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Let it be Us

Page 12

by Barbara Speak

  By the time Shelby and I were done at the doctor’s and got her cast off I was aggravated to say the least. It was five-thirty at night and Canyon had left at seven that morning. I didn't know if I should call or leave them alone. I didn't want to insert myself and have Brooke think I was possessive by any means. Hell, I was the one who pushed him to talk to her. I knew he wasn't back yet when I drove by his house. So instead of being angry, I chose to take my now two-legged sister out to dinner.

  "Where do you want to go eat? Your pick."

  "Really? Oh, um, wow, I didn't think we would. Are you going to call Canyon and tell him?"

  "He's kind of busy, so no. We'll see him after we get home."

  "What if he's hungry? Shouldn't we at least ask?"

  Her innocent mind didn’t need the details she was searching for.

  "I talked to him earlier, and he said to just go without him."

  "Okay then." She bounced in the seat. "Mario’s. I want a huge plate of spaghetti."

  While laughing, I agreed, "Spaghetti sounds perfect. Mario’s it is."

  We pulled into the parking lot, and I hurried out of the truck to Shelby's side out of habit to help her get down.

  "You don't have to do that anymore, Arianna. I'm all better."

  "Yes you are, aren't you?"

  "Yep, and now I don't need to be treated like a baby."

  "I never tried to make you feel like one. I just wanted to help you any way I could."

  We walked through the door and were waiting at the hostess stand.

  "I know, and I'm not mad, I'm just glad to be better. Now I can help more around the ranch and even ride Nyah again. You don't think she's mad I haven't been riding her, do you?"

  "No not at—"

  We were interrupted by the hostess. "Table for two?"

  "Yes, please."

  She looked at the board and then glanced around the empty room. I was about to ask her if there was an issue when she grabbed a few menus and then said, "Follow me."

  We both walked behind her to the back corner of the restaurant. Apparently not many people must have been craving Italian food. Setting the menus down she said, "Your server will be with you shortly" and then she scurried back to the hostess stand.

  Shelby sat down and had her legs crossed under her which made me laugh.

  "It's been awhile since you've been able to do that, huh?"

  "Heck yeah, and I love it!"

  I took my own seat and smiled as I looked over the appetizers on the menu. I was starving and the fried zucchini sounded delicious.

  "Do you want any zucchini?"

  "Did you hear that?"

  I glanced around at empty tables wondering what the heck she could be talking about, but then I heard it too.

  Shelby was out of her seat and running around the corner wearing the hugest smile on her face before I could stop her, but it ended up not to be needed. The laughter I knew all too well to be Canyon's did it for me. And as her smile fell, I knew the reason why.

  Chapter 22

  "What is she doing here!"

  Shelby didn't wait for an answer. Instead, she stomped over to our table and yanked my arm practically out of its socket.

  "Let's go. I want to leave now."

  "Shelby, just wait a second."

  I grabbed ahold of the hand she was pulling me with softly and removed it from my arm.

  "You don't understand! He lied! He's not busy, he's eating dinner with her!"

  I myself didn't understand what both of them were doing there. If he met Brooke at the university I had no idea why she was back in town. I thought that the communication lines were supposed to be open, but I guess he still felt I need to be kept in the dark.

  "He didn't lie, but I did."

  Canyon came around the corner wearing a look of defeat before the battle was ever fought. I waited in my seat for him to approach us and explain.

  "Hey there, darlin’." He leaned over to kiss me before he stood back up. "I didn't think you all would be here, or I would have invited you to join us."

  "Really? Because Arianna called you and you told her you were busy and you'd see us later."

  Shelby had steam coming out of her ears while Canyon wore a look of complete confusion.

  "When I didn't hear from you, I lied to her. Shelby I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you that."

  "Why did you? I don't understand what's going on?"

  Canyon took the pressure off me with an invite I didn't want.

  "Well we have a lot to talk about. Why don't you guys come sit with Brooke and me?"

  Shelby's expression basically screamed hell no. I felt like taking the same stance, but my promise to him still held. If I was going to support him that meant doing whatever was necessary.

  "Come on, Shelby. Let's go."

  I stood from my chair and grabbed my purse from the floor. Shelby didn't move when Canyon started walking back to his table.

  "Hey." I took her hand in mine. "It's going to be okay."

  "You lied to me."

  I bent down in front of her and looked her in the eye.

  "I really am sorry about that. I didn't know how to explain what's going on and thought it was easier to just say he was busy."

  "Please don't again. I know you guys won't tell me about the grown up stuff, but just say what you always do. Don't lie."

  "I promise. No more lying. Okay?"

  I stood up and started walking with Shelby's hand still in mine until she stopped, pulling me back with her.

  "Why are we eating with them? She's mean to us."

  "I'm hoping things have changed."

  "I don't have as much faith in her as you do, I guess."

  "We have to try to see the best in people, honey."

  "She doesn't have a good side if you ask me."

  I kissed her forehead and led her around the corner, coming face to face with Brooke. Her eyes averted from mine as Canyon pulled two chairs out for us to sit. Once Shelby and I were seated, he took his own between Brooke and me.

