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Claiming Slice

Page 16

by Eden Rose

  “Excuse me?” I reach behind me and place my hand on my piece in case it came down to it.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he says with an air of arrogance.

  Just when I’m about to draw my piece, three more men come out from behind him. “What the fuck is goin’ on here?” I demand.

  The man in front of me snaps his fingers and the three men that are behind him step up to me. “This is what happens when you fuck with married women. Did you like fucking my wife? Did you like turning her into some biker whore? Did it make you feel good to be fucking a hitman’s daughter?”

  Every word that he says to me, hits me in my chest sharply. “What are you talkin’ about?” He has to be lying. There’s no one that Jen is some hitman’s daughter.

  But then again, she also didn’t tell me that she’s married.

  “This is how it’s going to go down. You fucked my wife so instead of me killing you and then dragging out an all-out war, we’re going to come to a conclusion.” The man is telling me this like I have a choice in the matter. I didn’t have a choice to begin with. “You’re going to leave my wife alone. Jen is off limits to you. If you come near her, I will kill every single one of you dirty bikers.”

  “Look, man,” I blurt out trying to gain control of the situation. I’m spinning out of control. I can defend myself and fight with the best of them, but they have four guys and I’m just one. I can feel the guns that they have as they press into my back. “Jen’s a grown woman who didn’t tell me she was married. I never heard of you.”

  He smiles. “I would want to believe you but I know you were warned by one of those sluts. Val told you that Jen’s married but you still came home with her. You still fucked my wife and treated her like a whore. Did you even let your come dry on her before leaving?”

  Everything that the asshole is saying is true. I did treat her like a whore and didn’t wait until she woke up to tell her that I knew everything. I left while she was sleeping and I fucked the shit out of her and her ass.

  My fist flies out and I caught the edge of his chin. He flies back a little but instantly regains his control. The men behind me and next to me each take their turns in punching me. My body is being rained down on with fists and each fist is another ounce of hatred being placed on Jen.

  “Hey! What is going on here?” Some old woman asks and steps out of her doorway. “I’m calling the police if you don’t get out of here!”

  The men behind me run off down the hallway but the guy I hit, my lover’s husband, is smiling. “Sorry about the noise, miss. Have a good day.”

  He turns to face me with a sickening smile on his face. “I have more resources than you and I have more power. Don’t fuck with me and what’s mine.”

  I try to reach behind me to grab my gun but I can’t manage to do it. My arms hurt from protecting myself and my torso is burning. They really fucked me over.

  My anger is coursing through my veins and I’m pissed the fuck off that this dumb ass guy got the jump on me. He came out of nowhere and just fucked me up and now he’s going to get away with it.

  That was until I remembered something. I’m going to get Pinky to find out what the fuck is going on here.

  “Remember what I said,” he calls to me before walking away.

  Knowing that the woman would probably call the cops, I try to get up as easily and carefully as possible without embarrassing myself even more than I already am. My pride is hurt but I’m more pissed at Jen. She didn’t tell me anything. Nothing.

  Riding back to the clubhouse on my bike was torture. It was pure fucking hell. By the time I pulled into the driveway, The Bear, Bic, Mack and Flip were surrounding a couple of bikes that didn’t belong to any of us.

  I slide off my bike and hobble over towards my brothers. The minute I got close enough to The Bear, he looked over at me with hate filling his eyes. “What the fuck happened to you, brother?” He snarls at me.

  “I walked into a door,” I reply sardonically. I’m hunched over with my arms protecting my abused ribs and abs trying to get past them without telling them everything that happened.

  I should have known it wouldn’t have been that easy.

  “Tell me right now what happened.”

  Taking a deep breath, I try to word how to say this without sounding like a little bitch. “You know Jen?” I ask stupidly. He nods his head. “Let’s go to your office, I don’t want everyone to hear what’s going on.”

