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Let it be Us

Page 16

by Barbara Speak

  "Hey, squirt, pretty cool, huh?"

  She never stopped watching our mother when she answered me. "It's the best day of my life."

  I agreed.

  Chapter 29

  With my mom being able to leave the facility after giving my consent, Canyon and I decided to take her out to lunch and see how well she would cope with being away from the place she hadn't left in months. We were right to do so. She wasn't nervous but yet looked like a woman who had been stripped of sight for eight years and was granted 20/20 as we exited the building. Shelby never let go of her hand, even when we got into the cab, forcing Canyon to sit in front with the driver. We went off Dr. Freshan's recommendation and were at a steak house a couple of blocks away within minutes.

  Sitting at a booth put Canyon and me on one side and Shelby and our mother on the other. Casual talk over what we wanted to order turned to Canyon asking questions after the orders were placed.

  "So, Camille, now that you finally get to enjoy the outside, what are the first things you would like to do?"

  She didn't hesitate for a second. "I have dreamed of this for months. Having my girls here with me is everything. I don't need to go anywhere or see anything specific. I am not inexperienced with life, Canyon. What I want more than anything is for these girls to be happy. And I believe I have you to thank for that."

  He blushed a deep crimson red and smiled. "You don't have to thank me; I fell in love with both of these girls a long time ago." He clasped my hand in his. "I would do anything for them."

  Shelby giggled while my mother smiled.

  "So do you have any plans on getting married?"


  "What? Your father and I were married when I was nineteen and I don't regret it for a second. Look." She leaned on the table. "Take my advice, when you have something special, cherish it like you could lose it tomorrow. You never know if you will get another day so live like you won't."

  I was just about to say something when Shelby blurted out, "Canyon is going to have a baby! But he's sick, so we don't know if he will be born alive or not. I want to name him Chance, and they don't have a name picked out yet, but they won't tell me anything. They always say I'm too young."

  All three of our jaws dropped open.

  "What? It's true."

  Awkward silence continued to plague the space, but luckily the food showed up to give leeway. Once the waitress left, my mother asked, "So you got someone else pregnant?"

  Canyon opened his mouth to answer, but I cut him off. "When I took Shelby and left, he and I didn't see each other for almost a year. I left him, Mom, so please don't judge him for—"

  "Honey, I have no room to judge anyone. If you are okay with this, then so am I."

  She turned her focus on Canyon.

  "What is exactly wrong with the baby?"

  "He has a chromosome deficiency. The doctors suggested termination, but we are weighing our odds with God."

  "That's all you can do. I will be praying you get answers."

  And that was all that was said about it after Canyon thanked her. The rest of the meal consisted of Oohs and Ahs over how delicious the food was, Shelby telling our mother proudly about her straight As, and Canyon being coy about his stance in the PBR.

  "Arianna, what about you? What have you been doing with your time?"

  "Umm." I didn't have any great achievement to brag on like they did so instead I answered, "Just going to school and taking care of Shelby."

  "Now don't you go down playing your life so far, darlin’'. What you did in that courtroom is more than most could ever put on their list of accomplishments. And, you own me, which is something I know is hard to do, but you manage it with a smile on your face. For that you are everything."

  We hadn't talked much about the court case, but I didn't want to focus on that. What he said about me meant everything. I leaned over and kissed him while my mother said, "Awh" and Shelby gagged. The two of us smiled into one another’s mouth and then parted laughing.

  By the time the bill came we were still laughing while telling stories from our past that our mother didn't remember. There was sorrow in her eyes despite her laughter that made me all the more determined to give her lasting memories to experience for herself.

  We all decided we had taken up enough of the waitress’ time and headed out. I wished for a walk in a park or something as nice, but it was just as chilly there as it was in Montana. It wasn't as if my mother had suggestions to throw out of cool places to visit, either. In the end, we were back at the hospital. Canyon stayed back to pay the cab and asked me to wait for him while my mom and Shelby walked inside. I stood there while the brisk air seemed to find its way under every layer I had on. When Canyon got out of the car and noticed, he ran to me rubbing up and down on my arms to warm me up and then wrapped me in his.

  "Sorry, hun, I forgot it was so cold out. We can go inside if you want. I just thought we could discuss really quick what the plan should be."

  "What plan?"

  I buried my nose in his chest to block the cold.

  "Well I see no point in staying here any longer."

  I jerked my head back in confusion.

  "We just got here. Shelby needs to be able to spend more time with her. It was the whole point in...."

  "Let's all go home."

  "What? Really? You’re okay with that? Canyon, you don't have to do this if you aren't—"

  "Arianna Dubray, shut up. I said let's bring her home, and I meant it. She's been stuck in this place, and I can't leave knowing I caused another day of her misery. The three of you have a bond to make, and I want to help see that happen. Now quit arguing and let's go tell them. Unless you want your poor mother to rot in this place another—"

  I didn't give him a chance to finish before I grabbed his face and kissed him.

  "I love you so much, Canyon Michaels, but don't you ever full name me again, do you hear me?"

  "But you—"

  "Enough said. Let's go get my mom outta here."