  The waitress walked over, surprised to see more people at the table.

  "Hello. So I guess we have four now. Would you like me to hold your order and bring them all out at once?"



  Both Canyon and Brooke responded at the same time, and it was clear Brooke didn't want to wait on us.

  "You can hold mine, but if you don't mind, bring hers out when it's ready."

  "I can do that. Are either of you ready to order?"

  Shelby sat quiet as I answered.

  "We will take two plates of spaghetti and two Sprites please."

  "All right, let me get that order in, and I will be right back with your drinks."

  She walked away leaving the four of us to our awkward silence.

  Canyon was the first to break the ice. "Shelby! You don't have your cast anymore!"

  "You just noticed?"

  She was so angry that her response caused me to scream, "Shelby!" out of instinct.

  "No, it's fine. I'm sorry, you're right. I should have remembered. How does it feel not having it on?"

  She didn't answer making me kick her under the table.

  Brooke slammed her hand down on the table.

  "Just stop it! You have no idea what we are dealing with."

  Oh, did I snap back.

  "You're right, she doesn't! So drop your tone when you speak to my sister."

  "Listen. I can't do this anymore. Brooke, Ari, these secrets are killing us. I'm done." He looked at both of us before focusing on Shelby.

  "Shelby, Brooke's and my baby is sick. We are trying to do everything we can but the doctors are saying it's not looking good."

  Shelby's head dropped while her bottom lip quivered, refusing to blink out tears. My hand went for hers just as Canyon's chair flew back, then he was pulling her from her seat and into his arms.

  "I know, baby girl."

  He pet her curls as her grip on him tightened. Bro
oke and I stayed in our seats, but her head went to her lap as well.

  When I stood I was sure it was to comfort Shelby, but instead my feet led me to Brooke. Placing my hand on her shoulder I whispered, "I am so sorry this is happening."

  She lifted her right arm and placed her hand over mine.

  "Thank you."

  It was the first time she and I spoke without some underlying emotion. But this wasn't about us. It was about that poor boy fighting for his life. A fight that would never be won.

  When Canyon set Shelby down, I returned to my seat also. She continued to wipe her tears as she asked all the questions you would expect. Canyon answered each one the best he could while Brooke remained silent.

  Our food came out at the same time, not helping Brooke's aggravation, but the conversation had been a distraction from her hunger I'm sure.

  As we ate, the topic switched to something I didn't see coming.

  "Ari, I wanted to ask you something. With you and Shelby staying at my house I didn't know if you would mind, but I thought maybe Brooke could start using yours. You don't have to say yes, but she and I discussed her staying out here instead of at school and you know I'm not giving you up. I just thought if she stayed there it could work out for all of us."

  My mouth hung open listening to each word spilling from his. I definitely thought this was a better conversation to have in private, but once the cat was out of the bag I was left with no choice.

  "Sure. I can clean it out tonight if that's what you want."

  I looked at Brooke, but she never met my gaze. She just stared at her plate as she continued to eat.

  "Okay then, it's settled. Brooke will live next door, and you officially are moving back in where you have always belonged. With me."

  He was smiling, and in that moment I didn’t know how to. I guess he sensed my nervousness because the next second his hand was on my thigh and he was leaning over to me to kiss my cheek. Brooke definitely didn't miss that as she sneered before taking another bite.

  We finished our dinner practically in silence with only a few looks here and there. Mostly we just paid attention to our plates. When the bill finally came Canyon paid it before we got out to the parking lot.

  "Where's your truck?"

  I asked, watching Brooke walk to her car alone.

  "It's at the house."

  "That's weird. I don't remember seeing it when I drove by."

  "Then I don't know. I left it there. Anyway, do you mind if I ride back with her? She's already uncomfortable with all of this."

  "No. Go. We will see you back at the house. I need to grab some things anyway and show her around."

  He pulled me into his arms while Shelby climbed in the back seat.

  "You're absolutely perfect. Thank you for this. I really can't believe I am putting you in this position and I'm sorry—"

  I went up on my tip-toes and kissed him to cut him off.

  "I told you I would do anything for you. This was my first test."

  "Oh, darlin’, I hope that I don't ever have to put you through any more."

  "Me either, but only time will tell. Anyway, go catch your ride before she leaves without you. I'll see you in a few minutes."

  He slapped my butt before I watched him run over to the car Brooke had already put in gear, thinking, I must love that man something fierce.

  Chapter 23

  After we got Brooke settled, Shelby and I headed back to the ranch leaving Canyon to say his goodbyes. It was awkward having her there, but he was right. After all, he owned it. They needed to be close, and this was the best solution.

  I didn't follow Shelby into the house after I sent her in for a needed shower and to get ready for bed, instead, I walked out to the barn. A lot had changed. With Canyon hiring ranch hands, the work load was literally nothing compared to when I first came here. The stalls were mucked, feed was dispersed, and every one of them were brushed down. I missed the work in a way. It was something that grounded me. It made me feel whole.

  Magnus heard my footsteps and popped his head over the door to see who was coming. A loud snuff was followed by another as his feet shifted on the stall floor. He shared my excitement, that was for sure. I had to push him back to get the door open, but once I entered the stall he was nudging my chest instantly.