  He shakes his head but leads me to his office anyway. The Bear pushes the door open and points to one of the chairs in front of his big ass desk. “Sit the fuck down and tell me how many bodies I’m going to need to dig holes for.”

  “Four,” I reply. Carefully, I sit down on the chair and let out a deep breath that I didn’t know I was holding in. “Jen’s married.”

  The Bear’s face hardens while he stares at me quizzically. “No, she’s not. If she were fuckin’ married, why would she be fuckin’ you?”

  “That’s the million-dollar question, prez.”

  “Tell me what happened so I know who I’m gonna kill and how I’m gonna get off on it.”

  “Well, at the bash, Val came up to me and started asking me questions about how I felt about fucking a married woman. I pushed it off and didn’t believe her but then I remembered that I don’t know much about Jen. This whole time that I’ve been fuckin’ her, she’s never told me anything about her.”

  He nods his head and smiles like he knows where this is going. “So, you didn’t know that she was married?”

  “Fuck no! If I would have known she was married, I definitely wouldn’t have started fuckin’ her.”

  “Who beat you up?” He asks me like he’s talking to a child.

  I take a deep breath and try to figure out how I’m going to get out of this without seeming like a little bitch. “I was leaving her place and then some guy came around the corner and jumped me with three other guys. He was talking about our club and then was talking about how I was fucking a married woman.”

  “You mean to tell me that her husband kicked the shit out of you?”

  I nod. “Yeah, man. I’m fuckin’ pissed off. I was out numbered and then her neighbor came out and started threatening to call the cops.”

  “But Val knew about it?” Joe takes a cigarette out of his pack and sticks it to his lips. As he lights it, I can see that his eyes are glowing with hatred. “Get her fuckin’ ass in here.”

  Gingerly, I uncurl myself from my chair, walking towards the door. Luckily for me, Val is standing with Britney, Flip and Mack Truck by the door. “Hey, Val,” I croon. “We need you to come in here for a sec.”

  She smiles at me as if she won the lottery. “See ya guys later,” she calls to my brothers and Britney. “I knew you would change your mind, hot stuff.”

  Internally, I’m cringing while she rubs her ruby nails down my chest like she has been dying to touch me.

  See, this is the type of skank I should have been fucking instead of Jen. Jen is too fucking complicated and has too much baggage for me. But Val is different. She’s a whore inside and out who knows the score.

  Val sashays her hips over to the desk and sits down in front of Joe. Joe’s jaw is ticking and I know he doesn’t like this bitch any more than I do but she makes the new brothers happy because she’s so easy. After crossing her legs, leaning back on the desk, she pumps her tits up with her arms. “So, what’s up, guys?” She purrs.

  “Val, we’ve had our problems in the past and I know that you like being here. One of the rules that I have set for the flies is you don’t tell club secrets. You remember?” Joe says diplomatically.

  She nods and puckers her lips up. “Of course, I remember, silly.”

  “Did a man approach you telling you something about my girl’s friend?”

  Even though I have no claim to Jen, hearing him refer to her so casually is pissing me off. The caveman in me wants to throw out the fact that she’s my woman but I know I shou
ldn’t do that. Even though she’s my woman… It’s a fucked-up situation.

  “Oh, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  It’s time to throw my weight around a little. “Val, I know you were approached by some man and you told him that I’m sleeping with Jen. What I want to know is, what else did you tell him.”

  You can always tell the look of a person who realizes that everything is about to be blown up in their faces. Her eyes flooded with fake tears and she started to sniffle a little. “Cut the shit,” I growl. “Because of you, I got fuckin’ jumped.”

  “I didn’t… I didn’t know!” She murmurs.

  “How much did they pay you?” Joe asks. “How much did they pay you for you to be a traitorous bitch against the club and brothers?”

  She crawls across the desk towards Joe with a look of desperation. “Let me suck your dick. I’m sorry. Let me suck it.”

