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Midnight My Love

Page 14

by Anne Marie Novark

They were not the first to arrive. Alexandra saw Lady Marcella Nugent sitting near the windows, sipping a glass of sherry. Alex thought she looked smug and complacent.

  A deep, throaty laugh rang through the room. "Carlisle, darling, you didn't tell them you invited me. You naughty man."

  Sir Howard's ears turned pink. "You must know Lady Nugent rode over yesterday to invite Jonathan and myself to Nugent Manor for today. I told her my plans and she said she had not had the chance to see Turlington since his unfortunate accident. I naturally extended an invitation to so close a neighbor."

  "Naturally," snorted Aunt Haygood softly. Alex sincerely hoped no one had heard.

  Marcella rose and walked over to Robert, taking his hand and patting it consolingly. "So sorry about your loss, Turlington, dear." Keeping hold of his arm, she turned and addressed the company. "I thought we could catch up on county gossip, since I've been out of England for ages and ages."

  Alex heard Aunt Haygood sniff and mumble something under her breath. She stared hard at her aunt, who looked back with innocent eyes.

  Jonathan came bouncing into the room and halted near his father. "Papa, Downings says to tell you the picnic is laid out and ready for the guests." He smiled and Alex could see he had recently lost a tooth.

  She thought Carlisle's son a delightful child, though in need of a mother's firm hand. He was spoiled and cosseted too much. With curly golden hair, sapphire blue eyes, and a sprinkling of freckles across his little snub nose, he looked like an angel. Alex knew better, though they were great friends.

  Carlisle's chest puffed out with paternal pride. He laid a hand on his son's shoulder. "We must not forget our manners, Jonathan. Make a proper greeting to the ladies, and shake hands with Lord Turlington."

  Jonathan executed a deep bow toward the ladies, and went to offer his hand to Robert. He looked curiously at the empty sleeve. "Father says you lost your arm in battle. He says you're a hero. What did they do with your arm? Did you get to keep it? When I lost my tooth, they gave me a box to keep it in." He looked at Robert with huge eyes.

  Robert ruffled the golden hair and squatted down. "I'm no hero, Jonathan. And no, I didn't get to keep my arm."

  "Can you tell me about the battles?" The child's eyes gleamed in anticipation.

  Robert gripped one little shoulder firmly. "Battles are dangerous and bloody. Many people get killed. They're not as glorious as people make them out to be." Seeing the boy's disappointment, he added, "Perhaps when you're older, I'll tell you more."

  Sir Howard coughed. "Jonathan, shall we escort our guests outside?"

  Jonathan skipped to Alex and extended his elbow. She graciously took his arm and followed everyone out to the gardens.

  The park at Bramble Court was lovely in its full bloom of summer foliage. Carlisle's servants had been busy preparing for the outdoor feast. A long table, covered with a brightly colored cloth, stood in the shade of a huge oak tree. Comfortable chairs and chaise longues were set out for the guests.

  This would be no simple picnic luncheon, Alex thought. Servants stood ready to cater to the diners. There were baskets of bread, silver platters of cold chicken and ham, and crystal bowls with aspics and salads. For the ladies, there was iced lemonade--for the men, large mugs of ale.

  Alexandra saw Rochdale, Garrett, and the earl rise as everyone entered the garden. Damien and Garr were in their shirt sleeves, their coats hung on the chair backs. Lord Thane was an awesome sight to behold with his massive bulk encased in a special fishing costume, which he had designed himself. His tailor, he reported, had made it up especially for him. The earl's waders had been relinquished in favor of comfortable slippers.

  Marcella's low laughter sounded across the gardens. "Carlisle said we'd be informal, but I never expected everyone to be in dishabille."

  She went forward to greet the men. Alex saw Garr's look of disgust, but Rochdale only seemed amused. Taking Marcella's outstretched hand, he placed a light kiss upon it.

  "They told me you were staying at Willowmede, but I couldn't believe it," Marcella said, casting a sly look at Alex. "Why aren't you at Newmarket, dearest? Don't tell me you haven't any horses running this year?"

  Rochdale shrugged. "As a matter of fact, I have two entered. But I've had other irons in the fire needing my attention."

