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Demon by My Side

Page 4

by Victoria Davies

  “You are investigating the spirits,” the demon declared.


  “Then you are useful to me.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “How so?”

  “We share a common interest. Find your answers, hunter. But when you do, share them with me.”

  She stopped walking. “No.”

  The demon turned back to her, arching a brow.

  “Let me guess,” she said, beating him to the punch. “People don’t say that word to you often.”

  A ghost of a smile played along his lips. “Rarely.”

  Which meant he was used to being in charge. He was the one who gave the commands, not the one who followed them as all the other demons she’d fought had been. If this man wasn’t another soldier in Abaddon’s army, what was he?

  “Well, get used to it,” she said, lifting her chin. “You can’t say jump and just expect me to ask how high.”

  “On the contrary,” he replied. “I can.” Fire leapt into his eyes as a clear reminder of just what she was messing with.

  “Back off, demon,” she snarled.

  “I am offering you a partnership, Snow. One way or another I will find the answers about the spirits and why they are leaking into this world. Work with me.”

  “Somehow I doubt you’re the kind of demon to let a human work in an equal partnership with you.”

  He inclined his head. “Then work for me.”

  “I have a job. I won’t betray people who trust me.” She turned to walk away, trying to ignore the way the hairs on her nape rose when she gave the demon her back.

  “Then I should turn up the heat.”

  Instantly the temperature of the warehouse rose. The snow caked to her boots turned to water in seconds. Darcy fought the urge to shred her winter coat and strip down to her undershirt.

  A drop of sweat trickled down her lower back and she felt more moisture plaster her bangs to her forehead. The heat was uncomfortable but she was keenly aware of how much hotter he could make it with a wave of his hand. Restraint from a demon was definitely new.

  A hard body pressed against her back. She gasped at the contact, feeling his heat even through the layers of clothing protecting her.

  Hands slid over her hips, pulling her back against the demon behind her. Darcy tried to tell herself her racing heart was because of fear but he had yet to do anything to truly harm her.

  “Think.” His breath tickled her ear. “We could use each other.”

  She knew from the suggestive drawl of his words he meant more than a professional partnership. For a second she almost wished she were a woman with looser morals but sleeping with the damned was a line she had no intention of crossing.

  “You have nothing I want,” she replied, thankful that her voice sounded strong and not breathy.

  “Not true,” he taunted. “And my gifts could be invaluable to you in this case.”

  “Then solve it yourself.”

  “If forced to. Be careful, Snow, not to scorn my offer so quickly.”

  “I don’t work with demons. I kill them.”

  He spun her around so fast it took her a second to focus. When she did her instincts kicked into high gear. They were far too close.

  “I could say similar words back to you,” he said. “And I happen to know there is a hunter waiting for you outside as we speak.”

  Fear banished any inconvenient lust. “You wouldn’t.”

  Amusement fled his dark eyes. She watched as all traces of humanity bled from his face, leaving only an enigmatic monster behind. “I will do whatever is necessary to solve this mystery. Even if it means destroying every hunter within city limits.” His fingers trailed up her throat to cup her chin. “I might leave you for last, Snow, but I’ll come for you all the same. I will never let a mortal jeopardize those I protect.”

  “Spoken like a true monster,” she breathed.

  His gaze dropped to her lips but he didn’t release her. “Your move, hunter. Help me or sacrifice your friends.”

  “You touch them and I will carve out your heart.”

  “Feel free to try.”

  No hint of emotion crossed the demon’s face. She knew he’d make good on his threat. If she wanted to save everyone, there was only one choice.

  “I will help you uncover the truth,” she said through gritted teeth. “But if you put mortal lives at risk I’ll come after you with everything I have.”

  She appreciated his restraint from pointing out that even her A-game would be a measly showing against his powers.


  He stepped back, and the second his body left contact with hers Darcy realized how cold she was. Wrapping her arms around herself for warmth, she stared at the man she’d just joined forces with.

