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Safe to love you (Ink Series - Spin Off Book 2)

Page 31

by Jude Ouvrard

  ''Tell me what?''

  My eyes are brimming with tears. ''I’m... I... I'm pregnant.'' I'm sobbing and the pain in my throat is suffocating, I can hardly breathe. I think I'm going to start hyperventilating.

  Presley... he’s not moving or even breathing as far as I can tell. I see something in his eyes, but I don't know what it is. Sadness, pain or a little of both? Or it could be something else too, maybe he’s in shock.

  ''I... ah... I just need to sit...'' He gets up and walks over to the bed. Joy-Anna is staring at her brother, shocked by his reaction. He’s slumped on the bed and I’m sobbing and completely lost.

  The idea of having a baby is appealing, but I'm just not ready. We just got married for God’s sake. I'm so fucking scared. I don't want to have an abortion, I'm against the idea. I can't even believe the thought crossed my mind.

  Presley. I need to feel his arms around me. I need to know that we’re okay. It’s only been seconds, but it feels like hours. He finally looks up at me, and a little smile appears in the corners of his mouth. I’m still terrified.

  ''Joy-Anna, can you leave us alone for a minute?'' Presley asks. His voice is raw, and the rims of his eyes are red, as if he’s struggling not to cry.

  Joy-Anna slips from the room after throwing me an encouraging smile. ''Abbie, my love, my wife.'' Presley kneels in front of me. ''I’m sorry for the way I reacted. I'm here now. I'm here for both of you.'' He’s smiling.

  ''Both of us?''

  ''You and little Bee.'' Tears are running down our faces, we are both crying. ''You just made me the happiest man alive, Abbie. I just didn't expect it, when I walked in here. When Joy-Anna shouted, I was expecting a spider or something, but now, I'm just happy.'' He kisses me on the lips twice and cups my face with his trembling hands.

  ''You want our baby?'' It's all I manage to say, I’m still so worried.

  ''Of course, Abbie, I want it all with you.''

  I'm relieved, but so scared at the same time. ''Presley.” I pause. “We can do this, right?''

  ''Together, we can do anything.''

  Fear and wariness cross my mind when I realize that I drank some alcohol, and that I was still taking the pill. I hope the baby won’t suffer any damage, and that it won’t cause any health issues. I have to get an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. I might have endangered the baby’s life. I feel terrible. It’s my worst nightmare.

  ''I have to tell you that I'm a bit nervous, I had champagne at the ceremony and in Hawaii, too, what if something happens to the baby?'' I’m so scared.

  Presley wipes his tears away and kisses my belly. ''Don’t worry about it now. I’ll get an appointment with a doctor as soon as I can and we can discuss it.'' He kisses me again. ''Little Bee will be the cutest baby; I can’t believe I’m going to be a father. A very proud father.''

  It was wonderful to see him happy and crying over this new life we’ve created. I wish I could feel something inside of me, but it’s too soon. Like a very tiny Bee. I'm enjoying this moment. I never expected this, but I'm truly happy. I don’t know how Joy-Anna was able to put the pieces together, but if it wasn’t for her, I would have never realized until my pants got too tight.

  Presley managed to get us an appointment with an obstetrician the following Wednesday. We nervously wait our turn. My hands are damp and my stomach is tied in a knot. What if something is wrong? I might have killed my baby before he or she even had a chance at life.

  Wait, Abbie. I need to stop thinking like this, I have to stay positive. I pray in silence and beg my parents to watch over us. As planned with Presley, if everything is okay we’re going to announce the good news to our family.

  I can’t stop biting my lips. The anxiety is killing me.

  ''Mrs. Williams.'' I jump out of my chair and walk into the examination room, with Presley following closely behind.

  ''Hi, I'm Doctor Millen. I understand you’re here today to confirm a pregnancy?''

  ''We are,'' Presley confirmed proudly.

  The Doctor makes a couple of notes on the paperwork in front of her. ''Anything I should know? When was your last period?''

  ''Uh, I had a few drinks while I was pregnant, but I didn’t know that I was at the time... it was our wedding reception. I don’t know about my last period, because I never get my period since I’ve been on this birth control pill.” I realise that I’m rambling, but I can’t seem to stop myself. “Two months ago, I had an incident and I stayed in hospital for a few days and I took some painkillers and other medications. Presley was taking care of the medication, and he doesn’t remember giving me any of my birth control pills while I was recuperating.''