  Lady Nugent latched on to Rochdale's arm. "I think it extremely gallant of you to help Turlington, darling."

  Damien merely inclined his head and deftly disengaged himself. He helped Aunt Haygood to a seat, then began talking to Robert.

  Alexandra watched Lady Nugent tilt her chin as she realized Rochdale had snubbed her. She didn't think Marcella would give up her quarry so easily.

  Carlisle invited everyone to gather around the table. "Nothing awakens the appetite like a morning spent fishing. Don't you agree, Lord Thane?" Not waiting for an answer, he continued, "I hope everyone is hungry. Our luncheon is served." He handed Alex into her seat, and making sure all the guests were comfortably settled, sank into the chair beside her.

  The servants began serving the food. Sir Howard assisted Alex, offering her the choicest meats, making sure her lemonade was chilled. She knew she must not put off her answer to him any longer. She would speak to Carlisle about his proposal this very day.

  Felicia soon caught his attention. "Where is this famous labyrinth you've told us so much about, Sir Howard?"

  Carlisle wiped his mouth and pointed in the direction of some large willows. "I placed the maze over by the gazebo. In that way, guests have a place to rest after they've explored the labyrinth's paths."

  Felicia laughed. "Surely, it cannot be such a difficult maze?"

  "It's fashioned after the labyrinth at Hampton Court," he said. "Jonathan was fascinated by the maze when he was just four years old, and I decided to have one built along similar lines here."

  Clapping her hands together, Felicia gazed at him merrily. "I adore the maze at Hampton Court."

  Carlisle smiled. "Well, ours is not quite so large. And there is no custodian, I'm afraid, mounted in a tower."

  Felicia twinkled with pleasure. "I was certainly thankful for the custodian last spring. Our party became hopelessly lost and confused and would never have found our way out but for the guide's help."

  The squire smiled indulgently. "If you get lost today, you have only to ring one of the many bells I've had placed throughout the maze. Someone will come to your rescue."

  "I'm anxious to try my luck," Felicia said with a smile.

  Sir Howard looked pleased. "I hope you enjoy exploring it. Designing and overseeing the building of the labyrinth has been my particular hobby these past few years. It's really quite simple to solve the puzzle, once you find the key to the solution."

  Jonathan bounced up and down in his chair. "May I tell them the secret, Papa? Please?"

  Felicia smiled at the young boy. "Oh! Don't do that, Jonathan. I know it's difficult to keep a secret, but you wouldn't want to spoil your famous labyrinth for all of us, now would you?"

  "No," he said. "It's wonderful fun. It took me ten tries before I got through the first time."

  Sir Howard patted his son's head fondly. "He was so determined to find the key, he refused to stop for luncheon or tea. There are three ways out of the maze and the paths are cleverly designed to allow for false twists and turns. This afternoon's exploration should prove vastly entertaining."

  Alex fumed as Felicia cast an appealing glance from beneath long lashes at their host. How could she flirt so outrageously with Carlisle in front of Robert?

  Felicia smiled beguilingly. "Perhaps you would be so kind as to escort me through the maze, Sir Howard."

  Carlisle's blue eyes glowed at the prospect. He looked quickly at Robert, who signaled his approval. "It would be a pleasure, my dear."

  Alexandra couldn't believe Felicia's audacity. She was making it abundantly clear she cared nothing for Robert or his feelings. Why did she persist in going through with the engagement?

Jonathan caught Alex's attention when he announced importantly, "I should like to escort Miss Sedgewicke into the maze."

  Jenny smiled, obviously delighted with the child. "I would be honored, sir."

  Marcella turned to Rochdale. "Shall you and I venture into the hedges together, my lord? I shouldn't mind getting lost with you, darling."

  Alex thought her melting smile positively cloying. She quickly took a sip of lemonade to settle the raging jealousy in her stomach.

  Damien remained silent, ignoring Marcella and staring at Alexandra. Her fingers trembled as she set her glass on the table and folded her hands in her lap. She was behaving foolishly. Rochdale would never change his ways.

  "Well, since everyone is pairing up," Garr Fleming said, "I invite Alex to be my partner." He glanced sideways at Rochdale.