  “Look in the warehouse three to the left,” he told her.

  “And you know this how?”

  He grinned, his humor obviously back. “I’m not just a pretty face. Check it.”

  “Fine,” she grumbled. “How do I contact you if I find anything new?”

  “You don’t. I contact you.”

  “Convenient,” she said, her voice dry.

  The demon moved past her, their shoulders grazing. When she tried to turn he brushed the hair away from her neck. Darcy froze.

  “Convenient for me,” he murmured, his breath hot before he pressed his lips to her sensitive skin.

  Darcy twirled in outrage but the warehouse was empty behind her.

  “How did you do that?” she demanded, hand covering her nape.

  “Darcy,” Cailin called from the front. “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” she replied, knowing the words for the lie they were.

  She scanned the shadows. Was he there somewhere, watching her? The thought sent a shiver down her spine. Head held high, she turned and headed for Cailin, hoping she learned something interesting enough to keep the fire-happy demon satisfied.

  * * *

  Jaral shielded himself from human sight as he trailed his hunter. She walked with purpose. If she was shaken by their encounter, she didn’t let it show. A smile curved his mouth at the thought.

  He’d half hoped when he saw her in the light of day she’d be nothing more interesting than a mortal who’d gotten in a lucky shot. Absently he rubbed his shoulder, the one her blade had pierced. It was healed now, of course. Still, he couldn’t remember the last time someone had made him bleed.

  That this woman had accomplished what seasoned warriors had not intrigued him. Never before had he encountered such fire contained within a mortal body.

  Mortal being the key word, he thought with disgust. She was a member of a race he despised. His father would have his head if he knew how much of Jaral’s thoughts were consumed with the woman. Mortals were to be used and tossed aside. They were not the object of such fascination.

  His gaze ran down her body. Even the bulky coat couldn’t detract from her lithe grace. How would she be in bed? he wondered, following the hunter pair like a ghost. Would she yield in the most delicious of ways or force her lover to battle even there? For the first time in far longer than he cared to remember, he was captivated by a woman.

  Jaral studied the hunter at her side. Though shorter than Darcy, the other hunter had far more curves to recommend her. Jaral paced closer, studying the pretty face. She did not ignite his blood the way her friend did. Returning to Darcy’s side, he wondered what it was about this human who drew him so.

  Darcy stiffened when he neared. Without drawing her friend’s attention she scanned the area around them. Could she sense him? The thought brought a grin to his lips. Interesting.

  They neared the warehouse where Kerilyn had fought her last battle. Darcy’s friend slowed.

  “I think this is it,” she said.

  Darcy’s attention shifted to her partner. “What do you sense?”

  “Even a basic gift like mine can pick up the energy of this place. It feels—” she tilted her head to the side, “wrong.”

  Jaral eyed the hunter. It was wrong. A portal never meant to exist. Bloody spirits.

  “Let’s go.”

  The hunters moved away and he watched them leave. Though he’d like to stay to observe them, especially his luscious hunter, he had work to do as well. Darcy would take care of the hunter side of things. He had more than a few demons to question.

  Dragging a hand through his hair he sighed. Here’s hoping the lowlifes I’m about to knock around have information for me. The thought should have excited him but instead, he found himself curiously loath to leave Darcy’s side.

  Weakness, he thought, seeing Liam’s mocking grin in his head. No woman would ever win a hold over him. Especially not a mortal woman.

  He’d enjoy Darcy if he could seduce her into his bed, but once his mission was over, he’d walk away from her.

  Without looking back.

  Chapter Four

  When Darcy tumbled into bed she’d never been so happy to see her pillow. After the demon had led them to the correct warehouse, she’d spent hours going over every inch of the place. Other than black blood seared into the floor near the back of the main storeroom, there was nothing out of place in the building.

