just say that your Abbie is in South Carolina with her ex? You let her be with her ex, when she’s going through emotional hell? He could easily take advantage of the situation, you know.''

  ''I trust her. It’s cool, Ali. He’s just her friend now.''

  ''Damn it, Presley, sometimes you are so naive.'' I don’t like the tone in Alicia’s voice. ''Why would she go there with her ex, and not you?''

  ''She didn’t ‘go there’ with him, he lives there.'' This conversation is making me anxious. I got the impression Cameron still loves Abbie, but I also know she loves me. I’m confident she won't lead him on, or let anything happen between them. She would never cheat on me. But there’s a little voice in my head, being urged on by Ali’s words. What if she tried to get even, after the incident with Kelly? I dismiss the idea immediately. No… she‘s not like that, I know her. ''Ali, please stop now. I know her, okay? Bee would never hurt me.'' Not intentionally anyway.

  Ali’s staring at her hands and I can see sadness in her eyes. ''You’ve always been there for me, Presley. I don't want you to get hurt. Maybe I’m overreacting, but I don't think it's safe that Abbie’s with him when she’s so sad, and not with you.''

  I hate when Alicia is upset. She’s always been so protective of me. She's not entirely wrong, I’ll give her that. I would obviously prefer to be there with Abbie right now, but I only have another day to wait.

  ''Don’t worry about me, okay? I’ve got this under control. How are you doing? Are you still going to therapy?

  ''Yeah, I am.'' Ali hesitates, and I can tell she's thinking about something that makes her happy. ''Joshua agreed to come with me every two weeks. So far, it‘s helping. He actually wants me to be happy, and he's willing to do anything.''

  I squeeze her hand on the table. ''That’s great news, Alicia. He knows your past, but I think it's even better if he wants to help you heal.''

  Alicia had a tragedy in her past, one we all worked to help her overcome. On her prom night, Alicia was voted Prom Queen and she was having the time of her life. She looked lovely. At around 1:00 am, I lost sight of Ali and went searching for her. I looked everywhere in the immediate area, and I asked everyone if they knew where Alicia had gone. Nobody had seen her. I had a gut instinct that something was wrong when I couldn't find her anywhere. The party was being held in her high school gymnasium, and I’d attended the same school before going to art school, so I was well-acquainted with the layout.

  I called Ali’s cell phone numerous times, but she wasn’t answering. When I called her for about the fiftieth time, Ali answered but she was so distressed, she couldn't speak. I could only hear her sobbing through the phone. It was an absolute nightmare. I tried to get her to tell me where she was, but she couldn't articulate the words. She finally managed to say “football field”. I didn’t know what to expect but I knew whatever had happened, it wasn’t going to be good. I found her lying in the middle of the field, trembling and her nose and lips were bleeding. When she saw me approach, she grabbed onto my arm and wouldn't let me go. She was obviously terrified, and wouldn’t stop crying. I was frightened, scared to move her, worried I might hurt her. Who had done this to her, was the only thing I kept asking myself.

  I called Joshua from the football field to come and collect us, and we took her directly to the local hospital. The hospital contacted the police, and examined Ali for signs of sexual assault, and ran a rape kit. They had to sedate Ali… everything she’d suffered was just too much. She was in shock and her whole body was trembling. She’d bitten her own lip so hard, they had to put three stitches in the wound to close it.

  While in a deep sleep from the drugs they’d given her, Ali murmured Shane’s name repeatedly. From the tone of her voice, I could tell that he was the one we were looking for. Shane was the leader of the wrestling team, a popular guy who had his pick of the girls in the school. Joshua left us and he went back to the party to try and get more information, even though the police told us they would handle it.

  I got a call about half an hour later. Joshua wanted to know the color of her bra; we both knew she was the type of girl who matched everything. When the police came earlier to remove all of her clothes as evidence, I thought I had seen red in the plastic bag. Of course, I didn’t stay in the room with her, they took care of removing all evidence from her body. They were already not happy about me and Joshua moving her and bringing her here without calling 911. Joshua said that some guy named Shane was walking around the party with her panties around his neck. They were his trophy. How disgusting was that? It made me want to vomit. Poor Ali was hospitalized, while he was strutting about like a hero.