  Damien's brow creased in a fierce scowl. Alex knew he was displeased. Yet if that were true, why did he not ask her into the maze? No, he would never change. Never give an inch. She lifted her chin and smiled brilliantly at Garr. "I'd love to be your partner."

  "Pleasure is all mine," he assured her.

  Alex concentrated on her food, ignoring Damien's intense scrutiny. Why should he be angry with her? Surely he wasn't jealous? At least Garr wasn't hanging all over her, the way Marcella clung to him. Damien didn't look as if he minded her grasping ways in the least. The lady was casting out unmistakable lures and making her intentions perfectly obvious to everyone.

  One heated glance from Rochdale told Alex he hadn't forgotten her. She was determined to ignore his fulminating stares. Let him fume, she decided. It certainly could do him no harm; perhaps it might even do some good.


  Robert watched Jenny throughout the meal. All morning she had refused to meet his gaze. A small frown between her large gray eyes made him wonder if something was troubling her. After the picnic, Jonathan took Jenny into the labyrinth. Robert heard her laugh as the child guided her through the intricate maze.

  Felicia walked arm in arm with Carlisle as he escorted her into the maze. Alex and Garr stood near the gate, deep in conversation. Then they, too, decided to try their luck. Everyone seemed eager to explore the botanical puzzle, Robert thought, even though some had been through it before.

  Lady Marcella persisted in trying to coax Damien inside the complex rows of greenery. He hesitated, and Robert realized he capitulated only after Alex and Garr entered the maze. What was going on between Demon and Alex?

  Robert found he was in no mood to explore the labyrinth. He didn't feel up to such nonsense today. Felicia was obviously ignoring him. She had flirted with all the other men, especially Carlisle. That didn't bother him, but why did she insist on continuing the engagement when she found him so lacking? Impatiently, Robert put Felicia out of his mind. It was Jenny he was worried about. Why was she keeping him at a distance?

  Sitting on a stone bench, Robert glanced around the gardens. Aunt Haygood sat on one of the lounge chairs under the shade trees enjoying an afternoon nap. There was no sign of Lord Thane; Robert suspected the earl had decamped with his fly rod, trying his luck with the bass again.

  Just at that moment, Jonathan burst from the shrubbery. He slid onto the bench next to Robert. The child's eyes twinkled mischievously and he giggled every now and then. Robert's suspicions grew as everyone came out of the labyrinth and there was no sign of Jenny.

  He looked down at the small boy. "Where is Miss Sedgewicke, Jonathan?"

  The child squirmed on the bench, swinging his short legs back and forth. "We're playing hide 'n seek, and I thought it would be great fun to leave her in the middle. She's a right one and game to a peg."

  "Jonathan! You didn't!" Felicia cried, as she walked up to them. She'd left Carlisle to perform his duties as host. Smiling up at his new friend, Jonathan nodded. Suddenly, he frowned. "I wonder why she's not come out yet? I thought she'd find her way by now."

  "Let's go rescue her, you silly imp." Felicia held out her hand. Jonathan hopped off the bench and grabbed hold.

  Robert caught his jacket. "I'll fetch Miss Sedgewicke, young man. You run along and play."

  Felicia stared a second at Robert, then turned quickly away. Bending down, she smiled at the child. "Do you like to catch butterflies? I saw some lovely yellow ones near the chrysanthemums."

  "Let's go!" Jonathan shouted, tugging Felicia's hand, pulling her in the direction she'd indicated.

  Robert shook his head as he rose from the bench. Felicia seemed truly captivated by the child. Such a contrast to how she acted toward himself. Damn! He must to find a way out of this blasted entanglement.

  He entered the maze and walked unerringly to the middle. Jenny sat quietly on a stone seat, admiring the blue sky up above. Her gray eyes widened when she saw her rescuer.

  Smiling down at her, Robert dropped onto the seat beside her. "I should have known you would be waiting patiently, instead of fidgeting and panicking the way I envisioned you."

  Jenny smiled back. She had a nice smile, he thought. And lips made for kissing.

  "That would have served no purpose," she said. "I was sure someone would miss me and come to my deliverance, so I stayed right here." Suddenly, she looked away, pretending an interest in the nearby hedge. Robert wondered why she was suddenly shy with him.

  "I've never been good at solving puzzles," she continued, "and would have gotten impossibly lost had I tried to find my own way out."