  A parade of hunters had swept through the location, including Blake. After finally dragging her home, he’d dumped a pile of his books in front of her and demanded she read until the words blurred before her eyes.

  Sleep was a welcome escape. Or at least, it was until an unknown weight shifted on her mattress.

  Darcy woke instantly, reaching underneath her pillow for the blade hidden there.

  Her hand touched only empty space.

  The bed beneath her moved again and she followed the movement to the dark shape bending over her.

  She bit back a scream just in time, recognizing the red-flamed eyes watching her from the darkness.

  “Ever hear of a phone?” she demanded, pulling herself into a sitting position.

  The demon didn’t reply.

  Darcy pulled the sheet up to cover her nightclothes. Despite the temperature, she’d never been a fan of fuzzy fleece pj’s. Instead she wore silky black pajama bottoms and a fitted blue top. Not exactly come-and-get-it wear, but under the demon’s hot stare it felt far more revealing than it should have.

  “I prefer to speak of important things in person.” His velvet voice rolled over her. “What did you learn?”

  “We have a witch scheduled to come in tomorrow to shed some light,” she informed him, gritting her teeth. It went against every instinct to yield to him in any way, but his threat was a good one. He knew exactly how to control her. “None of my hunter contacts have the psychic gifts necessary for a full reading. It’s definitely the location of the spirit portal.”

  “I knew that.”

  “Did you know it was Kerilyn’s blood on the floor? And not just staining the ground but permanently seared into the stone.”

  “Interesting. What color of blood?”

  “Black,” she said. “But Kerilyn was mortal. Want to tell me how any of this is possible?”

  The demon didn’t move and Darcy wished for more light. He might be able to see with inhuman accuracy in the dark but she couldn’t. Everything about this man put her at a disadvantage.

  “Got any info to share, partner?” She stressed the word with a sneer.

  “Perhaps later.”

  “Look, demon, that’s not how this works. I give, you give. Get it?”

  His gaze ran down her body once more and she fought the urge to pull the sheet up to her throat. “Give me something, at least,” she said.

  “Your information is not sufficiently interesting to warrant any disclosure on my part. Do better tomorrow.”

  She bared her teeth at the order. “Then how about a name?” she replied. “Or do you want me to just keep calling you ‘demon’?”

  His gaze flicked to hers as she tried to remember the list of demons Blake had been so concerned about. If she could figure out who this man was, perhaps she could find the information she needed on how to best him.

  “A name,” he murmured. A smile curved his lips as he took his time replying. “You may call me Jared.”

  Her hopes plummeted. “Jared is a human name.”

  “We are in the human world.”

  “And if we were in the demon realm?”

  He flashed a grin. “If you ever venture so far, perhaps you will learn another name.”

  Darcy glared at him. Who the hell was this man? Without his real name she had no way to research him. Nothing to help her battle him but her wits.

  “I will learn who you are,” she vowed.

  “You are welcome to try,” he purred, leaning forward.

  Darcy shuffled back until she hit the headboard. He was too close.

  “Tell me why you are different,” she tried instead. “You can do things other demons can’t.”

  He moved close enough for her to feel his hot breath against her neck. “Give me a few hours and I’ll prove how true those words are.”

  “Try it and I’ll introduce you to one of the other blades I have hidden in my room.”

  He tilted his head, dark hair cascading over his shoulders. “You never back down.” A smile played around his lips. “Even when you should.”

  “I don’t deal well with intimidation.”

  He leaned closer. She felt his breath on her cheek as he inhaled her scent. “Careful,” he cautioned.

  “Stepping on your toes again, am I? You could always snap your fingers and send me up in flames.”

  “I’m tempted to make you burn, darling, but your cries wouldn’t be ones of pain.”

  She inhaled sharply.

  “Demons like strength, and you wouldn’t know how to back down if your life depended on it.” He leaned back slightly to meet her gaze. “Such an attractive quality.”

  “Stop it.” She pushed him back.