  It was the cutest thing I'd seen in a long time walking into the lobby. Shelby was teaching our mother how to whip and nae nae. Canyon and I stood back watching my mom tilt her head to the side and throw her arm out in front of her body before she waved the other hand in the air. Her little frame didn't hold a candle to the size of the smile she wore. Shelby laughed at her efforts and continued to try to guide her, but her performance never mattered. It was all about the effort she was giving to please her daughter.

  "It was worth the trip, don't you think?" Dr. Freshan's voice had both Canyon and me turning unexpectedly as he walked up behind us to take in the sight before us.

  "You could say that again. She's having a blast."

  "Yes, she definitely is. Probably more than you even know."

  The three of us continued to watch for several minutes until Shelby had her breaking her legs. That sent each of us into a fit of laughter as my mom screamed across the room, "I'm glad you're enjoying this."

  She could try to play it off, but no one was enjoying that moment more than her. Without turning away from the view I asked, "Dr. Freshan?"


  "Can you get her release papers ready?"

  "Nothing could make my day better, Miss Dubray. Give me thirty minutes."

  I heard his footsteps grow weaker with distance and then disappear before Canyon wrapped his arms around my shoulders and then I felt his breath on my neck before he kissed it.

  "This is a good thing, darlin’. I'm glad you didn't let me talk you out of this. I was wrong, and I have never been so happy to admit that. Just look at them."

  I had never stopped. Shelby finally had a mother and my mom was getting the second chance she deserved.

  Chapter 30

  The flight home was an absolute blast. My mom did anything and everything she could to embarrass Shelby, including buying the ugliest Viking hat possible at the airport and refused to take it off. We hadn't planned on coming back so soon, so i
t made getting a flight that night interesting but not impossible.

  By the time we touched down in Helena, Shelby was sound asleep. Canyon went to pick her up, but my mother stopped him saying she would take care of it. It was the first time she planted her authority, but after she whispered something in Shelby's ear her eyes flew open, she stood, and then walked off the plane on her own. Canyon and I were in total shock, but my mom just laughed as she followed Shelby out.

  "I still have a few good tricks up my sleeve. Besides, she's too heavy for anyone to be carrying. You can thank me later."

  I laughed and then agreed.

  "She is getting awfully heavy."

  "Not for me she isn't."

  "Well not everyone is built like the Incredible Hulk."

  "You love these muscles. Don't try to lie to yourself either, it doesn't work well."

  I slapped his chest playfully and teased, "Flatter yourself much?"

  "Did you hurt your hand?"

  "Would you stop it?"

  "Only when you admit you love my muscles. You want to kiss these muscles. Marry these muscles."

  "You're kidding right? Marry them? Canyon, you need your head examined."

  "Oh you think so, huh? Dr. Freshan seemed to think I was just fine."

  "In a sea of crazy it was probably hard to tell."

  We had walked off the jet way and met back up with Shelby and my mom. There was no need to go to baggage claim; we had all brought carry-ons. My mother literally had nothing to bring home other than herself which in a way was sad. A year had gone by and she had nothing to show for it. Well that's not true, either. The best thing she could have gained was her health and she definitely had that. Material items meant nothing.

  When we got to town, Canyon asked her where she would prefer to sleep.

  "I bought that house a month after you left. All of your things have been kept, and you are more than welcome to have it back. In fact, it's in Shelby's name so rightfully she owns it."

  I didn't give my mother a chance to respond before my shock led me to scream. "What? You did what?"

  His hand came to rest on my thigh as he said, "I told you I bought it for her. You knew that."

  "I had no idea that you put it in her name and were serious."

  "Of course I was. I wanted her to have a place close to us forever."

  My mother who had been quiet the whole time spoke up. "I think that was unbelievably kind of you, Canyon. And to answer your question, I would prefer to stay with Shelby. Does she sleep there or at your house?"

  I spun in my seat to face the back where my mom had Shelby laying in her lap.

  "She's been at Canyon's with us. It really is up to you. We can take you both back to the house or you can stay the night with us. Either way we are just happy to have you here."

  She stayed quiet and with the dark of night I couldn't make out why until I heard a sniffle.


  I reached out my hand and rested it on her shoulder to give her comfort in what seemed like an awkward moment.

  "It's okay, Arianna, these are the happiest tears I've shed in a long time. I am happy to be home too."

  "Then it's settled. You come back with us, and I will make breakfast in the morning for all of us."

  "Mom, Canyon cooks the most amazing things. You will love—"

  "If you don't mind, may I help you with it? I miss doing simple things, and I would love to be a part of this."

  Canyon laughed. "Camille, you can help all you want. Ari here thinks because it doesn't come from a box it's delicious. Don't listen to her about any mad skills I might have."

  He was downplaying his abilities but I let him versus arguing. He was trying to make her comfortable, and for that, my heart grew even more.