  He pushes her off his lap with a snarl. “Fuck off, bitch. How much?” He roars.

  “I want to know why you did this! It had to be for money, right?” I question. Most people don’t do something without getting something in return and money is the main motivation.

  “He gave me five grand and told me that his wife was living over here but didn’t know how to find her. Said they got into some type of fight or something and she left. I needed the money… Bear, Slice, you have to believe me!”

  My fists flinch with the need to punch her or something else in the room. “You needed the money? You needed the money so badly that you fucked over the club that helped save you? You fucked over the brothers that protected you and let you live here?”

  Val jumps off the desk and stands in the middle of us with a look of determination. “Protected me? You protected me? You guys have done nothing but use me as a hole to fuck. I wanted to be your old lady! I wanted to be with one of you so bad but you didn’t care. No! You wanted to fuck new and shiny things that didn’t know how to be with you.” She has tears rolling down her face but I don’t give a shit about that. I’m not interested in her fake tears.

  I step up to get in her face to tell her how it is going to be. “Fuck you, Val. You have never been forced to do anything here. You could have left whenever you wanted but you wanted to stay here. You liked everyone treating you like the dirty fucking whore that you are. I hope the five k was worth it. I hope you save some of that, because I’m never helping you again with anything!” I roar at her.

  My own anger and frustration are bubbling at the surface becoming more and more uncontrollable. I’ve never hit a woman intentionally but my fist flies out landing on her jaw. “Fuck you!” I yell at her again.

  Knowing that it’s time to get out of here before I kill her, I spin on my heels and walk out of the office with as much pride as I could muster. My body is hurting while the bruises are setting in but I will be damned if other people know.

  I’m a fucking enforcer for The Lucifer’s Lair Motorcycle Club and I got jumped by the woman I’m fucking’s husband.


  My fingers dial Noah’s number as quickly as possible. There’s only one person who would have printed these photos of me having sex with Noah during the fest and that is Jimmy.

  Since I know that Jimmy was already out of prison, I now need to find out how he found me. I changed my last name and everything. Hell, I have bright blue hair now! I need to know how he got one over on me without me even realizing it.

  Noah’s phone rings and rings but no one answers it. His voicemail is full meaning I don’t get to leave a message.

  ME: I need you to call me ASAP

  I pace my living room, bedroom and kitchen looking for anything that looks out of place. Anything at all. There’s not a damned thing that is out of place which scares me more than anything. Jimmy broke in just to show me that he knows I have a man on the side. He did this to also show me that I’m not free from him or anyone else from my old life.

  My phone begins to ring in my hands and I answer it without even checking to see who it is. “Hello?” I breathe heavily into the phone.

  “Jennifer,” my father’s voice trickles down the line.

  “Yes?” I question coldly. My dad is the last person that I want to talk to now that my life is falling apart.

  Jimmy broke into my place after Noah left me in the middle of the night or in the morning. What if he ran into Noah leaving? Oh fuck. This means that everything that I have worked so hard for is over. With my father calling me out of the blue, that means everything is going to fall apart.

  My new life is over.

  “I was wondering if you saw your husband yet.”

  Shaking a little from the pacifying tone of his voice, I try to keep from shouting at him. “No. But I’m pretty sure he’s made a visit to me.”

  There’s a chuckle on the other end of the line. “I haven’t run into him, either. I was just curious if you knew he was out.”

  “About that!” I yell. “How did he get out? He’s supposed to have years left on his sentence.”

  My dad chuckles harder making me grip my phone tighter in my hand. “You would know what was happening to your own husband if you called me more or even acknowledged where you come from.”

  “I didn’t want any of this, dad!” I wail. “None of this is something that I wanted. You forced me to marry him for some stupid shit with your other family—-”

  He interrupts me before I could say anything else. “Look, you ungrateful bitch. I have given you everything that you needed to have a good life. You’re the one that decided you were too good for the family business. You are the one that turned your back on your husband when he needed you the most.”