  That bastard took everything Ali was proud of that night. Shane took her virginity, and so much more. Joshua used some of his own strength and kicked Shane’s ass, before calling the cops. The subsequent investigation proved Mathew was the perpetrator and he hadn't used a condom when he raped Ali. He’s rotting in jail now, found guilty of rape and assault. Alicia suffered a broken nose and three broken ribs. She desperately tried to fight him off, but he was so much stronger than she was. She had no chance of defending herself. The doctor provided Ali with the morning after pill, which was a relief for Ali. A baby would have been a terrible reminder of the night she had suffered through.

  Ever since that terrible night, Ali’s been fighting her personal demons. She’s spent countless hours in therapy, recovering from what he did to her. Joshua was there for her from the very beginning, and he and Ali slowly started developing feelings for one another. They’ve been together for many years now. I still have nightmares of that terrible night, fleeting images of Ali on the ground, bleeding and trembling. It was the worst night of my life.

  Ali’s voice drew me back from my memories. ''Yeah, he’s good to me. Our relationship just keeps getting better and better.''

  ''I still can’t believe you’re with my brother, and that you’ll probably get married soon. I remember how much you hated Joshua when we were growing up.''

  Ali laughs and some of the other customers turn to look at her. ''I know, he was an ass back then, but after that night, he changed.''

  ''I know.'' I take a serious tone. ''I’m glad you’re with him, Ali. He's a good guy and he makes you happy.''

  ''Yeah, he does.” She smiles and cups my cheek with her palm. “You better get your ass over to South Carolina now. Go and get your girl. We all want her back home.'' She's looking at my tattoo again. ''I can tell you love her, ’Ley.''. Ali knows I would never have a tattoo done if I wasn't certain about it.

  ''Abbie means the world to me. I miss her badly.'' I sigh, and glance at the tattoo, which is still so new. ''I just need to get this job finished. Dad had to convince his partners to hire me, so I can't let him down now. I’ll do my best today and finish the rest tomorrow morning. I think if things run smoothly I can cut the shoot back to a day and a half, instead of two.''

  ''You better get moving then.''

  ''Yeah.'' I take out my wallet and throw forty dollars on the table to cover the bill. ''I’ll call you when I get back.''

  ''Let us know what happens with Abbie’s mom. We might all have to
take a little trip to South Carolina.'' Ali eats the last bite of her omelet. ''She's family now, Presley. We have to support her, too.''

  ''Thank you, Ali; that means a lot to me.'' I stand up and kiss her on both cheeks.

  ''Love you, ’Ley.''

  ''Love you too, Ali.''

  I reach Dad’s office in record time after breakfast, since there’s very little traffic. When he asked, I gave him more details about the situation with Abbie and her mother. Dad has yet to meet her and when I mention a dinner when she returns, he actually seems a little excited…for him. Dad understands why I want to leave Seattle as quickly as possible and he's trying to arrange the shooting schedule so I can leave tonight. If it works, I'll be more than thankful. I’m prepared to work extra hard today to make it happen and Joy-Anna is keen to help as much as she can.

  We take pictures of the lawyers first. The sixteen lawyers get two poses each, and then I move on to taking one of each support staff. Dad asked if I could take some ‘scenery shots’ of the office too.

  ''You should work for Dad more often, you look more professional,” Joy announces. “I can't see a single tattoo, and you appear to have taken more than thirty seconds to fix your hair.''

  ''Joy, why do you always have to be such a smart ass?'' I laugh.

  ''I'm serious, Presley.''

  ''I'm doing this for Dad because he asked me to, otherwise I would be wearing my beanie, jeans, and a t-shirt. That’s me, and my clients like me for what I am.''

  ''You should pack a suit for South Carolina, I’m just saying.'' She avoids my eyes. ''I'm sure Abbie would love to see you dressed like this.''

  ''Joy....'' I’m not the type of guy who likes to wear a suit, but she might have a point.

  Chapter FIFTEEN


  FUCK, CAMERON, DON’T get too attached to her. I keep repeating those words in my head, over and over again.

  She's with me… mine, at least until her boyfriend shows up. Then it will be just me on my own again. She won’t rely on me as much as she is currently. It fucking sucks, because I’m finding it so easy to be around her. It’s natural and what I've missed all these years. I love when we're riding together on my Ninja. I’ve never stopped loving her, but I can’t let her know the truth. I won’t risk losing her friendship, even if I am beginning to want more again.


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