  Doctor Millen grinned, and wrote another few notes. ''Okay, now please, take a deep breath.'' She stood up and motioned towards the gurney. ''Remove your clothes below your waist, we’ll proceed with a transvaginal probe. You can lie on the bed there. It might feel a little cold and scratchy. I’m sorry about that. I know it’s uncomfortable but I’ll be quick. Mr. Williams, come over here. Don’t just stand there.” She picks up some sort of plastic probe and covers it with a plastic sheet. “Okay, you might feel a bit of pressure but hopefully, we’ll find a heartbeat.''

  Dr. Millen watches the monitor, and then she smiles brightly. I’m not comfortable at all with this thing inside of me but I don’t care. My eyes are focuses on the monitor.

  ''Listen, that is the baby’s heartbeat. Pretty fascinating, right?''

  At the sound of Little Bee’s heartbeat, I can’t hold back the tears any longer. It’s the most cherished sound I’ve ever heard. I'm carrying a new little life. I’m going to be a mother. There will be three of us. All these things rush through my mind. I'm overwhelmed by everything that’s going to happen in the coming months.

  Dr. Millen prints a few black and white pictures of our baby and hands them to Presley. He holds them, studying the pictures with tears in his eyes. It’s very small, like a tiny pea, but it doesn’t matter, it’s our baby.

  ''By the size of the fetus, I’d say he or she is about 7- 8 weeks old.''

  ''That makes sense,'' I agreed.

  Doctor Millen hands me a card with our next appointment date, and prescribes vitamins that I’ll have to take daily. The anxiety is still present in the back of my mind, but it’s a lot better than it was before the appointment. We’ll be able to get more details at around the fifth month in the pregnancy. Doctor Millen is nice and asks me to try not to worry too much as we leave her office.

  After a couple of days of insomnia and stress, all I want is to catch up on my sleep, but I’m afraid I’m going to be too excited. We leave the hospital with a deep sense of joy and love. Little Bee is there and alive.



  IT’S THE FIRST morning I get to spend alone since we got married; not that I need it, but it’s different. Abbie was exhausted last night, so I decided to let her sleep in this morning. Everything is ready for my photo shoot this afternoon. I have three hours and I plan on spending some money. I'm the most excited future daddy in the world, I'm sure. Abbie has been looking at some furniture in magazines: a rocking chair and a car seat. We made a list and there are plenty of things that we’ll need. She put markers on everything that she wants. If I could do it my way, I would buy everything today, and just sit in the nursery and wait until she’s ready to pop.

  Joy-Anna forbade me from doing it, because apparently, it’s bad luck. I think we’ve been hit by enough bad luck lately, so I’ll take it easy for now.

  I park my car at the baby store and I repeat the mantra in my head one last time: Don’t buy everything, you need to practice self-control, Presley. I'm just too excited about this. I’ve always liked kids, but now that I know I’m going to have one of my own, I’m ecstatic. I've already cleared one of the rooms for the nursery. I'm thankful the apartment is big enough for the moment. If we plan to expand our family, we’ll have to rethink the whole thing and buy a house. I wouldn’t mind; we cou
ld set up a playground, and have barbeques every weekend with our family and friends.

  Our bedroom remains the same, but my tattoo studio is now squeezed into my office. It’s alright. I don’t mind. Joy-Anna and Abbie were able to make it work, so it doesn’t look overloaded. Joy-Anna is the only one able to help, because she is the only one who knows about the baby. We invited all my family and Cameron to dinner tonight; that’s when we’ll tell them the big news.

  I walk in, feeling like a clergyman in a lingerie store. I feel so out of place. The sales clerks look at me, but they don’t offer any help. Screw them; I’ll do this on my own. I have my own ideas. I know what I want to get.

  Strollers... holy crap! There are fifty different models right in front of me. I'm so not going to buy this today. I have no clue what to look for. Abbie and I should do this together. I’ll bet she already knows which one she wants.