  Her shove didn’t budge him. Instead he caught her hands and pulled one up to his mouth. Eyes locked on hers, he pressed his lips into her sensitive palm. Darcy hissed in surprise, heat flashing through her.

  A demon, a creature she’d spent her life trying to eradicate, was in her bed. This should be an easy line to draw in the sand. Except no one had ever looked at her with such lust. The expression in his dark gaze promised that with the slightest permission on her part, he’d have her naked in seconds.

  And she had no doubt he was man enough to make her forget her regrets until morning.

  “You need to back off,” she tried.

  “Why?” He ran his lips along her fingers.

  Because this is wrong in so many ways. But the words wouldn’t come to her rescue.

  Without taking his gaze from hers, he caught one of her fingers with his mouth. Teeth grazed gently against the sensitive pad of her fingertip. The breath froze in her chest as she felt his tongue swirl around the trapped digit.

  Need shot through her, pooling low in her abdomen. With his gaze on her it was hard to breathe. He looked at her as if he knew every secret longing in her heart and would have no trouble using them all to his advantage. She’d never felt so exposed in her life.

  Or so hot.

  Lust roared to life within her. She’d wanted men before but never with this consuming desire. He was a demon. An enemy. Yet for a minute she wished she could forget about reality and explore this wonderful new feeling he inspired. Just once, couldn’t she make a few decisions she’d enjoy regretting in the morning?

  Retrieving her hand, she pushed against his shoulders. This time he moved and she didn’t stop to wonder why.

  Darcy pinned him back on her bed, rising over him. The demon stared up at her with undeniable lust. If his position beneath her bothered him he sure didn’t show it.

  “We are on opposite sides,” she said.

  “Not for the next few days.”

  “I didn’t want to work with you in the first place. If I have to, we’re going to keep this professional.”

/>   “Says the woman climbing all over me.” He shifted beneath her, pressing his hard erection against her body.

  Darcy bit back a moan. She needed to put a stop to this. Now. “You might get a kick out of screwing hunters, but I assure you, I have higher standards than bedding the enemy.”

  His eyes flashed and before she realized what was happening he’d gripped her around the waist and reversed their positions. Darcy fell back on the tangled covers, her heart pounding in her ears as Jared molded his body to hers.

  “I’ve never bedded a hunter,” he said to her, tiny flames dancing in his dark eyes. “I never wanted one before.” He dropped his head to press his lips against her collarbone. Darcy felt the heat in his light kiss. It spiraled through her, not burning but heightening her need in a way she’d never experienced before.

  “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.” The words were said as a harsh whisper against her skin.

  She knew the feeling. At that moment she couldn’t even recall a former lover’s name. None of them had made her burn as intensely as this man did.

  His lips ran up the length of her throat. She had to stop him, push him back before things got out of hand. Play was all well and good but there was no way she was kissing a demon.

  Except he was leaning over her, his mouth tantalizingly close.

  Darcy froze. She wanted to push him again and pull him closer all at once.

  Jared was not a man to be kept waiting. His mouth crushed down on hers, making the decision for both of them. Darcy hit his shoulder but he didn’t budge. His mouth slanted over hers before he licked the crease of her lips with the tip of his tongue. Heat flared at the touch and she gasped at the new sensation. Jared was more than ready to take advantage of her surprise.

  His tongue invaded her mouth as he kissed her more deeply than she should allow. But he tasted of cinnamon and magic and her hands on his shoulders loosened. Unable to help herself, she tilted her head to give him better access.

  She kissed him just as fervently as he did her. As if she couldn’t imagine not touching him. She needed his mouth on hers more than she’d ever needed anything before.

  He shifted, one leg sliding between hers. Her pajama shirt was riding up and when she felt his hand press against the naked skin of her stomach she thought she’d shoot from the bed. Every path his fingers traced burned in the most delicious way. She kicked off the covers wrapping around their legs. His heat was all she needed to chase away the winter air.


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