  "The child should have known better than to play such a trick on you."

  Jenny laughed. "He meant no harm. I'm afraid I set myself up when I agreed to play hide and seek."

  "So why didn't you ring one of the bells Carlisle has so conveniently placed throughout the maze?" Robert asked, admiring her profile. Her skin was smooth and creamy, her nose small and straight.

  "I didn't want to bring attention to Jonathan's little prank," Jenny said. "He was merely playing the game."

  Robert grinned. "He said you were a right one. The little devil was beginning to worry when he realized you were still in here."

  "He's an engaging child, though quite . . . mischievous." Jenny's voice faltered, then she fell silent.

  Robert longed to know what she was thinking. And why was she avoiding him like the plague? "Have I offended you in some way, Jenny?"

  She shook her head and stared at the ground. Robert stood and pulled her to her feet. "Look at me."

  Lifting her face to meet his, he saw tears well up in her eyes. He wiped the wetness from her smooth cheek and held her gaze for a long moment. To his surprise, Jenny stood on tiptoe and brushed a kiss across his lips.

  She hurriedly stepped back, blushing furiously. "I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have . . . Please forgive me."

  "Don't apologize." Robert reached for her wrist and drew her closer until her body was nestled against his. "Jenny, my dear lovely Jenny."

  Slowly and with infinite care, he tasted her more fully. She melted beneath his lips, responding deliciously when he plunged his tongue into her warm mouth. Moving his hand up her arm and over her shoulder, he massaged the base of her throat with his thumb. Robert cursed the loss of his arm. He wanted to gather her to him, touch her all over, deepen the embrace.

  Suddenly, Jenny clasped both arms behind his neck. Robert grinned as she pulled him closer. Always the practical one, his Jenny.

  He wasn't grinning when she wiggled against him, making him go rigid with desire. He backed her against a stone pillar, his hard body pressing into hers. Robert trailed his lips down her throat and kissed the top of one rounded breast. Jenny moaned faintly, burying her fingers in his crisp black hair.

  After several delectable moments, Robert straightened. His breathing was ragged and he felt Jenny's heart beating rapidly against his chest.

  She stroked his lean cheeks with gentle hands. "I love you," she said. "I've loved you for a long time."

  "I love you, too." Robert kissed her again, ravaging her mouth, relishing the fe
el of her soft body against his, delighting in her honest return of passion.

  "Enough," he said, trying to catch his breath. He held her at arm's length and studied her face. "I've been hoping you might feel something for me. How long have you known? I only discovered my love for you these past few weeks; though I've treasured your friendship for many years."

  Jenny ducked under his arm and resumed her place on the stone bench. She patted the seat invitingly. "I fell in love with you when I was fifteen--on my very first visit to Willowmede."

  He sat close beside her. "You've kept it well hidden."

  She folded her hands in her lap. "I was always 'Alex's little friend' in your eyes, but I lost my heart to you, just the same." Jenny's face glowed. "You're so big and powerful, Robert--the embodiment of every young girl's dreams. You're dashingly handsome, charming and kind, sensitive and--"

  Robert placed a finger over her lips. "Hold on, Jenny. You're making me sound like a hero out of some kind of fairy tale. I'm a flesh and blood man--and one-armed, at that."

  She smiled. "The more I've come to know you this past fortnight, the stronger my love has grown."

  Leaning over, Robert kissed her briefly. "You've been my salvation, more than you know. When I was wounded in Spain, I begged God to let me die. I had no desire to live. But then, when I came home and started to mend, you were constantly by my side. Your support and encouragement gave me strength to go on living."

  He grinned. "And when I realized it must have been your guiding hand that had coerced Sterling and Mrs. Tolles to suggest the jeweled dagger for my use--that, my dear, is when I knew I couldn't live without you."

  Jenny blushed and he laughed softly. "Yes, when I saw that knife, I knew my practical Jenny had a hand in the plot. Sterling kept saying, Someone noticed, and Someone suggested. I knew you had flung down the gauntlet and challenged me to prove myself."

  He set his lips in a grim line. "And then there's Felicia. By the time she arrived, I no longer cared about her reaction to my loss. All I wanted was to end the engagement so I could tell you how I felt."


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