  I’ve heard this voice before; I turn to confirm its Abbie’s friend from the wedding, Jamie. ''Jamie! Hey, how are you doing?''

  ''Well, I’m doing great. You look confused, do you need any help?''

  ''Yeah, maybe... I don't know.” I stare at her for a second, trying to remember the details. “Don’t you live in Portland? ''

  ''Yeah, I do. I mean, I did. I’ve been staying with Cameron for a couple of days. I’m looking for an apartment here, and I just got this job. It’s my second day.''

  ''Great. '' Is she dating Cameron? Please say yes. ''Are you and Cameron... together?''

  ''I guess we are. It’s very new, but since your wedding, we can’t seem to spend a day apart. That’s why I’m looking for a place here in Seattle''

  ''Wow, does Abbie know? ''

  ''Hmm... She knows I'm staying at her place with Cameron, but I didn’t tell her about us being a couple yet.''

  ''Don’t worry about it.''

  Jamie and Cameron getting together is excellent news. I have to hold back my smile, or else it will be too obvious.

  ''I know you guys have a dinner tonight; I think Cam will try to talk to Abbie then.''

  ''You should come, too. She’ll love that. '' I know my wife was extremely happy to see Jamie at the ceremony. I don’t think she'll mind her presence tonight.

  ''OK, that would be great. So, what are you doing here today? '' She asks curiously.

  I know I'm not in my element. I’m lost in here, but I want to get Abbie and Little Bee the best gift.

  ''Well... I was trying to keep the secret, but I don’t see any way out, so yeah, Abbie is pregnant and I’m here to buy a few things.''

  ''Oh, my God! '' She shrieks and jumps into my arms to hug me. Wow... I didn’t exactly expect that reaction from her.

  ''Just don’t tell anyone, please,'' I beg, because Abbie will kill me if the secret is out before she gets the chance to announce it.

  ''Of course. Sure. I won’t, I promise.''

  To my surprise, she is an expert when it comes to babies. She tells me exactly what to buy, and what not to buy. She gets me yellow, aqua and beige newborn pyjamas, tiny little socks and a little beanie. Just like mine. I know I will spoil my baby; Abbie’s going to have to try and stop me, because I know I won't be able to. There is a soft fluffy teddy bear on the shelf, and I can't help but buy it. Jamie shows me the matching blanket and I take that, too.

  Jamie shows me some maternity clothing. I smile at the thought of Abbie with a big belly. She's already stunning... pregnancy will only emphasize her beauty. There is a t-shirt that I have to get her; she is going to hate me so much for buying it, but I think it’s hysterical.

  For a couple of minutes, we look at bedroom furniture for the baby. I can't wait to come back here with Abbie; she is going to lose it. Jamie gives me some advice, and a few hints to think about when the time comes. She's amazing, and so much fun to be around. I pay the bill and find my way back home to get my camera and lenses prepared for the photo shoot. It’s nothing major, only interior photographs of a prestigious car dealership. I’ll be back home in less than two hours.

  Before I get home, I buy Abbie a nice bouquet of purple and white orchids. She loves them, and as her husband, I'm willing to do everything it takes to make her happy.

  When I get home my wife is awake and showered. She's sitting on the couch in the living room, reading her book for work. I take a few seconds to watch her. I can see the passion she has for her books; it’s just as strong as mine for photography. I give her the orchids, and she thanks me and kisses me. I kiss her back, but we don’t talk too much, because I know she needs to concentrate. I take care of the flowers; I know she'll enjoy them after she’s done with the report.

  Before I leave the apartment for the second time today, I whisper in her ear that I love her, and she says it back. I’m the happiest man alive, and I can’t wait to see her reaction when she sees everything I bought. I'm sure she'll be speechless; she knows how much I despise shopping. It was fun though... I enjoyed myself. For now, I’ll just leave everything in the car.


  Everyone is sitting at the table, chatting and laughing together. It’s the first time since our return that we have all gotten together. I’ve missed them terribly. Presley gives each of them a mini photo album of the wedding and honeymoon. The last photo in the album is one of the ultrasound pictures. The Williams, Jamie, and Cam are all looking at every picture, but the first person to see the ultrasound is Lucia. I watch her reaction carefully. She looks at me with shining eyes, and she asks me, ''Is this for real?'' I can see the happiness in her face, and hear the joy in her voice.