  By the time we got Shelby in the house and to bed—Canyon did carry her this time, by the way—we were all ready to follow suit. It had been a long day of travel and had taken its toll on each of us. Mom curled up with Shelby and didn't say another word as we closed the door behind us. Walking to our room, Canyon scooped me in his arms and carried me the rest of the way, laying me down on the bed. Crawling on top of me, he looked into my eyes and took in a deep breath before letting the gust of air out. His hands brushed the hair off my face as he said nothing yet everything with his eyes.

  "Marry me."

  I shook my head for clarity, dumbfounded at his statement.

  "That wasn't even a question. What are you doing right now?"

  His expression never faltered.

  "Marry me. Tell me you will spend the rest of your life with me and we will always be as happy as we are right now. Make me the luckiest man in the world and say it."

  I wiggled out from underneath him and cupped his face in my hands.

  "Where is all of this coming from?"

  He sat back on his feet and took my hands in his.

  "We have been through hell and back, but it never took away from what we are. What your mom said about not getting another day, it got me thinking. If I lost you tomorrow, what would be my biggest regret? It would be not marrying you. Not devoting myself to the one person who means more to me than the world. I know we are young, but what difference does that make? When you find it, you need to grab on and never let it go. Marry me, darlin’."

  I was in disbelief.

  "Of course I want to marry you some day, but I'm not ready yet. I'm still in school, and I have Shelby..."

  "What does that even matter? You could still go to school. Being married doesn't make you stop. As far as Shelby goes, we will always have her, and now your mom is here to help." He could sense my frustration from the pressure he was putting on me. "Okay, okay, you don't have to give me an answer like right now, but please just think about it."

  I pushed him onto his back and climbed over him, straddling his waist.

  "I don't need to. My answer will come when you ask me properly and at the right time. This is not that time, Canyon. But it could be used for something else."

  He grabbed me and pulled me down to him, swallowing me up in his arms.

  "Best idea ever."

  The next morning Shelby came to wake me, shaking the bed which was becoming a habit I needed to break.

  "Arianna! They are making breakfast, and Mom is actually helping! Come look!"

  It was almost like how people describe Christmas morning. Shelby was so excited for me to see that I couldn't possibly argue with her. I let my feet hit the floor, and then instantly I was pulled down the hall, the stairs, and into the kitchen. The smell of French toast and bacon hit me, instantly making my mouth water. The fact Canyon was seated at the table while my mom flipped the bread had me smiling from ear to ear.

  "Have I ever told you how beautiful you are in the mornin'?"

  I got pulled down into his lap before he rained kisses over my exposed shoulder.

  Don’t think I minded one bit as my mother looked over at us and grinned. "You two are just adorable."

  "They're like that all the time, Mom. Sometimes it just gets old."

  Canyon laughed under me at the maturity she tried to throw in there with one hand on her hip and the other one being tossed in the air.

  "It gets old, huh? Someday you will be that happy, and I will think it's just as adorable. Until then, leave your sister and Canyon alone. Besides, who's hungry?"

  She turned with a full plate of fresh fruit as if she read my mind. Then Canyon whispered in my ear, "That was all me, babe. Don't give her all the credit."

  "You know me all too well."

  That afternoon we got my mom a car and then got her settled back in her house. As much as I enjoyed her being at Canyon's with us, it made sense. She wanted to begin her new life on her own two feet. Not live with the aid of others as she had been for the past year. The challenge was unfortunately put on Shelby. She had been attached to our mother’s hip since we got to Minneapolis, but I could tell she was worried about my feelings as she clung to my leg.

  "You k
now, there was a time we didn't sleep in the same house but we still saw each other every day. It doesn't have to be this hard. I know you don't want to be away from Mom, and I understand—"

  "Besides, you are welcome to stay at my house anytime you want, right, Camille?"

  I had Shelby in my arms with Canyon standing next to me at the door, attempting to comfort her as we left her for the first time. I had all the confidence in the world that my mother would not only make her comfortable but they would be having fun making memories worth holding on to. The sadness I felt was buried deep as I wore a fake smile to give her assurance that things were going to be okay.

  "If I get scared, can I come back?"

  I wasn't sure how my mother would take hearing that, but it happened to be better than okay.

  "Shelby, if you ever feel that you need your sister I will take you there myself. I will never come between the two of you ever."

  I gave her one last big hug and then stood.

  "We just need to run to the grocery store, and then we will be home. Call me if you want to talk, and I will come back tonight to tuck you in."

  "I was thinking about baking some cookies anyway. Shelby, would you like to help me?"

  That had her head turn and mouth water in seconds. "’Bye, Arianna and Canyon!"

  Then she was running to the kitchen never looking back. My mother winked and then followed her.

  "You ready to get out of here?"

  I took his hand and then said half-heartedly, "As ready as I will ever be."

  He leaned down and kissed my forehead.

  "We're going to be okay. We are only a yard away. We really do need to get going, though. I have some stuff I need to do."

  "What stuff?"

  "Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about. In fact, if you want to stay and spend time with them, I'm okay with that."

  He secretly hit the nail on the head. "Are you sure?"

  His smile gave me my answer. I was up on my tippy-toes in seconds kissing his cheek.

  "Thanks for loving me like you do."

  "I could never love you less."


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