  "Hey there, stud. How have you been?"

  I ran my hands over his ears and rubbed behind them.

  "What do you say tomorrow we go for a ride, huh? I'm going to need you. Things aren't going to be easy for any of us, and you, my friend, have got to help me out."

  He lifted his head and then shoved it into me again.

  "I know. Believe me. I know."

  He would always be there for me. It was something I counted on.

  "Whatcha doing out here?"

  I hadn't heard Canyon walk in, but in my state of mind that didn't surprise me.

  "Oh just visiting an old friend." I continued to pet Magnus. "Did she get all settled?"

  He took the last few steps to be standing inside the stall with me.

  "She'll be fine." He began to rub Magnus down also. "How are you with all this? Really, Ari, I want you to tell me if anything is bothering you."

  I stopped petting Magnus and turned to look him in the eye.

  "I'm okay. I didn't like being kept in the dark all day, but I understand you two needed to sort out your issues."

  "I should have called, and I'm sorry for that. Putting you in a position to have to lie to Shelby wasn't fair to you. I'm hoping that now everything is out in the open it will get easier."

  "When is her next appointment?"

  "She didn't schedule one. She says that all they want is to kill him so why go? I don't know if I disagree anymore. If there is nothing they can do, we might as well just do the only thing we have left in our power. Pray."

  I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head in his chest.

  "He has all of mine. That's for sure."

  He ran his hand over my hair before a whispered, "Thank you" escaped.

  Minutes later he stood back from me and said, "Come on" as he took my hand in his. "Let's get out of here."

  As he led me out of the stall, I looked back at Magnus before I closed the door and reminded him, "Don't forget about tomorrow."

  "What's tomorrow?" he asked as if I was talking to him.

  "Magnus and I are going for a ride."

  "Oh you are, huh?"

  He flung me over his shoulder and started running us toward the house. We hadn't been playful like this in a long time. More things that I missed.

  My stomach hurt from laughing so hard as he climbed the steps and walked us into the house. Sitting me down in one of the kitchen chairs to catch my breath, he went to the refrigerator and grabbed a can of soda.

  "Are you thirsty?"

  "I'm okay. Thank you, though."

  "Listen." His mood changed as he sat down in the chair next to me, popping the tab open. "I was thinking today about all of this. You, me, Shelby, Brooke, your mom, it's been a lot. I mean, a lot of it is out of our control, but some of it isn't. Had I waited for you neither Brooke or I would be in this position. I know I said I'm sorry more times than I can count, but I feel like all of this is my fault."

  I reached across the table and took his hand.

  "You're beating a dead horse. Stop with that. My mother can't be lumped into this, and you have more than made up for what happened. I own part of this too, and as far as the baby, God is the only one who can control how this goes."

  He looked down at our hands joined across the table before looking up at me.

  "I just miss us. The way things used to be. When all of our problems weren't ours to own. It was me and you against the world. So much has changed."

  I didn't know what to say right away because he was right. Just as I was about to give up trying for words, something blurted out.

  "I saw Tonya again today."

  His body jerke
d back. "What does she have to do with all of this?"

  "I don't understand it myself. She found me after class to apologize for being the bitch that she is when she started railing on Brooke again. I know it's not my place to tell anyone, but I was so angry that I told her about the baby and how badly she needed to back off of Brooke..."

  "Well that makes sense. Brooke doesn't need any more added stress right now."

  "But she didn't react the way you would expect. She cried, Canyon. I mean, she doesn't even know you guys and she was crying. And then she said she was closer to the baby than I will ever know. What could that even mean?"

  "Hell if I know. She is one crazy ass girl. I would stay as far away from her as possible."

  "You don't need to tell me; I have no desire to have anything to do with her, but what she said still confuses me."

  Stomping came down the steps letting us know Shelby would appear any minute so we let the subject drop. Seconds later a pink-footed, pajama-wearing, red head popped into the room.

  "Who wants popcorn and to watch a movie?"

  "That’s not going to happen, little one. You need to be in bed for school tomorrow in twenty minutes."

  "Can I at least have some ice cream for dessert?"

  I was just about to say no when Canyon's chair slid back and he was on his way to the freezer.

  "Heck yeah! Ice cream sounds good right about now. Do you want cookies and cream, vanilla, or mint chocolate chip?"

  I didn't keep ice cream in the house so for Shelby this was the best thing ever.

  "Do you have any chocolate syrup or sprinkles?"

  Canyon went to the corner cabinet and started pulling out every topping you could imagine.

  "Take your pick."

  She ran to the counter and watched as bottle after bottle were set down in front of her. The size of her eyes alone showed just how excited she was. You didn't need to see the way her little body jumped up and down to know how she felt.

  "I want this and this and this," she said, pulling each item toward her. Canyon picked up the caramel she had chosen.

  "This sounds pretty good to me too. Oh and this." He grabbed a banana from the back of the counter. Looking over his shoulder he asked, "Want to share a banana spilt with me?"

  I was eyeing the mint chocolate chip, but a banana split won the battle.


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