  Presley takes my hand in his and we both nod. Alicia is the second one to see it, and her reaction is way too loud and over the top, she almost leaps over the table to hug Presley, and then me. It was the type of thing you normally only see happening in the movies. Once everybody realizes what’s going on, they all congratulate us.

  Bentley appears to be proud of Presley and me. He shakes hands with Presley, and gives his son a huge man hug, patting him on the back. He says something to Presley, but it’s not loud enough for me to hear. I’m curious and make a mental note to ask Presley about it later.

  Everyone is blissful and in high spirits. They all ask tons of questions, and currently, we don’t have all the answers.

  ''Abbie... congrats, Mommy! '' Cam was never a serious type of guy and he’s grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  ''Thanks.'' I give him a quick hug, noticing that he looks nervous.

  ''I know it’s your moment, right now, but I need to talk to you.'' Cam admits.

  ''Okay, sure, what’s up?''

  His eyes don’t meet mine. ''I have someone in my life.''

  ''Wow, Cam, I’m so happy for you. Do I know her?'' I pause for a few seconds, studying him carefully. ''Are you moving back out of town? Why are you so nervous?''

  ‘‘It’s Jamie.'' He finally brings his gaze up to me. ''I can’t explain how it happened, but it just clicked between us. I think I’m falling in love with her.''

  I’m surprised, but I can envisage them together. They get along so well. ''Is that why you were so nervous? Because it was Jamie?''

  ''It’s the first time since we split that I've been able to feel something for someone else. And yeah, I was afraid you wouldn’t approve.''

  ''Cam, we’re friends. I want you to be happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.''

  ''Thanks, Abs.'' He smiles, and Jamie comes over to join us. ''Congrats, Abbie, I'm so happy for you,'' Jamie says.

  ''I’m happy for you, too.'' I hug them both, and he kisses Jamie on the lips. It seems weird to see my two friends kissing one another, but I figure I’ll get used to it.

  Presley is going to be happy about this news. I know he’s been wishing that Cameron would find a new flame. I'm just glad that he has, and it's even better now, knowing that’s it’s Jamie. I should have known that something was up when she asked me if she could stay at the apartment with Cameron. Now that I know, it was obvious. They both
look happy. I can’t ask for anything better; they both deserve every happiness.

  Joshua decides it’s his turn to get my attention. He gives me one of his bear hugs, and thanks me for transforming his brother. Presley can’t help but order Joshua to put me down. He is already protective of my baby belly. I'm sure he was worried that this was too much. Derek and Joy-Anna are the last to come toward us. Joy-Anna already knew and Derek, well, he is a quiet kind of guy. He congratulates us both, and wishes us a healthy baby. He and Joy-Anna are convinced it's a boy. I still think it's a girl, but everyone seems to think otherwise. For now, it's Little Bee.

  I treasure my Little Bee.

  Presley bought a huge strawberry and raspberry cheesecake for the dessert. He knows how to spoil me...I cherish him so much. It is simply the best damn thing in the world. It melts in my mouth and the taste is out of this world.

  While he was working this afternoon, I went to get him a gift, too.

  ''Baby, I have a little something for you.'' I say as the people around the table quiet down. I get up from my chair to get the box from the kitchen counter. ''Here, open it.''

  He takes the gift and unwraps the paper. ''You got me a watch? An Omega?'' He’s absolutely astonished.

  ''Yes, turn it over.''

  ‘My love for you is timeless. Forever, Bee.’ He reads the engraved message on the back and grins. "No offense to anyone, but I think this is the best present I've ever received. I’ll wear it every single day. I love it. Thank you, love." He puts it on, and gazes happily at his wrist. I can tell he loves it. He pulls me towards him and I sit on his lap as he kisses my lips softly, and places his hand over my belly. It doesn't show yet, but Little Bee is in there and alive.

  "I'm glad you like it, because I can't return it," I smile devilishly.

  "I’m the luckiest man alive," he murmurs in my ear.

  "I’m the luckiest woman alive."

  "You got that right," he says in between kisses.

  Joshua bursts into laughter. "Is that our cue to leave now?"


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