  “He needed me?” I yell. “He never needed me for anything more than just a hole to fuck. You pimped me out, dad. You are no better than those pimps that you killed on the corner of Sunset and Jolly.”

  I’m flirting with disaster here and I know it’s going to backfire on me. My dad’s going to get pissed and take it out on me. It’s only a matter of time before he catches up to me and drags me back into the world that I hate.

  To my utter surprise, I was wrong.

  “Jennifer, you better think very carefully about the accusations that you’re saying. You could get a lot of people in trouble with these types of things.”

  “It’s the truth, dad. You know what you did. You know that mom knew what you were doing and that’s why she started taking so many drugs. You are the cancer of this family. Not me!”

  My chest is rising and falling so quickly that I have to sit down in order to catch my breath. All the years that I have been holding in this in for flash before my eyes. I’ve held on to the hatred and grudge that I have for my father for so long that it feels good to let it go.

  “You really want to go there?” He chuckles darkly into the phone. “Sweetie, my dear daughter. I need you to make sure this is how you want to play it.”

  “Play what?” I ask stupidly.

  “I’m a powerful man, Jennifer. Don’t forget that. I’ll be in touch.”

  He doesn’t allow me to say anything as he has hung up on me. I’m staring stupidly at my phone trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. Everything has happened so fast.

  Why would my father choose now to call me and rehash old shit? He must have known that Jimmy was here. Somehow, my father and his associates are keeping tabs on me and it’s scaring me more than anything. Nothing good is going to come from this.

  My chest shakes from holding in all my anger but it all comes out in one swoop. The past few years, I have held onto all of this and now it’s hit a boiling point where there’s no going back.

  I do an honest-to-god howl at the moon cry.

  That was until my front door splintered open and the sounds of angry footfalls flood my apartment. Instantly, I remember that Jimmy is out there someplace and my back goes straight. If it’s him, I’m going to be ready this time. I’m done letting him dictate my life and being afraid.

  I can smell the difference between my husband and my lover… This is definitely my lover that kicked open my door.

  “What the fuck?” I scream at him while grabbing my blanket off the back of the couch to cover up. I’m still completely naked and the last thing I want to do is show any more vulnerability. “Who the fuck do you think you are?” I spit with as much malice as I could muster.

  Noah storms over to me with a hitch in his giddy up. His face is showing signs that he got into a fight and the way that he’s holding his body, only proves my assumption. My heart calls out to him but then I remember that he just busted my door.

  Noah’s stony greeting to me only displays one thing. He found out that I’m married.


  I’m beyond angry. I’m so past being fucking pissed off that I’m seeing red. Val sold me out to Jen’s husband that I didn’t know anything about. How the fuck does something like this happen?

  I pace my room like a caged animal. Back and forth, smoking a cigarette too quickly. Nothing is taking the edge off and I’m getting angrier and angrier as the time ticks by.

  If I would have stayed in bed with Jen, would I have found out about Val being a snitch? Would I have found out that my girlfriend’s husband is actually Jimmy McSimmons? Oh, yeah. I looked him up. Val told Joe everything after I left.

  “Yo! Slice,” The Bear calls through the door. “It’s time to roll out to pay a visit to your girl.”

  “She’s not my girl,” I clarify stupidly.

  What’s the point really? Even though I’m pissed the fuck off about her, I still can’t stop thinking about something that my parents used to say to me whenever they showed their faces. No one can hurt you worse than someone you love. I’m not saying I’m in love with Jen… I’m not even saying that I like her right now, but I was feeling something extremely strong for her before everything crashed and burned.

  “Whatever, fucker. I’ve got some questions that need to be answered and I’m pretty positive that she would rather have you there. Let’s go!”

  Quickly turning towards my dresser, I grab my wallet and my bike keys. My phone is always in the breast pocket of my cut so I don’t have to worry about finding that either.


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